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View Full Version : Requesting Taishou-a from Higurashi

February 9th, 2013, 08:32 pm
Hiho Ichigo ^^
I have been looking for a taishou-a sheet or midi file for piano but im unlucky, I've found a version made for violin, piano and flute in the same midi but I opened it with synthesia and its unplayable, there are too much notes added and mixed between instruments, there is someone who has a nice version on piano on youtube, but he said that he learnt it by ear and never made a sheet for it .__.
The song is short and slow, can any of you guys be able to make a sheet for it using the version from youtube?
Here's the video of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0VNhc_p6cE

February 15th, 2013, 07:31 pm
The extra notes in the Sperion version are because it's the full (4min+) version of the song, but I agree that the TV Size version should also be available so I've started transcribing it as best I can (I'll be using Sperion's version and the YouTube link you provided as reference). I like that song too >^,^<

February 16th, 2013, 05:49 am
Oh my god i cant believe it o.o thankyou so much >w< I really appreciate it, thanks for trying your best, its great you like the song too :3 but how can i know when the transcription is done? the fullfilled songs post is dead :(

February 19th, 2013, 02:02 pm
I'll probably have enough time to finish it this weekend, and I guess I'll just post here when I'm done...? Idk, I've never submitted any of my transcriptions before so I don't really know how that works d=

February 25th, 2013, 08:30 pm
Just an update: I finished the transcription, but I still have to make the PDF and MIDI files, write the documentation, and package it for uploading. It should be on the site sometime tomorrow >^,^<

EDIT: New update: I'm having a bit of trouble with the MIDI (it's my first time generating one from the notation), but everything else is all ready to upload. If you wanna go ahead and start learning with the PDF then let me know and I'll send it to you, perhaps over email (I'm not going to post it until I can get the MIDI to work). Hopefully it won't take long to figure out how to generate the MIDI right (it looks like it generated correctly, but then it says it's invalid once I try to open it), but I'm just not sure since I haven't done this part before... >^,^<

February 27th, 2013, 12:08 pm
ok, i sent you a PM with my email, you are awesome :3

February 28th, 2013, 04:09 am
I fixed the MIDI, checked the MIDI, checked the MIDI again, timestamped the archive, and uploaded it to the site, and now I've just gotta wait for it to get approved and added >^,^<

March 4th, 2013, 12:57 am
It was approved? D: I cant find it anywhere on the site yet

March 4th, 2013, 05:02 pm
I know! I've been checking the site twice a day since I submitted it and they haven't added it yet. Maybe I'll write them and see what its status is? >^,^< In the mean time, I'll email you the archive that has all the files (inc. the MIDIs). If I'd known it was going to take this long to approve then I would have emailed you the archive the day I submitted it.

March 9th, 2013, 05:20 am
have you recieved my mail? > .< the file you sent me was 0kb, it didnt work for me

April 2nd, 2013, 10:36 pm
I just uploaded a new revision of "Taishou a" which fixes a mistake in the MIDIs (weird note at the end) and adds the Ichigos watermark to the bottom of the PDF if you're interested in an update. It will probably be on the site within the next few days or so (I put "v1.1" in the description of the update) >^,^<

Did you ever get the 7z to work? I downloaded it from Ichigos to test it and it worked fine for me so perhaps it just didn't download properly somehow? Let me know if you still can't get it to extract and I'll send you the files individually if you like.