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February 3rd, 2012, 05:03 pm
I found this on youtube and I have to say it's the best if not only good sounding well composed song written in locrian I've ever heard.


What's your opinion on this? :lol: I think it's great and well written nice classical feel. :D

February 3rd, 2012, 06:24 pm
It's a nice piece - but if you want some more locrian, check out Stravinsky's Petrushka.


February 4th, 2012, 04:32 pm
I took a listen to his whole set and other of his works. All of them are really pleasant.

Thanks for share.

February 5th, 2012, 08:00 pm
Wow, that's is freakin awesome! The only thing in locrian I've ever heard that sounds fun and up beat.
That definitely gives me some motivation for working with locrian. :sweat:

Seems the main chord is Bm7(13)b5 - Am7 - Bm7(13)b5 or simply Bdim - Am - Bdim

Tonic - B D F G A
?? - A C E G

I'm trying to figure out why it sounds so consonant though even though it's a diminished it chord it works very very well.
hmm... Do you know why? Also, could you tell me what the degrees are called in other modes like locrian because Locrian and Phrygian don't technically have a dominant chords so what do you them it? Phrygian has a Leading Chord, Which in E phry. is F or better F/A
which would be II6 or you can do vii6. But locrian?? What do you call the am chord in this mode? The Sub-tonic chord?