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View Full Version : A new DDR Machine? WHA WHA WHAAAA!?!?!?

Lord Pent
November 15th, 2004, 03:47 am
I went to the arcade today and saw a new DDR machine.


The logo's say it's DDREXTREME, but with new features.
I only played through game mode, so I guess I didnt notice any differences between that machine and the other DDREXTREME next to it. The templates for the menus depict real people, instead of cartooney-computer people. That's the only real standout feature I saw.

This sucks though, because to put that machine there they had to take out the DDRMAX2 machine. Now I have less songs to choose from. :/


November 15th, 2004, 11:20 am
DDREXTREME is the 8th mix; it has tons of new songs and most of them are also put into DDREXTREME for PS2 (currently only avaliable in Japan). i guess it does suck that some of the old songs were taken out -.-