View Full Version : Musician wants Work!!
Victor Seven
June 23rd, 2011, 03:25 pm
Hi, I´m new here and I want to introduce me. Nice to meet you!
Well, the first of all, I´m pianist, composer and arranger. I really enjoy make versions of all kind of songs to all kind of instrument, from a piano score or taking it by hear. I transcribe original songs too (maybe you´ve seen the transcription of Always on my Mind of Kingdom Hearts).
I´m starting to upload somethings to Ichigos, and I thought that will be a great idea register here.
So, you can request to me all the scores you want to transcribe, to all instruments or group. I will upload it to Ichigos for all people :lol:
I can also arrange a piano score for string quartet, for example, or if you´re doing a custom videogame and you need original music, ask me for it.
I only need one thing: TIME. Don´t give excesive work. I register here now in summer for having another thing to do, but I can´t be all day making transcriptions. @_@
Thanks to read me!! I will be pleased to help you all!!
(and sorry for the bad English :heh: )
Edited! I will write my current status. The format will be this:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5... if it a request or a work I accepted. If it isn´t, the numeration will be A. B. C... Name of the song ( --> place where the link will be if it isn´t in this thread). COMPLETED! if it is completed. A completed song will be eliminated of the list 3 days after it´s finished
But don´t worry, you always can find all my music here:
But now it´s too little!
[CENTER] ----My blog´s news----
KH arrangements for big groups! (String Orchestra and Mixed Group)
Very soon, more Fairy Tail, Sonic sheets, and a complete string orchestra arrangement from the Howl Moving Castle!
June 25th, 2011, 12:07 am
Welcome to Ichigos. We could use another hand. Expect an onslaught of requests though:lol:
June 25th, 2011, 12:14 am
Hello. Welcome to the forum! It is nice to see a new transcriber/arranger.
I wonder if you transcribe exact piano scores from piano solo recordings? I have a piano piece that I haven't been able to transcribe for a few years.
"sonzai to mu" from the Anime "soukyuu no Fafner". It is track 24 from the second soundtrack.
It can be heard in this youtube video at 4:42-6:20. (The youtube audio quality is quite bad though, and I think it is hard to transcribe even from the soundtrack.)
(email me for a better audio sample if you are interested.)
I have transcribed the first 20seconds or so myself, and a bit of the following section. It would be nice if you could help me finish it. I would really like a transcription as close as possible to the original.
Here is my attempt:
(After 0:24 it is work in progress and is quite messy at the moment.)
Victor Seven
June 25th, 2011, 08:45 am
A exactly piano solo? Of course! It´s the best you can ask. I´m interested in good audio sample. Do it with a bad one is horrible. I will send you my email by private message.
June 25th, 2011, 08:56 am
welcome to Ichigos forum!!!
Dear you ~Cry~ Piano Accompaniment!!!
June 25th, 2011, 02:48 pm
Welcome!! =)
Can you please transcribe Core Pride by Uverworld? (it's the opening song from Ao no Exorcist)
here's a link:
and here is a sample from a piano version which isn't free:
and here are tabs which you can open with TuxGuitar:
I always try to transcribe myself... but I always give up after one day XD
So... can you please transcribe it? =) Thanks a million~~~!
Victor Seven
June 26th, 2011, 08:40 am
Mmmmm... I have accepted some works now, so you maybe have to wait some, but, having a piano version and the tabs, I hope it won´t be difficult. For what instrument do you need it?
June 26th, 2011, 09:56 am
what's your music intelligence level or whatever you call those level thingy in music....
June 26th, 2011, 11:51 am
Mmmmm... I have accepted some works now, so you maybe have to wait some, but, having a piano version and the tabs, I hope it won´t be difficult. For what instrument do you need it?
I need it for piano =) I don't mind waiting~~ as long as you make it really cool :P
here's a pdf file and midi file that might help a bit (it are actually the tabs with a little of the right hand...)
thanks for responding by the way =)
June 26th, 2011, 02:46 pm
Would you accept to transcribe this new popular music?
The vocal part is okay for me. :heh:
Victor Seven
June 26th, 2011, 06:01 pm
I need it for piano =) I don't mind waiting~~ as long as you make it really cool
Yes, because the midi doesn´t sound very good. Do you want an acoustic version or a rock one?
Nironjin, if you don´t mind wait some I will do it.
June 26th, 2011, 06:21 pm
Yes, because the midi doesn´t sound very good. Do you want an acoustic version or a rock one?
Nironjin, if you don´t mind wait some I will do it.
ahaha Uhm.. Rock I think. If there are lot of chords in it I'll love it, but much movement in the left hand too.
I reaaaally love things like this:
I hope you know what I mean :)
June 27th, 2011, 04:46 am
Yes, because the midi doesn´t sound very good. Do you want an acoustic version or a rock one?
Nironjin, if you don´t mind wait some I will do it.
Yes I can wait... I might need the piece around second week of July however for a performance. :heh:
But it's okay for me, take your time sir Victor.
--- Godspeed.
Victor Seven
June 27th, 2011, 07:36 am
Yes I can wait... I might need the piece around second week of July however for a performance. :heh:
But it's okay for me, take your time sir Victor.
--- Godspeed.
It´s for a perfomance? Hmm, I will give preference to your request. You said you need only the melody. What is your instrument?
Let´s see. From July 10th to 24th I go on holidays. I want to finish all the request before that, so its better not to accept more now. After the 24th, you can attack me again with your request xD
EDIT: Hinamuffin, you may see this, is a piano score on youtube. It has chords and more left hand variety, I hope you like it:
June 27th, 2011, 03:15 pm
It´s for a perfomance? Hmm, I will give preference to your request. You said you need only the melody. What is your instrument?
Let´s see. From July 10th to 24th I go on holidays. I want to finish all the request before that, so its better not to accept more now. After the 24th, you can attack me again with your request xD
Yes. The melody part is Okay sir Victor. :D
I will wait, thanks a lo0o00ot!
I really hope you could do it as I`m expecting to stand the best out of my performance with the piece. :)
June 27th, 2011, 04:20 pm
EDIT: Hinamuffin, you may see this, is a piano score on youtube. It has chords and more left hand variety, I hope you like it:
Thanks a lot =) It's a pretty good version, but if you think you can do better you could do it too =) I actually want the full version anyway..
Ehm... but if you don't really like the song and don't want to do it I guess I have another request XD (sorry for being selfish)
I don't know what it's really called but many people say Can you Fly.
I call it Darker than BLACK by Yasushi Ishii from the anime Darker than BLACK.
I reaaally love this song too~~ so... please? :)
Victor Seven
June 27th, 2011, 07:21 pm
Thanks a lot =) It's a pretty good version, but if you think you can do better you could do it too =) I actually want the full version anyway..
Ehm... but if you don't really like the song and don't want to do it I guess I have another request XD (sorry for being selfish)
I don't know what it's really called but many people say Can you Fly.
I call it Darker than BLACK by Yasushi Ishii from the anime Darker than BLACK.
I reaaally love this song too~~ so... please? :)
I don´t mind doing it, but... What do you mean exactly with a full version? All instruments? Because if you want only a piano version, these is good. I don´t know if I can do it better xD.
The problem is that I go on holidays the 10th of July... and I won´t arrange anything in that two weeks. I´m working a lot in do the request as fast as possible. I can take out the Darker than Black song, but... I will have to start next month =( . It don´t want you to wait.
And for the other people, not more request now. After my holidays, please >.<
June 27th, 2011, 08:02 pm
I don´t mind doing it, but... What do you mean exactly with a full version? All instruments? Because if you want only a piano version, these is good. I don´t know if I can do it better xD.
The problem is that I go on holidays the 10th of July... and I won´t arrange anything in that two weeks. I´m working a lot in do the request as fast as possible. I can take out the Darker than Black song, but... I will have to start next month =( . It don´t want you to wait.
And for the other people, not more request now. After my holidays, please >.<
With full version I mean the full size of the song, like 3 minutes instead of just the TV version (about 1:30 minutes)
I'll just wait for the other song if you can do it~~~ sorry if I'm giving you too much work XD
Thanks again~! :)
Victor Seven
June 27th, 2011, 08:28 pm
With full version I mean the full size of the song, like 3 minutes instead of just the TV version (about 1:30 minutes)
I'll just wait for the other song if you can do it~~~ sorry if I'm giving you too much work XD
Thanks again~! :)
Ah, ok! I will see the full version and complete the parts that aren´t in the short one. Don´t worry for the work... Read the title: I was wanting it, I found it xDDD
June 28th, 2011, 11:58 am
Alright, thanks a lot! You're so nice *__*
Victor Seven
June 28th, 2011, 02:19 pm
Hinamuffin, thank you. I´m finishing the first I started, I think tomorrow I can start to write with your request.
Nironjin, I´ve written the melody of your song. I hope you like it. If you see something wrong or something like that, say it to me.
Good luck with your audition :lol:
June 29th, 2011, 08:49 am
Sir victor, you are so amazing... Your ear and mind is excellent.
Thank you sir victor, now I`ll have something coming for next week. The success goes out to you. ;)
Thank you again sir, you are of very big help to me. Godspeed.
Victor Seven
June 30th, 2011, 07:19 pm
Sir victor, you are so amazing... Your ear and mind is excellent.
Thank you sir victor, now I`ll have something coming for next week. The success goes out to you. ;)
Thank you again sir, you are of very big help to me. Godspeed.
Haha, really thank you.
Hinamuffin, I started to write your first request. You will have it in few days. For the other, I will start next month =S
June 30th, 2011, 09:33 pm
Omg youre the best! Thanks a lot, really!
Victor Seven
July 2nd, 2011, 10:24 am
Hey, this sounds like spam. Should we report to an admin?
Hinamuffin, your pdf have been really useful, thanks to that I´m writting the guitar solo without problems. Really thank you, I hate guitar solos... XD They´re really dificult to take. Your sheet will be finished yesterday, or this night.
July 2nd, 2011, 11:08 am
It does sound like spam.. And I don't even get it XD
I'll report it.
About the sheets: Yay! Awesome! Can't wait~! :)
Victor Seven
July 3rd, 2011, 09:18 am
It does sound like spam.. And I don't even get it XD
I'll report it.
About the sheets: Yay! Awesome! Can't wait~! :)
Thank you for report it ^.^
Well, I finish with Core Pride. See the sheet and comment all your problems... I know it´s some difficult, but I´m sure you can play it XD.
If you need also the midi file, ask me for it
July 3rd, 2011, 04:23 pm
OMG IT'S REALLY AWESOME! It's way better than the other guy's version and it's not too difficult at all~~ it's great!! <3
You have amazing ears! And you were done so quick too :D
I would like to have the midi file if it isn't a problem~~ :)
Victor Seven
July 4th, 2011, 07:22 am
Really thank you for your comment. Here is the midi file:
If you upload videos to youtube or something like that, I want to see you playing this... For me is difficult. XD
I will take out the Darker than Black song after my holidays, next month. I have another request and I want to finish before the day 10th.
July 4th, 2011, 10:49 am
Alright! Awesome =) I might upload a video of me playing, I don't know if my parents let me though. Thanks a lot~~~!
Oh and is it possible to make the sheet music a bit smaller, like 4, 5 or 6 pages? Cause it has 9 pages now XD. Thanks!
Victor Seven
July 4th, 2011, 11:28 am
I suposse I can do it. I´ll try to reduce the number of pages ^.^
July 5th, 2011, 10:42 pm
Okay :) I'm studying your core pride sheets now and enjoying it a lot :D
July 5th, 2011, 11:51 pm
Hi , would you like to transcribe Discommunication - Megurine Luka for me? :)
Victor Seven
July 6th, 2011, 03:03 pm
Hi , would you like to transcribe Discommunication - Megurine Luka for me? :)
Yes, if it isn´t very difficult... but I have my trip this day 10th. I can´t start with new request now, I have to do it after day 24th. You have to wait some... =S
Hinamuffin, I´m working in my last request before go, I will check your score after the holidays... Sorry for the wait >.<
July 6th, 2011, 04:39 pm
Okay no problem :)
EDIT (8-7-11): by the way, there's a little mistake in you're sheets, but it isn't really big.. the song is from the anime 'Ao no Exorcist' and there stands 'Ai no Exorcist' haha, it's kind of funny because Ao no Exorcist means Blue Exorcist and Ai no Exorcist means Love Exorcist or something XD
July 7th, 2011, 12:39 pm
do u mind transcribing Antoinette Blue from D.Gray Man. cause most of the files i found on the forum aren't working or is in mus format. i would love it if you could do a mid and pdf version of it. the level of difficulty is up 2 u(i would like it to be not too simple) anythings fine...her's the link: :D
July 7th, 2011, 06:00 pm
Okay, awesome ;O
July 8th, 2011, 10:46 pm
Hi, I'd like to request this song Solitude in piano.
Here is a youtube link, pm me if you want an mp3 version:
I know you'll be away until the 24th, so anytime after is fine with me, thanks!
Victor Seven
July 9th, 2011, 06:12 pm
Okay no problem :)
EDIT (8-7-11): by the way, there's a little mistake in you're sheets, but it isn't really big.. the song is from the anime 'Ao no Exorcist' and there stands 'Ai no Exorcist' haha, it's kind of funny because Ao no Exorcist means Blue Exorcist and Ai no Exorcist means Love Exorcist or something XD
Oooops, really. I will fix it, don´t worry xD
Hi, I'd like to request this song Solitude in piano.
Here is a youtube link, pm me if you want an mp3 version:
I know you'll be away until the 24th, so anytime after is fine with me, thanks!
Ok, I will see the song as soon I come back.
And with this, it´s better not accept more work now... I have some song to transcribe after the holidays >.<
Thanks you all!
Victor Seven
July 24th, 2011, 02:56 pm
Hey!! Sorry for the double post, but I have to say I´M BACK AGAIN!
I will continue with the request I have. I edited the principal post with mi status and the link of my blog XD
With that, you can find easily music, sheet and requests. So let´s continue working:
do u mind transcribing Antoinette Blue from D.Gray Man. cause most of the files i found on the forum aren't working or is in mus format. i would love it if you could do a mid and pdf version of it. the level of difficulty is up 2 u(i would like it to be not too simple) anythings fine...her's the link: :D
I have the Finale, link me where is the mus file I can convert it to an pdf and midi file ^.^
August 14th, 2011, 01:09 am
Hi :) welcome back! Good luck with your requests~~
August 14th, 2011, 11:31 am
Could you transcribe a piano solo version of Chiisaki Mono (eng version Make a Wish) from Pokemon: Jirachi Wish Maker please?
Youtube Link:
August 15th, 2011, 03:04 am
Hey~! Could you transcribe "Rokutousei No Yoru" from the anime "No. 6" for piano, please? I'm dying to play this song, but I haven't found any sheets for it...
August 15th, 2011, 10:59 pm
Are you only doing transcription of anime? Because if you're not then will you be able to transcribe this piece if possible?
If you're unable then this one will have to do. ~ Lupin: Fire Treasure
Thank you in advance.
Victor Seven
August 21st, 2011, 03:30 pm
Hello again!
After two days back, my parents said to me they have planned ANOTHER month of holidays, so I couldn´t work anything in this two weeks.
Hinamuffin, I´m starting with the song of Can you fly... It doesn´t look very dificult. Wait some days and I think it will be finished.
Ryuutatsuya, Amadrei, llama_mang: I will see the songs later. If I like them, I will add to the list, see the first post where I put the songs I have to take now. I have four or five more, so I think this request will have to wait a pair of weeks :heh:
And sorry for dissapear a lot of days withous say you x_x.
I have too much work now! @_@
August 22nd, 2011, 09:15 am
Haha once again: Welcome back and good luck!
I'm glad Can you fly isn't hard to do.
Don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault that your parents suddenly send you on a holiday XD
Victor Seven
August 27th, 2011, 03:45 pm
Haha once again: Welcome back and good luck!
I'm glad Can you fly isn't hard to do.
Don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault that your parents suddenly send you on a holiday XD
Hinamuffin, I´m having some problems with harmony and chords, but I hope to finish soon.
About the rest of people, you should see the pm I sent to you or write something - I´m not going to write songs for dissapeared people, there´s t more users that are waiting.
Thank you.
August 28th, 2011, 05:38 am
Hinamuffin, I´m having some problems with harmony and chords, but I hope to finish soon.
About the rest of people, you should see the pm I sent to you or write something - I´m not going to write songs for dissapeared people, there´s t more users that are waiting.
Thank you.
I'm still alive and kicking. :D I replied to your PM but I'll post on here just to be sure. Thanks again.
August 28th, 2011, 06:15 am
As am I; I got your PM and I understand. Could you could you transcribe either "Sanin no Dragon Slayer" or "Erza vs Erza" from Fairy Tail OST 3 for piano solo instead? I'm planning on playing one of these for a piano competition coming up and I don't have the sheets :heh: I hope these are as dramatic and are about 6-8 grade leisure to play.
Sanin no Dragon Slayer
Erza vs Erza
I requested this to another transcriber, but he PM'ed me saying he wasn't able to :(
Victor Seven
August 28th, 2011, 09:28 am
As am I; I got your PM and I understand. Could you could you transcribe either "Sanin no Dragon Slayer" or "Erza vs Erza" from Fairy Tail OST 3 for piano solo instead? I'm planning on playing one of these for a piano competition coming up and I don't have the sheets :heh: I hope these are as dramatic and are about 6-8 grade leisure to play.
Sanin no Dragon Slayer
Erza vs Erza
I requested this to another transcriber, but he PM'ed me saying he wasn't able to :(
That are a really good songs, and if it´s for a competition, I´ll try to made an impressive arrangement. And, preference to your sheets. That are the rules there: auditions, competitions, etc have preference. I´ll try to finish as soon as possible. There´re only instrumental, and it looks pretty easy... it looks... xDD
llama_mang, I´m going to add your requests to the list.
Hinamuffin, meanwhile, I will continue correcting the Darker than Black song. ^.^
EDIT & IMPORTANT ADVICE: I start institute next week, and I won´t be able to continue working to this rhytmin. So, for now, I´M NOT GOING TO ACCEPT MORE REQUEST. I have all the work I was wanting. Thank you!
Victor Seven
August 31st, 2011, 02:10 pm
Sorry for the double post, but I have to upload the files.
Let´s see. Hinamuffin, here you are. It´s a song with a interesting harmony and, I maybe make a mistake... So check it and if you find something strange, ask me.
Ryuutatsuya, I finished with Dragon Slayer. And I was listening to Fairy Tail OST 3 and I think it´s incredible. If you like it, I have good news for you:
that songs are really really easy to transcribe, so I´m going to write a lot of them. If you want, I´ll send you a pm every time I finish one.
And here´s your Dragon Slayer. If you find some trouble, let me know:
You´ll have Erza vs Erza in the next days.
August 31st, 2011, 03:41 pm
Haha I bet it was kind of difficult to transcribe. I tried it myself and I already gave up at the first note.
It's pretty cool you were able to transcribe it~~ it sounds a little-LITTLE bit weird sometimes, but that's because the song is absolutely not made for piano XD
So thanks a lot!! Seriously! I hope you can rest a bit now and relax :D
September 1st, 2011, 02:10 am
hey man, was wondering if you would be interested in transcribing this piano solo, have a listen!
Bleach :Fade To Black OST
Suite "Going Home" 2nd Movement
Victor Seven
September 2nd, 2011, 11:10 am
hey man, was wondering if you would be interested in transcribing this piano solo, have a listen!
Bleach :Fade To Black OST
Suite "Going Home" 2nd Movement
Is come complicated, but I will try it... However, the only thing I can promise is this: it will take time XD
You´re lucky because most of people that requested something for me have dissapeared (?). If some day they come back, they will have their arrangements.
Ryuutatsuya, here is Erza vs Erza. The result is better than in Dragon Slayer. I hope you like it.
Ah! If you record your perfoming and you upload it to Youtube, I wanna see it, please ^.^ Good luck with it!
And, I´ve also written Dokuryuu no Cobra, is of the same style (even faster!) of this two. It´s uploaded on my blog, take a look if you want:
September 2nd, 2011, 11:17 am
Is come complicated, but I will try it... However, the only thing I can promise is this: it will took time XD
You´re lucky because most of people that requested something for me have dissapeared (?). If some day they come back, they will have their arrangements.
Ryuutatsuya, here is Erza vs Erza. The result is better than in Dragon Slayer. I hope you like it.
Ah! If you record your perfoming and you upload it to Youtube, I wanna see it, please ^.^ Good luck with it!
And, I´ve also written Dokuryuu no Cobra, is of the same style (even faster!) of this two. It´s uploaded on my blog, take a look if you want:
OMG, THANK YOU SO MUCH! You're like my saviour :D. Unfortunately, my school doesn't let people recording stuff at school >.>
September 2nd, 2011, 12:48 pm
May I have a request too? would you like to transcribe "Symphonic Poem GeHeNa Second Movement A-maimon" (Ao no Exorcist OST) please? all in piano sheet...
I know it seems impossible with all the instrument that is played in the song... But I really like this soundtrack.
here's the link
Don't mind this comment if it's bother you.. Thanks for your attention =D
Victor Seven
September 2nd, 2011, 02:51 pm
May I have a request too? would you like to transcribe "Symphonic Poem GeHeNa Second Movement A-maimon" (Ao no Exorcist OST) please? all in piano sheet...
I know it seems impossible with all the instrument that is played in the song... But I really like this soundtrack.
here's the link
Don't mind this comment if it's bother you.. Thanks for your attention =D
You said it: It seems impossible. I mean, I can take out all the notes, chords, put a left hand accompaniment... but the song only consist in drums, some string notes and very distorsioned guitars: having this, I can write all, but it won´t sound like the original song. It will be something totally different. That´s my opinion.
I can try with anyway if you want. The only thing is that you´ll have to wait some days before have your song, I have to finish some requests before and write this song of piano is very difficult too, it will take time >.<
What do you say?
September 3rd, 2011, 06:58 am
Really??? You don't mind to transcribe it into piano sheet?? >0<
Huwaaaaa thank you very much!!! I don't mind if it's not like the original.
I love the part start from minute 02.00 till 02.30 (in the youtube video)
So, would you keep this part, sounds like the original, in the piano sheet as possible as you can please?
I don't mind either if you take a lot of time because another requests
I'm already glad that you respond to my selfish wish. :D
Thank you very much Victor Seven.
I will wait for the sheet patiently.
September 6th, 2011, 11:16 pm
You said it: It seems impossible. I mean, I can take out all the notes, chords, put a left hand accompaniment... but the song only consist in drums, some string notes and very distorsioned guitars: having this, I can write all, but it won´t sound like the original song. It will be something totally different. That´s my opinion.
I can try with anyway if you want. The only thing is that you´ll have to wait some days before have your song, I have to finish some requests before and write this song of piano is very difficult too, it will take time >.<
What do you say?
That's actually the "fun" part of transcribing a hard song. To be able to take a song that is completely not for piano at all and make a transcription that still sounds good and still retain the original song challenges your transcribing skills more so then just trying to transcribe to original which basically only requires listening skills.
Victor Seven
September 7th, 2011, 09:50 am
That's actually the "fun" part of transcribing a hard song. To be able to take a song that is completely not for piano at all and make a transcription that still sounds good and still retain the original song challenges your transcribing skills more so then just trying to transcribe to original which basically only requires listening skills.
That sounds like a challenge, haha. Yes, you´ve all reason, that´s thje esence of arrangement: write any song for any intrument(s) and keep a good sound, but sometimes the result is not as good as expected. However, I´ll try to do my best, as always ^.^
For all people who is waiting: this is looks like a videogame... the requests become more and more difficult! There aren´t too much, but they´re complicated, so, a little bit of patience. I´m going to ignore the order and start doing all at the same time: with that, easy sheets will be finished first, and difficult won´t take too much time.
And, (now seriously XD) I´m going to start the institute soon, so, I WON´T ACCEPT REQUESTS for a time. e____e
Thank you!
September 13th, 2011, 07:06 pm
OMGGG I love that impossible soundtrack too <3
Hahhaaha Victor, LIFE is a videogame XD
Don't worry you can do it :D
Victor Seven
September 14th, 2011, 08:46 am
OMGGG I love that impossible soundtrack too <3
Hahhaaha Victor, LIFE is a videogame XD
Don't worry you can do it :D
Thanks, let´s what can I do. I haven´t started with it yetm but I hope to do it soon.
I was working on Despair and Hope, Solitude, Our Garden and the Sonata. I will comment the progress, I don´t know how you can be without ask every day XD I would do it, I´m really impatience.
Despair and Hope is the easiest, I write almost all, but I have to finish the final part, when it changes to major key. It will be ready in the next days ^^
Solitude is difficult, I´ve written half song but it becomes more and more dificult. It will take more time, sorry >.<
With Our Garden... Mmm... I know the notes on the melody above, but the Japanese traditional system don´t uses chords like C, Dm, or Esus, it uses chords built by 4th intervals (E - A - D or G - C - F, for example) and I´m not very sure of the harmony, I´m proving lots of things and all sounds more or less well e_e Let´s see how it finish.
The Sonata... without comments, that´s apart, too difficult. I will continue with it later, and let´s see if I can xD
That´s all for today, hope to finish all this soon ^.^
September 21st, 2011, 10:45 pm
Are you still taking requests? :3
September 22nd, 2011, 02:39 am
can you transcribe this?
it's from a game called g-senjou no maou
the ost is called sayounara and it's by tiko-μ
thank you very much and i really appreciate what you're doing taking requests
Victor Seven
September 22nd, 2011, 02:21 pm
Ehhhh... I can do it... but... difficult. I started the institute last week and the request that I´m working on are difficult, so if you don´t want to wait veeeeeeeeeeery long, you should ask another person ^^' If you don´t mind, I will hear your song tomorrow, 3bla2k.
FallenWish, I´m trying to do it, but as I said, I have it difficult... anyway, post a youtube link of the song you want me to transcribe.
For others, information:
-I will start to write the Grandia 2 song this weekend, it will be ready next week.
-Solitude is reeally difficult, I´m working on, but, continue waiting. (Sorry XP)
-I hope to finish Our Garden in this the next week,
-and after that start with the "impossible song".
I will message you after finish ^.^ Thanks!
Victor Seven
September 30th, 2011, 04:01 pm
Sorry for doubleposting, but this is important: finished the Despair and Hope transcription... I will write for the original piano and violin once I finish the other requests.
Here is the song
Well, it has an interesting (and sometimes a little bit difficult) harmony. If you find an error or something that doesn´t sound really well, say me and I will check it better ^.^
Hope you like it.
September 30th, 2011, 04:21 pm
Hey, could you try to transcribe these on midi?
I might also find youtube videos of these.
September 30th, 2011, 04:30 pm
Hey could you try to transcribe this one to midi or clear music sheet? (sorry for the double post something went wrong)
Victor Seven
September 30th, 2011, 06:14 pm
Hey could you try to transcribe this one to midi or clear music sheet? (sorry for the double post something went wrong)
Well, I think you can do it yourself, using a score editor and copying clarely all the notes. (Musescore is free and it works good)
If you mean a different arrangement of that, I can do it, but you´ll have to wait (a lot, I think! xD) and post a Youtube video.
September 30th, 2011, 07:31 pm
I am totally green in these things XD I have no idea whatsoever how to transcribe etc. I've tried but and I failed miserbly. All I need is to make them midi's if possible and here you go an youtube video
That guy has other songs in his channel
Victor Seven
October 1st, 2011, 10:21 am
Ok... I will put it as MIDI. Do you want it exactly as in the sheet you posted or you prefer some changes? Because I can try to improve it, with better sound, or maybe easier, if you want.
This won´t be very difficult, so I´m going to finish it soon and continue doing the others. ^^
October 1st, 2011, 01:26 pm
I would like it exacly as it is thanks a lot ^^
October 6th, 2011, 09:47 am
can you make some ouran high school host club sheets, please? It sounds very classic and i think its classic x) i tried to write the sheets during i´m listening to it but it was to difficult for me...
hope you can help me^^
and i´ve another question: can i copy pdf. sheets in the programm "forte free"? or i can only use midi files for it? i´ve tried it but it doesn´t work...
Victor Seven
October 6th, 2011, 03:05 pm
My rhytm of work is very slow now, I only can transcribe the weekends... and I have too much work. If you don´t mind to wait a lot, (and know I talking of a lot, seriously), I can. However, if it´s classic, you should try to use a music finder, maybe it can recognize what songs is, and find classic sheets in internet it´s not too difficult.
I don´t know what program is Forte Free, but I´ve never seen a music program able to read pdf... I´ve seen, in some software, you can read .tiff format or directly scan the document, but not with pdf.
If you can´t find anything with the music finder, say me and I will take a look to that OST if I like some of the songs I will transcribe it. For piano?
October 6th, 2011, 07:20 pm
My rhytm of work is very slow now, I only can transcribe the weekends... and I have too much work. If you don´t mind to wait a lot, (and know I talking of a lot, seriously), I can. However, if it´s classic, you should try to use a music finder, maybe it can recognize what songs is, and find classic sheets in internet it´s not too difficult.
I don´t know what program is Forte Free, but I´ve never seen a music program able to read pdf... I´ve seen, in some software, you can read .tiff format or directly scan the document, but not with pdf.
If you can´t find anything with the music finder, say me and I will take a look to that OST if I like some of the songs I will transcribe it. For piano?
I actually know program that can read electronically PDFed music sheets and create mp3/midi's etc from them. It's called PDFtoMusic, you need to pay for the full version but in free version you are able to create midi's etc for each music sheets and it actually works pretty well!
October 8th, 2011, 03:25 am
Ah, wonder whether can I request two songs from the anime Uragiri wa Boku Namae wo Shitteiru (aka Uraboku) or Betrayal Knows my Name.
They are both by Shougo Kaida [ Shōgo Kaida - according to Wikipedia ].
Songs I wish to request would be Past and Sadness ( and a-lament (
Victor Seven
October 8th, 2011, 02:16 pm
They are a really beautiful songs and they look easy to transcribe. You´ll have to wait some for having them.
(I´ve decided that it´s impossible to say people I can´t accept requests... I fall in love with every song I listen to >w<)
For the other people, continue waiting, I´m trying to transcribe every time I can, but I can write in the weekends. Hope to finish in this two weeks with Our Garden and Solitude to start with the others, that are easier. Thanks for waiting so long! ^^'
October 8th, 2011, 03:11 pm
By the way I've done "a lament" from uraboku (on my website as usual). Feel free to make your own version though.
Victor Seven
October 9th, 2011, 07:32 am
Correcting a version is easiar than transcript one. I will try. Thanks!
EDIT: Finished with the violin of Ouran High School Club... i´m trying to eliminate easy work first ^^'. I´m still working on the others.
If you detect any error or strange thing in the sheet, say it to me.
October 12th, 2011, 11:20 pm
I'm wondering if you can transcribe marasy8's arrangement of Megurine Luka's Just Be Friends? (Piano)
I'm would like to play it for a school talent show in January. here's the youtube link! (
thank you for reading ♥
Victor Seven
October 14th, 2011, 02:07 pm
Pretty good soon!! I´ll try it as soon I can... ^^'
With Our Garden and with Solitude I´m having problems... the first has a difficult harmony, and the second, toooo many notes e_e But I´m still working on it! >.<
EDIT: Hikari, see this... It has a link to download the sheets: (
Say if it was useful to you =D
October 14th, 2011, 08:56 pm
Could you transcribe this version of Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence?
There's a midi provided in the description.
I'm tired of only finding versions that aren't B minor like the original.
October 14th, 2011, 10:43 pm
@ Victor Seven
ah, yes, I have seen that link!
But Marasy8 has two versions, and the one I would like to play is the one he posted on YouTube.
drummerman55 made sheet music for the other version ^^;; sorry for not clarifying!
October 15th, 2011, 06:48 am
Hi I would like to request this song: Human by LIA. She has a lot of really good songs that go unnoticed...
A piano songsheet would be great. It's not extremely urgent, however, so you can take your time with it (if accepted, of course, haha). Thanks a lot ^^
Victor Seven
October 15th, 2011, 08:16 am
Could you transcribe this version of Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence?
There's a midi provided in the description.
I'm tired of only finding versions that aren't B minor like the original.
If you have a MIDI, try to download a freeware software (Musescore or Rosegarden, for MIDI I recommend you the last) and you´ll be able to see the score... I can open it with Finale and save as .pdf, but I think is a thing you can do for yourself.
@Hikari, in that case, I will analyse it and say you if I can or not.
@Infinitumxx, I say the same to you. I was listen to the song and I think I can do it (It´s only melody and chords)...
But if you guys continue requesting in this rhytm, I will get so crazy of listening to music and jump for the the window... :heh:
October 15th, 2011, 09:58 pm
If you have a MIDI, try to download a freeware software (Musescore or Rosegarden, for MIDI I recommend you the last) and you´ll be able to see the score... I can open it with Finale and save as .pdf, but I think is a thing you can do for yourself.
@Hikari, in that case, I will analyse it and say you if I can or not.
@Infinitumxx, I say the same to you. I was listen to the song and I think I can do it (It´s only melody and chords)...
But if you guys continue requesting in this rhytm, I will get so crazy of listening to music and jump for the the window... :heh:
Unfortunately, the midi hasn't been split into two tracks, so saving it as a pdf on Finale or some other kind of software doesn't work.
Is there some way to split it into two tracks? I've never made a midi before :S
October 16th, 2011, 06:33 pm
@Victor Seven
thank you for considering, sorry about this! ^^;;
October 16th, 2011, 09:15 pm
If there's no problem I would also like you to try to transcribe this one from video:
second song on the video
October 19th, 2011, 02:52 am
Unfortunately, the midi hasn't been split into two tracks, so saving it as a pdf on Finale or some other kind of software doesn't work.
Is there some way to split it into two tracks? I've never made a midi before :S
This is the piece.
October 22nd, 2011, 03:40 am
D:...why do all threads die after I touch them?
Victor Seven
October 22nd, 2011, 07:45 am
Hahaha, don´t worry, don´t worry, I´m still here. I didn´t see the video yet, I couldn´t work this week because of the exams. I will do yours and the DBZ song tomorrow.
I´m going to leave Our Garden and Solitude in second postion and write a little bit every week, or I won´t never start with the other request.
So, starting with the "impossible song"...
October 25th, 2011, 03:40 am
October 26th, 2011, 11:41 pm
Transcribe these please. Clear sheets should help you with transcribing it clearly as I tried myself and still impossible for me. Because I care for these a lot, as I always wanted to play it, please create midi file of these. You can make 1 midi per 1 page which works out as 4 midi's for 4 pages, it will work for me this way :)
Victor Seven
October 31st, 2011, 03:43 pm
All right.
I´m working on all you requested boys, I think I can finish it soon (relatively soon...), and I advice I will ask for a moderator to close this thread after finish. Why? Because I don´t have time to make all this requests.
After that, I will help people who make a "request thread". I´m really sorry, but I don´t have enough time for all.
Thank you very much! :)
November 2nd, 2011, 03:05 pm
plss Saikano-Sayonara for 2 guitarrr T_T
November 2nd, 2011, 03:11 pm
i forgot.... Nursey Rhyme - True my heart also for guitar plsss
Victor Seven
November 2nd, 2011, 07:50 pm
Sorry... better not accept more ^^'. Try to create your own Thread. I´m sure that somebody can help you :)
November 5th, 2011, 02:40 am
Well, thank you in advance then for accepting so much work at once. It's not common to see someone that enthusiastic in helping others. Your work is greatly appreciated. Cheers! ^^
Victor Seven
November 5th, 2011, 03:56 pm
This morning I had time to finish the easier requests: Split the Mr. Lawrence MIDI and "join" the 4 pages of Naitsyrk song in one PDF.
The Mr. Lawrence MIDI has lots of notes. I´ve tried clarify it, but it's still a bit confusing.
However I think you will be able to understand and play it now ^^
Tomorrow I'll start to write the "impossible song" (is easier than I thought!) and in the next week, the other two.
I think I will finish soon.
November 5th, 2011, 05:43 pm
Thank you very much now I can create a midi file :)
Victor Seven
November 6th, 2011, 08:44 am
Thank you very much now I can create a midi file :)
Oh, I can do it for you. It's only say to the program "Save as..." MIDI file.
November 26th, 2011, 03:44 am
Hey I was wondering how Solitude is going? Do you think you could give an estimate of where you're at and how much more?
Just popping in to let you know I'm still looking forward haha, but take your time if you need it, I'm willing to wait for it.
Thanks again!
Victor Seven
November 26th, 2011, 07:38 am
I was thinking in left a message here... Eeem, I did nothing last weeks, I have the final exams and I couldn't TT.TT And I have exams for theh nexts two weeks,so from here to Christmas, it will be difficult to do something e___e. Really sorry
I have half of the song written. It still has errors in the left hand (a lot, I think), but if you want, I can upload a midi for you, so you'll be able to ask for the song to another transcriber. Maybe he has more time and can finish and fix my errors.
However, if you want me to finish it, is a really difficult song, expect a lot of time ^^'.
Sorry because of the poor progress in your requests, but I don't have so much time, seriously.
Thank you!
November 26th, 2011, 09:58 pm
Yeah it's cool, I have final exams too so I understand haha. I don't know any other transcribers haha so you're my only hope, I'm willing to wait for that.
Thanks again!
November 27th, 2011, 02:05 pm
Hi... What about impossible song?
Is it on progress??
And I just want you to know that I always check (without login) this ichigo's thread once every three days, so I hope you won't abandon my request just because I'm kind of "disappear".
Thanks for progressing Victor!
Victor Seven
November 27th, 2011, 03:30 pm
Don't worry, don't worry xD
I was listening to it, thinking how to arrange it, I figure out the first part of the song. But I didn't started to write it yet ^^'
I want to finish aaaall the exams and transcribe the songs remaining.
Thanks for your patience, you're incredible :heh:
Victor Seven
January 1st, 2012, 12:29 pm
I finished to write the "impossible song". Sorry for the late.
I tried to imit the drums all the possible and there's a part at end which is difficult to imit with the piano. Hope you like it.
January 10th, 2012, 11:34 am
Thanks for your hard work Victor Seven! I really appreciate it XD
Finally, the long-awaited song is born. Thank you!
January 14th, 2012, 04:39 am
Hi Victor,
I do not know if you are free, but when you have the time and you want to write a music sheet I have one for you! :)
I have been looking everywhere on the web for it but I do not think it exists. I was listening piano songs on youtube and this one really caught my ears.
I think it is two melodies from the both hands. Thanks in advance!
Victor Seven
January 15th, 2012, 08:11 am
I haven't seen the song yet. I will do this afternoon. Now I don't have too much time, but if it's piano solo maybe I'm able to do it. Let me see first.
January 15th, 2012, 08:08 pm
Heya Victor,
First of all, thanks a lot for doing this! It shows a lot of dedication and determination from your side.
I hope it's not too much of a hassle if you could write a music sheet that I've been searching for a solid week or more, scorching through google pages, to no avail.
It's the 6th opening from Fairy Tail (+Plus - "Fiesta").
Here are two links (the orginal song and a cover on the piano), just to give you an idea:
I'd really appreciate it!
Thanks in advance,
January 17th, 2012, 01:30 am
Hey you still seem active around these parts! Sorry i wasn't able to welcome you! I'm not too active here.
But once you're ready you think you can transcribe
A Young Man's Worries from Mana Khemia : Alchemists of Al-Revis
Here is the video:
I would like it for flute if possible. :)
January 22nd, 2012, 02:17 am
hello!can you help to transcribe this song into piano for me?
it's pianissimo by hatsune miku.
i'm okay if you transcribe just the piano part of the song too (: thanks it advance!!
Victor Seven
January 25th, 2012, 07:37 pm
Hiya all!! How many request, again xD I was thinking in other musical projects, and exams are coming, but most of this songs don't look so difficult...
@Conic. I will try with that song, it looks easy. However, I'm not very sure. Let me try first. I'll say you how is going next week.
@Nakamahazure, if it's Fairy Tail, I have to do it. xD People is asking one day after another for Fairy Tail song. And have the sheet of one the openings will be very good for my blog =). But I don't know when I will do it. Thanks for the piano version, that will help a lot.
@angelXboy, your request is only flute, so I will do it as soon as possible, only melody won't be difficult (I hope xD)
@MangoST, the yours is the most difficult. Now I have a very limited time, so I think it's not a good idea accept the request now. That's a shame, because I loved the song, but the harmony looks complicated and it's a song with lyrics, which are the most difficult. Could you find a piano version? If I have one, maybe I can try. Without that, I think I won't be able to do it before next month. Sorry ^^'.
Thanks for your attention!
January 28th, 2012, 10:13 pm
Hey Victor, would you please go to this link!&p=483365#post483365 . that has a list of some songs (only 10, 2 are really similar so 9 and a half really) they are my favourite songs from Guilty Crown and i really want to play them. i cant transcribe (dont know how) but you can, and your transcriptions are really good. so i would please like you to transcribe them 10 songs for a piano solo. pleasse, ill be eternally grateful to you man, and also, i understand you are busy and have a life and exams and i dont mind waiting while you do it.
King Regards,
February 5th, 2012, 01:48 am
oh, here is the off-vocal version of the song pianissimo by hatsune miku.
hope this makes things easier for you and thanks ^^
February 5th, 2012, 07:57 am
I'm searching someone who would transcribe "Theme of Multiflora" from the Anime "Fairy Tail" for me. For Violin. But it seems that nobody wants to do that xDD Do you have enough time (and skill xD) for that?
Victor Seven
February 5th, 2012, 08:46 am
I finished with flute solo, I will post it here tomorrow. I'm going to try with Conic's requests and, at the end, I decided not to do the 6th Fairy Tail opening.
@MangoST, I will check that video later. However, now I'm starting with exams, so start with difficult thing is not a good idea.
@Yammay, I was thinking in make the Theme of Multiflora for piano in the nexts weeks. I can extract the melody for you, and write for violin. ^^
February 5th, 2012, 09:15 am
wooow that will be really cool *O* thank you very much!
February 5th, 2012, 11:17 am i really hope you can transcribe this piece =(
February 8th, 2012, 04:32 pm
Hey viktor
I know you are busy with alot of requests so i understand why you won't do it.
I still wanted to thank you for considering and helping other people out.
best regards Nakamahazure
February 13th, 2012, 03:24 am
Finished flute solo? I think that's mine right? XD So it in the website or is it in some random place...
Victor Seven
February 15th, 2012, 01:59 pm
Oooops! I didn't upload it! Sorry!
I finished it some time ago, here is
February 18th, 2012, 02:33 am
yay thank you! I like your name Mr. Azuaga ^.^
February 18th, 2012, 03:09 am
Oh hey Victor umm another request here so um here
It's Key to My Heart - Mai Kuraki
Can i get this one in guitar or piano this time?
I know other people are waiting in line so I'll just wait patiently :3
I hope you have fun transcribing songs! No use in doing them if its just slave work you know? XD
Thank you for the Mana Khemia song btw it's awesome
February 24th, 2012, 09:34 pm
Hey, i understand your busy from reading the last few posts, so ill just make my request and wait patiently :D i was wondering if you would transcribe this song: for Piano Solo please :D thank you very much for considering my song, and thanks even more if you transcribe it. Ill just wait in the Que for my turn now :D
February 26th, 2012, 09:18 am
I just want to ask, if you've already started with the "theme of multiflora" for violin ^-^
Its not urgent, so take as much time as you want xD
Victor Seven
February 28th, 2012, 03:27 pm
I haven't started with theme of multiflora, and not with the other piano arrangement. I'm so busy with exams!
I think I will be able to start next week. I probably first theme on multiflora, violin is easier.
Thanks for waiting me, and sorry for the late! T.T
March 2nd, 2012, 03:25 pm
No problem, take the time you need ;D I can wait, exams are more important ;)
March 6th, 2012, 08:37 am
Hello,do you still making transcriptions? can you please help me to transcript this song?I love this song very much,but can,t find the score anyway.Actually, it's one of the opening song for Katekyo Hitman Reborn (OP6)
Easy Go-Kazuki Kato at this link
Thank you!;)
Victor Seven
March 18th, 2012, 12:37 pm
Hello all. First: I'm not dead (yet). xDD
Wow, today I had time to finish Theme of Multiflora for violin. Here you are, Yammay, and sorry:
I couldn't transcribe the guitar solo, I tried to imit it. I think it's not too bad.
Hope you like the arrangement!
@BBCream, I'm not going to accept more request for now. Sorry, but I don't have time to do it.
March 19th, 2012, 05:47 pm
Wooow it's fantastic :DD I'm gonna practise this tomorrow x33
Thank you very very much!
March 22nd, 2012, 12:39 am
Hi Victor,
I wanted to know if you have decided to transcribe that piano song that I gave you. The video of the song that I gave you has been blocked.
This is the same song but it is just a new link.
I know you mentioned that you were in exams but you can take the time you need. Thank you!
March 26th, 2012, 01:18 am
hi victor :D yay! can you please transcribe this song into violin for me? when you have time thank you(:
Anime :Last Exile
Song: Over the sky
March 26th, 2012, 04:47 pm
oh nevermind tree kun had transcribe the song for me.:)
Victor Seven
April 5th, 2012, 10:30 am
Wep, I haven't see this for a time...
@Conic, I don't know. I'm finishing some other request, and my time this course is very limited. I want to do it (I like the song), but it sounds complicated and I don't know if I can do thatf with my time. If I were you, I would ask ask another transcriber. Sorry >.<
@Fatima: Sorry for the delay, I haven't see your post ^^'.
April 5th, 2012, 11:54 pm
I would ask for The Sun Rises for guitar, but I wouldn't want to overload you with work! Perhaps in the future. ^^
April 6th, 2012, 06:18 pm
Hello, I would be very happy, if you will try to transcribe song Hurts "Water". Youtube link:
Please, do this whatever you want, I will wait... And the sheets is for piano, nothing other... My e-mail : Write me after you will read this and say what you think to do, and if you will do this work... Thank you for your attention. With respect, Caroline.
April 27th, 2012, 05:19 am
Victor, if you don't mind my asking, have you managed to start of finish the song(s) I requested? Thanks in advance.
Victor Seven
April 27th, 2012, 02:29 pm
Victor, if you don't mind my asking, have you managed to start of finish the song(s) I requested? Thanks in advance.
I decided not to do the Fairy Tail opening. After that I was taking a look about the other song, but it was too difficult for me... I think I wrote two messages to you explaning this, didn't you receive that? D:
April 29th, 2012, 07:23 am
Fairytale? O.O I didn't request that one. My request in on page 3 at near the bottom. ~ Lupin: Fire Treasure
The request was if you're unable to do the first one then the second one would suffice.
May 12th, 2012, 09:18 am
HI! can u transcribe thiss??
Anime: uta no prince
Song: Nanairo No compass
Really nice piece:D You can just do a simple one if you're too busy:)
Please and thankyouuU!! :D
May 17th, 2012, 04:19 am
Hey, Victor Seven,
When you have time, I was wondering if you could transcribe this for me :3 I've tried, but it's a bit too difficult for me.
Game: Xenosaga II
Song: Jr's Theme #3, Presentiment
Instrument: Piano
Thank you!
May 17th, 2012, 10:48 pm
Hi Victor Seven!
It's been a pretty long time since my last request~ still thanks for that :D
I have a new song I want to play, but it's pretty hard to transcribe, it's jazz after all.
Anime: Sakamichi no Apollon aka Kids on the Slope
Song: Moanin'
Instrument: Piano
there's another song from that anime that I want to request for piano + voice, but I guess I'll officially request that when you're done with all other requests. (and I can only request one at a time anyway)
if you're curious, here's a link:
May 22nd, 2012, 10:01 am
just wanna join the long lines of requests.. :lol:
Title: Guilty Crown : Improvisation on Krone
Anime: Guilty Crown.. (of course..)
Instrument: Piano
For the Video
this is the mp3:
also if possible can you make a exact transcription... :D
i already checked many versions of krone but it seems that i think this is the best version for me..
May 29th, 2012, 05:35 am
Hello Victor Seven!
If it is still okay to ask for a transcription, could you think about transcribing this one (for piano): (4th track, it's Jun Ichikawa's "Kotoba yorimo" from "Fuyu no Sakura" drama). Or if it's more convenient for you, I could send you an mp3 file (if you consider my request, that is :))
I'd be happy if you could do it, the melody seems pretty simple (yet beautiful) but I can't figure the notes by ear, so sad...
Anyway, thank you for reading!
Have a nice day
May 31st, 2012, 05:07 am
Hi...I really really hope for a piano transcription of this piano piece -with no signs of the sheet anywhere yet.
It sounded nice... Title: In The Sadness
May 31st, 2012, 07:34 am
Hello, Victor Seven! Could you arrange a song for me..? It plays in season 2 episode 13 of malcolm in the middle (episode name: 'new neighbours') It starts exactly at 15 minutes. I've been looking everywhere for it, but unfortunately they made up the song, so it can't be found. Also, I haven't found a video of it on the internets.. :/ Hope, you'll find it anyway. I would really appreciate it, I just can't get it out of my mind.
Victor Seven
May 31st, 2012, 07:40 am
Eeeeeeh, I'm a human, not a transcriber machine xDDDD
I can take a look, but I have the exams to access the University nexth month. Maybe I can do some of your requests, but you will have to wait.
And please, stop making request for now, unless if it's very urgent. If you want me to transcribe something, please wait. I will be free of exams day 22th of June. Sorry for the inconveniences, but... I have to get good marks in my exams! ^^"
June 20th, 2012, 09:39 pm
Hey Victor I knew you weren't dead haha! I also made a request on page 9. Good luck on your exams!
Victor Seven
June 28th, 2012, 08:11 am
Finished the exams. I can't accept more request, because I have toooo much work. First I will finish the request I have for now.
Be patient, I will do the request I accepted (I sent lots of pm's xD). I will check all the messages and videos, after that I'll start with the request.
Thank you!
July 21st, 2012, 09:30 pm
I know you said that you aren't accepting requests, but is it possible if you could transpose a song for me? I would love to learn it!
If you could pm me with an answer I can tell you what it is and everything. :)
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