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View Full Version : Being offended by the Flag?!

June 20th, 2011, 10:45 pm
So I understand right now some people are being told they can't fly the american flag cause it offends hispanic people. Well let me start by saying I am not a racist! I love people in other cultures and I respect their culture but it is far far far beyond me to how anyone can be "offended" by a flag much less in it's own freakin country! I mean really?! It makes no sense. In my opinion anyone who doesn't allow somebody to fly the flag in america simply hates america. If I was in japan I'd expect the japanese flag to be flown not the american if I was in brazil or mexico I'd expect the country I was in's flag to be flying, not my own. So why are people offfended?!
This is not to cause an argument and has nothing to do with politics but as far as I'm concerned if your offended by anything native to the country your currently living in, I could care less if someone was offended. If you don't like it leave the country.

June 21st, 2011, 03:53 am

June 21st, 2011, 05:00 am
I feel like I want to say something, but meh, it's late here and I'm tired, so I guess I won't. I'd rather not debate political issues on an anime music forum anyway.

Von Hohenheim
June 21st, 2011, 10:15 am
I'm English. We have an obsession with multicultural society. From what I've heard, racism is more common in the Southern States than elsewhere in America. If they dislike America in its entirity, they shouldn't be there, no. However, certain more important aspects may keep them there. Patriotism often leads to xenophobia. However, it is not a sign of xenophobia. Anyway, I don't know how this could end up being a full-on debate, because this is an anime/games music forum, and people, therefore, will really not care...

June 21st, 2011, 10:18 am
However, this is the General Discussion section, so it isn't... about... anime... or... yeah However, I thought Political (and Religious) topics were either encouraged or not allowed?

Anyway, this topic is kind of self-explanatory. As mentioned, not too much to add, to be perfectly honest.

June 21st, 2011, 11:33 am
Nobody chose where they were born.

Nobody chose when they were born.

Nobody chose into what environment they were born.

Everything's one giant ongoing accident without any conscious choice... to the extent that you realize it.

Von Hohenheim
June 21st, 2011, 12:19 pm
so...? that sounds like a slight misinterpretation of determinism... not relevant...? Whether they chose or not, society dictates that the norm is to respect your country and society as a whole. Not that this needs to be done, however.

June 21st, 2011, 03:25 pm
*sigh Well I don't call this political or religious it just doesn't make any sense.

Von Hohenheim
June 21st, 2011, 03:52 pm
I don't know how religion comes into this... and it would have no effect on politics...

June 21st, 2011, 05:38 pm
Do you have any links to the original article, kentaku?

Neko Koneko
June 22nd, 2011, 01:19 pm
It's not about offending hispanic people, waving the American flag offends the world! :P

But on a more serious note, I think it's rubbish if you can't express any pride about your nationality in your own country. Judging from the first post, I'm guessing in the US it's hispanic people getting offended, over here (europe) it's mostly muslim people who get offended all the time over just about everything.

When you don't like the country, don't go there, or at least don't complain about it and if you don't like it, f*ck off.

June 22nd, 2011, 01:38 pm
I believe this is the article in question: http://www.kcra.com/r/25754519/detail.html

Neko Koneko
June 22nd, 2011, 04:55 pm
That's really stupid. Thanks to the stupid lefties over here that's daily news in these parts of the world though.

June 22nd, 2011, 08:08 pm
you guys make me laugh (in a friendly way) with you esoteric-ness in trying not to have a political debate your debating about debating while skirting the issue.
Any one with half a brain (or less for that matter) can see it is logical for a country to display its own flag in its own country.
So with that lets get back to anime or general discussions involving kittens.... as long as there not politically radical kittens with an anarchist agenda, hmm they might be listening >>....

June 22nd, 2011, 08:44 pm
Talks about politics and religion almost always bring out the worst in people, whether they believe it or not.

Only if you no longer have any urge to say anything about politics and religion are you ready to talk about them.

June 22nd, 2011, 10:23 pm
However, this is the General Discussion section, so it isn't... about... anime... or... yeahYep, you are correct that it's not about anime. So this would indeed be the correct section for a non-anime topic. =)

As mentioned, not too much to add, to be perfectly honest.
Again, you're right. In fact, the reason I don't want to participate in this is because I can't see anything good, or new, coming from this thread. I've seen this debate (and ones involving closely-related issues) countless numbers of times in other places and the vast majority of the time, no new line of thinking or new argument or approach comes from one side or the other. And that's how it is with many (but not all) debates over political issues. The only tool that's truly useful in such a debate are hard facts and figures, and very rarely are such things referenced or trotted out by either side of the issue. So all I can see is this becoming a boring repeat of what I've already seen many times. It's uninteresting (And a waste of time, in my own opinion). Plus there's rarely any peaceful resolution to a politically-charged thread.

Anyway, I will refrain from further postings in this thread, since I don't have anything to say in regards to the actual topic (and I wouldn't want to be accused of dragging us off-topic), so to everyone who chooses to stay and discuss this: Good luck, and try to keep it civil. =)

June 24th, 2011, 06:02 am
That superintendent sounded pretty pitiful in that article. Kids getting offended over a flag? Thirteen-year-old children don't even know the meaning of the words "patriotism" or "racial tension" so stop being an overprotective mother hen and let it be.

June 26th, 2011, 01:41 am
That superintendent sounded pretty pitiful in that article. Kids getting offended over a flag? Thirteen-year-old children don't even know the meaning of the words "patriotism" or "racial tension" so stop being an overprotective mother hen and let it be.
I think they probably do, actually. Kids are little bastards, lol. I can totally see some Spanish kids flipping out with their flags during Cinco de Mayo, only to have half the white kids make fun of them for it/start flying their own flags to "level the field." That's how people are, no matter what age, I think. When I lived in the projects as a kid, all the white kids stuck together, and all the Spanish kids stuck together. And fights happened between the two groups pretty regularly for no reason.
It still seems ridiculous that some kid is being told not to fly an American flag in *America,* though. Even though it really might've saved a few kids from interracial beat-downs...

It's not about offending hispanic people, waving the American flag offends the world!
I lol'd. XD

you guys make me laugh (in a friendly way) with you esoteric-ness in trying not to have a political debate your debating about debating while skirting the issue.
Any one with half a brain (or less for that matter) can see it is logical for a country to display its own flag in its own country.
So with that lets get back to anime or general discussions involving kittens.... as long as there not politically radical kittens with an anarchist agenda, hmm they might be listening >>....
Oh, shit. Didn't realize our resident genius already solved all our problems for us. If I'd seen that earlier, I wouldn't have posted my silly argument! :rolleyes: