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December 6th, 2004, 09:45 am
Okay, I've been lurking around here for quite some time now listening to your compositions (dang. you guys are good. :ph34r: ) and I've finally worked up the courage to throw in some of mine. (easy on me, please. I'm not exactly all that confident with my output. XD )

First, a little background on meself. I play the piano, been playing for several years now and still going. I started composing when I was about 11 or 12, and over the years I've worked real hard for improvement.

Though right now I have no big problems when it comes to composing itself, but after I start on one piece, I never seem to be able to keep my motivation. Thus, I rarely ever get to finish anything, even though I have hundreds of drafts going on. @_@

Any advice here? :P

Anyway, here's a little piano solo I wrote a few months ago, inspired by a Flash movie made by an OL friend. The idea is probably already overused and worn out, but I sure enjoyed writing it. :P

December 6th, 2004, 09:49 am
Now, here is a waltz that got stuck in miserable incompletion, supposedly the third movement of some piano(?) concerto gone wrong. (a waltz for a third movement, yes. I originally wanted a scherzo, but what the hey) Surprisingly though, it turned out quite well. So far. (I think. :ph34r: )

December 6th, 2004, 11:36 am
From now on, I don't want you to doubt your talent, because you're good! Your piano solo, despite the "overused idea" as you put it, is still original to you and your style. Nicely done, you've got the right feeling for how to compose.

The fact that you were confused about the waltz/scherzo/3rd movement of a piano concerto really shows =P Other than that, it did turn out well. Like, the music itself is fine, it's just that you didn't know what to do with it, hehe.

December 6th, 2004, 11:02 pm
i really enjoyed the first one. i wish i can compose something like that. the second one is definately something people can dance to. i mean.. thats what waltz is right.. keep up the good work.

December 7th, 2004, 11:15 am
Wow. I'm glad you liked 'em, because personally I had some doubts. heh. XD

Thanks. :D

Anyway, if you would just allow me some time to dig up through my old files, so I can look for something decent I&#39;m ready to share. Like I said, most of them are unfinished. >.<

December 7th, 2004, 01:51 pm
ahhhhh&#33; To think that I&#39;m not alone with this problem&#33;&#33;&#33; YAY&#33; *chrm chrm*
anyways -_- very nice compositions :) like the first one a little bit better, though the orchestration of the second one is very well done :lol: Keep up the good work&#33;

December 11th, 2004, 04:28 am
This here came to me one day and I wrote it instantly. It&#39;s actually my first orchestral piece EVER, and sure, it may have a lot of flaws: the orchestration&#39;s all messed-up and there aren&#39;t any dynamics (better turn the volume down), but I like the overall theme. :D

I&#39;m working on fixing it up, but it may take a while.

December 11th, 2004, 04:34 am
Heehee, this reminds me of those extracts in movies where everything is speeded up and everyone walks hyper-fast and they have this kind of music to go in it XD I like it, though it is a bit orchestra-on-fast-forwardish (too much caffiene :P) I think it&#39;d sound an insy bit better if you slowed the tempo down ;)

December 11th, 2004, 04:39 am
About that piano(?) concerto gone wrong I mentioned earlier...

Here it is. :ph34r:

Original intention was a long one-movement piece with several distinct sections (a rhapsody?), but this whole concerto idea came out instead. Then again, I think it would be proper to put them all back together, since the movements rely heavily on each other... something similar to Franz Liszt&#39;s piano concerto in E-flat.

WARNING: this piece is as free as it gets. As a result, it may sound really... strange at times. There is no distinct form, the music wanders off from key to key, it doesn&#39;t follow any strict rules whatsoever, and you may not like it at all. But I do. (some good lines manage to pop out every now and then) :lol:

1st movement... (or section, whatever)

December 11th, 2004, 04:42 am
Originally posted by madmazda86@Dec 11 2004, 05:34 AM
Heehee, this reminds me of those extracts in movies where everything is speeded up and everyone walks hyper-fast and they have this kind of music to go in it XD I like it, though it is a bit orchestra-on-fast-forwardish (too much caffiene :P) I think it&#39;d sound an insy bit better if you slowed the tempo down ;)
Oh. Thanks for listening. XD


The 2nd movement... some parts of it smell of parody. XD

December 11th, 2004, 06:53 am
Originally posted by Stefan@Dec 11 2004, 03:42 PM
Oh. Thanks for listening. XD
Hey, don&#39;t get disheartened - the orchestration and the actual music is brilliant, just I think I&#39;d be a bit less @_@ if it wasn&#39;t so hyperactive XD You&#39;ve got some really nice passages in there and it&#39;d be nice to slow them down a wee bit so the listener can get the full pleasure out of them&#33; :D

December 11th, 2004, 07:00 am
Originally posted by madmazda86@Dec 11 2004, 07:53 AM
Hey, don&#39;t get disheartened - the orchestration and the actual music is brilliant, just I think I&#39;d be a bit less @_@ if it wasn&#39;t so hyperactive XD You&#39;ve got some really nice passages in there and it&#39;d be nice to slow them down a wee bit so the listener can get the full pleasure out of them&#33; :D
Gah. You misunderstand. I wasn&#39;t disheartened at all. :lol:

A tad too fast, eh? Don&#39;t worry, I&#39;m fixing it up... along with the terrible orchestration. XD

Thanks for pointing that out. And don&#39;t be afraid to shove comments down my throat, I&#39;m pretty much immune to criticism. :lol:

December 11th, 2004, 07:01 am
Ah, but you said you weren&#39;t confident with your output, and I&#39;m crazy enough anyway to make people run away ;) I tend to be a bit too blunt sometimes :P

December 11th, 2004, 07:03 am
Originally posted by madmazda86@Dec 11 2004, 08:01 AM
Ah, but you said you weren&#39;t confident with your output, and I&#39;m crazy enough anyway to make people run away ;) I tend to be a bit too blunt sometimes :P
I only said that to make sure. I take it back now. :P (no, wait... I&#39;m not sure. :ph34r: )

BTW, anyone know how I can make mp3s? MIDI suxxorz.

December 11th, 2004, 07:13 am
Heh, it&#39;s pretty horrible, isn&#39;t it XD Get hold of a MIDI to WAV converter and then get hold of Acoustica MP3 Audio Mixer to convert WAV to MP3 - that&#39;s what I&#39;m attempting to do. You&#39;re better off getting professional software, though - Finale 2004 or Sibelius will do the trick&#33;

December 11th, 2004, 12:19 pm
Pure fun, I very much enjoyed it, very impressive, no real critiques . . and keep up the hyperness&#33; ^^

1st movement:
The only thing I hated were the drums. Some places it was okay, but in others, it just sounded too military for me. And while everything flowed, I would have liked a better idea of the direction of your piece (like you warned). Just my preference. Oh well, other than that, everything was great. Nice dramatic style. You really have an understanding of orchestration and balance&#33;

2nd movement:
Wow, peaceful and gentle, but at the same time, very powerful. Ah, I smelled the parody too =P same as in the 1st movement . . stay away from that 5th&#33; haha . .

December 12th, 2004, 12:15 pm
Heh. Thanks for listening, and thanks for the comments. You just inspired me to finish the whole thing. :D

About the drums and the military-ish-ness, it was a joke. :lol: But seriously, jokes are an important part of my composing style. Same goes with parody. (I am so weird)

And about the lack of direction... sorry, I despise form. (or anything obvious, at least) That&#39;s why I really wouldn&#39;t call this one here a concerto. But it does have a solid theme, right? :P

Again, thanks. ^^

December 17th, 2004, 12:45 pm
Er... something for the christmas competition. :)

Another piece for full orchestra, inspired by christmassy thoughts, with obscure Tchaikovsky influence.

I call it &#39;Carolers on a December Night&#39;

Bleah. My title-making skills suck, I know. >.<

December 17th, 2004, 01:50 pm
Carolers On december night: The beg. sounded like zelda. The bell things, I forget what they called. But the rest was good.

December 17th, 2004, 10:59 pm
I don&#39;t understand, why is there silence between the parts? o.0

Hmm, the beginning/main connecting theme reminds me more of a gigue/jig instead of caroling with a bit of asian/indian exoticism mixed in as well =P . . and when you said full orchestra, I thought all the instruments would be playing together, hehe *shrugs*

December 17th, 2004, 11:56 pm
Silence? @_@

Er... which parts?

EDIT: I think I get it. You can&#39;t hear the tambourines, can you?

Bleh. It&#39;s ruined. >_<

January 9th, 2005, 12:17 am
My arrangements of BGMs from Ragnarok Online.

Title (http://www.geocities.com/jmp24k/RO_IntroTheme.mid)
Theme of Payon (http://www.geocities.com/jmp24k/Payon_theme.mid)
Streamside (http://www.geocities.com/jmp24k/streamside.mid)

Attached: plans for another piano+orchestra piece (concerto?) that I don&#39;t know if I should continue or what. :doh:

January 9th, 2005, 12:19 pm
Definitely continue that concerto, it&#39;s great so far&#33; Very exciting and dramatic. Um, I think your piano part needs to develop a bit more. I know you&#39;ve only just started, but it seems to me like you haven&#39;t written much for the left hand yet?

January 9th, 2005, 03:37 pm
yes indeed, you set a good beginning on that one.

January 9th, 2005, 03:40 pm
Nice, pretty good songs&#33; left hands a bit simple but thats ok.

January 13th, 2005, 10:43 am
Yeah, haven&#39;t written much for lefty yet :sweatdrop: but thanks to you guys, I think I will try to finish it. (again, I&#39;m having trouble with finishing stuff. :cry: )

Anyway, attached is an attempt at something ragtime-ish, in MP3 format because I&#39;m using it as background music for a Flash movie I&#39;m making. :D

EDIT: fixed attachment

January 17th, 2005, 11:26 am
I love ragtime&#33;&#33; Nicely done in capturing the style and essence =) Hmm . . I know the left hand is meant to be limited in accompaniment, but I was wondering if perhaps there could be more variety, like near the end section, around the 1:45 mark, that part was good and different from the rest.

Anyways, you have to take advantage of ragtime&#39;s ability to build up excitement for a nice conclusion . . as I always say, let us know it&#39;s coming&#33; ^^

January 25th, 2005, 10:08 am
I would like to thank you, Al, for being everyone&#39;s main audience. :lol: :D

New composition - another untitled piano solo, *probably* similar to the first one.

January 25th, 2005, 07:21 pm
its a really good song.
all i say is wrong with it in my ears is the chords. i hear some chords do not sound right. But im not that good at avise so take it at your own risk :sweatdrop:

February 5th, 2005, 03:25 pm
omg . . st_untitled is so good&#33; T_T Everybody should listen to it *bumps up thread v.v* Really, this is the kind of style I&#39;m researching into, the kind of stuff I&#39;d like to do in the future. Good job ^^

June 13th, 2005, 02:49 pm
Time to resurrect my thread. :D

Lately I&#39;ve been having fun with the classical style, so I just came up with this sonatina of some sort. So far I only have the first movement completed. Will post 2nd and 3rd ASAP.

June 13th, 2005, 04:34 pm
Remember your "piano concerto gone wrong" you posted in december? 2 movements?

I LOVED them both&#33;

You can of course work on them, but don&#39;t you dare delete the current versions. The closest thing I&#39;ve heard to this lunacy is what Rick Wakeman did to Liszt for Ken Russel&#39;s Lisztomania&#33;

Great work (though at times I was afraid my speakers would explode)&#33;



I also quite liked the very first one. Nice melody, pretty movements. :neko:


Your latest piece wasn&#39;t all that much to my taste. Some great ideas, but on the whole too flittery... :heh: But that&#39;s most definitely my taste.

June 14th, 2005, 01:21 am
Yay, classical&#33;&#33; ^^ But with your own twist, so it&#39;s new and fresh, wow&#33; *applauds* By the way, it seems too long to be a sonatina in my opinion, you might as well name it a sonata =P The first movement sounds very clear and balanced . . bouncy and fun too =) . . really nice modulations&#33; Well thought-out.

June 16th, 2005, 08:38 am

Like the persistent little chords in the LH. Also can&#39;t help but notice the brilliant use of accidentals along the chord progression&#33; Great form and structure over all, and the staccato parts come out just right. Very Mozart-esque to me, but perhaps I&#39;m a bit wrong. Your classical influence is quite apparent, and it&#39;s nice to see more classical stuff around this board. :) Your theme is great and light-hearted, just as a sonatina should be. The fun runs in the RH are a joy to listen to. I absolutely adore the call-and-answer part that exchanges between the two hands near the last 3rd-or-so of the song&#33; The cadenza at the end is wonderfully articulated, and the rapid runs calm down just perfectly to ease the tension on the ears and prepare the listener for a nice, complete close. Wonderful song, indeed&#33; :)

June 16th, 2005, 02:51 pm
I love love LOVE your orchestral piece. Don&#39;t slow the tempo down - I think it&#39;s wonderful and incredibly catchy just as it is :) Very very hyper, but in a good way *nodnod*.


June 16th, 2005, 06:08 pm
Originally posted by Gnomish@Jun 16 2005, 08:38 AM

Very Mozart-esque to me, but perhaps I&#39;m a bit wrong.
I almost said the same. :)

August 10th, 2005, 03:12 pm
Closed due request.