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View Full Version : Sig/ava Request Thread.

January 19th, 2005, 06:33 pm
I'm suprised we dont have one already..so..yeah
I've gotten a few request for sigs, so I thought it was about time to make a thread out of it. For those who want a new sig or avatar but aren't good at making them, ask here...maybe some of us that are good at it can help you out.

Be specific in what you want. Colors, pictures, text, whatever. Try to be specific. Also, if you want a picture of an anime character or whatever in your sig, try to provide one for us, that'd be really helpful so that we dont have to waste time looking for one..

Anyone else wanna help make sigs and such besides me? If anyone else decides to help, I'll post a list of everyone who can help..

January 19th, 2005, 07:19 pm

Thank you.