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December 14th, 2004, 01:10 pm
WOW!!!! well, ok, i didnt play the first one because the the emulator couldnt read the ROM. So i started on the second one, and so far i like it... then i decided to look at the III one, better but not so great ( i read a lot about what a great series this was), and then i glanced at the IV...

WoW!!!! all the characters are great, during dialogues we see their reactions (a bit like manga), everything looks so cool and nice...

ive heard that the story in the IV and III are awesome, but im still playing the second part


so did anyone play it

p.s. if you havent played Phantasy Star IV shoot yourself - you're missing an aweful lot ^_^

December 16th, 2004, 08:35 pm
I tried Phantasy Star Online the first episode for gamecube but i wanted 2 know if its good playing it Online.... :/

January 8th, 2005, 11:09 pm
ah, i played phantasy star!, i cannot remember which one it was in the series

what i can remember was thtat there were 3 planets, you could combine super attacks with others in your party (it was probably 3 in your party).

yeah, those of you who haven played this yet, shame on you. well i guess its way too late to try it now, it think the graphics and the storyline is too bad for that

January 8th, 2005, 11:42 pm
Originally posted by Ayumu@Dec 16 2004, 10:35 PM
I tried Phantasy Star Online the first episode for gamecube but i wanted 2 know if its good playing it Online.... :/
yup, me and my level 92 character with Angry Fist would like to agree that it is good online, just dont get annoyed with episode 2

January 15th, 2005, 02:34 am
hey, you guys should try playing phantasy star online. basically, its the exact same as the offline mode, except that you can download quests, and play with more people who can give you rare weapons and items. just a warning though, if you do decide to go online, try to avoid block one of vega, and the third ship...not sure if it's antares or a different one. there are fsoders who enjoy messing up your characters. but still, its always worth a shot. if you can manage to get a group of friends together, its great fun :D