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View Full Version : Grave Of The Fireflies (remix)

January 18th, 2005, 01:02 pm
I have the original midi if anyone should want to see it later.

Anyways my personal work in progress site is http://carbunk1e.animeremix.org and the latest song I uploaded is a grave of the fireflies song which I call "the last firefly"

I know it's not exactly your happiest anime ::cough:: but I really loved this song.

-dj carbunk1e

January 18th, 2005, 02:56 pm
OMG! Good job....I like all of it!!!! ^_^ Keep up the good work and I really like that Grave of Fireflies song!!! ^_^

January 18th, 2005, 09:52 pm
Thanks for listening ^_^ that's probably the only feedback I've gotten on boards all day. Makes me want to keep writing the song ^_^

July 25th, 2007, 08:25 pm
Wow, you guys actually moved the whole old forum database over.

Yeah, I actually have this song completed now - and I'm working on several more.

Hmm, need to contact an admin about this, wonder if it's possible to merge 2 accounts. I don't go by Carbunkle anymore anyways.

I'd update the song - but I'm actually using it as part of a massive project (which is one of the reasons I actually requested one of the other songs).

heck, I'll put up a teaser ^_^
http://www.animeremix.org/Xaleph/grave_of_the_fireflies_supermix/xaleph2.mp3 - This is a mix of the song early summer. If it says "forbidden" just refresh the page and it should download. It's also not complete, almost there, but the idea is to remix every song from this soundtrack as a project (several people have expressed interest in adding to it - so it's not just Xaleph remixes, it's a bunch of people).

July 26th, 2007, 09:43 am
Wow, you really dug this old topic up? Anyway, for the sake of my laziness, keep your other account and use your new one instead.

The link provided doesn't work, at least not for the moment.

July 26th, 2007, 12:11 pm
Yeah, I have up a hotlink control so you have to be coming from an animeremix page before you can access any mp3 file. - the 'refresh' or pushing 'go' after you hit the forbidden page should work. nonetheless, I put a link page in that directory to download that file.


And instead of creating a whole new post, I figured I'd update this post since it is 100% relevant (I didn't want to pollute the forums with duplicate posts).