January 30th, 2012, 10:15 pm
Hey, i have the sheet music for Utakata Hanabi (its a Supercell song) and well, i want to learn it since its next on my list and i found the sheet music, however everything is on one staff. its pretty annoying since im still bad at reading and trying to read it like the destroys my brain and frazzles me lol. if you look at this link . to me that seems impossible as if i was to play the melody and the chords (which im ment to for it sound proper) the notes overlap and it just becomes impossible haha. so i listened to the piece and the melody is sung an octave higher from what i can tell. would someone please help me out here and re-arrange the sheets in the way i described, making a seperate staff for the chords too, please. If thats not asking to much :(.