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View Full Version : Why was I accused of spam?!

June 30th, 2011, 03:11 pm
I did not do anything wrong! I did not spam, I repeat, I did not spam! I didn't advertize, I gave a link to my personal blog cause I thought people might want to read it, I had no idea someone would take that as spam, but I swear that is WAS NOT SPAM!
Ichigos terms of use states that if you give a link to your forum or website, it must be relavant. My blog is about MUSIC and ANIME TRANSCRIPTIONS which is exactly relavant to this forum. Don't be mad at me for this post, I just don't wanna be acused of something I didn't intend to do.
Spam would be me saying "hey guys I've got an online store check it out sometime, or check out this clothing website" I said nothing about "buy this" and there is no way for me to make money off my blog and therefore it is not spam. I hope someone will take this into consideration.

June 30th, 2011, 04:57 pm
Only if it is VERY relevant. If you feel it may be relevant, contact an administrator or moderator otherwise your post may be deleted.

I hate to sound unfriendly, but you're missing the second part of the FAQ answer. Having a link in your signature to your blog would have been fine, but because you started a thread solely dedicated to your blog without seeking permission made the moderation/administration team take the action seen. Relax, you're not in trouble.

If you have further questions on the matter, you can contact myself, Neko Koneko, or any other member of the moderation/administration team and we can try to answer your questions.

Please feel free to continue participating in other forum activities!