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View Full Version : Oekaki/paint >__<

January 10th, 2005, 12:48 pm
Here is some of my art, Original - Player was halfway done with the lineart, then oekaki froze so I had to screencap it and finsih in ms paint, which was so time-consuming >__< and the other is Naruto - Snapshots, oekaki, proportions are really bad...so is the lineart, and Sakura&#39;s head. And little Sasuke in the photos. The list goes on...

My school pc (the one I&#39;m on right now) banned deviantart so here&#39;s the link to my da - http://daichu.deviantart.com, just click it, and under featured deviation is original -player, my character, and the art beneath it is the Naruto practice thing

Oh, and I&#39;m new...I was searching for anime sheet music and found this site ^_^

January 10th, 2005, 01:12 pm
Original Player is definitely the better quality one - you need to do a bit more work on your hands, though, as the thumb ain&#39;t natural XD Good use of foreshortening and the cards have the appearance of dynamic movement which is nicely done :)

January 10th, 2005, 01:28 pm
Thanks. Hands have always been a big problem for me, as clothes folds happen to be too. Yes, the Naruto one was rushed, it was mostly colouring practice, and perpective/pose and all. Lineart is dificult with a mouse....and even worse with a tablet. I owned one for a while, then returned it before I killed it -__-

Thanks anyway. I think I should just stick to traditional mediums - ink and lead.


doodle...my friend&#39;s cutesy character >_<

January 10th, 2005, 01:33 pm
Waah, it&#39;s so sad when people do good drawings and then it&#39;s ruined by being on file paper, dammit&#33; See if you can trace it onto unlined paper - it really improves it ^_^

January 10th, 2005, 01:41 pm
Its a doodle, I outlined it on PS5.5 (which is a low-quality and painful to colour version)...its quick, and done by mouse...so its shaky -__-;

January 10th, 2005, 01:53 pm
That&#39;s better, though alas you&#39;ve lost the expression in the eyes in transition from paper to Photoshop :( Keep working on it&#33;

January 10th, 2005, 02:02 pm
I&#39;m too lazy >______< and so much work to do for college + I&#39;m working on a doujinshi with my friend from our small doujin circle, not to mention all the other stuff I have to do.