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June 20th, 2006, 11:32 pm
lol.. well i do.. i try to..
like we still do talk...
its just that i can feel a barrier now... its hard to explain...
and to a point, i dont think he wants to break that barrier... to a point, i think he is puttin up that barrier...
so i dont know...
but he is going thru somthing emotional right now.. and i kinda am/was... so maybe thats just the barrier i dunno...

but somtimes when i try talk to him.. he gives me those really quick short answers... and then nothing... O_O"

Deadly Love
June 20th, 2006, 11:32 pm

I'ma take a nap soon
Hopefully i dream again
But hopefully not of my crush or nething like that
It's creepy

August 13th, 2006, 10:42 pm
Well, had that dream again.. Where to begin? I am standing in the middle of a busy sidewalk dressed in thin leather from neck to toe. I walk into an ice cream shop for some soup. (Yes, soup) I walk through the door and bam*! Im in Mexico. There I hop over a fence, where I continuously bash an all-powerful pinata. Then I take out a sniper and hide behind a pile of snow (just so out of it). A bunch of guys in a white suit chase after me and I end up in a neighbourhood with identical houses I keep running until I reach the end of the sidewalk. Apparently the book "Where the Sidewalk Ends" isn't too unrealistic because I faced a cliff. Looking back, I was relieved to find that no one is chasing me. After a deep sigh-- I jump off the cliff anyway.

August 13th, 2006, 11:18 pm
Well, had that dream again.. Where to begin? I am standing in the middle of a busy sidewalk dressed in thin leather from neck to toe. I walk into an ice cream shop for some soup. (Yes, soup) I walk through the door and bam*! Im in Mexico. There I hop over a fence, where I continuously bash an all-powerful pinata. Then I take out a sniper and hide behind a pile of snow (just so out of it). A bunch of guys in a white suit chase after me and I end up in a neighbourhood with identical houses I keep running until I reach the end of the sidewalk. Apparently the book "Where the Sidewalk Ends" isn't too unrealistic because I faced a cliff. Looking back, I was relieved to find that no one is chasing me. After a deep sigh-- I jump off the cliff anyway.

Interesting ending :lol: . Maybe you feel pressured to do something but in reality you aren't? I have no idea. Very weird dream.

August 14th, 2006, 02:21 pm
The other day i had a weird dream, well, before i went to sleep, me and my sis were taking weird pics of ourselves, (uh..yeah, we're kinda crazy XD) newayz, and when i went to sleep, i dreamt that we were still taking pics n stuff and i suddenly woke up and i had my arm lifted up like i was about to take another picture or summat, even though i wasn't holding a camera, XD. It was so weird, i was just like, um....WTH am i doing likez?!

August 16th, 2006, 02:42 am
Interesting ending :lol: . Maybe you feel pressured to do something but in reality you aren't? I have no idea. Very weird dream.

Lol I yeah thats actually not a bad guess. I like reading this thread its so unique :lol:

August 16th, 2006, 03:38 am
I had a crazy dream last recently...first, I was in my summer school health class, and instead of performing CPR on dummies, we had to perform on real people. We had to go over to this tub of poison liquid and put some in our mouths and then do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation(sp?) with it in our mouths. My victim was Radar from M*A*S*H. Then, I was a suspect of some kind of mystery. But there were about 500 others. One was this fat gangster guy, one was some guy in a wheelchair who could make his wheelchair go really fast, and one was Bil Dwyer from GSN's I've Got A Secret. But then we were all distracted by this new makeup kit that made people have 2 sets of eyebrows. Then I was playing some video game where I had to go under people's houses and collect red, blue, and yellow spider-like things. I went under the houses of Barret Wallace from FFVII and A.J. from The Fairly OddParents. When I went under Barret's house, there was a bunch of TV static fuzz, and then I woke up.

August 16th, 2006, 04:26 am
Okay this one was creepy
I was in my bed (top bunk) i looked to the side and a bony hand appears from the corner i stare at it and The reaper is in the hallway he looks at me and suddenly starts gliding right at me as soon as he reaches my bed i wake up

August 21st, 2006, 09:13 am
i had a dream once where my best friend came to school and her skin was the colour HOT PINK... i found it pretty strange haha

August 21st, 2006, 05:40 pm
Ok, I just woke up from the freakiest dream I've had yet.

It started with me being held hostage by some old creepy guy who looked like he could crush my skull. It turned out I was in my neighbours house, and I managed to run out of the house. I ran through the field that separates my house from the one I just left. I locked the doors, and grabbed a big knife. I guess I forgot to lock the front window, and my kidnapper managed to get in half way when I started taking swings at him with the knife. I aimed for his hands, but he had on oven mits, and that stopped the knife... so, I aimed for the arm, got in deep, but he still came through the window. I kept on going, got him a couple times really good, and got him in the hand without the oven mit. It exploded a bit with blue ooze. He claimed it was scientificaly modified for defence. So, I kept going, and ended up disableling him. He layed down in the kitchen, and I ran back to get a phone or something. I saw my Game Cube which was on, so I turned it off and put it away neatly. I went to check on him, but as soon as I turned that corner he was up, and pulled a gun. I yelled "Holy ****, he's got a gun!!" and quickly retreated into my room where I tried to break through the glass in my window with my head (as opposed to opening it and popping the out screen). So, I ran to the phone in the back room, dialed 911, prepared to talk, then I woke up!

That dream proves I'm freakin' nuts

Deadly Love
August 21st, 2006, 10:03 pm
True. You are freakin' nuts. J/k. Haven't dreamt again yet.

August 22nd, 2006, 04:22 am
It's funny, yet odd, when you have a dream of constant spinning and moving around, and you find yourself tangled up in your your sheets-facing your other side of your bed when you first began to sleep. :heh:

August 22nd, 2006, 01:03 pm
not really, i move around in my sleep a lot anyway, sometimes my duvet ends up on the floor. I don't like it when that happens, i get cold XD.
Last dream i had was that my cousins had come back from Hong Kong, which is true, but they all seemed to have blue hair and had grown like, a lot. and they kept singing the same song over and over again. i can't remember what they were singing but i can remember that it sounded really creepy. and then they all started walking away from me. and then i woke up.

August 22nd, 2006, 02:47 pm

August 22nd, 2006, 02:55 pm
I had a really weird dream last week... I dreamed I was playing Age of Empires 2 against other players from weird countries... everyone told me to.. "Build more castles!" the hole time, but I didn't have enough stones, lol xD
After I woke up I had the strange desire to play AoE again... and completely forgot that I was supposed to meet up with my friends x_x That's some scary influence...

Deadly Love
August 22nd, 2006, 09:44 pm

Eh, I wanna start dreaming again. I haven't dreamt for quite a while now.

September 13th, 2006, 09:50 pm
I remember this dream i'm in the restroom looking in the mirror then i ask someone how to phase (Weird) so i run through all the walls and just phase through them they were cool. Also i used to have the same dream when i was a kid i was getting pulled under my bed.

September 14th, 2006, 12:29 am
Ok, I just woke up from the freakiest dream I've had yet.

It started with me being held hostage by some old creepy guy who looked like he could crush my skull. It turned out I was in my neighbours house, and I managed to run out of the house. I ran through the field that separates my house from the one I just left. I locked the doors, and grabbed a big knife. I guess I forgot to lock the front window, and my kidnapper managed to get in half way when I started taking swings at him with the knife. I aimed for his hands, but he had on oven mits, and that stopped the knife... so, I aimed for the arm, got in deep, but he still came through the window. I kept on going, got him a couple times really good, and got him in the hand without the oven mit. It exploded a bit with blue ooze. He claimed it was scientificaly modified for defence. So, I kept going, and ended up disableling him. He layed down in the kitchen, and I ran back to get a phone or something. I saw my Game Cube which was on, so I turned it off and put it away neatly. I went to check on him, but as soon as I turned that corner he was up, and pulled a gun. I yelled "Holy ****, he's got a gun!!" and quickly retreated into my room where I tried to break through the glass in my window with my head (as opposed to opening it and popping the out screen). So, I ran to the phone in the back room, dialed 911, prepared to talk, then I woke up!

That dream proves I'm freakin' nuts

That was funny! ^^
anyhoo I haven't dreamt in a while but to contribute I'll say that one dream I had was where:
I was out front and people were screamin' 'kidnapper! kidnapper!' and there was this car that was speedin' around the block and it turned onto my street and I tried to get inside but it took me so long to get the door open I don't know why but I just barely managed to make it inside when the kidnapper was at my back and I got the door locked and went into the living room and hid behind the sofa cuz for some reason the windows were really high up so anyone could see anything in the room and he was there with his face in an insane snarl and he looked like a jester and I was scared he could see me so I hid between the sofa and the chair cuz they were right next to each other and that's when I woke myself up I was so scared and when I woke up I screamed cuz a pillow of mine was in the shape of the kidnappers face and had all the right colors and everthing so it looked like that stupid jester.
I swear I'll die from fear one day. :unsure:

Zucriy Amsuna
September 15th, 2006, 10:09 pm
Wow, my Dreams thread lives! XD I expected as much; this is a nice topic, and dreams can get interesting, even paranormal. Examples are my déjà vu dreams. ~

Anyway, one of my latest dreams involved my friends. We were all at the Otakon next year, and we were having much fun. And a weird part: A random guy just walked over and picked up one of my friends as if to just steal or kidnap her. And he gradually walked away, despite the fact that we all noticed, and we were all laughing, especially when I next ran right in front of him. He acted as if the plan was flawless and perfect, and that he couldn't have been caught. XD

Well, I haven't been posting much on Ichigo's lately. ~ I shall try to do so more often. :heh: ;)

And I had many dreams after which I said the following phrase, quoted from Final Fantasy VIII: "I dreamt I was a moron." I love that quote. XDXD

September 16th, 2006, 01:30 am
I had a dream I was a general in a war. So was my sis. Anyway I was home a lot more than my sister was and I watched as she checked a soldiers drink one day while at her camp (which was the elementary school we went to as the war was in the rain ditch that always floods). She pulled out an ice cube and inside it was a note. She read it. It was from our mom and it said 'Hey Sunflower come home soon, k?' Then I had a flashback of my mom writing while I was home one day.
It was so touching I woke up absolutely insane! :(

September 16th, 2006, 03:26 am
I guess watching School Rumble: Ni Gakki late at night is pretty bad...

Don't really know if this is considered a spoiler so...

I dreamt I was part of the Play Faction and was actually a double agent for the Cafe Faction and was actually a triple agent for the Band Faction.
I carried twin handguns and pulled off tricks a la Devil May Cry. I did flips in the hallways, shot everyone in the other two factions but then I faced off against Akira. She carried a submachine gun on one hand and a small Tokarev handgun on the other. Of course I dove for cover when she aimed at me. I threw two smoke grenades and shot randomly. Then my left vision turned black. It turns out I was hit in my left eye, but I still stayed. I proposed my last desperate move. Russian Roulette.

Somehow I gained a Revolver which I pulled out of my back pocket. From the six bullets, I removed 5. I spun the cartridge and gave it to her.

I can't remember anything from here but after 5 shots it was my turn. I was sure the bullet was in that chamber and when I pointed it on my head, I stared out of the window and saw Itoko-sensei with the sniper rifle on the roof. I raised an eyebrow and aimed the revolver at her. Akira asked what I was doing and I pulled the trigger. Amazingly enough, the sniper rifle flew out of her hands and she disappeared in a trail of smoke.

I turned turned my head to where Akira was but she disappeared. She was right behind me with her submachine gun pointed at my neck. I heard her say "Never take your eyes off of your opponent" or something similar. Then I heard the gunshot, and woke up.

My mom was in my room at the right moment when I woke up and asked "Who's Akira?"

t'was really funny though now that I look back into it...XD

September 16th, 2006, 04:54 pm
Lmso, the weirdest thing happened the other night. I was having this dream, can't remember exactly but i was running away from someone, and ya know that feeling that you get when you're lying in bed, like you're falling or something...well, i felt that and then i woke up and i was on the floor....XD my sister ran in cuz she heard the bump n she was like "woah mel, wtf happened to you?!" But i was like half-asleep n i just fell back asleep, and i woke up in the morning and i was still on the floor. My sis is so nice, she didnt even bother to pick me up off the floor -.-

Deadly Love
September 17th, 2006, 01:03 am
Lmso, the weirdest thing happened the other night. I was having this dream, can't remember exactly but i was running away from someone, and ya know that feeling that you get when you're lying in bed, like you're falling or something...well, i felt that and then i woke up and i was on the floor....XD my sister ran in cuz she heard the bump n she was like "woah mel, wtf happened to you?!" But i was like half-asleep n i just fell back asleep, and i woke up in the morning and i was still on the floor. My sis is so nice, she didnt even bother to pick me up off the floor -.-
lol thats funny

September 17th, 2006, 04:06 am
Lets see... dream... I can't remember some pieces, but here goes...

it started off with my hanging out with my friends at the beach.. My friend mentioned Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy, and everything dissolved (which, btw, was outrageously wierd. It was like everything around me broke into millions of little particles). All the particles came together again, and I was standing on water, with nothing but water in all directions. I ended up dressed up like Cloud from FFVII:AC and my other friends were dressed as various FF and KH characters, but they were sleeping in these wierd clear oval things. I felt so desperate and alone, I didn't know what to do... but then my dream changed, and so did the feelings. I was standing at my work, helping a customer, when out of the blue he started yelling in my face. I was so scared and disappointed... then I woke up.

I was curious about the 'first' dream, but I didn't want the 'second' one to continue...

September 18th, 2006, 01:58 am
It was like everything around me broke into millions of little particles). All the particles came together again, and I was standing on water, with nothing but water in all directions.

dang. that's like in the story i'm writing. Oh well. My version of it kicks that ones butt. :P And it happens on purpose in my story.
anyway, cool dream. i haven't dreamt lately.

September 19th, 2006, 08:04 pm
lol thats funny

yeah, but it hurt the next day, lol. x_x

September 20th, 2006, 03:15 am
I always have the strangest dreams.....
I had a dream once that my best friend Haruka and I decided to go to Disney Land. When we got there, we realized that we were at a water amusement park. We went to a innertube attraction (like the Roarin' Rapids at Disneyland), and got in. Well, I soon realized that my seat belt didnt work (it was torn ), but the tube had already moved away from the dock and was moving. So, through the whole ride, I had to hold the seatbelt together with my hands. Once, i almost got flung off the ride because it was moving so fast! When I woke up, I was grabbing my blanket and trying to pull it around my waist to make a seatbelt. *~*

Deadly Love
September 20th, 2006, 10:20 pm
yeah, but it hurt the next day, lol. x_x
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

September 21st, 2006, 04:52 pm
oh sure, go ahead and laugh at my pain....
meh, i'm over it...XD
Woah, i had a weird dream last night, but i can't remember what happened. All I know is that i woke up crying...

September 23rd, 2006, 02:10 am
I had a strange dream about a pianola :mellow:

October 3rd, 2006, 02:12 am
Another insane dream from the mind of a lunatic: I fell asleep in the bath this morning, and started dreaming I was in the bath washing my legs. I then found some holes that were about 3/4s of an inch(1.5cm-ish) and from one of them, I pulled out a small jaw-breaker. "What the hell?" I asked my self, then weeks passed(seconds in dream time) and a man showed up on tv with an odd british accent claiming" Yes, the jawbreaker talks to me. It tells me to do things. It sometimes offers divine advice, like 'You should become more personal with the lord' ". I realized it was my leg-pulled jawbreaker, and got angry cause it should be telling me those things. I though it was cheating on me with the funny british man. I woke up then and checked my legs immediatly.

October 3rd, 2006, 07:30 pm
You people do know dreams are unresolved emotional issues right....? especialy if you remember them for so long. he he heh

October 3rd, 2006, 11:38 pm
What the hell does a creepy british guy mean to me? And I'm sure there's some emotional stuff too. Seriously though... leg-jawbreaker=wierd

Demonic Wyvern
October 4th, 2006, 07:44 pm
Just for the hell of it, I feel like posting a lucid dream of mine.

Just so you know, I tend to switch genders in dreams. This is very common and completely normal for me.
Normal Dream
Lucid Dream

Alex, the fighter August 22, 2006

The dream started off at my grandmother and grandfather’s house in their guest room. Apparently we were going to run some sort of camp over there. Either that or a babysitting kind of thing. At this point of the dream, I was female.
In the room with me were three other girls. They were excited to stay over. I was going to be the one to show them around and stuff. I said I didn’t mind being around younger kids. I was 16 and they were 14 and 13. Most of the kids I knew around my age were jerks. It’s unfortunate.
Then, I started to hear my brother and dad fighting outside the door. This happens in real life. The girls were a little worried by this and wondered if this was normal. I started getting a little worried too because things started being thrown. I left the guest room with the girls and sneaked by my fighting family downstairs to do something in the meantime. One of the girls showed me an arcade machine. It was a game very similar to the Famicon classic, B-Wings. Anyway, I figured out this trick in the game to become invinsible so I beat my brother’s hi-score. I didn’t want to tell him how I did it either. J

The girls were next to the entrance of the basement looking up at the fight. Apparently they knew someone who could stop the fight. A friend of theirs. We went outside which looked different than the outside of the house in real life. They led me to some rich person’s house. From the outside it looked similar to a school. Even the property looked school-like. We went inside and went looking for some girl named, Alex. The inside was the rich looking part. He had all the next gen consoles and videogames, a huge TV, and a bunch of other rich looking stuff. I eventually found Alex in her room. She was drop dead beautiful. She had long silky auburn hair with deep green eyes and looked around 16-17. Apparently she wanted to be a fighter but her dad wouldn’t let her. This was the perfect opportunity for her.

…It made sense in the dream anyway…

We began sneaking her outside the house back to my grandparent’s house when Alex’s father jumped out of the window infront of us. He was round old man with a black suit and was balding. He had an angry look on his face and said that he forbidded Alex to fight or something like that. So he took Alex back in the house to her room.
The girls decided to show me the beach Alex’s dad owned. Apparently he own some kind of playboy like magazine so I wasn’t surprised to see a ton of hot women there stripping. At this time in the dream I was in my male form. The girls left but I decided to stick around.
I eventually got bored of the beach and the women so I headed back to Alex’s house.
I became lucid in the house. I wasn’t in the mood to do anything with my lucid powers at the time so I continued along with the dream. I turned on the TV and but made a broadcast on television appear with his supermodels being attacke by my brother and father. It was kind of funny. Alex’s father was freaking out because he’d lose a ton of money if anything happened to them.
“I guess you’ll have to send Alex after them.” I said smiling.
He was about to call the police just then when I told him that the phone was busted. My doing again but I didn’t tell him that.
“Fine! I’ll just tell them myself!” he yelled out irritated while opening the door… Only to find a freak blizzard had come.
Lol I love lucid dreams. The sucker.

I went out the door while he put on his coat and me completely unharmed by the cold. I went in the back of the house where there was no blizzard and snow to find the 3 girls looking up at Alex’s window. One of the girls found a grabling(sp?) hook and whipped it up on her window so she could get down. She was apparently afraid the rope would snap and was taking forever so I simply flew up, picked her up and brought her down. None of the DC’s seemed shocked at my ability to fly. They just accepted it.
While those 4 DC’s ran off on a safe clear sunshine way to the beach, I followed their father through the blizzard making his journey as hazardous as possible. I dunno. I just had fun picking on this fat guy. I eventually lose sight of him and assumed he sunk in the snow. I had made it very deep for him. Oh well. I went to a nearby shop and teleported to the beach using the door trick since I suck with other ways.
At the beach, I noticed that Alex had knocked out both my father and brother and was now beating up a model. The model must have wanted to pick a fight or something. I didn’t question it. I watched for a bit watching her take out the model and then decided to have some fun. I walked up to Alex and made out with her. She didn’t resist at all. It was a long passionate kiss.
The sky suddenly darkened and this glob of green slime was shot beside us. I looked up in the sky to see a UFO. It began ubducting all the models on the beach. I couldn’t do anything about it because I then woke up.

Maybe I'll post more after. ^^

October 4th, 2006, 10:41 pm
I love lucid dreams. They are so much fun! Sometimes in a lucid dream I fly just for the helluv it.

I have a short dream. All I remember was that my mom was there, my dad was there, and Howie Mandel (from Deal or No Deal) was there. And I was like "Hi Mom! Hi Dad! Hi Howie!" And then I woke up.

Demonic Wyvern
October 4th, 2006, 11:47 pm
I love lucid dreams. They are so much fun! Sometimes in a lucid dream I fly just for the helluv it.

Yeah, I do that a lot myself. It never gets old. ^.^

(btw, "DC" stands for Dream Character incase you didn't know)

October 5th, 2006, 03:13 am
I just remembered a dream I had a while ago...my orchestra had finished auditioning, and my conductor was announcing the placements (weird, cause in real life he just posts them on a sheet). I was saying to myself "pleasemakemebeafirstviolinpleasemakemebeafirstviol in", and I got 7th chair in the first violin section. I was so happy that I tackle-glomped my conductor. He said "help me" and then I woke up.

Weird, cause I'm actually 7th first violin in real life, and that was before I got my results, or even auditioned. And I've *never* tackle-glomped my conductor in my life. I admit tackle-glomping my math teacher, though...^^;;

October 6th, 2006, 04:37 am
This is terribly odd. Last night, I totally had a vivid dream that I was bull fighting. Like a toreador... Yeah, I thought it was....

October 9th, 2006, 05:53 pm
My family has wierd dreams all the time. My brother has dreams about zombies like in RE. I swear I was playing Unreal tournament in my dreams. Which remends me. I died 3 times in my dream. Dying sucks when where dreaming because you start out with no weapons again. I only killed about 7 people.

October 10th, 2006, 01:37 am
One time I had a dream that a plane crashed into our school and we all hid in the little cubbyholes where we got our lunches for protection. Then we all had to walk away and it was hard because someone I knew broke their leg. A lot of people died. Other than that, it was the most awesome dream I've ever had! I wanna have that dream again!

October 10th, 2006, 02:13 pm
I had two nightmares of my teeth were moving back into its original position. I need to put my retainers back on!

Deadly Love
October 10th, 2006, 04:37 pm
lol funny dream

October 19th, 2006, 06:30 pm
Well, I was the President of the United States in my latest dream...must've been fun -_-

Deadly Love
October 19th, 2006, 11:51 pm
^ naw not really
ive had that dream yesterday afternoon while i was slightly sick and went to bed
but only for a while then it changed
i looked so stressed and wen i went for a ride, one side of the streets was cheering while the other was booing and throwing tomatoes at the limo
then the picture changed and someone (i dunno who it was) tried to kill me while i was asleep
i was kinda glad it ended so fast

October 19th, 2006, 11:51 pm
the last dream that remember was quite alarming. my subcontious "told" me i should express my feelings more. i should see a psychiatrist.

October 20th, 2006, 12:26 am
Has anyone dreamed of being in one of the video game worlds? Cuz man, when I beat FFX I swear every night I had a dream involving Spira in some way...I was always honeymooning in Macalania Woods :heh: And it's happening now too, but with me living in the Death Note world and wanting a death note...

October 20th, 2006, 04:26 pm
Wow...I can't believe this thing is still going... :blink:

October 21st, 2006, 06:53 pm
Has anyone dreamed of being in one of the video game worlds?

Yes. Yes yes yes. I dreamed I was the Hero in Dragonquest VIII. It wasn't necessarily the game's world, but sort of a cross between some twisted dimension where toilets eat laptops and make you think your dad is gonna kill you for it, and dragon quest.
No.....evil toilet! :cry:

October 21st, 2006, 06:56 pm
You've been playing Dragon Quest a little to much so that you even had a dream about one (lucky).

October 21st, 2006, 07:06 pm
Yep! I love dragon quest i love dragon quest i love dragon quest. I used to play it 10 hours every day~! So I enjoy dreams I have of it.

October 21st, 2006, 07:11 pm
Yeah I used to play alot of it, and I didn't get squat (Dream wise). But it was funny to see that my sister was getting annoyed of the music from the game.

October 21st, 2006, 07:17 pm
Ha, my mom hates it so much I think she one time threatened to smash the TV. I love the music, especially the music that goes on while your fighting Rhapthorne the second time. It's the music that goes on all through out the game, just sped up and better. Whoops, off topic :P
Dream: I was throwing myself at my orchestra teachers feet, begging her not to give me a 50. She said 'relax. it's just on a progress report.' I went: 'yeah. progress report.' Dazed.....I ran to the door and screamed 'let's all get drunk!!!!!!!!!!', ran into the door, and fell over. Did I post this before?
edit: nope

October 22nd, 2006, 09:34 am
Hmm...can't remember if I've posted this before, but back two years ago, when I just got my graphics calc (TI 83+ SE), two of my friends and I were addicted to Tetris; I would seriously play it every spare moment that I had...I was so obsessed, that I would see Tetris in my dreams...freaky 'eh? @_@ :heh:

Deadly Love
October 22nd, 2006, 08:49 pm
Hmm...can't remember if I've posted this before, but back two years ago, when I just got my graphics calc (TI 83+ SE), two of my friends and I were addicted to Tetris; I would seriously play it every spare moment that I had...I was so obsessed, that I would see Tetris in my dreams...freaky 'eh? @_@ :heh:

Demonic Wyvern
October 28th, 2006, 11:52 pm
Has anyone dreamed of being in one of the video game worlds?

Yep, it was an odd one.

I seemed to be in Super Mario world. I was next to Princess Peach's and I was actually Princess Peach.
This is very wierd for me since I'm barely ever cartoon female character. Usually a real female or mostly male.
Anyway, there was all the usual Super Mario scenery. The hills with the eyes on them, the Goombas, the Toads, the Koopa Troopas. I even saw 2 toads making out. That was very unusual...

I started gaining lucidity when I walked up to this black tough looking toad. He was polishing his car. I tried socializing with the DC in real life I'm trying overcome my shyness. I do this by socializing with as many DC's as I can. It's actually starting to work. but he kept yelling at me because he was in a pissed off mood. Apparently he wasn't from around Super Mario world and he hated that whenever he tried to swear, it got blocked out with the word "beep".
"This is all your beeping fault! In every other beeping world I go to I'm allowed to beeping swear but NOO, you insist on the beeped up rules!"
Since I was in the form of Princess Peach, he asumed that this was my fault. I didn't like DC's talking to me that way. I warned him that he'd be punished if he continued.
"Oh really? Whaddaya gonna do, toots, yell out and get your plumber friend out here? Pssh."
I then picked up his car and he was like "What the beep?"
But when I threw it on him, he was somehow able to catch it.
"Anyone can lift up this car. Don't think you're so beeping tough." he said annoyed with me.
I changed forms into the Wyvern in my avatar. This shocked him enough for him to drop his car over him. I started flying away from the area to do something else but started losing lucidity until I eventually woke up.

Deadly Love
November 5th, 2006, 12:58 am
I had a dream. It was like 2 days ago.

It was lunch at shool, me and my friends were hanging out at the basketball courts. Then, my punching bag (who I had a crush on at that time. but not anymore) and his friends cam up to us and he said that if one of us (the girls) wears his sweaty shirt the next day, he'll wear on of our shirts or whatever. I said I'll do it, but I said that he can't wear anything under or over it. When I got home, I washed his shirt of course, then I took my blue tanktop (it's pretty deep) and put that in my backpack. The next day, I handed that to him, he put it on, and everyone was all laughing at him. End of dream.

I dunno why I dreamed of that. It was hella hilarious though.

November 6th, 2006, 11:17 pm
I had a dream that a butcher knife weilding maniac came and cutted up my ankle and my hand, and i didnt feel any pain, Jaso was in it and I said i need sticthes and then the doctor got tweezers and started lifting up the cut up skin to look at my mucelse "sp?" and then i screamed in pain and then i slapped him and fell on the floor unconsious 0_0. It was weird -.-

Deadly Love
November 7th, 2006, 03:55 am
That IS weird.

November 7th, 2006, 08:51 pm
I know right?

Zucriy Amsuna
November 8th, 2006, 01:13 am
(Awesome, my favourite thread still lives. XD)

I had many dreams since my last post here. ~ One of which included me and my friends walking in some random place. Interestingly enough, it seemed so real at the time, but some thigns weren't right... One, I have no idea what we're doing. Two, we'd probably not be here. And three, we're not talking much. (I can't be bothered to remember what exactly we were doing or what other reasons that made this dream unreal. XD)

After I woke up, I felt as if it had all been true, and I finally met a few of my friends from within 2,000 miles away. XD All until my alarm clock snapped out my dreamland. ~ Then I forgot most of the dream. :heh:

November 8th, 2006, 04:48 pm
The last dreams I've had have been well...pretty mean -_- For some reason I'm married in them and the husband is one of those women hitting jerks...*fear*

December 4th, 2006, 10:49 pm
I was waiting for somebody for a long time holding a ring. the band was playing but I couldn't. There were a lot of people on the bus. I don't remember that much.

Deadly Love
December 5th, 2006, 12:22 am
I didn't have a dream. I had a nightmare. This is what happened.

My rich aunt gave me a total makeover. I was wearing tube tops, cropped shirts and sweaters (the cropped sweaters aren't bad actually), mini skirts, dresses (*shudders*), and all the stuff I owned were expensive and my clothes were designers. And then when I wore those to school, every guy that I knew were going after me. Just a good thing my aunt didn't change my personality *whew*. And even the guy I used to like was going after me and everything. I freakin' socked him in the face and kicked him in the **** and then I woke up.

December 5th, 2006, 04:08 pm
you know deadly love, you're starting to sound like a lesbian. You hate guys chasing after you? strange if you ask me.

December 5th, 2006, 08:44 pm
Er... is that if just hating guys chasing after you makes you a lesbian any guy that isn't gay is in trouble...

Deadly Love
December 6th, 2006, 05:18 am
you know deadly love, you're starting to sound like a lesbian. You hate guys chasing after you? strange if you ask me.
Well, I'm so sorry if you think I'm a lesbian just because I'm soo different from the other girls. But just because I hate guys chasing after me doesn't mean I'm a freakin' lesbian, okay? I know alot of girls that aren't lesbians but don't like guys chasing after them. And anyways, if I was a lesbian, I'd be liking girls, not guys, and as far as I'm concerned, all my crushes were on guys, not girls. I may be a little tomboyish, but I ain't no lesbo.

December 9th, 2006, 05:05 pm
Uh... let's get back on topic. No one is questioning your heterosexuality Love
Anyway, um... I haven't dreamed in a while I think it's because I've been sick.

Deadly Love
December 10th, 2006, 12:52 am
I have no idea why, but last night I kept dreaming of a baby chick (as in chicken chick) doing somersaults.

December 10th, 2006, 09:11 am
I don't know why, but generally, when I see dreams.... I find myself in place like the Middle Ages.

Deadly Love
December 10th, 2006, 06:10 pm
oh yeah that reminds me of a dream i had long ago.....

i was sitting in the middle of a room (looks pretty medieval like)
i was sitting in a chair and i was crying
my feet were bounded to the chair so that i cudnt move (with metal, not cloth)
and i was dreaming of that for a long time then i woke up

December 12th, 2006, 09:43 am
I always dream of myself falling, or if my dream dosen't start with that I dream of it before I wake up.
I also dreamt of myself dieing in a fire accident...Then I see an angel reaching up for my hand.
I woke up after that.

Deadly Love
January 31st, 2007, 01:42 am
I dunno why but recently I keep on dreaming about my crush (DAMNIT!!).

February 6th, 2007, 12:16 am
I had a series of nightmares recently. They all involved torture of myself, or worse, the people I hold dear. One in particular was very vivid: I received cigarette burns to my palms and I was thouroughly whipped on my back. I have no idea why I was tortured, but when I awoke, all I did for the rest of the day was stare at my palms. I lost ALOT of sleep during those few weeks...

February 6th, 2007, 04:37 pm
I keep dreaming myself as Link (From LoZ) and having to go through un-related missions, with familiar bosses here and there.

My mind for the past 3 weeks has been nothing but Zelda. :sweat:

February 6th, 2007, 04:40 pm
I got concert master yesterday and I dreamt of myself screwing up on stage in front of everyone.

Lol now the pressure sinks in.... XD

February 6th, 2007, 07:30 pm
XD I am concert master too. That's only because I practiced for 325 minutes straight (I was bored XD ).


I keep dreaming that I end up at some other school :huh: .

Deadly Love
February 7th, 2007, 02:33 am
Eh. I had a nightmare a few days ago. Really creepy. I never finished it either and like yeah, it's like a montage (if any of you knows what that is). So this is how my nightmare goes:

The whole school chorus were on the risers singing. But there was no audience. There were only four people that I could actually recognize (order: my bff, me, my crush's sis, and my crush[I have no idea how he got in chorus). Then suddenly everyone else was gone, including my crush's sis, and so now he (and my bff) is right next to me. Then suddenly, he was kissing my bff (who btw, is taken) right on the lips. Next scene, I was with my bff and I told her, "I told you so. Jonny doesn't like me. He likes you. =p" Irl, I would've been crying if he ever did that in front of me. Next scene, I was in my room, in my computer, on MySpace. I messaged to my bff's bf, "Please, please don't break up with Nicole." Next scene, I was in school by the b-ball courts with Nicole's bf and my other friend. My friend brought a laptop with her and she said, "Hey Stephen. Go on MySpace." He asked, "Why?" And then I remembered that I sent him something. And so I also said, "Yeah man. Go on MySpace." Once again he asked, "Why?" And then I just said, "Nevermind. I'm just gonna write it." And then out of nowhere I had a piece of paper and a pencil in my hand and I started writing something. It was really long but I never got to read it. My stupid alarm clock woke me up. When I woke up, I was crying. I guess it was because my crush kissed her right in front of me.

To me, it could mean two things: A guy is going to come between our friendship (Nicole and mine) or I'm going to be the reason why they break up or it could be both.

February 7th, 2007, 03:35 am
I got concert master yesterday and I dreamt of myself screwing up on stage in front of everyone.

Lol now the pressure sinks in.... XD

Lucky...you get to play solos...at least I'm a first violin...

I recently dreamt that Hawkeye and Trapper from M*A*S*H were in my science class.....weird, huh?

February 7th, 2007, 04:34 pm
Yesterday was the first day I was concert master. We started sight reading. Everyone started following me but the thing is I was TOTALLY LOST. My eights were the same as my sixteenths and rests were non-exsistant. So embarssing... >__<

On Topic: I read on an herbal essances bottle that dreams ( the average dream) only lasts 5 seconds.

February 7th, 2007, 05:40 pm
o.O 5 seconds?! But sometimes they feel like they've last for hours!!

February 9th, 2007, 01:41 am
ooooh... :shifty: A thread about me huh..? :lol: *jokes jokes*

but poor Deadly Love.. that must've been one heart breaking dream huh? ^-^ and yeah... sometimes I feel like my dreams take a long time... and yet sometimes i get multiple dreams in one night!! @_@ and then... I forget them... moslty!! I can't remember any dreams that I had for about two months already!! ooh... >_< I wonder what dream I will have tonight... if I can remember it!! haha

February 9th, 2007, 08:02 am
I had a dream that I went shopping for forks and sppon. Whatever for? The weirdest thing is I don't enjoy shopping, so maybe it is considered a nightmare?

February 10th, 2007, 12:15 am
I had a dream that I met my younger cousin (who lives about 1000 miles away from me :bleh: ) visited, almost like a different person.

Deadly Love
February 11th, 2007, 09:59 pm
ooooh... :shifty: A thread about me huh..? :lol: *jokes jokes*

but poor Deadly Love.. that must've been one heart breaking dream huh? ^-^ and yeah... sometimes I feel like my dreams take a long time... and yet sometimes i get multiple dreams in one night!! @_@ and then... I forget them... moslty!! I can't remember any dreams that I had for about two months already!! ooh... >_< I wonder what dream I will have tonight... if I can remember it!! haha
Well, I hated him for like half of the day and I hit every single one of my friends that teased me about him that day. And I WAS crying when I woke up. Here's a really really weird dream of mine. Still about him.......:

It was like recess for us I think (school day). I came up to him and said, "Hey babe" then kissed him on the cheek (Blech! :sick:) And he did the same thing at the same time. Obviously, we were wearing the same colors but weirdly, we were also wearing the same brands (I get creeped out by this dream by the second). Then cut scene. Still break (cuz all my friends were by the monkey bars) but it MAY have been another day. Well anyways, my crush and I were on one side of the basketball courts (full court) and everyone else was on the other side (not including my friends who were by the monkey bars). And then this was our conversation:

J.J.: Babe, can you do me a favor?
Me: What is it?
J.J: Can you change for me?
Me: Why do you want to change? Don't you like me for how I am now?
J.J: Ummmm..... well......
Me: Cuz if you're gonna be like that, then it's over. It's that simple Jonny. Obviously, if you can't accept my flaws, you can't accept me. Therefore you can't accept this relationship. Goodbye. (starts walking away)
J.J.: Wait (grabs me by the arm) Please don't go (yeah, see? this is really creepy.)

And then I just shook his hand off and kept walking away. I walked towards my friends with an expressionless face. They asked what was wrong. I just simply said, "I broke up with him" in a very nonchalant voice. Then I just walked towards the fence and sat there w/my face buried in my hands. Then HE came and said, "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." I didn't answer nor looked up. He said, "Are you crying?" W/that I looked up and said in a somewhat annoyed voice, "Oh please. I cry for no guy. You actually think you're all that, don't you? Well, guess what? You're not, okay? So get over yourself." Moment of silence. I said, "Why did you come over here anyways?" He said, "Look. I just want to say sorry. Please take me back. I miss you already." I stood up then said, " You know, there are more ways to spend time with a person than just being their boyfriend or girlfriend. It's called "frienship". Look it up sometime" And then I walked away. The next day (I think), he just came up to me, held out his hand, and said, "Friends?" I raised one eyebrow, laughed a bit and said, "Haha. Okay. Friends." and shook his hand. I said, "But. Ground rules. No hugging, no kissing, no anything, okay? Not even my friends are allowed to do that" (they aren't). Then cut scene. I think it was afterschool cuz yeah there were hardly anyone by the b-ball courts besides JJ and his friends and me and my friends and extra people that I don't even know. Well anyways, I was by the opening in the fence, talking to someone in a van (I think it was our van, I'm not sure, it was like my side view so you couldn't see the person), and then, the van drove off and I ran in back to the b-ball courts right into JJ (I have no idea how he got there) crying. I just hugged him and cried on his shoulder (:sick: I think I'm gonna puke just by telling my dream). He asked, "What's wrong?" I just said, "Just hold me." which I'm pretty sure I got from a TV show. And he just stood there comforting me. And the camera (you get what I mean right?) was like going farther and farther away, then the dream ended. When I woke up, I so totally felt like throwing up. I never even told my friends about this. They're just gonna tease me to death.

February 11th, 2007, 11:30 pm
nah.... they're just a couple of fun friends that you have who like to have fun with you... :P Are you glad that you could get this dream out of your system? It does seem somewhat strange though... but to some people kissing is normal to them... i guess it depends on how you look at it! ^-^

It was nice of you to share that dream! Still like that guy in your dream though? (the one you said you had a crush on?)

oh... and by the way... I still can't remember my most recent dream.... I don't know why.... unless that dream is important to me than... I might be able to remember it... might
but... I still can't remember... ~puu~

Dead Panda
February 11th, 2007, 11:46 pm
I had an awesome dream once.

I met this kid I know in real life while walking in the rain. He was crying and looking for his mom, which I knew had also died in real life.

So I did him a favor by drop kicking his spine and broke it, then proceeded to shove him into a passing car. Later that day, I heard on the news he was in a car accident.

February 11th, 2007, 11:50 pm
that's not awesome... ;_;

the poor boy... :cry:

February 11th, 2007, 11:54 pm
I had an awesome dream once.

I met this kid I know in real life while walking in the rain. He was crying and looking for his mom, which I knew had also died in real life.

So I did him a favor by drop kicking his spine and broke it, then proceeded to shove him into a passing car. Later that day, I heard on the news he was in a car accident.


February 11th, 2007, 11:56 pm
how can you smile at that? :cry:

I just hope that's just a DREAm and that it doesn't happen in real life

February 12th, 2007, 01:36 am
Someone (I think it was Alex..... I don't remember) and I worked in a charity shop ran by Ms. Aqqad (Yea, I'm going insane....). Some poor guy tries to bargain for clothes, and I pity him, but Ms. Aqqad doesn't, so I convince her to. The guy reserves a box of clothes and leaves. Then Alex and I leave the store to see the band playing and we meet up with Eric and run away into the wilderness. Then we appear on this gravel road following this school bus until it drives into a restricted zone surrounded by electrical wires and fences, blocking off the road. Eric and Alex turn back while I stay for a bit, then I head back and catch up with them. Eric was spazzing out while I was walking on the top of a small hill, and Alex said something about falling. We reach this really dark home with a few people in it. Supposedly, it was an orphan home or something. Apparently, Eric knew about it. (Maybe that's where he worked..... >_>) Anyways, we walked around a bit, and I noticed a big hole in the center of the room, sorta like the first dungeon in LoZ: Orcarina of Time. I then said something weird (which I forgot, but I knew the meaning of it), and Eric was confused, so I simplified it to how about we go down to the basement. He told me to follow him, and one of the caretakers says you can get there by jumping down. I have a small chat with her, then run off after Eric. (The house looked really familar, even though it wasn't mine.......) After going through a long process of stairs and doors and crap, we reach a door in a remote corner of the house. He tells me to be quiet, and opens the dorr, and walks in. I look in the door and see one or two people, and begin to wonder where Eric went. So I walked down the small stairs and found that the stairs lead farther down, and followed them. We ended up in some dimly lit kitchen, and he says something weird about the light, and turns it on. There were some little kids with us (hell knows where they came from.....) and we snuck some of the soup (or whatever crap was in the pot) for them. Someone caught us, and handed out soup for them. (.....) There was some video playing about murdering polar bears or something and Nazis and I begin to walk off into the corriders when suddenly.....

I woke up. And I was thinking,"What the hell? I should tell this to my friends..... >_>"

Notes: Alex and Eric are two of my friends. Ms. Aqqad is one of my horny teachers. >_>

Deadly Love
February 12th, 2007, 05:57 am
that's not awesome... ;_;

the poor boy... :cry:
Total agreement here. The whole thing is just sad man. I can't believe you thought that that was awesome.

Deadly Love
February 12th, 2007, 06:00 am
nah.... they're just a couple of fun friends that you have who like to have fun with you... :P Are you glad that you could get this dream out of your system? It does seem somewhat strange though... but to some people kissing is normal to them... i guess it depends on how you look at it! ^-^

It was nice of you to share that dream! Still like that guy in your dream though? (the one you said you had a crush on?)

oh... and by the way... I still can't remember my most recent dream.... I don't know why.... unless that dream is important to me than... I might be able to remember it... might
but... I still can't remember... ~puu~
I know this is a double post so sorry. Well getting this NIGHTMARE (not dream) out of my system kinda helps but not really since I also told some of my friends afterwards and they were hella laughing so hard that they cried. Kissing is sooo not normal to me! I've never even had my first real kiss, okay? That's why I totally think it's gross. Yes, I still like him although I'm still totally grossed out and insult him and occasionally beat him up.

February 13th, 2007, 08:40 pm
I had an awesome dream once.

I met this kid I know in real life while walking in the rain. He was crying and looking for his mom, which I knew had also died in real life.

So I did him a favor by drop kicking his spine and broke it, then proceeded to shove him into a passing car. Later that day, I heard on the news he was in a car accident.

You just made my day. That was seriously one of the funniest things I've read in weeks. Ashtr's response made me chuckle too. XD

I hear that to dream of flying you have to be exceptionally happy and I have flying dreams all the time. I guess I'm doing something right. ^_^ Anyone else here dream of flying a lot? :3

I almost never fly of my own power though...it's usually using a big leaf or cape to catch the wind. I amaze everyone with my exceptional flying skills! (Nobody else in my dreams can get more than a few feet off the ground. Silly noobs. Kekekekeke)
Sooooo yeah, fun stuff.

Deadly Love
February 13th, 2007, 09:46 pm
How the heck was Dead Panda's dream funny?

Oh yeah. Had two nightmares all in one night.

First nightmare: Nicole's (my bff) bf went to the skate park sometime early in the morning because he was the only one there. He only had two things with him: a blade (which was hidden in one of his pockets and I only found this out sometime later on in the nightmare) and his skateboard. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Lyia's (my other bff) freshman brother comes running towards Nicole's bf, tackles him, and starts punching him in the face. Then, Nicole's bf took out his blade and stuck it in Lyia's bro's side. Then he pulled out the blade, digged a little bit in a trash can, put the blade in there, then skated away, while Lyia's bro is on his knees w/his hands on his side, bleeding. The camera (like my last nightmare) started going farther and farther away, but only far enough so that you could still notic Lyia's brother bleeding to death and Nicole's bf running away then runs off the scene. It was sad, even though I hated Lyia's brother.

Second nightmare: I went to the library to get those anime books thingy majigy and there was NONE!!! LYIA TOOK THEM ALL AND WAS LAUGHING EVILLY!!!!!!!!!!! *cries*

February 14th, 2007, 07:18 am
It wasn't so much his dream as his attitude about it. Though I did find his dream entertaining too, because I have a bad sense of humor. ;)

February 15th, 2007, 02:48 am
ah-- ha!!

Dream has remembered a Dream.... yes yes... it's strange though

There was two:

One was me walking through this really beautiful O_O place... it had multicolored autumn leaves falling down from this gentle breeze and there were also sakura blossom trees too!! (my favorite kind!) there was a small soft flowing river and a warm sun... It was really really nice....
and anyways... I think I was walking towards a clearing and then...
umm... well... uhh.....

I forgot what happened after that! ^-^"
but it seemed as if I had been there before.. like many many times!! >_<

so... uhhh... in this next Dream....

I was recruited into my school's basketball team... (and... for the record... basketball is my worst sport.. :_: ) so... in my dream... I could run really weeallly fast... and jump really weaaaallly high... (like above the peoples head.. >_<) and... umm... hold on.. lets see... well... there was this scene where it was raining... and umm.... and someone crying... and uhh... well.. ummm... ... ...

oh no... I forgot the dream already XD

well... DeadlyLove... it seems as if you have ALOT of dreams about your friends doesn't it? bad ones too... so that could mean that you have a really strong friendship with them... or that they are very important in your life. ^_^

Deadly Love
February 16th, 2007, 01:07 am
They are. They've always been there for me that's why. Actually, I think that somehow I'm related to my best friend or something because we both dream of our friends mostly. Eh. She especially loves to dream about me..... and my crush....... which is sooooo annoying...... Well anyways, haven't had a dream yet but I'll post it when I dream.

February 17th, 2007, 05:01 pm
Ok this one was freaky so I don't really know how to describe it well...

It was past midnight and my whole family was in the house doing random things, and I was in my room just staring at the laptop from my bed out of boredom. Since I recently developed some sort of mild obsession with Marilyn Manson [no one say anything about the goth or demonic crap, please], I always have one of his songs in my head. That was the case in the dream, and I started singing it ['Man That You Fear'] but then...I started hearing some sort of moans and...*shudder* it was some sort of demon in the form of Marilyn himself... All I know is that I moved from room to room and he followed me doing just really bad things, even paralyzing my mother...and all the time I was crying and praying until we all got out of the house and into the van...and the house just had this huge sort of shadow over it and the lights were flickering and things like that...the last thing that happened was that my dad went inside to look for something, even though we were all crying and pleading him not to...

I didn't like that dream at all ._.

Deadly Love
February 17th, 2007, 07:46 pm
Whoa. That is one scary nightmare man.

February 19th, 2007, 12:00 pm
Ok this one was freaky so I don't really know how to describe it well...

It was past midnight and my whole family was in the house doing random things, and I was in my room just staring at the laptop from my bed out of boredom. Since I recently developed some sort of mild obsession with Marilyn Manson [no one say anything about the goth or demonic crap, please], I always have one of his songs in my head. That was the case in the dream, and I started singing it ['Man That You Fear'] but then...I started hearing some sort of moans and...*shudder* it was some sort of demon in the form of Marilyn himself... All I know is that I moved from room to room and he followed me doing just really bad things, even paralyzing my mother...and all the time I was crying and praying until we all got out of the house and into the van...and the house just had this huge sort of shadow over it and the lights were flickering and things like that...the last thing that happened was that my dad went inside to look for something, even though we were all crying and pleading him not to...

I didn't like that dream at all ._.

Made me think of the poltergeist that did.

March 18th, 2007, 09:22 pm
I had a dream that one of my friends turned into a vampire and began turning others into vampires. He and they went after me often and I just managed to escape and I was cornered at the end of my dream and as my friend who began it advanved on me and grabbed my neck I fainted and woke up into real life at the same time...

I am very suspicious about him in real life now and it can be a=embarrasing when I can't think of what to say to him...

For some reason I want to have that same dream again but I haven't dreamt since...

I feel so stupid announcing the above publicly and can't believe I am about to click the post button...


March 19th, 2007, 12:24 am
Er I'll put my dream story here as well since this is the original thread. I seriously had this dream although it seems like some fiction story.

I had a weird dream once. I was in my house making some tea when some policemen burst through my front door and seized my whole family. They ushered us into a long black car. At the back with the windows were blacked out so that we couldn't see outside and nobody could see inside either. It was dimly lit and our seats resembled a limo.

They took us to some weird place that resembles a shopping mall/airport hybrid. It was a crowded place full of other captors where everyone was confused. It seemed creepy like some government conspiracy thing. There were random clowns performing for some reason. I watched for a while before I started looking around properly.

My family was dispersed around the level above ground floor (first floor or second floor whatever you call it). Everyone started walking toward some doors for some reason. I followed and there was a long corridor through them. Suddenly some men in suits appeared from another room and started seizing people, but for some reason nobody were in a panic except a few others and me. I tried to back off but I got captured and my line of vision was blurred.

When I realised where I next was, I found myself in a prison cell and felt frightened and confused. “Where the hell am I?” I thought to myself. The room was dark and damp like those windowless cells they put people being tortured in. I tried opening the door and to my surprise it creaked open. It was now night outside and I could see a full moon through the bars covering a window high along the wall. Another cell door opened and a random guy came out looking just as confused and frightened as I was. We decided we were going to escape (seemed like the most obvious thing to do XD). We continued walking along the corridor until we came to another barred window.

Outside was a huge tentacle-like alien that resembled a giant octopus, only the body was dark grey and the eyes weren’t really visible. I couldn’t see the head either. There were other escapees outside. We watched shocked as a man and woman were thrashed about and killed. One man with a sort of caveman stick on fire (you know those olden day torches) tried setting it alight but it got hit out of his hand by one tentacle and grabbed with another. He was flung about while others ran.

I ran into a large square room, which was only lit by the moonlight outside. The doorway entrance was broken and the doors weren’t there. I looked back to see where the guy with me had gone but he had disappeared…

I heard something drop. I squinted my eyes to see what it was. What I saw scared the crap out of me. The thud I heard was the body of my dead comrade, but it was what was behind it that I was scared of. A giant lizard-like mutated life-form hissed like a snake. I kept my distance from it as it walked along the walls with its swift feet dragging its own body along its belly. I tripped over backwards on something and landed on my butt. What I tripped over was a severed arm of another victim. The creature suddenly surged towards me. I picked up the arm and threw it at him as I scrambled to get up and run. The creature caught it in its mouth and snapped it as if it were a toothpick and continued towards me. I pushed myself backwards along the floor to try and get away but my attempt was pretty futile. I saw its jaws open for me and I thought this was the time I should wake up, but instead I saw a flash of light…
The monster cried out in pain and turned to the direction of the flash. My dad was standing in the doorway with a powerful rifle gun. My brother was behind him. He had shot the monster. The creature retreated a little and they both sidestepped slowly toward me with.

“What the heck is going on?” I asked.
“We don’t know but we’ve got to get out of here,” replied my bro

My bro handed me a handgun. The creature was poised for a second attack, as we stood there ready to shoot. I woke up wanting the story to progress XD It was a cool dream to have.

Hope nobody uses it for a story plot. *Copyrights*

Deadly Love
March 19th, 2007, 07:08 am
*turns it into a story* j/k.

Well, anyways, I'm starting to have all these weird dreams about my old friend, Keifer (that's a guy, btw). I dunno why. It's kinda creeping me out though. Like waaaay. Well, anyways, I'll just post them like later on probably. I need to go to sleep right now.

March 19th, 2007, 08:57 pm
How can we continue our dreams?

Deadly Love
March 19th, 2007, 09:35 pm
Erm..... I'm guessing that either you can't continue it ever or you just have it really stuck in your subconcious.

March 22nd, 2007, 07:50 pm
I had a dream about cheating on my girlfriend for Alexiel. Aelxiel is an Organic Angel from Angel Sanctuary. Well thats what she told me in my dream.:lol: :heh: :sweat:

Deadly Love
March 23rd, 2007, 12:51 am
Eh, I just remembered to post my dream here and yet I forgot what happened in the dream. Ah, well. I'll just talk about my most recent dream.

Somehow, Jonny and Keifer got into the show "Law of Ueki" but they still looked real, not anime, but everything thing was anime. And then they saw each other and started beating each other up (Jonny was pulling Keifer's hair and socking him in the stomach, while Keifer was socking Jonny in the stomach and face. Both were crying. lol) And then Ueki showed up. He used his Maoh on them and his Maoh just happened to be me. So technically, I killed both. Ai Mori was somewhere in the background cheering Ueki on and Tenko had an "Eh....." look on his face. And I was laughing evilly and was somehow came to be in the Robert (Hayden)'s Ten and then was recruited by the Hellion, Anon.

March 23rd, 2007, 03:30 am
I had a dream where my father was raging on me for slurring my words and stuttering while I speak. It was interesting because I think I do a bit of those, but nobody has ever pointed it out.

April 6th, 2007, 06:12 am
I think the most coincidential dream I ever had was when I cried myself to sleep (for some reason I don't remember) when I was really young. I had a dream I was at a market and someone shot me in the pelvis, and then he shot another woman in the stomach. We both fell, and the guy shot himself. The day after that dream, our local news reported a guy shooting his ex girlfriend at our nearby Target and then committing suicide. I'm not trying to make a statement, I just think it's weird to have such coincidences like that.

Deadly Love
April 6th, 2007, 06:54 am
I already forgot my old dreams. Eh, I promise to post my recent dream here tomorrow and I promise not to forget either. I'm trying to remember most of it and trying to write it down on paper first.

April 7th, 2007, 12:08 am
Dream dream~
The dream starts out in a dense forest. I died and couldn't get to heaven. These guys were chasing me to destroy my body so that there was no way I could reach the next life. Suddenly I was back in the city. I told my friends that I was dead. They wanted to see what it was like, so they committed suicide by drowning themselves in the rain. When I looked outside, they were lying there in the water and I screamed. I was telling my parents when my sister walked down the hallway. She had committed suicide as well and couldn't reach the afterlife, so it was like a family curse. After that, nuttin.

April 7th, 2007, 01:22 am
I had a dream I'd a polyandrous marriage. :mellow:
Unfortuately I had amnesia and couldn't remember.
But fortunately I had previously written an autobiography and had to read up about myself.

April 11th, 2007, 05:45 am
I don't have any recent dreams, but here's one I had last year that I doubt I'll ever forget:

I was walking through some weird store that sold Chinese antiques and fur coats. It was pretty dark in the store, I remember some reddish glow in there. And then I saw my conductor in the store. He was crying, so I pointed out the obvious and said "You're crying". Then he ran off.

...I don't know either. Can anyone analyze this one?

...oh yeah, this is one I also had a while ago.

I was in this house that was apparently mine (although it looked nothing like my real house). I was in my room looking at yaoi hentai, and then my mom and sister come in. I shut off the computer because I didn't want to expose them to the explicit pornography. Then there was a bunch of whipped cream, and I started throwing it. Then I decided to play DDR. I unlocked a 14-footer on it (for you non-DDR players, songs are ranked from foot rating 1-10, 10 being the hardest). It was some weird version of Dynamite Rave, and the arrows did a lot of weird things like move sideways. I beat the song, and then I realized I could change the foot rating of the song. I did it a couple of times on different foot ratings, then I realized that if I could do that song, I could probably beat the 10-footer MaxX Unlimited. I was in my bed while playing though, and during the song, some voice on screen kept talking to me. I beat it, and then I woke up.

Little Arrow
April 24th, 2007, 12:48 pm

June 3rd, 2007, 02:46 am
i had a bad dream yesterday night. it wasn't scary or anything.

i love a young woman. i have for a good 3 years, slightly more. we know each other, i told her my feeling but she said she couldn't. that was a couple years ago.

now for a good while, I've been burying, fighting, disassociating, rejecting, hating, getting rid of, forgetting my feelings about her. time helps but its pretty tough. i'm slowly getting over her, and thats good.

yesterday night i was dreaming, and she was there, we were talking, and she came closer and said "i love you" it looked so real, she looked utterly truthful, i frikking heard my chest implode. god damn dreams. just when i was feeling better too. i just cant get those words, that face out of my mind. F**K!!!

i feel like shit.

June 3rd, 2007, 03:05 am
I've been having this recurring dream in which I am trapped in a Burger King. Basically, it involves an onslaught of gianormous killer oranges and tomatoes. I wake up before I die each time. XD I wonder if this means anything...
I haven't visited a Burger King or McDonalds in the past xxxx years.

June 3rd, 2007, 04:15 am

June 4th, 2007, 05:49 am
I've been having the weirdest dreams lately. All having to do with the Antichrist being super rich and me living in his mansion. As a prostitute thing. o_O

I dun like them ~_~

June 5th, 2007, 08:47 am
I've been having the weirdest dreams lately. All having to do with the Antichrist being super rich and me living in his mansion. As a prostitute thing. o_O

I dun like them ~_~

HAHA! That's awesome (in a terrifying way)! Mmm. Why do I picture spinnaz and clock chains and grillz? ;__; This would make an interesting TV show (probably anime), though.

@shade - Are you in cahoots with the killer tomatoes?!?!? =O :mchaggis:

So, yesterday. I had a pleasant dream involving free bulletin board borders of every style, shape, and color imaginable. It was like Black Friday, except with free borders. Hmm. <3 Apparently, I was pretty excited!

June 28th, 2007, 09:19 pm
I've been having this recurring dream in which I am trapped in a Burger King. Basically, it involves an onslaught of gianormous killer oranges and tomatoes. I wake up before I die each time. XD I wonder if this means anything...
I haven't visited a Burger King or McDonalds in the past xxxx years.

Go to Burger King. That's what the dream's telling you to do!

July 1st, 2007, 05:25 am
I had another one of those dreams where I know I'm with the person I'm in love with, but cannot see what they look like. Mainly the whole dream I'm somehow beside them doing whatever around this huge mansion. Weird, yet so dissapointing that I'm literally dreaming of love n' happiness. >.<

July 1st, 2007, 07:03 pm
My dreams seem to lack in the sense category at all times.
This time, Donald Trump hijacks a coach bus. Let's leave it at that.

July 2nd, 2007, 07:12 pm
Victorian England. Me and another street urchin are servants to this really sexy English dude. I think he's a vampire, but whatever. and he needs his stuff toted around. So, the other kid picks up some bags filled with gold and a small treasure chest, and I take a book, a vial filled with glowing liquid, and needle that I hang around my neck. We set off, and this windy dust devilly thing, shifts to form this dusty babe. The English dude's all, "No, it can't be, you're dead." and the other street urchin drops his gold. I try to chase off the kid that's come to pick it up, but the English dude says, "It's not important. It was never important."

July 5th, 2007, 06:06 am
I had a dream recently where some guy's wedding ring comes off, and I find it and give it back to him...

*I know I'm getting weird looks XD*

I think it means either:

1. I'll marry a guy who is divorced/widowed
2. I was in love with a married guy and got over it
3. I'll sleep with a married guy

July 5th, 2007, 09:50 pm
I had a dream that it was world war, and that zepplines (in english, yes?) were dropping bombs everywhere and I had to survive by taking cover very often. I woke up after I got on board of one of them and I jumped off. I was about to fall into he sea when it blew up nad then I woke up...

*Expects wierd looks* :(

July 6th, 2007, 04:09 am
....I had a dream that.....
I commited a suicide....scary....

Faia Sakura
July 6th, 2007, 09:24 pm
I was in Juvie, then I went home for vacation where I had a pet panda the size of a small bear, but it was really light and I could esaily pick it up. Then I went to the bookshop with my brother and was in the manga section when I hear a commotion because J.K.Rowling is a book singing fir the release of the 7th Harry Potter book, except the cover was silver and all wierd, but I got a copy anyway.

After that, poof, I'm trying to decide where to eat and my bro shows up telling me to go to this place cuz they have good food.....then i'm standing on a roof-top plaze with a bank on the floor below. I see my bro (he's popular in my dream, isn't he) fishing for pennies, and he's got to fill up a cup so he can get paid in candy from that bank.

Weird, isn't it?

Deadly Love
July 13th, 2007, 12:45 am
These days, I only dream of 2 things:

1. Me being in Prince of Tennis as Ryoma's cousin (and I'm "supposedly" better. Sugoi. (Wow.) That's a miracle.) and I somehow make it in the Boys' Tennis Team..... after tons of begging..... and tons of other stuff. Really weird but I wish it was true.

2. My story, "Unknown Change". I just dream of events that include the characters of Gakuen Alice and my OCs and it somehow becomes a part of the story.

Well, yeah. That's it for now. Ja~!

July 13th, 2007, 09:49 pm
This dream really hurt me, Me and my friends were play a game and the girl i liked called me ugly.

hurt me so much

Deadly Love
July 14th, 2007, 08:13 am

-shudders- Stupid horror movies. I am never watching another one again. I had a dream in which I was watching "Battle Royale". All that blood.... gore... violence.... -shudders- Never again..... -shudders-

July 14th, 2007, 01:19 pm
I have kinda a wierd dreams.. I really hate them. I dream about ordinary situation stuff, and thier are always so misty and cloudy, you never get a hold on whats going on, just small fragments of the dreams, the wierd part is that later on, maybe a month later i excperince these fragmants in real life! You get this remember feeling that you have seen/done it before... I dont know what it is, its just so scary when you get these feeling, like a cold chill througthout the body....

It's almost as if you touch small pieces of the future, but it hasnt been decided yet...darnit! What if the human brain is alot more complicated than we think it is? what if ppl really can see the future....

Note: I dont know when/where these things happen, sometimes i just see a scene like a road in the dream, and in real life you see it in the exactly the same
angle... Creepy stuff

August 21st, 2007, 07:18 pm
Hmmm...... I don't want this thread to die out, so I'll just post here.

Dreams make sleep more enjoyable and that's a good thing (unless if you are having a nightmare that is)

August 22nd, 2007, 12:09 am
I had a "back-to-school" dream...and it's getting more frequent...

It always happens when school's about so start XD

August 22nd, 2007, 04:08 am
Wow.... You know what?

When its near school, I usually have that kind of dream too. :heh:

August 22nd, 2007, 04:19 am
Back then it was once every two weeks, then it became once a week, now it's almost everyday XD

August 23rd, 2007, 08:09 pm
It's a stupid dream... don't read it.

September 2nd, 2007, 07:03 pm
i was at school and i met my boyfriend on the corridor (which is strange since he's at a different school). he was with two girls and looked quite happy which made really sad and i went towards him without saying a word and just hugged him. but he didn't look comfortable with that and over his shoulder i saw the two girls staring at me in disgust and turning away. i felt totally stupid and said to my boyfriend: "just follow them if you want to". he was angry with me and i didn't understand why.

when i woke up i felt really bad. i don't like dreams like that :/

December 8th, 2007, 05:19 pm
I had a dream that I was pregnant and I was going around town on a bike.
Then I went to an the "hospital" (that looked very similar to The Coeur d'Alene Resort (http://www.modern-glass.com/images/CDAResort.jpg)) .
A nurse said my baby was dead because I rode the bike...

December 8th, 2007, 07:41 pm
whoa X weird dream. Once I had a dream that I died and came back to life in a suit of armor. I heard if you die in your dream you die in real life. I wonder if that sayings true or metaphorical.

Divine Shadow
December 8th, 2007, 08:15 pm
Not sure. I sometimes die in my dreams but either I wake up or that one time I became a zombie. (and yes I was attacking people) :\ edit: (remembered being turned into a vampire after being killed too, also attacking people) :\

I had a weird dream last night. ._. I was in the world of maple story as my char. Weird enough since I haven't played in a while (or had a video game self insertion dream in a long time that I can remember) but even more weird is the fact that my char is a female so...... yeah. ._. (basically a dream of being the other gender and yes that's her you see in my set)

edit: @Sun: I thought I was the only one. ._. (doesn't feel he's crazy thinking like that anymore)

December 9th, 2007, 12:07 am
I've died a few times in my dreams and not woken up. Instead of becoming one of the undead, I can just see everything and everyone in the world, including my funeral.

Last night, I had a dream that I was a doctor and I caused a paralyzed women to literally dissolve from the inside out by a mutant virus-type thing because of my poor hand-eye coordination. I then injected myself with the virus because of my guilt. I don't know if I died or not because then I woke up.

December 12th, 2007, 01:48 am
wow. Intense dream. My dreams are always random. I wake up saying why did I dream that. I also heard that some people only dream in black in white. All my memorable dreams have been in color.

December 12th, 2007, 02:43 am
I had a dream that I had a smart fortwo. It was fun, then I woke up. :(

December 12th, 2007, 01:20 pm
what did you do? did you drive on the highway? ^^

December 15th, 2007, 03:56 pm
I was dreaming I was in a concentration camp the other night :unsure: Combination of visiting a couple on my Europe trip, and the fact that my muscles ached like all hell, which was sending my body into thinking of explanations other than the fact I'd been to the gym, I guess XD

April 23rd, 2008, 01:18 pm
Last night I met myself as Hannah (IRC regulars know the one)
But anyway it was such an odd dream, went to an exam but forgot the calculator, ran back to get it found /me/ in a limo outside, convinced /me/ to go to the exam, ran arround all over the place....


April 23rd, 2008, 08:15 pm
Wow, I sure wish my dreams made as much sense as some of yours... mine neither follow a logical train of thought nor pertain any meaning...

It's mostly stuff like I'm inside a room and the walls are converging, then I run out through a random opening somewhere, but half my body doesn't make it out, so I'm squished. Ya... happy thoughts...

Nate River
April 24th, 2008, 05:10 am
I dream that I'm back in school alot. Lots of random things happen each time but the one thing that's consistent is I can never remember the combination to my locker.

Another common theme is aliens, for some reason. Once I dreamed my Grandma was an alien. She abducted me. ._.

April 25th, 2008, 08:29 pm
Lol... my common dream theme is 'squishing'... One way or another, I often get squished in my dreams...

April 26th, 2008, 11:40 am
Lol... my common dream theme is 'squishing'... One way or another, I often get squished in my dreams...

wow! after reading that i just had this really weird imagine of being squished by a fat lady wearing poker dotted dress... XD

I get weird dreams how im in a game or something like i remember i was pacman once... i got eaten by those cute colourful thingies! :sigh:
oh yeah.. i was car racing last time.... ran off a cliff and crashed into a wall...
Im always ending up dead... x_x

April 26th, 2008, 06:53 pm
I had a dream last night (my first dream in 4 months!) that everyone in my school were mindless killing zombies but only when in the sun. So what did I do? I shot rockets and blew up the sun of course!

April 26th, 2008, 08:10 pm
Nice to know that your friends mean so much to you dear :lol:

April 26th, 2008, 09:33 pm
I had a dream
that I was a sith
and I was talking to Darth Vader
on the Death Star


Nate River
April 27th, 2008, 02:42 am
I had a dream
that I was a sith
and I was talking to Darth Vader
on the Death Star



I had one last night where I was back in school (again) but this time I was roller blading around the building and jumping over people. Over and over and over. :/

April 27th, 2008, 03:07 am
I hardly ever dream. Or at least i do but i never remember them :(

April 27th, 2008, 03:09 am
I once dreamt I had a chainsaw and hurt my arm... then I remembered chainsaw wounds didn't hurt if you also hurt your chest... Then I sawn a pie.

May 19th, 2008, 06:59 am
I had such an odd dream last night. Twas based in my back garden at home. My brother was a frog but there was a baby aligator in the pond. it got out and stood on my bother as I told him of the aligator then I ended up chasing them both a full lap of the garden while laughing my head off.

May 19th, 2008, 05:09 pm
I haven't had a dream for... a very long time. Can anyone suggest why?

May 19th, 2008, 05:46 pm
Dreams tend not to happen while in bad sleeping patterns, poor diet or on forceful drugs such as sleeping pills.

May 27th, 2008, 06:13 am
and maybe also because of a lack of natural protien in your vegetarian diet.


I remember two dreams I had recently. The first was me walking through a large house, and it seemed that every room had a piano in it. In total, I counted seven baby grand pianos. Then it ended :\

The second was me reflecting on the day past, where I had an economics test. I dreamt that I didn't do the last two questions. I woke up suddenly and rememebered that I answered them all. I went back to sleep :)

June 5th, 2008, 04:48 am
I had a really racist dream in which I made fun of a Chinese person's accent. I'm half-Chinese ._.;

June 16th, 2008, 03:23 am
I dreamed that I was Harry Potter, and that Voldemort was chasing after me. I hid in some secret passage underneath my church and waited, and then I ran away when he was well occupied with searching...

And no, I haven't been reading Harry Potter, nor have I watched any of the movies recently.

June 23rd, 2008, 10:12 am
I dreamt I met hantony.
Then he said hi to me and I said hi to him.
Then i woke up :shifty:

June 23rd, 2008, 10:14 am
Ya know since your talking to me on IRC right now you could have told me :\

July 17th, 2008, 01:07 pm
anyone dreams about losing theeth? tell me.

July 17th, 2008, 05:13 pm
anyone dreams about losing theeth? tell me.

All the time :heh:

July 17th, 2008, 08:06 pm
hows your faith? religions?

do they just fall out or what?

Zucriy Amsuna
October 7th, 2008, 04:58 am
Wow, my thread still exists after three years and some months? :blink: At least I left good enough a mark. ^_^ And I started this within three to four months after my joining. XD

Anyway, I've had a few random dreams recently. During one of them, I was in the hospital again, but instead of a kidney stone like last time (in real life), it was that my kidney reeeeally hurt in the dream--it then burst while I was waiting inside the hospital. :heh: So much pain... x_x And then they finally put me to sleep, ready to operate on me--and no painkiller was really enough to make the pain go away before that. XD It was almost like that last time when I had a kidney stone; even morphine did almost nothing. <_<

And then, in the dream, I awoke during the operation. >.< And they only put in the stuff that paralysed me from doing anything; so I could feel everything, and hear everything. :death:

And so, when I was finally able to move, back at my hospital bed, with many of my friends and family around me, I went a little berserk on the doctors. Yelling was all I could do. But I also said that, although it was the worst experience of my life, it was also the best non-friend-related experience of my life. :heh: Because it was interesting to feel all that pain and not be able to do anything or move. :sweat: I liked it. ~

Am I a masochist? XD...

December 10th, 2008, 10:23 am
I've just woke up from such a random dream.

I was a theif or something trying steal lightbulbs from a boat becuase they had a higher value than sweets. Then guards came so i battled them with my sword and won. i jumped down into the hull and then was like a computer game for a while then, running arround searching places and killing small amounts of guards.
finally i got to a boss that used fire magic that could attack the whole room so i ran in close to strike but he ran down a hidden passage. i persued only to find a full reginemt of guards. I soon had the guards running, leaving ust the boss that stayed behind so that his men could flee without harm.
Then almost instantly after I was using a fireball type power that was the size of a ticktack and was using it to burn off the bosses clothes. the boss was a skinny man, easy to grab ahold of and i soon burned his grey pants off and had him held fast atop me.
The rest is a bit too adult natured hehehe >.>;

December 10th, 2008, 01:13 pm
Han D:

I keep dreaming about buying prom dresses. Namely green ones, because i can never find them in real life. It's becoming somewhat a recurring dream, except i visit a different shop each time =|

Oh, and i did just read a wikipedia article about recurring dreams, and it mentioned dreaming about losing teeth.

December 11th, 2008, 11:32 am
But green tend to be ugly prom dresses D=
Red heads can pull it off though ^^

December 11th, 2008, 04:31 pm
I could pull it off if you know what I mean~


Guy jokes ftw.

The internet told me what those dreams about losing teeth meant. It had absolutely nothing to do with religion.

December 11th, 2008, 06:08 pm
I am a red head, silly.

December 11th, 2008, 07:54 pm
It was purple last time I checked.
Anyways, staying on topic, I want more dreams like these last few I've had ^^

December 14th, 2008, 04:25 am
I had some weird dream a week ago, but I can remember it so vividly o_o

After school I realised I left my blazer behind so I got my friend to hold up the bus then when I was looking for my blazer my school somehow resembled Hogwarts (lol Hogwarts) and I was running through rich looking pathways that seemed to never end :O

oh, and there was alot of grass rofl


December 14th, 2008, 10:40 am
Most of my dreams r from horror/thriller movies I watch.....go me =.="

Most of the time I wake up and spring up from my bed. Nightmares ftwww~

Zucriy Amsuna
March 27th, 2009, 01:54 pm
My thread is dying! :kfreaked: I'll just have to tell a dream. :D

I had a dream some time ago about my Ichigo's days, back when the forums were a little differently arranged and when Harmonic Dissonance was still under construction. Now it reached a new site. XD Nice. ^_^

Anyway, in the dream, I was talking to many of the people I used to talk to, or who were online often enough like I was. I talked to Eternal, Ayanami, Diamond (banned), Mithiras (banned), Wraith (banned), random_tanget, Inu-chan, Igneus Descent, Roy Mustang, Sephiroth, Spoonpuppet, Angelic (Neko Koneko now), madmazda86 (now with a capital M), Sondagger, Kou, Neerolyte, Yoshinobu, Chihiro (Chi-Chi), Noir7, PFT Shadow, Starwind, Sakusora (Sora), and some others I forget at the moment. Why I was talking to them, I don't really know; most of them I don't talk to. XD But my memory keeps me from forgetting some things, like their forum names and email addresses of some of them who don't know me (MSN Messenger). And I was in the Harmonic Dissonance RP again. And my character, Xerak, was fighting Zeus' character, Sir Aegis Illuvium. Back then, his character was pwnage. XD

Of course, I lost...

But it was a fun dream. Nice reminiscences followed after I woke up. ^_^

March 27th, 2009, 03:49 pm
I had a dream the other day that I was stuck in a video game where Jesus was the main character. At one point we had to go on a rollercoaster. It was fun! XD

April 1st, 2009, 05:45 am
Dreams... dreams... hmmm. It's so wierd! I always have these wierd/cool dreams one night, then usually, I forget them! Isn't that great!:heh: Sometimes *cough cough all the time cough* I get so excited about anime and manga, I talk so much I start making up dreams! I just say, " I had this really cool dream last night..." Once, I made up this really wierd dream *by accident* about me going to the soul society (in bleach)! I met like all the people in bleach! Rukia's, like, 4'9" so I was just like, hey there pipsqueak! (I'm 5'3") I know, I get really annoying when I star talking about bleach/my personal life. I have no one to talk to about these things though... :cry: Well, I'm gonna stop now...

April 1st, 2009, 06:27 am
Dreams... dreams... hmmm. It's so wierd! I always have these wierd/cool dreams one night, then usually, I forget them! Isn't that great!:heh: Sometimes *cough cough all the time cough* I get so excited about anime and manga, I talk so much I start making up dreams! I just say, " I had this really cool dream last night..." Once, I made up this really wierd dream *by accident* about me going to the soul society (in bleach)! I met like all the people in bleach! Rukia's, like, 4'9" so I was just like, hey there pipsqueak! (I'm 5'3") I know, I get really annoying when I star talking about bleach/my personal life. I have no one to talk to about these things though... :cry: Well, I'm gonna stop now...

o rly?

April 1st, 2009, 09:56 am
o rly?

I too, would not be surprised if she stabbed herself with a kitchen knife hoping she gets shinigami powers :think:

April 2nd, 2009, 02:59 am
once I had a dream about the boy I like and he asked me out on a date
it was very random

Zucriy Amsuna
May 6th, 2009, 03:06 am
I had a dream that I died (for some random reason I never knew) and was resurrected in Riverworld! :sweat: I observed my surroundings and found some people to talk to. It was still evidently early in the days of the First Day of Resurrection (which made no sense, considering everyone in Riverworld was resurrected at the First Day and no extra person after that).

Anyway, there isn't much to talk about in that dream; it didn't last long, but I remember it well enough. XD For those who don't know about Riverworld, look it up. ^_^ It is a great book series by Philip Jose Farmer. I haven't seen the movie; I doubt it will be any good.

My dream was mostly about observing the environment of Riverworld: the plains, the hills, the vertical mountains, the mile-wide River, the huge trees, the people, the grailstones, etc. It was interesting. :)

May 6th, 2009, 04:03 am
I had a dream that I was on a ship
and the whether was getting really bad and there were hammer head sharks everywhere
then some of the sharks start jumping like dolphins do. There was another fishing ship warning us over radio that the storm was going to get really bad if we don't turn back and then lighting hit just above our heads and I woke up then

Mourning Glory
May 8th, 2009, 05:11 am
...I had a dream like Jurassic Park.

Hiding in a kitchen from velociraptors.

Yaaaay dinos.

Mourning Glory
May 21st, 2009, 10:45 am
Lol. I killed it.

ANYWAYS. The night before last, I dreamed that my boyfriend's house got ransacked, and there was alot of running from some guy who looked like a gangster from The Godfather and drove a very nice Godfather-era car.

Funny thing was, the neighborhood was all wrong. >.<

Kevin Penkin
May 22nd, 2009, 06:21 am
I almost never remember my dreams :( The occasional dream I remember is always music, so I can always write it down when I wake up, but I rarely happens. Is there a way to increase the chances or remembering dreams? “Nintendo Brain Training” exercises or something? lol. Joking about that last part :P

June 2nd, 2009, 03:43 am
well I like crazy ones:lol:

June 2nd, 2009, 06:34 am
Im in another cycle of dreams again... Dreaming of falling everyday now :(. I would always wake up with a shuddering jump.

June 9th, 2009, 04:52 am
I don't dream, or I haven't recently. I remember having vivid dreams before, but most recently I've been neglecting sleep so I guess I miss the dream phase of sleep :[

I miss them...

Kevin Penkin
June 10th, 2009, 04:28 pm
I don't dream, or I haven't recently. I remember having vivid dreams before, but most recently I've been neglecting sleep so I guess I miss the dream phase of sleep :[

I miss them...

haha me to :(

June 12th, 2009, 01:39 pm
a blank dream.. anyone who most of the time had these blank dreams.. i meant dreams that made you really sleep deep but it was just plainly blank.. cant say that i dont remember anything but there is this feeling that dreams happen occasionally.

Zucriy Amsuna
July 23rd, 2009, 05:09 pm
I had a recent dream about being able to read extremely fast. Despite as many books that I read in real life, I still can't read fast; my mind just doesn't comprehend the concept. x_x So this dream was rather fun for me. :)

I've also had another dream about books. I had a huge library full of them, and they all whispered their secrets to me. It's as if I can read a book without even opening it. Now that would be fun! :lol:

July 26th, 2009, 03:20 pm
I forget most of my dreams when I wake up. :mellow:

Musical Chocolate
July 30th, 2009, 07:45 pm
I almost have the same dream everynight which I have had for a few years now...It is me floating in darkness but I can't move and its like me watching everything and I'm out of my body...its wierd.....

I have that exact same dream very often. If you believe in psychic abilities, there is one called astral projection which is basically what happens in that kind of dream. Except you can do it anytime and have complete control of it, with practice. You might be psychic...:think: In fact, there are a lot of psychic abilities connected to dreams. Like precognition or recognition which are premonitions of the past (recognition) and future (precognition).

Zucriy Amsuna
August 5th, 2009, 11:11 pm
In fact, there are a lot of psychic abilities connected to dreams. Like precognition or recognition which are premonitions of the past (recognition) and future (precognition).

Precognition and retrocognition (postcognition), you mean? Anyway, you're perfectly right in the aspect of dreams sometimes being related to psychic abilities. Where else do you think some déjà vu experiences come from? :)

Anyway, one of my latest dreams is waking up (in the dream world) to having a Japanese teenage very near my age unconscious on the floor next to me. :huh: There was a note near her saying that some group of people (I somehow imagined them to be bad) taking her from some orphanage-like place and giving her to me. A most peculiar happenstance... Anyway, I decided to put the fan toward her because of the heat and the fact that this house doesn't have air conditioning. She then woke up, and we talked about the situation rather calmly. After learning a lot about each other because of our infinite similarities, she became my girlfriend...within just one day. XD

It was a dream of wanting someone perfect, I guess... :think: She even went to the same University I attend and lives in one of the dorms there. It was rather odd, remembering that the letter said something about an orphanage (I think)... :think:

So, that's my odd dream for the week. :sweat:

August 5th, 2009, 11:49 pm
I had a dream that Mazeppa (yes, the one on these forums) came to my house and taught me how to skateboard.

August 6th, 2009, 01:00 am
LOL. I used to skateboard, then I got a keyboard. Funny that you mentioned skating. XD

aaron FtW!!11
August 6th, 2009, 03:03 am
Man i had a crazy A** dream! First I got done watching the Disney Hercules movie (this is important to the setting of my dream). Im not sure where it starts but i remember acid rain falling in a classic greek architecture setting (it was present day though) with pillars and columns and such. So this acid rain is destroying everything (it was established in my dream that the world was coming to an end). Then there was this fallout shelter that could house one person for the rest of their life, but it required two keys. I had one and someone had the other....then i woke up. some deep stuff man....maybe :bleh:

August 13th, 2009, 03:15 am
All I see is BLACK.

August 15th, 2009, 03:21 am
That's because you don't remember your dreams Voodoo! Mine are really random but I can't think of something to write here at the moment.

My friend had a dream of a bread stick (like the long "french" ones) chasing her around the school. XD

August 15th, 2009, 07:16 am
Hmm, dreams...
I had another one of those "waking up feeling weird, something-missing and down" moments, they're happening a lot lately. I think my dreams are telling me that there's something missing from my life XD

Zucriy Amsuna
September 24th, 2009, 03:19 am
One of my latest dreams is meeting a pretty girl who is sitting on a small concrete ledge next to some steps and singing Disney songs. I joined her in the song (as the current one was a duet), and then we started talking... Basically, she became a very close friend within a day. :heh: The dream then jumped around for some reason--maybe it was my consciousness acting up, wanting to have a happy dream ending of having a girlfriend again. :sweat: By that time, the girl was Japanese. :mellow:... Couldn't help it, I guess. :heh: It's just an old childhood fantasy of having a Japanese girlfriend. Even so, I don't really care what the race is of whomever I find. :)

September 24th, 2009, 05:19 am
My dreams are always very strange, like someone's enabled WAY too much HDR and Bloom. I also ALWAYS see myself from a 3rd person perspective. What sucks though, that in most I always tend to die<_< Like this one I had a few nights ago....

I was sitting in a trench in a pine forest. There were other people around me too and we were all dressed like WW2 American soldiers. Everyone was complaining about how long they've been stationed in the forest when suddenly a large number of nazi troops appear in the distance. We start shooting, some of the nazi's fall and I manage to kill 1 and injure 1. However, when they finally get close, everyone starts to fall back. I quickly throw a grenade over the trench and turn around to fall back but everyone is gone. I turn back around and there is only one nazi trooper there, charging. I try to fire but my gun jams. He jumps into the trench. I try to get up and stab him with my knife, but in standing up I manage to trip over a log and fall backwards. The nazi soldier runs up to me and stabs me in the gut with his bayonet. I lay there for ages. Suddenly the nazi's reappear and set up a camp with log huts and such. I'm dragged into the middle of the camp near the camp fire. One of them shouts in german to one of the other soldiers. That soldier then walks up to me and stabs me in the gut again with his bayonet, and again....and again....

Then I woke up. But I found myself feeling my gut.....just to make sure I wasn't cut or something.

See what I mean.....I always die.....

Neko Koneko
September 24th, 2009, 11:43 am
My friend had a dream of a bread stick (like the long "french" ones) chasing her around the school. XD

Are there any other breadsticks than the French ones though?

September 24th, 2009, 05:54 pm
Are there any other breadsticks than the French ones though?
Yeah. Over here in America, at least. Those little bread things you get at pizza places that you dunk in marinara sauce. We call those breadsticks (and if anyone said "bread stick" to me, that's the first thing I'd think of; French bread would be a distant second). What are they called elsewhere?

September 30th, 2009, 04:03 pm
Dreamt about a ghost boy called Ju-on(haha) that did not look scary and was supposed to have died 10 years ago or something that live in a house. Then this old grandfather and his granddaughter moved in and they knew he was a ghost but took care of him. Then, the granddaughter and Ju-on went to school(how do they enroll a ghost?) and no one could tell that Ju-on was not human. Then it ended because I thought there was no logic behind it.

Musical Chocolate
October 5th, 2009, 01:44 am
This is how stressed out about my grades I can get. I dreamed/dreamt that the C i had in english magically turned into a B+. And that's it. That was the dream.

October 5th, 2009, 07:00 am
I had another zombie dream...

October 11th, 2009, 11:39 am
Haha, you people have funny dreams. The most recent one I can remember was...

I was with my parents and brother in the country side and we were having a good time util my dad said something like "You do know they said there were going to be massive floods today in this area." When I heard that I got completely stressed and convinced my mum to take us away but my dad decided to stay. We got in the car and drove over a bunch of hills...
Then my dream switched to something else. The strange thing was when I woke up my brother said he dreamt about a tsunami that same night. O_O

December 22nd, 2009, 06:43 am
I had a nightmare last night that I forgot how to play Clair de Lune. Was scary as.

December 22nd, 2009, 07:53 am
I have dreams like that, where i randomly forget how to whistle with my fingers or something, yet my life depends on it at the time.

Most recent dream was extremely bizarre, and the only dream ive ever had where ive woken up and fallen asleep back into the same dream :S

December 22nd, 2009, 04:33 pm
I don't have normal dreams where it's like watching a story.
I have what's known as "Lucid dreams (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dream)".

In reality, you can look at something, look away and look back at that something again, and nothing changes.
In my mind when in a dreaming state I can recognize if i'm dreaming or not in that method while in the dreaming state to conclude that i'm in a dream, because there are always little changes when you you look around in a dream world that's always changing.
Namely that's because while in a dream, the mind wonders so it doesn't keep track of every detail.

What's fun about Lucid Dreaming is the fact that you can control many of the aspects of the realm, whether it's the environment, the people, or even yourself at will/thought.

The only big problem with it is that your mind is so active that you can wake yourself up very easily whether it be intentional or unintentional. also sounds outside the dream enters the dream as well so they can wake you up as well.

Personally I like Flight & falling dreams, or the ones that are a bit adult if you know what I mean there, lol.
Lucid dreams can be fun, it's just there have been talks that they are risky because they use too much brain use to work.

The average human uses around 10% of their brain. if tapping into thoes extra section causes Lucid dreaming where you can control everything at will, would tapping into that extra 90% outside of the dream cause a person to control reality?
That's my thought on that, lol.


December 23rd, 2009, 07:07 pm
See what I mean.....I always die.....

Same... for some reason, when I wake up, I still feel the "wound"... I think it's just purely psychological for me to still feel cut.

December 23rd, 2009, 07:22 pm
Same... for some reason, when I wake up, I still feel the "wound"... I think it's just purely psychological for me to still feel cut.

For me whenever I get hurt with a wound, it gives the same feeling as like when my foot goes to sleep. In that area where the wound is, it gives that feeling.

Also like lets say if there is a part where you get stabbed or hit with a needle or something, it gives the same feeling as when water flushes into my ears.


December 23rd, 2009, 10:55 pm
Sometimes I dream lucid dreams, but the thing is as soon as I realize it's a dream, I wake up. -.-

December 24th, 2009, 01:18 am
Sometimes I dream lucid dreams, but the thing is as soon as I realize it's a dream, I wake up. -.-

That's always one of the biggest problems I have with Lucid dreams as well. >.<
Once you realize your in a dream, it's harder than hell to stay in it.


December 26th, 2009, 10:35 pm

fekken trippy like shit yo'.

Incredibly detailed it was. Really, really bizarre. It was like I was actually imagining(daydream style) or actually there :S then i realised and woke up pretty soon after.

December 26th, 2009, 11:01 pm
The thing about lucid dreams for me, is that only one aspect of it seems realistic: I was walking realistically, but the "background" around me was all blurred...

December 26th, 2009, 11:24 pm
The thing about lucid dreams for me, is that only one aspect of it seems realistic: I was walking realistically, but the "background" around me was all blurred...

That usually happens to me when the setting is in an evening or night setting.
after awhile everything gets hard to see.
what's scary is the Lucid dreams you try to awake from, and then you awaken into another dream which you have to figure out all over again becasue you go from lucid to non-lucid dream, lol.

I had a dream the other night which felt like I spent another entire day in 1 night, and then went to sleep in that dream to appear in another dream, which i spent a whole another day...
In the end I spent 3.5 days all in a period of 9 hours of sleep, lol.


December 27th, 2009, 05:53 am
I had a dream the other night which felt like I spent another entire day in 1 night, and then went to sleep in that dream to appear in another dream, which i spent a whole another day...
In the end I spent 3.5 days all in a period of 9 hours of sleep, lol.

OMG! So cool! Wish that would happen to me.
I usually end up controling my dream then everything goes wrong. My dreams are usually quite exhausting but I some how manage to stay in them.

Question - Do you people see your dreams in colour or black and white?

December 27th, 2009, 04:26 pm
OMG! So cool! Wish that would happen to me.
I usually end up controling my dream then everything goes wrong. My dreams are usually quite exhausting but I some how manage to stay in them.

Question - Do you people see your dreams in colour or black and white?
Lucid dreams can be very difficult to control, namely becasue when you aren't in control, everything runs smoothly, but once it enters the lucid state where you are aware, the mind has to remember the detail of the dream so you can stay in it, so it adds a lot of strain which causes a person to wake up easily.

For me, dreams are normally in color, but there are times that it's monochrome with color shades, like when it's evening, everything has an orange tint to it, or sometimes everything has a different color tint to it.
It's just something that changes now and then for me, but mainly for me the are in color.

Now that I realize it, the monochrome dreams, it's easier to stay in a lucid state becasue the mind doesn't have to remember a huge amount of colors for the objects.


December 29th, 2009, 04:20 am
For me, all the dreams are in complete colour. But then, there's always just one sense missing from it (although it's never sight)... for example, losing touch, or losing taste, etc.

December 31st, 2009, 05:45 am
Normally my dreams are fuzzy and really random but this one was pretty vivid (and bizarre). Oh I also got to enjoy it in color :P

I was in my house and walked to my backyard. There were anteaters all over the place and they were climbing the trees. I thought they escaped from the zoo so I asked my aunt. Apparently the anteaters had become zombies and moved to find food. I decided to adopt them and one bit me on the hand. It started to bleed horribly and it wouldn't stop. It hurt so much that I woke up thinking I had a cut on my hand....

I think I might have become a zombie anteater..... and the freaky part is that I really don't think anteaters can bite

December 31st, 2009, 05:47 am
For me, all the dreams are in complete colour. But then, there's always just one sense missing from it (although it's never sight)... for example, losing touch, or losing taste, etc.

Speech & strength are the ones I hate to lose in dreams >.<


Musical Chocolate
February 10th, 2010, 08:54 pm
I've been having weird dreams lately. Like I had one where Brad Pitt died. The thing about it though, no one was upset. Like you would think lots of fans would be wrecks, but they weren't. Also i had a dream(more like a nightmare) where my house was a hotel(the structure of the house didn't change but there were 27 floors and elevators would appear out of nowhere) and jason was trying to kill us all.

February 25th, 2010, 10:51 pm
I dreamt I was in highschool last night. It was really fun seeing old faces again. Looking forward to my five year reunion. =)

Kaji Motomiya
February 25th, 2010, 10:56 pm
I dreamt that my body was taken apart, like a doll. When I woke up, my body hurt all over...

Musical Chocolate
February 27th, 2010, 04:07 am
Is it true that if you die in your dream you die for real?

February 27th, 2010, 12:47 pm
Is it true that if you die in your dream you die for real?

No, I've died a fair bit ( :( ) in my dreams. Yet I'm still here. Does anyone else find that they don't dream a lot. Because I rarely dream at all, maybe once everything 3 months. However when I do dream, its always the same set of the dreams, sure there's the odd different one but most of my dreams get repeated. Sometimes the dreams add the little extra to the story before they finish and the next time I dream it'll add on again. However I find this quite odd; curse my brain. I wish it would think up some new material:\

Although another weird thing is that I almost always remember all of my dreams, mind you there's not many to remember. But I can still recite them almost perfectly, what people say, the environment, events etc.

Musical Chocolate
February 27th, 2010, 09:35 pm
No, I've died a fair bit ( :( ) in my dreams. Yet I'm still here. Does anyone else find that they don't dream a lot. Because I rarely dream at all, maybe once everything 3 months. However when I do dream, its always the same set of the dreams, sure there's the odd different one but most of my dreams get repeated. Sometimes the dreams add the little extra to the story before they finish and the next time I dream it'll add on again. However I find this quite odd; curse my brain. I wish it would think up some new material:\

Although another weird thing is that I almost always remember all of my dreams, mind you there's not many to remember. But I can still recite them almost perfectly, what people say, the environment, events etc.

I don't dream that often either. However if it has to do with someone I know, I'll remember it. Likewise, if it doesn't I don't.

February 28th, 2010, 05:47 am
I realize that when I was younger I had a lot more dreams. I remember quite a few times when I had a dream I really liked I would think about it the next night or so and have the exact same dream again. Or I would dream about whatever I was thinking about before I fell asleep.

The dreams I remember the most are scary ones lol. I remember having different versions of a dream where there's a clone or doppelganger of myself trying to kill me that lasted like a week or so.

June 2nd, 2010, 10:11 pm
Old thread old thread.

I have a lot of dreams where im late. No matter how hard i try not to be, i cannot get there on time, no matter what i do. And this one manifests itself in a lot of ways.
Secondly, that im stuck. Unable to move. Im either stuck to the spot and cant even take little steps or anything, or, i can run, but its in slow motion. I cant run fast enough, ever.
Its really weird.

Sometimes i dream that i cant whistle with my fingers (i can IRL) and my life depends on it in the dream, but i just cant do it.

It drives me mad -_-

Lanza de Relampago
June 2nd, 2010, 10:41 pm
What do angels dream of? :|

I had a dream that i was falling...for a long time. The i saw something with wings but i couldn't see what or who it was, just the wings. A grayish white color, but then i asked this question.

June 2nd, 2010, 10:53 pm
I dreamed of food, a lot of food. :)

June 3rd, 2010, 01:10 am
Let's see... Last night, I dreamed about me being in school and when my friend and I were sitting in the cafeteria, random anime characters sprouted out of nowhere. Scary enough, I don't quite understand what kind of dream I was having... I mean, it felt like the anime characters/pets were suppose to be part of the school and it felt like I knew they were going to come. So I woke up before I introduced Haruhi Fujioka to my friends. I was wondering why I had that dream... Did I watch too much anime yesterday? :think:

June 4th, 2010, 02:31 am
The last cool dream I had was that I had to piss really bad. The problem was, I lived in a giant bubble mostly enclosed in shark-invested (but beautiful, tropical) ocean, with a little island next to it. And I didn't want to pee outside, so I had to get to a half-submerged school that was on another island pretty far away. Since I couldn't swim, I called upon one of my mighty flying stingray friends, and hopped on him to take me to the school. Except he didn't really fly, he just jumped really far and kind of glided, so I had to keep on having him skim the water while sharks and shit were jumping out and trying to eat us. It was pretty badass. I took some random cute girl that lived on the island with me on the adventure, too, which made the whole dream even more cool. XD

It was kinda ghibli-esque, lol. =)

And why do 90% of the dreams in here sound emo and "deep"/completely made up to make the poster sound emo/"deep?" You guys need to brighten up a little. Your dreams are far too mysterious and boring. = \

June 4th, 2010, 05:41 am
I always have dreams where I get something super epically awesome then I wake up and realize that I don't have it. Boo. But usually I end up getting it later down the road and that's good.

June 4th, 2010, 08:51 am
The last cool dream I had was that I had to piss really bad.

haha, i dream that too, when i have to go in real life xD

And why do 90% of the dreams in here sound emo and "deep"/completely made up to make the poster sound emo/"deep?" You guys need to brighten up a little. Your dreams are far too mysterious and boring. = \

Do you mean me? cause honestly that is what i dream about...my counsellor says it means im unhappy in my life :| (i am, hence having counselling >_>)

However i often have really cool dreams too, like where im fighting crime or solving mysteries. I think i watch too much Bones, but hey, theyre cool. and really vivid. I could write books :D

June 5th, 2010, 06:42 am
haha, i dream that too, when i have to go in real life xD
lol, same here. It's the worst, too, because you can't actually *piss* in your dreams, so my "need to piss" dreams always drag on for like an hour until I finally wake up. XP

Do you mean me? cause honestly that is what i dream about...my counsellor says it means im unhappy in my life :| (i am, hence having counselling >_>)
No, didn't mean you, hahah. I went back a couple of pages, and didn't find anything even mildly offense about your dream-posts. XD

June 5th, 2010, 11:20 am
Last night, I dream that I was being picked on. *Trembles* Yikes. I don't really like how those random people at my school just bully on me. I'm glad they don't do that in real life... I think.

June 6th, 2010, 02:56 pm
The need-to-piss dreams really......piss me off.
Lol see what I did there.

Like, in my dreams, i wee, but i still need to go. it just wont go away D:

However, people often wet the bed when they dream of doing a wee. :X

June 6th, 2010, 03:07 pm
Had a more normal dream for once. Everyone in my senior music class were all playing instruments different than what they normally play and we had to perform somewhere for something. The only thing is we were playing on a stage with no audience. Then everyone that just played swapped instruments and it repeated for ages.

I definitely remember waking up feeling very confused @_@

Really wish I would dream more.............my mind sometimes even surprises me :think:

June 6th, 2010, 10:37 pm
I dreamt I was in possession of a weird katana and the sheathe was some futuristic-looking one and I was chasing someone (or running away?) down a tall building with ridiculously fast escalators. It was sort of weird when I first stepped foot on the escalator but the more I did it, the more I enjoyed it and I was doing all these slides, wall bounces and stuff, it was fun.

...then I woke up in front of my laptop with my unfinished essay still glaring at me...

June 6th, 2010, 10:51 pm
I was dreaming that I was at my school, which is a three-story building, and I had band to do. We were playing a bit, then I went to my next class, which is Cooking Class. Strangely enough, time reversed back and I was back when school just started. I went to the third floor, which was where my science class was and I entered in there. I quickly, and suddenly reached to grab my backpack, but I found just a darn... Pink.. Wretched PURSE. (Ew! I hate purses! ESPECIALLY if it's pink) And it had dolls in it. Then my teacher suddenly started scolding at me until time fowarded to the Cooking Class I was suppose to be in. I strangely decided to head toward the PE room and the class was outside, so I then ran out there. I saw many kids from high school that went to my school once appear here. I met them, saw one of them run really far away from school, and I chased after them. After meeting up with them, it was raining really really hard down. I ran with full speed to the place outside of school where PE was taking place until... I randomly smacked into two really short little girls, but I luckily caught them before they hitted the ground.
I woke up when my dog was barking insanely in the morning and I'm glad I was out of that darn dream.
I wonder why dreams are so... Mysterious?

June 7th, 2010, 10:35 am
They usually tell you what you lack in life through using common images. Sometimes they are true other times they are just "deleting" short term memory stuff that end up in your dreams. I have been really into dream studying for the past 2/3 years. Have a look at these websites...


Search up the main elements of your dream write them down and see which ones apply most directly to you.

By the way I have also found that most of the time the audience is directed to females who are out of school so if you are currently attending "school" the definition will most likely not apply to you. (Don't ask me for an alternate meaning because I don't know, lol.)

June 8th, 2010, 07:30 am
Okay, so what does it mean to dream about trying to buy a green prom dress? I have that dream all the time, and its usually in a chemist. :S

Zucriy Amsuna
July 12th, 2010, 04:03 am
I had a dream about talking to a girl and having an epic déjà vu moment where I already knew what she was going to say, and I finish the rest of her long sentence. :D It was very fun to do and to see her reaction. If only I could do that more often in real life... (I've only done it twice, maybe? :think: But not with long sentences...)

July 12th, 2010, 08:05 am
I don't quite remember my dreams... I remember once I was chased down with zombies with swords and axes while I trying to survive with a pair of dual pistols (to be honest I was running away from them as I tried to kill the zombies but just found out that my dream didn't equip me with infinite ammo XD)

But according to my dad's voice recorder, he recorded my sleep and I do sleep talk XD, its really weird that my first language is English but when I sleep talk it was Chinese and I was saying "打死他!打死他!" which means "Beat him to death!" but I don't think I am that violent XD

July 12th, 2010, 08:19 am
I wanted to share that my friend told me he has a dream before. Its really funny XD He's quite untalkative and can become really random. On MSN, his personal message was "I am the ice cream man, running over fat kids in my van. When I ring my bell, all the fat kids run like hell." (yeah its a parody but having it as a personal message is quite mean especially to people in my class who are experiencing obesity). Don't worry, he's not good looking, but if you really want to know what he looks like, he looks like this:

I know he's pretty ugly but oh well thats not my point XD

He told me that he once had a dream that he's watching TV with his dad and there's only them in the house. It was the middle of the night and when he turned his head his dad turned into a zombie.

Another one that he was in his room playing his laptop late at night, then his dad entered and lectured him and suddenly he turned into a zombie.

And then I asked him "Why do you always dream about your dad turning into a zombie?"

And then he answered "He looks like one."