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December 9th, 2004, 07:31 pm
Nah...its not that bad, its just not that good either....w/e! listen at your own risk :P

The Library Song! (http://www.fallen-angel-studios.com/images/library.MID)

Any tips to improving it would be greatly appreciated, and I hope it doesn't hurt your ears too much :heh:

Bleah, the worst part of it is its over-simplicity....I couldn't think of anything to do to it though....= .=;;

December 10th, 2004, 12:24 pm
Ah, this really suits a library theme . . not in terms of the silence, but kind of like somebody's searching for a book . . a journey of knowledge discovery, etc.

Starting off simple is actually good. You've got the melody and harmony as a solid foundation. All you have to do now is build up on it! ^^ For example, try to vary the accompaniment. At the moment, it's just a bunch of full solid chords. Break them down a bit. Like, find a way to make the left hand a bit more active, not necessarily as active as the right hand, but you get the idea.

December 10th, 2004, 04:53 pm
Thank you for the advice! ^_^ Next time I'll try to mix up the accompaniment a bit...I sorta tried to on a song I started writing right after this one, but then I got my melody all muddled up, and totally forgot where the song was going - by the time I was finished, my song was totally different sounding than what I originally wanted (and it sounded much worse.) Oh well, I'm sure staying on track will come with practice right? :lol: *runs off to try some more*

December 24th, 2004, 02:15 am
Hey Hopeless, what program do you use to compose?

December 26th, 2004, 02:33 am
hey. for a first, it&#39;s awesome. My first composition sounded like <ahem> (otherwise known as doo-doo). Um... some things about it. It definitely sounded something like out of Ghibli films... I dunno if anyone else noticed, but the main strain sounded like Ashitaka&#39;s theme mixed with a bit of the music from spirited away. I like it. Also, around 0:38, the rhythm sounds off. I liked it... Gave me a Poke&#39;mon-ish feel (me and my invented words XD ). 7/10 Vewwy nice

December 27th, 2004, 12:56 pm
For a first composition it&#39;s really great :) maybe try to make it sound more legato, try to do something about those strange breaks ^_^

December 28th, 2004, 12:46 am
It is really (sp?) good for a first compostion. My first piece, turned out to be A-tonal and realisticly had no rhyme or reason (basically a bunch of notes on a page). Good melody, nice a soft, pleasing to the ears. Let&#39;s see.... As posted before your harmony is a little basic, and a counter-melody would make it more, how-do-you-say, intellectual.

Nice job, keep up the work&#33;

December 30th, 2004, 05:27 pm
that peice is sexy woo hoo&#33;

^_^ Now I know what to listen to when reding something :D lol