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View Full Version : Need Sheets From Some Old Animes - Please Help Me!

January 24th, 2005, 01:19 pm
[SIZE=1][SIZE=1][SIZE=1]I need Sheets from following series i have all Songs that i want ias MP3 maybe someone could tell me a programm wehre i can put in MP3 and get out the Sheets??? For Keyboard or Piano....

This are the most important - i will be lucky for very help - and sorry for my bad englisch :P

Lady Oscar - Rose of Versailles (Berusaiyu no Bara) *very imprtant* need anything of this

La Seine no Hoshi [B] *especially the melody like Episode 6 whit or without text*

[B]Hikari no densetsu - ( Hikari legend of light ) *i need anything especially Songs from MR D*

Aishite Night - Rock n Roll Kids important are the Songs from Bee Hive most important Song is Fire*

:think: And Maybe from this but these ar not so important like the Series above

Cat´s Eye
Lady Georgie
Cutey Honey Flash

thanks for every Help maybe i can give you something (Pics, MP3´s or AVI´s??)

Greetings Kadya

January 24th, 2005, 03:10 pm
Wow! Those *are* old.

maybe someone could tell me a programm wehre i can put in MP3 and get out the Sheets???

Ah, life isn't so easy. :D :D

Maybe I can help-- are any of those songs piano solos already?

January 24th, 2005, 06:29 pm
Most of these are MP3´ with sound and text because it are normal Songs i have

i habe some BGM´s (only music i think Piano) frome each serie (or almost)... Most of my important thinks are with Text but i will be really happy if i could get any Sheets from a old Serie - i am happy that i found a Human who knows those series....
