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View Full Version : Cosplay Angel Sanctuary

January 20th, 2005, 02:46 am
I want to Cosplay as Setsuna Mudo at Sakura-Con but how am I so pose to get the wings? :huh:

January 20th, 2005, 08:28 am
By those kid fairy set things ^^"

Neko Koneko
January 20th, 2005, 09:11 am
Ange's Sanctuary is the sickest shit in existence.

January 20th, 2005, 02:27 pm
Well then maybe you can help because I can't think of anything to cosplay as...can you help?

January 20th, 2005, 05:14 pm
With regard to wings - get some of those loofah things made out of netting in white, unravel them so you have big strips of netting. Cover some cardboard cut out wing shapes with glue and stretch the netting out across them on both sides. This next bit will take a fair while so you gotta keep renewing the glue - get a whole load of white feathers (you can usually get them from a craft shop, and if you can get feathers use strands of that fluffy knitting wool in white that's used for scarves (dunno what it's called but it's kind of irisdescent and has lots of little strands hanging off the main strands so it's warm))...

and insert them by their quills through the netting holes - penetrate into the cardboard a little but don't go all the way through otherwise it looks daft ;) Then daub white paint on any gaps left over.

This could prove a bit expensive as white feathers are pricey... :think: What might be cheaper would be to get hold of a feather pillow and slit it open to get the feathers out of that but there's no guarantee that they'd be white, plus they'd be broken.

Heh, I sound so sad with this complicated process but I watched some of our art group making the wings for the singers in the finale of Jesus Christ Superstar ;)

January 22nd, 2005, 01:16 am
Thanx ^_^ But my friends said they think I should be Kiba from Wolf's Rain...lol...I just laughed...my hair is long though so if I grow it till spring break it will work....I think..lol