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View Full Version : Elezeid's Original Compositions

October 19th, 2012, 10:12 am
Hey guys. It's been a pretty long time. Some of you may recognize my name or my older work from some of my older posts. There were very few.

Anyway, I've been super busy! Thought I'd share a few of my compositions.

First and foremost, I wrote about 85% of the soundtrack to a finished game titled, "Ryan Thunder." This is a basic low-budget (no budget specifically) platformer created with the program called, "MegaZeux." I wrote this music as a gesture for a friend, and now he's signed to an indie game developer (I can't say who for legal reasons). We should be seeing Ryan Thunder on Xbox Live Arcade and Playstation Network in fall 2013.

Anyway enough of what probably seems like gloating and advertising haha. Here's an example of some music I've written for this game. (keep in mind I wrote this music two years ago. hopefully I've improved!)

Go ahead and skip to 5:28 to hear my track. It's the final battle of the entire game. Yes, the graphics are crude, but they're seeing a huge overhaul in production right now.


This is my newest piece. It's a BGM for a morose RPG currently in production.

Surface Tensions (http://soundcloud.com/allenelezeid/surface-tensions)

If you're interested in hearing some of my other work, you can go to http://soundcloud.com/allenelezeid to listen.

For now this is all I'll post. I'm actually rather proud of my most recent composition. I like compliments, and I like constructive criticism. Just try to be nice! :)

Thanks for listening!

P.S. - I see a lot of new and old names here. It's great to see so many talented composers (still) use this forum as a medium to share their work. I love this community haha.

EDIT - If anyone knows how to embed a soundcloud song into a post, please let me know. It would much more convenient than asking people to click a link.

Alfonso de Sabio
November 10th, 2012, 08:59 pm
I like it. It sounds very Super Mario RPGish in all the best ways. I'm thinking of the 2nd Smithy track, in particular. Cool rhythms.