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View Full Version : The Flat Seven instead of a regular Major 7 in contemporary music?

February 27th, 2012, 04:27 am
Is it some kind of epidemic in Contemporary music in the West? People lately have been writing in the 'mixolydian mode' in alot of songs now. I've got nothing against this at all, I love the sound of the Fifth being a minor chord and all the nice qualities Mixo has. I'm just curious to know if anyone has noticed this other than me. Personally, I feel that having a scale with a flat seven instead of a major seven just sounds very contemporary and newer than just plain Major. I remember reading something on Wikipedia on music in the 21st century being written
in keys with flat sevens rather than plain major sevens. And what is it with B mixolydian, it seems to be the most popular version of it.

Some good examples:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7CmCtV2dUE B Mixo

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74CNUExD4I8 Again, B mixolydian

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxMnr0pM78U This one's in Ab Mixo.