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View Full Version : Some of my Drawings

July 9th, 2011, 10:41 am
Weeeeeell, I can't say that I'm the best artist out there (I don't believe there is one), but I just want to share some of my drawings : D
Oh, and if anyone is curious, here's my deviantART account: http://http://sonja-storm.deviantart.com/ I really don't have much there, but....oh well....and to any of you who are too lazy to click the link and go there, I'll just show you here >:0

This one is a fem L, you know, from Death Note?...except turned into a woman, but yeah. Drawn as a gift for my friend.


Um....this one is a random character (or OC, original character) I made up on the spot. Also drawn as a gift for my friend, becuase she likes blue. A lot.


If I draw anything else, I'll be sure to put it up in this thread : )

Oh yeah....sorry for the massive image sizes : (

I wanna know you guys' opinions...if you ever see this.

July 9th, 2011, 12:30 pm
Heh heh... They look really awesome! I love the shadings you do on these characters. ^^ I especially like the last character. ^^

July 9th, 2011, 10:38 pm
I'll say that you have a nice sense of coloring, but as for the last character... her body seems a bit off. Maybe a lot off. I have a hard to believing that there's a full torso behind her wings. It's just that her shoulders are way too close to each other compare to the size of her head. Another way to go about it is to change her neck. You could try and set the neck more to the right. I hope that makes sense.

As for Fem L. Hmmm... I personally found it a little creepy. Hahaha. But then again not many drawings can make me feel that way.

July 10th, 2011, 08:59 am
Hehe, thanks XD And the last one...weeeell, I'm kinda proud of that too, though in the future I'm planning on redoing it :p

July 10th, 2011, 09:02 am
Well, when I drew her, I thought so too...thanks for the critique :p It's appreciated c: And she will haunt you for eveeeeeeeeeer >:D