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View Full Version : Fallout

January 9th, 2005, 10:16 pm
The Fallout series is a violent turn-based rpg game set in a post nuclear world. Have any of you played it before?

I loved it, the fact that it did not revolve around some sword-wielding teenager that has the fate of the world thrust into his responsibility while out in the workforce on daily routine.

The freedom of the game is awesome, you get to go where you want, when you want. Theres a lot of replayability, thanks to dialogue options and the ability to create your own character. Modeling your character and playing the game through a different approach is interesting. You can make your character bred for combat, or as a smooth talker able to persuade even the most stubborn of military leader powerhouses.

If you're looking for a change from the now-cliche antics of the mainstream Final Fantasy series, then this game is a good choice.

Neko Koneko
January 9th, 2005, 11:34 pm
I played the demo for the first game and didn't really like it much. Shooting two headed cows to pulp was funny for a while but no, not my kind of game.

January 11th, 2005, 01:10 pm
Ive played and completed all the games in the series.
Id recomend it to any rpg fans, though it does follow a turned based style u can turn it off.

The way u interact with people affects hiow others percieve u.

the seconf game in the series has alot more freedom as it removes the time limit which causes a problem in the first game. ending sequence is also interaction based.

and as angelic says, shooting things is fun, especialy with my supercharged plasma gun...tehehehe, turns cows to goo

January 14th, 2005, 01:05 am
More like blasting peoples sides off with the Super Sledgehammer while under the influence of the Bloody Mess trait.