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View Full Version : Yami No Matsuei

May 18th, 2004, 01:43 am
Well... I was browsing through fanfictions when I found this title. I read a little and decided 'Hey! Why not check out the anime!' I've seen the first 3 arcs (8 episodes total) and I find it pretty good. The story line is a little strange, but it adds to it, I think. That and the fact that it is so slashable! ^^; Hisoka and Tsuzumi are the awesome. ^^ I also like the art. Not the best I've seen, but worthy. What do you all think about it?

July 12th, 2004, 12:10 am
^_^ I saw Yami no matsuei and it's one of my favorite anime. It's very good!But they have 13 episodes not 8.Whatever. ^_^ . My favorite character is Hisoka^^he's so cute.ok...I talk too much so I'll go :heh:

July 12th, 2004, 06:58 am
Heh. I was just beginning my YnM loving-ness when I posted that and hadn't seen the whole series. Heh. Now I know and I feel stupid! *rams head into wall* Heh.

Kerris Eras
July 12th, 2004, 06:59 am
I've only watched the Kyoto Chapter. Will get my hands on the entire thingy (anime preferred) soon.

July 12th, 2004, 05:05 pm
My friend reads Yami No Matsuei, and watched all the anime. Apparently, there are a lot of things in the manga which weren't in the anime. Also, the art for the manga's supposed to be good. I might read it one day...

July 16th, 2004, 09:43 am
I only watched 2 files before, the Kyoto one and another one is Nagasaki if I'm not mistaken. I love it very much and I like Hisoka the most ~ I love the part where Hisoka jumped into the flame to save Tsuzuki ~ XD

Igneus Descent
August 11th, 2004, 09:29 am
I saw this at my friend's anime party (she imported all this anime from japan and it was awesome!) and one of the girls was fairly yaoi obsessed. This was her second fav anime after Gravitation. I watched the first 3 episodes and was a bit weirded out by the plot (that didn't actually seem to pick off) but the graphics were beautiful ^_^ Specially the bishies (actually most the characters were bishies...so aww never mind)
I felt really sad when there were those flashy back things to their past...
Being locked in a cage!! How terrible!