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View Full Version : Score Tank!

February 1st, 2005, 10:58 pm
I need a score for tank for a jazz band ... i had one but i kinda erased it ........... :heh: and i know theres one out there becuse i got it from out of google but fergot where? and i cant fing it now......i have the first 15 pages on finale[there was 21 on it and was chapanise} but i couldent finish it....because i erased it.........

so...yea ......i liked to finish what i create so.. help me out here ... please...

i Promised my High School jazz band i finishit by next monday ...........[im dead] X_X

February 2nd, 2005, 07:13 pm
Index (http://alphatrance.com/0engine/music/anime/master-index.php)

February 7th, 2005, 09:03 pm
I was supposed to send someone the score for that on this site awhile back

but i have been out of the country off and on. So is it ok that i post the whole thing

on this site? Or can i do parts at a time?