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View Full Version : Kissxsis - Futari no Honey Boy

November 20th, 2011, 07:31 pm
I have searched high and low for the piano sheet music of Kissxsis' theme - Futari no Honey Boy. If anyone is capable of finding these sheets then you have eyes more perceptive than that of a shinigami (I felt that my post needed some cliched anime humour). To help anyone willing to search for these I will include this information:

Song: Futari no Honey Boy / Futari no honii boii
Instrument: Piano
Anime/Game: Kissxsis
Artist: Taketatsu Ayana & Tatsumi Yuiko
Album: Balanced Kiss

Much Thanks,
Dengaku (I spelt my user name wrong :sweat:)

November 22nd, 2011, 07:27 pm
Hi, I transcribed all the melody a long time ago, but back then, I couldn't put a good bass, so I dropped it. If you want, you can help me to achieve it^^

November 27th, 2011, 10:55 am
My transcribing skills aren't all that good, but if you have the melody, im sure i could make a reasonably comparable bass to accompany it