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View Full Version : Ichigo's UTAU Zone

Victor Seven
April 13th, 2012, 02:15 pm
First of all, I post this here because UTAU is used to compose songs. If this is the wrong section, move it :heh:

Well, this week I downloaded UTAU and I was proving it. UTAU is a free legal voice synth, the same as Vocaloid.
I was looking for tutorials to use the program, voicebanks, etc, but it isn't a very know software. Configurate voicebanks to work with MIDI is difficult with Internet information.

That's because I started this thread: to share voicebanks and VST, and to help people to use the program. If we colaborate together, we will be able to make better music using that software. Maybe voicebanks are not as good as Vocaloid banks, but I think they the quality is enough to make good songs.

This will be the main post for the "Ichigo's UTAU Zone", and I would manage this, if nobody is interested. However, I don't know how to use the program very well xD

If you have UTAU software and you need help, or you can give help, join. Or if you need a voicebank maybe somebody here has it.
If you don't have UTAU, don't worry. If people is interested in this little project, I will edit all the content in this post, and post download links, and how to install. However, there're many tutorials in Internet, if you're so impacient xD

Comments and new ideas will be well received =)

EDIT: I've forgotten to say that we also can publish our UTAU songs here, and colaborate to compose. For example, I know how to compose but I don't speak Japanese. So he or she can help me with the lyrics.