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View Full Version : Suggestion, what piano should I play for Final fantasy 9 and 10?

August 23rd, 2011, 11:09 am

Yes, I absolutely love all FF but these two are attached to me emotionally.

So I am looking for your advice and opinion. What are some good songs from these two games to learn to play on piano?

I can do Zanarkand. Melodies of Life piano collections is......to difficult and too long.....I will learn it one day but not now.

So what do you guys say?

August 23rd, 2011, 03:25 pm
My favorites are:

- Vamo' alla flamenco
- Frontier Village Dali
- Rose of May/Loss of me
- You're Not Alone
- Sleepless City Treno
- Eternal Harvest
- Besaid Island

August 24th, 2011, 02:01 am
Thank you :)

Any more opinions people?

Frontier village is good but I guess it sounds like there is not a lot of piano involved...thaths why :(