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View Full Version : IRC Meeting Dates

February 8th, 2012, 04:12 am
Alright GC peeps, it's time to organize some IRC meet-up chat dates. It's been quite a while since IRC has been active, and those group chats were some of the best times I've had on this forum. I realize that there's a few Aussies here, which'll make picking a time hard, but I think we can do it, maybe over a range of hours and such. So, let's get some input from people!

Which days of the week work best for you, and at what time? Let's keep everything in terms of UTC/GMT to keep things simple.

With any luck, after a few organized meetings, irc will become active all by itself again!

I'll start off:
My Tuesdays and Thursdays are completely open from 4:00 PM to 9:00 AM UTC/GMT (1100-0400 EST), and then basically anytime during weekends.

Lurker Call Outs:
I know the following fuckers still lurk on a somewhat regular basis. I EXPECT A POST IN THIS THREAD FROM ALL OF THE FOLLOWING.

Short list :(

February 8th, 2012, 04:15 am
I am available any time on sunday, or basically after 8pm EST any other day.
Yeah, EST isn't GMT. You wanna fight about it?

Let's relay chat instantly!

Edit: All you people better come chat with us. Especially you depressing old members who just come in here to lurk now, but haven't posted in like two years. >= \

February 8th, 2012, 04:40 am
I can't quite say when I'm going to be free (well, I can't promise anything, I should say) but I'll be sure to pop on whenever I'm chillin' on my PC. (Note, my timezone: CST)

February 8th, 2012, 04:45 am
I may as well just leave myself logged into chat all the time. I'm busy this week, but I'd say from 8pm EST (I'll just use United States timezones to make it easier for everyone) Friday and onwards I'll be on.

February 8th, 2012, 05:21 am
I can't quite say when I'm going to be free (well, I can't promise anything, I should say) but I'll be sure to pop on whenever I'm chillin' on my PC. (Note, my timezone: CST)

Yo, we should play LoL.

In other news, I log onto IRC infrequently. No-one is on or chatting when I do :(

February 8th, 2012, 03:35 pm
I'm hurt, nobody mentioned me.

I'm in London so my times are a bit weird... but hell we all live online and suck at sleeping so I'll whisper inappropriate things into your computer screens soon :3

February 8th, 2012, 03:39 pm
I thought about adding you to the lurker list, Luis, but I looked at your profile and you actually had a few recent posts. Same goes for X and Gekkei

February 8th, 2012, 03:53 pm
It's ok we still love you. You should know better than to take my emoness seriously.

February 8th, 2012, 03:53 pm
Surprised Neko hasn't descended upon this thread with talons bared.

Neko Koneko
February 8th, 2012, 04:08 pm
This thread actually seems to have a purpose. Sure, I think IRC is useless and I don't really give a damn about it, but I suppose one thread that actually has some focus won't hurt anybody.

February 9th, 2012, 07:08 am
I'd like to give this thread more time, so people other than Taemond and HC can give some useful information (I'm looking at you: Mazzepa, Phard, Luis, Para, and Angelic). Perhaps if I set a date and time we can get some more useful reactions?

Tentatively, the group chat will take place on Friday, February 17 at 8 PM EST. I realize that Friday nights are usually reserved for more exciting things, but look at it this way: for the Americans, it takes place just before the nightly activities, and for those across the pond, it'll take place around the time most people crawl home, so it might make for a fun discussion!

Edit: Ooh, I just missed Luis by like two seconds on IRC. MY PLAN IS WORKING.

February 9th, 2012, 07:40 am
I'll probably show at one or more of the agreed times. My schedule is kind of screwed up and incredibly irregular. (Nothing new really)
I hope to run into...well hopefully all of you.

February 9th, 2012, 07:41 am
*le lurk*

Ah... IRC, the good ol' days.

Neko Koneko
February 9th, 2012, 07:47 am
It's unlikely I'll be around =p I have a friend coming over on friday so yeah, I'll be watching crappy movies and wotsnot

February 9th, 2012, 09:02 am
Thing is, I'm from an awesome country called Australia that is in a very awkward time zone positioning (especially when you have a full time job).

Also, for that group chat, it will be 12 noon in Melbourne (unless I messed up). I'm on the comp at around 8-11pm so 8 hours after that time. At which time it will be early morning hours for you or something. I don't know. Tae, you figure it out and tell me local time, this time zone stuffs hurts my head.

I used this. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

February 9th, 2012, 11:17 am
*logs in to IRC*

Happy now? :P

February 9th, 2012, 11:53 am
*Is not going to be there*

February 9th, 2012, 03:25 pm
Don't be such a party pooper M. Give us your schedule! This isn't going to work unless I have a better idea of what kind of schedule people have these days (or perhaps it just won't work).

February 9th, 2012, 05:31 pm
*Is not going to be there*

February 10th, 2012, 05:14 am
For those not there, I'm going to pee on everything you love.

February 10th, 2012, 05:30 am
I'm on now Whip and you are ignoring me.

Neko Koneko
February 10th, 2012, 01:31 pm
For those not there, I'm going to pee on everything you love.

I suddenly love everything that you own :mellow:

February 10th, 2012, 04:23 pm
Well its everything you loved at the time of me saying it... duh.

February 11th, 2012, 01:48 am
Lurkers and people disappearing, I'ma be around for another 20-30min before heading to bed. Hoping to catch someone although I'm guessing I'm a bit early. I'll be up at 8-9 my time.... 5-6 hours after this post. I probably won't stick around for long but again just trying to catch someone.

February 11th, 2012, 04:07 am
Saw you in sleep mode.

zzz -.-

February 11th, 2012, 11:30 am
[23:59] *** mode/#ichigos [+v Luis] by Ichibot
[01:55] *** Rubi [18113132@numenor.solsar.com] has joined #ichigos
[01:55] <Rubi> hello??
[01:56] *** Rubi [18113132@numenor.solsar.com] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
[02:00] <Luis> I missed you cause I was on starcraft

[04:12] *** Luis is now known as Luis|Sleep
[04:12] <M> Good night .... saurus
[04:16] *** Milchh [8f2c4afc@numenor.solsar.com] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
[04:32] *** X [629db374@numenor.solsar.com] has joined #ichigos
[04:32] *** mode/#ichigos [+v X] by Ichibot
[04:32] <X> aznanimedude XD

20min after I leave... when I'd been there for 4 hours on and off. You guys rule :P Still I was in the best of company...so suck it :P

February 12th, 2012, 05:28 pm
There's someone spamming IRC D: and I'm powerless to do anything except /ignore.

February 15th, 2012, 12:10 pm
Heh, first time I've been on IRC and M's not on. Weiiird.

February 17th, 2012, 05:40 pm
Remember guys!


February 17th, 2012, 08:10 pm
For Europeans or those lazy, that's UTC-5 IIRC, so around 1am.
I'll be around a little earlier and probably wont stay long after 1am if I can help it but yeah.
I've taken to randomly being on IRC lately so if you see me on and I don't respond...apologies :P

February 17th, 2012, 10:53 pm
Well here I was thinking about shutting down IRC because nobody uses it. Glad to be proven wrong!

February 19th, 2012, 09:47 pm
I've been summoned!
I guess now I could keep my IRC running so I can lurk in there indefinitely (or at least until my laptop gets shut off)

February 20th, 2012, 02:13 am
Me and Luis reunited and played Go yesterday because of IRC. It was sweet!
Everyone should get on more. When you check the forum, just check IRC, too! If everyone does that, we'll bump into each other constantly. =D

February 20th, 2012, 05:34 am
And Whip made me spend $60 on sc2.


February 21st, 2012, 08:36 pm
Don't be such a meany-face Gekk. UNLOCK THE IRC TOPIC/HEADER.

February 21st, 2012, 10:09 pm
I've noticed your shenanigans with the topic. BAA RAM YOU!

February 22nd, 2012, 07:36 am
Don't be such a meany-face Gekk. UNLOCK THE IRC TOPIC/HEADER.

Lol, no. :p

/Zero tolerance hat.

February 24th, 2012, 01:42 am
do i have to?
whatev's i'm in IRC alot

February 25th, 2012, 06:35 am
Drunken X on IRC

February 26th, 2012, 11:39 pm
drunken fun with drunk best buddy in online drunken fun of drunkedness?