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View Full Version : Read this and welcome me! WARNING--a lot of talking :)

May 31st, 2011, 01:10 am
Hi! What to say? My first name is Simeon. I have a second part to my first name (weird Filipino/Christian tradition, lol). I don't feel like sharing it :) I'm a nature freak. Environmentalism. Green ideology. Woohoot! I've been playing piano since I was 6, sometimes I compete regionally.

I'm not a huge anime lover or RPG player, but I am interested and research a lot and read on the subjects a lot, lol. I've only watched Fruits Basket and Ouran High School Host Club for the anime's I've watched...Idk, I guess I'm subconsciously into the whole Shōjo archetype :)

I plan to transcribe a lot of music from video games I love and share them with you guys. Right after I get done with current schoolwork. I'll have a lot more time in the summer to do that.

I like painting, art, drawing (especially with charcoal), I like reading scary stories, urban legend, folklore, Japanese/Chinese/general Asian culture, I love to garden/plant things, I'm into astrology and astronomy (I wish I had time to stargaze! my sleeping schedule doesn't fit in with it, and I live in the city). I need a camcorder to record music videos for YouTube. I love acting and theater, and music and piano. In the future I want to get into careers involving theater/acting/piano. I plan to study musical performance (piano) and theater in the future. It may seem like a long shot, but I'm currently researching to get a double-major (dang! I know, I know!) in Theater/Drama and Piano.

I'm also into philosophy and deep subjects, and I like researching about religion. In terms of my own religion, I'm a non-heavyily-focused Catholic (I don't believe in all of these things to go through in order to be "accepted" by God--a true God, in my opinion, would love all without any of these "confirmations" to go through), and I incorporate a lot of buddhist philosophy in my life. lol, I'm weird, I know.

I have a lot of sides to my personality, I guess. I think I'm overly emotional. I feel a lot of different moods. Maybe it's hormones? Hm. Kind of difficult being a teenager.

Astrology - Moon sign in Sag, Sun sign in Leo, Rising in Aries (Yay! Three fires!)

Next year, I'll be starting an Improv Troupe in my high school.

Thanks for reading! So how are you guys? Any of YOUR personal interests, or anything about you? I've been talking too much ;3 haha

May 31st, 2011, 02:50 am
Hi, Simeon, and welcome.

It's always nice to have more transcribers around. Hope you'll take some requests once in a while. But even if you don't, transcribing to your own tastes and uploading to the site would be useful too. :D

You're sure sharing a lot about yourself right off the bat. Not that that's a bad thing or anything. =)

Well, I hope you're successful in, and derive fulfillment from, your pursuits. Good luck on the future double major.

May 31st, 2011, 10:58 am
Yo! Hope you have a good time in Ichigo's Forum! :)

June 4th, 2011, 12:30 am

...again, I'm a little late on this kind of stuff. >.>''

I see we got another transcriber, though I don't transcribe myself, your help is appreciated!

June 4th, 2011, 04:05 am
Thanks for the welcomes, guys. This forum is really friendly from what I've seen so far.

June 4th, 2011, 04:46 am
This forum is really friendly from what I've seen so far.
Awesome. Please tell your friends/family/acquaintances about this place (if they're interested in anime or vg-music).

Young guys like yourself are the future of this forum. So the more younger folks we can get around here, the better-off we'll all be. =)