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View Full Version : My New Composition

January 23rd, 2005, 07:33 pm
Hello everyone! I'm Cele-chan and I just finished a new piece. Geez, I found it so hard to come up with a decent ending that fits the rest of the song. And, hmm, just before the melody from the beginning starts repeating, I wanted the "bridge" or whatever I should call it (English is not my mother tongue ^^;) to go smoother, like a nice ritardando, but the composer I use (Anvil studio) does not support the effect unless you purchase an add-on T__T Anyway, please give me your comments, I'm eager to hear how it sounds to other people!

EDIT: I modified the ending. I'm still not satisfied with it but the new version is better, at least in my opinion.

Faraway heavens - new version (http://www.kolumbus.fi/henna.roine/velvetpawz/images/faraway_heavensv3.mid)
Old version (http://www.kolumbus.fi/henna.roine/velvetpawz/images/faraway_heavens.mid)

My old compositions:
Fading memories (http://www.kolumbus.fi/henna.roine/velvetpawz/images/fading_memories.mid)
Unnamed (http://www.kolumbus.fi/henna.roine/velvetpawz/images/laulu1.mid)

Sorry if I violated your forum rules by posting a new composition in a new thread but I figured that since my last thread was posted ages ago no one would look in there.... >.>

January 23rd, 2005, 07:46 pm
Well I think your chord progression is sweet but I would've changed the melody for the choir in the beginning. The trumpet solo is gorgous, and the strings are perfectly arranged for the chords.

I love it. 8.8/10

January 23rd, 2005, 07:55 pm
Wow, thanks :)
I thought I'd add that personally I think the ending sucks but I haven't figured anything else to it yet, if anyone has any suggestions feel free to tell :heh:

January 23rd, 2005, 08:00 pm
The ending is fine. ^_^

I just listened to Fading Memories. Wow, I must admit though, your titles are really cool becuase they match the song perfectly and they're beautiful

Ya, from what I have heard, I think its your best work. Faraway heavens is cool and everything, but the simplicity of the beautiful arrangment of Fading Memories on the brilliant beginning on Piano and then adding the strings and oboe...its gorgous.

Faraway Heavens: 8.8/10
Fading Memories: 9.3/10

Beautiful. Thank you for sharing your lovely work. ^_^

EDIT: Ya, and I just listened to unnamed. Its pretty and peppy, but no offence, doesn't hold a candle to your other work. 5/10. It's pretty, short, and sweet, and a likable song. ;)

You're very talented, cele-chan.

January 23rd, 2005, 08:05 pm
Oh, wow, and thanks for rating my other titles! Yes, the unnamed song is actually the first midi I've made and it was a sort of an expirement since it's just a short melody that came in my mind and I used it to learn how to use the composing program.

January 23rd, 2005, 08:06 pm
that was your first composition? Wow thats good! never mind my comment previously! ^_^ :lol:

January 23rd, 2005, 08:10 pm
Yeah, kind of :sweatdrop: Before that piece I'd composed something (years ago) though, but never anything that I would really write down or convert to a midi. And I suppose I didn't even have the skill to use composing programs back then. :D

January 23rd, 2005, 08:12 pm
Oh I just realied something you're 19 years old. :heh:

When you said years ago I was like...er, wha?

Sorry, I'm 15. I think I'm old but the average age of this site is like, 18. :sweatdrop:


February 6th, 2005, 11:50 am
Faraways heavens (new version):
Nice, simple, soothing. Good blend of instruments, makes it feel very warm. I wasn't too keen though on the arpeggio/broken chord =P . . your ending could improved though. First off, you should have kept your harmony instead of using one solo instrument, because it sounded empty. And that's bad, because the supporting accompaniment is really nice. Second, drag out the ending so we know it's coming, rather than just ending it abrupty. Good job overall =)

February 10th, 2005, 09:19 pm
ok. firstly, i think thats actually a really nice melody and sort of reminds me of the zelda tune for princess zelda but I have to agree with Al that the ending was abrupt but that could have been what you wanted eh? Some of the great composers did that to piss people off or that's what i heard.

secondly Al, where are your compositions i cant find them anywhere cos you seem to "know" a lot?

February 11th, 2005, 08:55 pm
The other forum was locked already so i couldnt reply on that. Umm yer you sound like a music guru but where the other people could find constructive criticism to help you i think i can for you (not in a bad way). Your piano sounds the best really. I havnt looked at the actual scores yet but I think the only thing you need to give your stuff extra is to make something that has got a natural emotion embedded into it so that it would sound impressive even if its on a midi expression wise. Technicalities (that's how i think its spelt :blink: ) iv got nothing to say really apart from how old are you again? You've just inspired me to try and kick your butt at composing....once i figure out how to make them into midi format. (I'm not as good as you yet, I think)

February 11th, 2005, 09:22 pm
You could have replied to my pm instead =P

._. I feel bad for taking over somebody else's thread . .


an-kun, thanks for your suggestion, I will consider it in the future. And I'm 21 . . good luck with your composing!

February 13th, 2005, 07:08 pm
oops sorry forum people, I didn't read the rules first because I didn't see the link. Please take the warning off? :crybaby:

Tip for cele-chan - listen to as much music as possible to get new ideas. This would broaden your capabilities as well as helping you incorporate different styles into your compositions.

February 15th, 2005, 08:55 am
Thanks for the comments and tips! :) I agree with Al's opinion on the ending, I'm not satisfied with it myself, I just find it so hard to find a natural sounding ending that fits the rest of the song... my inspiration to compose usually comes suddenly, like a lightning from a clear sky, so unless the melody comes from my heart (or brain) naturally without struggling it sounds superficial :heh:

February 15th, 2005, 07:51 pm
wow! you're like the first person apart from myself that composes like that! Maybe you should try and feel the ending or carry it on until it reaches a conclusion to your satisfaction :unsure: ......:lol:

February 15th, 2005, 08:41 pm
Nice songs! :lol: Your harmonization is very good and you got some really lovely themes :)

Faraway Heaven:
Basicly what Al said XD

Fading Memories:
The name fits the piece nicely, I wish I would have your skill in naming songs :P

Listened to it like 5 minutes and wondered how it would end, before I noticed that it's
only 27 seconds long >_< doh&#33; nice loop&#33; :D

February 16th, 2005, 07:40 am
Thanks for the comments :) And to an-kun, nice to hear there&#39;s someone else out there like me :D Not easy having to depend on sudden inspirations :D

February 18th, 2005, 07:49 pm
uh-huh i know what you mean....i think :lol: doesn&#39;t help when the ending doesnt come up and everthing disappears. Sometimes you should like record stuff that doesnt fit though cos you can use it in another compositition. It&#39;s probably easier for both of us to work on compositions simultaneously so that the natural stuff just flows into at least one :heh:

March 20th, 2005, 06:22 pm
hey just to tell you i found it amazing i all most cryed lool thz for sharing it with us

March 22nd, 2005, 03:28 am
Well, I&#39;m not much for the overly cheesy harmonies/melodies, but at least it&#39;s fairly consistent. I think you should try to explore a bit more, because while what you have so far sounds "good", it also sounds too much like all the other pieces in this little sub-genre (light-classical?)