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November 16th, 2011, 07:59 pm
Ok I know all the junk about copyright on youtube but this draws the line! I logged into youtube today and found my account has a second point for copyright infingement. Now normally It would be because I uploaded a video with copyrighted music on it BUT no, I didn't, I was flagged because someone else uploaded a video with the song Golden time lover. I never uploaded that video, I only featured it once, but that was a year ago. So what, are they saying now we'll get in trouble if we like or favorite or feature a copyrighted video? I'm sorry, copyright laws are good because they allow someone to make a profit but I believe those laws are now being severely abused on youtube, these copyright holders are ruthless and they'll never stop. The thing that's sad is nobody got in trouble for uploading copyrighted stuff 10 years ago did they, those times are gone now. Basically this is the way the law is treated now: "If an individual uses, plays, sings, uploades or anything inbetween with copyrighted music or shows no matter if the music is changed severely (pitch, speed), no matter how short, no matter how bad the quality and no matter how little the material is used, the copyright holder will make a lawsuit and there is nothing the individual may do about it." Sorry for ranting on this again but I think I governement caters to people with money and normal folk like us have no control even if it's unfair.

If you don't believe me watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_C77d7KBHk

November 16th, 2011, 10:51 pm
Wanna know the funny part about that video?

It's copyrighted (by way of copyleft).

Wanna know what's funny about the post above mine own?

It's also copyrighted.

The only thing that is at fault for copyright infringement is the owner of the copyright and their lack of counteraction towards their own intellectual property. There are plenty of mechanisms in law today that permit open distribution and forfeiture of copyright. It is the producer themselves, and their lack of education of copyright, that causes this issue. So, if you want to hate, hate not youtube or the copyright office, hate the person that claims the copyright as their own.

Neko Koneko
November 17th, 2011, 07:26 am
Google is just feeling the heavy, smelly breath of Hollywood's copyright Nazi's in their backs, so I guess they're really hammering down hard on people who might possibly do something bad.

November 18th, 2011, 01:22 pm
Ok, the point is this:

If we need permission to use copyrighted material only the creators not the company should be able to grant rights

Likewise, if a videos is taken off of youtube for copyright, the CREATORS or BAND or ARTIST must claim rights and not the freakin monopoly companies. I will bet my life that out of the 100,000 videos removed be sony music, not one single video has been claimed rights by the artist themselves, in fact, YUI or any artist out there may never even have known about it. If I had made the law, I'd say that if a company producing the records feels that copyright has been violated, they must get permission from the original artist and creators before making a lawsuit. Like I said, I'm all for copyright, but it should only apply to people making money in a company and not consumers who are simply sharing or using something harmlessly on Youtube.

November 18th, 2011, 01:48 pm
There are no shoulds.

If you have money and power, you do what you please. The rest obeys.

November 18th, 2011, 01:53 pm
So here's my point:

When a creator decides upon a license, they agree to a contract with a megacorp. The megacorp claims a portion of their work as their own and the two agree to share the rights of the work. From that point forward, it is no longer just the author's work. It's the author's and the megacorp's work. Again, this would never happen if the Author properly understood copyrights and objected to such contracts. It's the IP's owner that's at fault for this situation.

Regardless, I feel as though the United States is going to have the same problem as China's Internet in the coming years with the PROTECT IP (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s112-968) and SOPA (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h112-3261) laws quickly going through congress. So be prepared for youtube to not only remove the infringing videos, but to completely fall off the Internet map in the US.

November 18th, 2011, 04:15 pm
Regardless, I feel as though the United States is going to have the same problem as China's Internet in the coming years with the PROTECT IP (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s112-968) and SOPA (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h112-3261) laws quickly going through congress. So be prepared for youtube to not only remove the infringing videos, but to completely fall off the Internet map in the US.

I expect corporations to overthrow the government in the best-case scenario. But that's just my fantasy.

November 18th, 2011, 09:57 pm
Too bad we don't live in a manga where a bunch of us could go take down the companies who are actually super villains. Bankai anyone? :P

November 21st, 2011, 09:49 am
Too bad we don't live in a manga where a bunch of us could go take down the companies who are actually super villains. Bankai anyone? :P

Oh how much we would all love that to happen...

Neko Koneko
November 21st, 2011, 07:50 pm
Ok, the point is this:

If we need permission to use copyrighted material only the creators not the company should be able to grant rights

Likewise, if a videos is taken off of youtube for copyright, the CREATORS or BAND or ARTIST must claim rights and not the freakin monopoly companies. I will bet my life that out of the 100,000 videos removed be sony music, not one single video has been claimed rights by the artist themselves, in fact, YUI or any artist out there may never even have known about it. If I had made the law, I'd say that if a company producing the records feels that copyright has been violated, they must get permission from the original artist and creators before making a lawsuit. Like I said, I'm all for copyright, but it should only apply to people making money in a company and not consumers who are simply sharing or using something harmlessly on Youtube.

The creators of the stuff pretty much sell their rights to the companies. The companies buy the rights and you can't blame them for trying to protect something they paid a lot of money for. If you want to blame anyone here, blame the artist for selling out to a big company.

November 21st, 2011, 08:04 pm
The creators of the stuff pretty much sell their rights to the companies. The companies buy the rights and you can't blame them for trying to protect something they paid a lot of money for. If you want to blame anyone here, blame the artist for selling out to a big company.
If we can't blame the companies for wanting to protect something they paid a lot of money for, then how can we possibly blame the artists who just wanted to make said lot of money? ;)
Really, if you want to get mad at anything, it should be copyright laws in general. Even then, I'd rather have copyright laws be unreasonable in the favor of the artists making this stuff than the random tweens on youtube who want to make AMVs, so I can't even be mad at that. It's just how the world works!

If you want cool music in your videos, write your own music, I guess? XD
Or just keep on reuploading...it's not like anyone's being sued or sent to jail over youtube videos.

November 21st, 2011, 08:45 pm
That doesn't work, three strikes on your account and it's deleted permanently.
I saw this thing though that youtube is partnering or something so now you can put ads on your videos in exchange
for using copyrighted material. Everybody's happy, you get to use any music you want and the copyright holders get money for you using it from the ads. It's awesome and an amazing answer to our and the companies copyright problems. ^_^

November 21st, 2011, 08:52 pm
Heh, yeah. That's surprisingly good for everybody. =D

December 2nd, 2011, 12:17 am
Youtube has information about copyright in their copyright page in their website:


December 2nd, 2011, 11:22 am
thanks mate:D

November 7th, 2013, 09:54 pm
I agree, it's completely out of hand. Basically they are saying,"if you use our material without paying,we will destroy whatever you used it in". it really gets on my nerves.

November 7th, 2013, 09:55 pm
Of course they made a video explaining it, if they didn't they would receive so much flack they would have to close the site down. They just want to save their sorry buts.