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View Full Version : Submit your music to hear it in an anime!

December 4th, 2012, 10:10 pm
Ever wanted to write a BGM for an anime?

I have started creating fandubs for fun recently and thought it would be a great idea to incorporate original music into it. Therefore, I decided to start this thread for people to send us any music they don't mind us using. Your music will be placed into episodes as BGM if we see fit. Before submitting, please read the following:

1. Not all music submitted with be used.
2. The music you submit here will be considered free music and there will NEVER be a need for compensation for its use.
3. Please submit on this thread. DO NOT PM ME!
4. Absolutely no begging.
5. What you submit will be considered the final product. Please do not submit unfinished or unedited works.

Brief Desciption:

We take a raw episode of anime, silence it, add the voice, BGM and SFX back into it manually and post it on youtube. We plan to do mostly the new animes of each season as Funi has already dubbed most animes over 1year of age so people already have an idea of what each character should sound like. Usually the original OST's are used but I figure why not use this as a chance to see how well my music could work in a particular scene.

We will be kicking things off with Sword Art Online Ep 16 in January. We do complete episodes but may or may not do an entire series as that is ALOT of work.

Possible future projects:
Savanna Game (2013 ??)
Initial D 5th Stage (2013 ??)
Code: Breaker
Hayate no Gotoku: Can't take my eyes off you

December 12th, 2012, 02:21 pm
Looking for magical girl transformation music. (roughly 30s)