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View Full Version : Piano songs like: Final Fantasy, ...

April 10th, 2012, 05:44 am
Hey there,

again I am searching for some new piano pieces.

As always i love the following ones:

Final Fantasy (To Zanarkand, Ending Theme X, Aeriths Theme, Eyes on Me, Melodies of life etc. etc.)
Kingdom Hearts
Disney sheets (King of Leons, etc.)

Do you have some for me?

April 10th, 2012, 06:43 am
i got the piano collection midis of

to zanarkand
ending theme X

if you want them just give me your email :D

April 10th, 2012, 07:38 am

sorry, I do not want the sheets or something else, but a recommendation for new piano songs, because I don't know any other good one.