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View Full Version : Guilty Crown Soundtrack Request

September 23rd, 2012, 05:33 pm
Hey, recently the second volume of soundtracks were released for guilty crown, and after listening to them all one single piano song got my attention, its the song ive been searching for since episode 1, it starts to play after Hare called Shu 'Dense', please listen to this video from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjbDwWjRSOc&feature=player_detailpage#t=129s , i set the start to 2:11 since the first half of the song is a guitar/synth mix, whereas the second half is in my personal opinion one of the best songs in the whole anime, its one of my favourite songs i would be eternally greatful to anyone who transcribes the song for me, ive been searching for it since the first episode aired and finally found it :D
Thank you for just listening to the song,
Edit: i forgot to mention the second half is already just a piano solo

Song Name: Guitar→Pianoforte
Composer: Hiroyuki Sawano
Anime: Guilty Crown
Requested Instrument: Piano Solo

January 6th, 2013, 12:53 am
I can write for you any sheet music
Request to crescalona@yahoo.com