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View Full Version : Need Help Editing Little Busters OP Piano Arrangement

June 3rd, 2011, 08:25 pm
Attached is my rough piano arrangment of the Little Busters/Little Busters EX OP (it's kind of a mix of the two). I don't have much experience with piano, so could someone give me their opinion? The midi is a very bare-bones mockup, and the score is horrible (I arrange things in Finale Notepad and then typeset them with Lilypond), but it's the notes that I'm worried about.

June 4th, 2011, 04:18 pm
Hello! This thread is better suited to be in the Sheet Music Request Forum. I'll move it over. :)

June 4th, 2011, 06:03 pm
I wasn't sure where to put it, since it's not a request for a transcription, but rather a request for comments on what I've already done. In that case, could you maybe change the thread title to something like "Need help editing Little Busters OP piano arrangement"?