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View Full Version : Final Fantasy Tactics

May 21st, 2004, 01:21 am
hey all post your fav job/skills and team setup here and talk about FFT (not advance >=O)
any way my fav job is drg jump is awesome!. and plus it gives you what id have to say is the best jobskill ever : Ignore height. that is soooo helpful and is fun to use.
my fav party setup is usually Me(drg), Knight, mnk , smn(with blm spells), (some Npc whoevers there) and the sixth is usually a archer or whm

May 21st, 2004, 04:42 am
I haven't played for a while, but I remember I would make everyoen a dancer and give them the invisible reaction skill. Then everyone does Wiznaibus and eventually all the enemies die.

I love calculators too. They have bad stats but they destroy everything instantly

Worker 8 is an awesome character too

(sorry I'm just blurting out random thoughts. I've beaten the game tho ^_^)

May 23rd, 2004, 03:53 am
same. worker 8 was pretty awesome
sux you get cloud near the end if you do the stuff right though. his first abilities kinda suck and he seems weak lol never got em high up though