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June 13th, 2011, 08:44 am
Been doing a lot of remixing lately. This is my latest product. Music is mine, speech and rap aren't obviously. Some beats need to be matched better still in the rap.

Alfonso de Sabio
June 13th, 2011, 01:37 pm
This is way fun! I love the JFK sampling, and you have some awesome beats. Also, a speech about going to the moon is an odd counterpoint for this anti-imperialist rap. Once again, me gusta.

Alfonso de Sabio
June 13th, 2011, 02:11 pm
I just need to emphasize again, that this is totally awesome. I've listened to it about ten times this morning and e-mailed it to some of my friends. This totally made my day.

June 14th, 2011, 03:57 am
Thank you so much for the moral support ha ha! I made another one today. It's much worse, given I only spent about two hours on it, and it's not about the moon and social action :(. Anyhow, still trying to improve and develop new skills!


June 14th, 2011, 04:16 am
Woah. This is some pretty sick stuff man! Nice play on Bach's Prelude to his Cello Suite No.1!

June 14th, 2011, 03:18 pm
Wow thank you. I wasn't expecting such a positive response, especially with the second one. Looks like that means I'm gonna do a third :D! Any ideas for mashups?

Alfonso de Sabio
June 14th, 2011, 03:21 pm
Yeah, I'm not AS big a fan of the second one as the first. The beats really don't match up at times. It's still a cool idea, though. Also, PorscheGTIII, the Bobby McFerrin track is the first prelude in the Well Tempered Clavier, not from the cello suite. Still Bach, though! :)

June 14th, 2011, 03:37 pm
Also, PorscheGTIII, the Bobby McFerrin track is the first prelude in the Well Tempered Clavier, not from the cello suite. Still Bach, though! :)Yeah, I used to get those confused when I was a kid. They really are very similar. Maybe not once you take them apart, but they just are somehow..

August 13th, 2011, 05:13 am
A) There are two "and now for something completely different threads", dang..
B) Thank you very much clarinetist et al for your advice. I can't play the piano right now, but tomorrow morning I'll try out your chord ideas.
C) I am sick of pretending to be Girl Talk, it's time to make some original digital music! First foray, spent about fifteen minutes on it, it's the intro to my sudden concept album ;).