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View Full Version : A noob guide to making sigs

February 22nd, 2005, 03:36 pm
Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.

Soooo...I thought I'd make a tutorial for making signature images in photoshop (I use Photoshop 7). It's really not very hard. Practice, Practice, PRACTICE!

Let me start off by saying, do NOT ask me where you can download photoshop. Do NOT post a link for it to be downloaded, either. That is against board rules. Kay, now onto the tutorial.

Background of a Signature
You can find various paterns on the net for backgrounds, or you can make your own. I'll give a few examples of how to make your own.

Background Example 1: Make a new file. Mine's 500x120, but you can make it however you want. Choose a forground color on the tool bar. Blue, Green, red, whatever. I used blue. Edit>Fill and choose "Forground color" Now, make sure your background color on the toolbar is set as white. Filter> Render> Clouds
Filter>Artistic>Plastic Wrap. Highlight Strength:20 Detail: 15 Smoothness:4
Filter>Texture>Mosaic Tiles. Use Values: 2, 15, 10
Filter> Stylize>Extrude. Blocks, 30, 30, Random.
Filter>Brush Strokes>Accented Edges. 1,33,1
Not the color you like? Make a new layer and fill it with whatever color you want. Change the Layer from "Normal" to Color Burn or Color.

Background 2
This one is very easy
Set your foreground color to white and background color to black. Pick the Gradient Tool and set the mode to "Difference" Just go crazy dragging it all over the screen till you get something you like. Now make a new layer and fill it with a color of your choice. Change the Layer mode to "Color"
If you don't quit like the patten, select the background layer with the gradient stuff on it, and press ctrl+i. Like that any better?


Background 3
Press D, then X. It should set your foreground as white, and bg as black. Now, Filter>Render>Clouds. Next, Filter>Pixelate>Mezzotint and set it on "short lines" instead of "fine dots"
Next, Filter>Blur>Radial Blur Amount to 100, blue method: zoom, quality: best
Press ctrl+u and make sure "colorize" is checked. Now mess around with it till you get a color you like.
Right click on the layer (in the layer pallet) and go to "Duplicate Layer" now use Edit>Transform> Flip Horizontal on the duplicate layer. Now set that layer mode to "Overlay"

Background 4
Press D, then X
Filter>Render>Difference Clouds
Press Ctrl+I
Image> Ajustments>Levels 240,1.00,255
Ctrl+U and change Hue till you like the color.
Click here to view image (http://www.eien-no-yoru.net/tutorials/signature/bg4.gif)

Just play around with effects, you can make cool backgrounds. Also mess with layer modes.

Now to a few pointers and tips about the image you put in. Try to avoid using screenshots, because they're often blurry. a good place to get images is http://www.animecubed.com
You can always take out the background of that picture by using the eraser and magic wand to take out solid colors. You can also use the Clone Stamp tool to replace certain paterns that are on the image by selecting the tool and holding alt while you click to select the patern you want to copy. You just left click to apply the pattern.
Make sure that if you are taking out the background, you make a new file (set the background to transparent) and paste that image there, then take out the background or whatever. Then copy and paste it onto the bg for your sig. If you the anime character you are putting in is a color you dont want, just make a new layer, fill it with the color you want, and change the mode to "overlay".

Text and clashes of color
A big thing that can make a sig bad is when your test stands out too much or not enough. You can also use the stroke effect to help text stand out. You can use the stroke effect by clicking on the little "f" on the layer pallet

Stroking can make the difference between
this (http://www.eien-no-yoru.net/tutorials/signature/txtex1.gif)
this (http://www.eien-no-yoru.net/tutorials/signature/txtex2.gif)
You can ajust how big the stroke is. It starts at "3", but often 1 looks much better.
Make your sig one varition of color. Don't make it Blue and bright Pink or any colors that clash badly.

Also, use fonts which are easy to read. There are tons of fonts all over the net.
And...I can't stress this enough..BORDERSSSSSSS! Use borders most of the time. The only exception is when you have no background for your sig, when it's just transparent with the image of an anime character of whatever, and no background. Then, borders are not needed.
Borders can range from simple to detailed, so it really depends on how much time you want to put into it. It's important to not overpower it, though.
The simple way to do it is make another layer on top of your sig and use the pencil tool to draw a straight line (hold down the SHIFTkey while using the pencil tool to make it straight) along the edges, Like so:

If you want something a little more, you can draw the border around normally like before, but then draw another border inside that one, but leave a little space inbetween the two...like this
Now use the magic wand tool (press W) and select the area inbetween the two lines. MAKE ANOTHER LAYER, then on the NEW layer, go to edit>Fill and choose the color you want to fill it with.
Personally, I like to use white and change the opacity so that you can still see part of the picture below, but it has a little white over it.
LIKE THIS! (http://www.eien-no-yoru.net/tutorials/signature/border3.gif)
You can change the Opacity in your Layer Pallete where is says "Opacity:"
In that example, I used 40%...

I hope this helped some of you. If you're looking for good backgrounds, just google "Photoshop effect tutorials"...there are tons of sites. DeviantArt (http://www.deviantart.com) also has alot of good photoshop tutorials.

Brushes are nice, too...you can often make a background for your sig/avatar with them. My favorites are:

If you don't find what you're looking for there, google "Photoshop Brushes". Oh, and those sites should explain how you install the brushes. It's pretty simple.

If there's something you think I should add or that I forgot, let me know ^^
Hope this helps

February 22nd, 2005, 04:58 pm
damn thats good..............i hate doin special effects in photoshop it gives me too much of a headache X_X

February 23rd, 2005, 04:13 am
nice guide! :yes: *pins*

February 23rd, 2005, 08:45 am
UNFAIR!!!I am stuck with photo impressions 4 which only edit photos!!

Dark Bring
February 23rd, 2005, 01:47 pm
Try GIMP (http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/stable.html). To the best of my knowledge, it's the best graphic software around that is free. Sure, it may not have as many features as Photoshop, but I can't complain. =P

EDIT: DeviantArt has some GIMP tutorials, too.

March 25th, 2005, 06:50 am
hm..i'm always looking for help on how to make the border for avatar and sigs, you think you can help me?

March 31st, 2005, 06:32 pm
It's a nice tutorial for beginners but remember to try your own style in between and experiment??

April 12th, 2005, 09:44 pm
this sucks i dont have photoshop!!!!!

April 18th, 2005, 05:37 am
i only just got photoshop!! woot ~!! but i find its too hard to use!!!
iv been on some internet sites that teach you how to use it.. but they are still more advanced than me... they tell me to use "fdksflsda" brush stroke and then do stuff.. yet i cant even find the stupid button!!!
then they said, ok make a flat... they showed an example of what it looks like... but they didn tell me how to do it!! so i was lost u_u
anywayz.. iv learnt how to desaturate and saturate... woot.. lotsa fun... hehehe... iv been going through all me pics just desaturating for the fun of it.. hahaha :heh:

Chibi Spirit
April 19th, 2005, 02:54 am
Verrrryyyy useful! Thanks! I finally figured out how to do that stroking thing b/c of you!

April 26th, 2005, 03:11 am
but how do you add an image of somthing after you get the background?

April 27th, 2005, 07:31 am
Here are a few rules that I keep in mind when making sigs for this site:

1. Read the site's sig posting rules and keep in mind it's parameters! There was nothing more frustrating for me than trying to put up a sig, only to have it edited off the site because it's a few pixels too tall or wide or over 50kb! All editing to meet the site parameters should be done before you upload the image to the hosting site! I find it best to create a blank sig template (usually the maximum size [120 x 500 pixels] because it gives me plenty of room to work in.) and cut and paste whatever images I want to use into that. Then save it using a program that will let you control the file size. (i.e. Graphic Converter Classic)

2. When cutting and pasting a character image, try to get as much of him or her as possible; including hair and anything that the character is wearing (Hats, scarves, etc.) into the frame. The exceptions are, of course, if your source material cuts them off or if you're going to fade the character into the background or into shadow.

3. If you plan on putting text into a sig, put it where it can be easily read without being too close to any characters (and letting text actually *touch or overlap* a character [especially the face!] is a graphic design no-no unless you have good reason to do so...) and *make sure that it's big enough and clear enough to read!* Also, keep the special-effects (Shadow effects, outline effects, etc.) to a minimum* (you'd be surprised at how these can make it harder to read a line of text in the limited space of a sig!) and use a contrasting (but not garishly so) color that won't draw attention away from the character. (Black is okay on white or light-colored surfaces, but try to avoid stark white-on-black if possible -- light greys are easier on the eye.

4. Remember that, other than Rule no. 1, there are exceptions to rules nos. 2 & 3, and the main idea should be that making a sig and Avatar should be *fun!*

Happy sig-making!

*Otherwise you're going to have people scratching their heads and PMing/e-mailing/AIMing you to ask "What does it say in your sig?"

April 28th, 2005, 12:20 am
does anyone know how to make a shattered glass effect??

May 2nd, 2005, 09:12 pm
Originally posted by Dreams-Creation@Apr 25 2005, 11:11 PM
but how do you add an image of somthing after you get the background?
? Copy and paste it there...? Lol.

PS. Shui hu, google it! You can find tons of PS tutorials out there.

May 4th, 2005, 01:20 am
i have a question. On photoshop how do you put boarders?

May 6th, 2005, 03:46 pm
adding a border is easy. ctrl + A - to select your whole image, and then go to edit >>> stroke... and then you can choose your color, blending mode, opacity... blah blah blah... i hope this helped.. :heh:

May 7th, 2005, 11:12 am
wow.. i didn know you could make borders like that ^^

but how do you make that effect thing in your sig mitsuki??

May 7th, 2005, 11:28 pm
it didnt work how u explained it. Sry!!!

May 8th, 2005, 12:12 am
What I usually do to make a border is...
1) Change your active colour to white
2) Select the rectangle shape tool
3) Create a white rectangle covering the whole of your image
4) Create a stroke (in the layers pallette, have the rectangle layer selected, and then click on this f in a black circle button at the bottom of the palette). Set the position of it to "inside". Usually I only have 1 pxl and just black.
5) You should now have a white rectangle with a black (or whatever) border.
6) Change the blending mode to "multiply". Do this by selecting the drop down box on the top left of the layers palette. This will make the white disappear, but your border still intact.

Hope that makes sense ~

May 8th, 2005, 12:33 am
nvm i figured it out.

I went to google and searched photoshop boarders.

May 8th, 2005, 08:16 am
ooh cool thanx spoony ^^
but how do you make a safisticated border??

--took me like 30 mins to understand and make the border XD.. i couldn find the rectanguler tool XD

May 8th, 2005, 03:18 pm
shui hu go to www.good-tutorials.com
They have hundreds of tutorials for photoshop.

Its awesome

May 9th, 2005, 12:58 am
lol.. ive been there.. but nothing makes any sense O_O"
they talk about flats and all.. and i have no idea what or how to make one...

i can barely find some of the tools they use XD

that site is for those who are new to photoshop but have some knowledge...
but as for me, i have no knowledge at all

May 9th, 2005, 01:02 am
lol its ok. just keep practicing. learn the tools and learn the short cut.

May 9th, 2005, 02:08 am
ya, but still confusing... there was this one tute on making a black and white picture into colour...
i followed all instructions and i never got any colour, the picture only went black O_O"

also, there was this other one, it makes your text look like ice...
i almost got it.. i was on the right track, but mine was just darker colour and the ice wasnt as nice... so i figured i missed somthing...

and i looked at the "shattered glass" tute... made absolout no sense!!! how do you make that thingy that they made? lol.. anywayz.. im just a lost guy

July 11th, 2005, 06:25 pm
What if you put the picture on there and its not the size you want it to be because its too small. How do you enlarge it?

July 11th, 2005, 09:01 pm
Click on Image -> Image size and extend the dimensions. Not Recommended if you're trying to make it like 2x or bigger, it makes it baaaaaaaaaaaaad. just stick with a smaller sig

King Ryudo
July 17th, 2005, 05:32 am
this helps thanks.

King Ryudo
July 17th, 2005, 05:40 am

July 25th, 2005, 05:47 pm
Thanx Kou, I have one more question, what if you have a picture you want to put into your sig but you don't want the background of the picture, just the character or person.

July 26th, 2005, 03:24 am
well.. what i would do is use the eraser thingy.. and take a good 10mins just erasing the background XD
im sure there is a faster way... but tahts how i do it for now.. lol

August 20th, 2005, 05:35 pm
Sora- What if you put the picture on there and its not the size you want it to be because its too small. How do you enlarge it?

In photoshop select the picture and then press ctrl-t (windows) or
apple key-t (mac) doing this lets you transform (hence the "t") the picture. Hold the shift key that way you don't make the proportions different and slide it to the size you want and before you press enter, if you notice any and i mean any pixelation(meaning you can see the 100's of squares) then just double click on the picture before pressing enter and then it should look good then you can press enter or return! hope that helped! Oh and if you have any questions about how to do something on good-tutorials.com or just on photoshop just pm me or send me an e-mail cr8907@yahoo.com or im me on aim "weerdo8907" ohh and about what you were saying before about the "flat" thing did it actually say "now flatten the image" or "flatten it" or something like that??????

August 30th, 2005, 09:02 pm
How do you add images? Like you have the blank 500X100 tamplet, but how do you put multiple images after that?

October 6th, 2005, 12:50 am
First off, splended job explaining all of the Sashiro! You answered many common questions in one swoop! *commends*

1) Open the images all at once inside photoshop
2) Create a blank template
3) Go to your first image and select what you want using the selection tool
4) go to layer via cut
5) click ok
6) go over into your layers on the right of your screen
7) right click your newly created layer (usually layer 1)
8) select duplicate layer
9) in the drop-down menu select your blank template
10) click ok
11) repeat steps 3-10 as nessary

~Is this what your looking for?

Just make certain that when your in the template that you have the right layer selected when editing, or else your doing somthing you don't want to happen to the others. (nothing ticks me off more when I'm trying to erase boarder and I realize I was on the wrong layer!)

November 12th, 2005, 03:25 pm
those are cool bgs for a siggy,but how do you make them on PSP 9?

December 2nd, 2005, 01:21 am
So, um how do I get animation into my sig?

December 2nd, 2005, 01:22 am
You need to use ImageReady.

December 2nd, 2005, 01:25 am
Wow, what speed, thanks!

December 2nd, 2005, 02:03 am
I figured out how to do that todai, YAY MOI!!- don't ya jus love london.....well you should learn to

December 6th, 2005, 06:29 pm
Does photoshop cost? >.<

December 6th, 2005, 08:31 pm
of course. it costs something hundred dollars.

of course, there are alternate ways to obtain it :rolleyes:

December 6th, 2005, 11:20 pm
haha. Erg, very expencive. *sigh*

Is there anything I can use in place of it then? Stupid money. >.<

December 6th, 2005, 11:44 pm
Illigal downloadings, and the gimp.

December 8th, 2005, 08:32 am
There's Graphic Converter for Windows. (http://www.graphic-converter.net/) It's only $19.99

Or, if you're a Mac fan: Graphic Converter for Mac. (http://www.lemkesoft.com/en/index.htm)

$25 for the OS 8.x/9.x shareware version and $70+ for the OS X version.

December 9th, 2005, 11:00 pm
I prefer GIMP. Its free and its not too shabby, if I say so myself!

December 11th, 2005, 06:02 am
Could anyone help me figure out how to work with GIMP? At least the basic stuff.. like.. how to add stuff, pictures, colors, background.. yadda yadda.. and.. can you make your own backgrounds on that? O.o I notices forground and back ground stuff...

EDIT: OMG it acctually worked! *dances* There were ones I was just screwing with today, trying to figure how to work stuff. It's the same picutre, just different stuff..

Sig one:http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a335/Snifter/Signatures%20created%20by%20me/SeasonsGreetingsjpg.jpg

Sig two:http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a335/Snifter/Signatures%20created%20by%20me/Testgif.gif

Now, I know they're not great, but I'm still learnin'! I wouldn't mind suggestions though!

December 12th, 2005, 07:51 pm
http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/ This has some basic stuff you need to know.

http://gimp-savvy.com/ Also a good place to find some tuts.

http://www.deviantart.com/ has some tutorials and some downloads (brushes, fonts, etc.) for Gimp.

If you need more type 'GIMP tutorials' in google. You'll find more than enough.

If you have a specific question that isn't answered in the above, pm me. I've had the program for about a year, so I'm pretty good with it all.

December 13th, 2005, 12:47 am
I finally got Photoshop! Thanks a lot!

December 14th, 2005, 10:30 am
What you neead: A fair amount of tech brushes, time, and imagination.

I've decided to finally contribute to this thread, teaching my forte, tech sigs. There are many different kinds of Tech signature, this is just one of the many. This "kind" needs a fair amount of tech brushes (I used a little bit from 8 sets of tech brushes) which you can get from all over the web. (Please do not ask me for them. I can't remember where I got mine.)

The Different Brushes
Here are a few examples of tech brushes. I've classified them such that those on the left are more of "space-fillers" while those on the right are "links" between them. Tech brushing is like doing a jigsaw puzzle, you need to use both kind of brushes appropriately, not just brush randomly.

The Beginning
I start off with a tiny brush, in the middle of nowhere. I suggest using a simple background, and discourage the use of scan lines as it will make it very messy.
Mode: Brush
Opacity: 100
Flow: 100
Layer Master Opacity: 50 (or whatever you prefer.)

Expanding your Realm

Using "Links" between "Space-fillers", slowly expand your brushing. Make sure that no "Space-fillers" is isolated nor seem out of place.

Adding Legible Text to Spice it up
I left some gaping holes so that I can insert my text. The sig is of Chloe from the anime Noir, thus, using quotes from the songs in Italian and a pixel font, I proceed to type in the text. Note: Do NOT have anti-alias on for pixel text. I didn't want the text to be eye-catching in any way, so I lowered the opacity to the same amount as the tech brushes. Of course, you can do otherwise.

Near-The-End Product
That's it! You're done brushing (or rather, I am)! It took me about 2 hours, I think, since the brushes I used were extremely small. Notice how the middle portion seems a little empty? Yeah, my render is going over there, so I slacked off a bit.

End Product
Add in your render and an appropriate border and you're done! Of course, no sane people would do this every day, but if you have some time to spare, and a few sets of tech brushes to test out, you might as well give it a go. This also works for the more subtle tech backgrounds like here: (where scan lines actually add more depth to it)

December 18th, 2005, 05:27 pm

What font did you use for putting those words inside those spaces?

December 19th, 2005, 05:41 am
BitDust Two
BitDust One

All of them work well. :)

December 23rd, 2005, 02:42 am
okay, a simple way i found to make borders in photoshop (like the one in my current sig)

1. create new layer on top
2. Cntrl + a (to select all
3. stroke 3 pixels inside w/ the color relative to bg color
4. stroke 2 pixels white or any other color (inside)
5. stroke 1 pixel colour realtive to bg (inside)

i put the mode normal and opactiy 100%, but you can change the opacity of step 4

January 6th, 2006, 10:23 pm
Ooh.. I got photoshop.. Okay.. Question.. How do I get a picture in there now? With GIMP there was an option "Open as Layer".. is there something like that for photoshop?

nevermind! Scratch that. I got it.

Hmmm.. Muffin' - What do you mean by stroke?

January 26th, 2006, 07:03 am
First off, splended job explaining all of the Sashiro! You answered many common questions in one swoop! *commends*

1) Open the images all at once inside photoshop
2) Create a blank template
3) Go to your first image and select what you want using the selection tool
4) go to layer via cut
5) click ok
6) go over into your layers on the right of your screen
7) right click your newly created layer (usually layer 1)
8) select duplicate layer
9) in the drop-down menu select your blank template
10) click ok
11) repeat steps 3-10 as nessary

~Is this what your looking for?

Just make certain that when your in the template that you have the right layer selected when editing, or else your doing somthing you don't want to happen to the others. (nothing ticks me off more when I'm trying to erase boarder and I realize I was on the wrong layer!)

Back when I needed it, thats not what I ment XD

For complete tards like I was, to take a picture from some other source just copy it. The in PS, press Ctrl+V to add it in.

The fastest way to take a picture from one canvas to another in PS is to open both the canvas you want the image in and the one with it, side by side, then in the layer box drag the layer into the canvas you want the image in.

Hope that helps some of you..

January 26th, 2006, 08:21 am
and of course, hit cntrl+T, and hold down shift while resizing it.

February 8th, 2006, 06:54 pm
Does anyone know really good websites where I can get some photoshop brushes? I keep getting the same ones everything I search, and I can't find any really good ones. >.>

February 9th, 2006, 12:17 am
Deviant Art. Has great brushes you cant get anywhere else. Personaly though, I wouldnt start using brushes just yet. Start out by drawing things on PS by your self before you become one of those people who cant make backgrounds and objects by hand and can only use brushes.

February 9th, 2006, 01:57 am
... but... drawing? I can't do that. :P I'm horrible at makng my own stuff.

February 13th, 2006, 01:13 am
Just experiment. Ive been making all my backgrounds from scratch now, and the more Im doing it the better it looks.

An easy way to make an absract border.

1) Open new layer on top of all other layers.
2) Select the whole canvas (Ctrl+A)
3) Edit>Stroke (3px Black)
4) Edit>Stroke (2px White)
5) Edit>Stroke (1px Black)
6) Magic Erase the two Black lines
7) Set blending mode to Color Dodge and set Opacity to taste.

The final border should highlight the edge and make some parts get a bright white shine, depending on what you did on the graphic.

*points to current sig*

April 3rd, 2006, 09:16 pm
Instead of using brushes you can infact (as I do) make your own. Just mess around with a few filters perspective and such and just select what you want and go to define brush in the edit menu (I think). But the thing i start off most with for bg is first reset your colors to blackand white.

Then go to Filter- Render - Clouds

Then Filter - Render - Difference clouds.

Repeat and repeat until you get what you like. then you can extrude and stuff. I might make a tutorial but right now im being lazy

August 18th, 2006, 04:53 am
I dont get anything:huh: :what: :frusty: :wacko:

August 18th, 2006, 09:50 am
making a BG by using filters on the render (duplicated render) also gives hawt effects. Especially distort filters. For example, distort>Rimple combined with distort>glass, and set on color dodge or liniar doge, gives a pretty nice effect.

August 22nd, 2006, 02:50 pm
Man, wish I had a better photoshop. I can do some more advanced stuff, but I can get that more professinal look, since I only have Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0.

Anyway, I'm thinking about making my own tutorial, because I know there's people out there who are, unfortunately stuck with that program too. :\

August 22nd, 2006, 02:55 pm
golly gee photoshop...

haven't used it for anything productive in ages.

for bigtime noobies.



August 22nd, 2006, 08:14 pm
Or you could lock the propoprtions.

lol, ashters a noob XD XD

August 22nd, 2006, 10:07 pm

meanie jerkface.

August 22nd, 2006, 11:05 pm
Ims sowwy! : [

*pats Ashtway on the back*

Dark Bring
August 26th, 2006, 02:40 am
Introducing GIMPshop (http://plasticbugs.com/?page_id=294), the GIMP modification that replicates the user interface of Adobe Photoshop!

September 5th, 2006, 02:05 am
I know im a complete noob for saying this but I cant find where to set the background color to black, been looking forever x.x sorry!

September 5th, 2006, 02:17 am
Couple of choices.

1) When making a new canvas, there should be an option for setting the background to black or a way to set it to a color.

2) Make a new layer, you may be bliped like #1; if not use the paintbucket and drag the layer down to the very bottom of the layer window.

OR (if you mean on the color index)

Select the arrow on the upper right of the two color choices. This swaps the varible foreground and background colors.

September 5th, 2006, 02:29 am
Thanks a bunch you helped me out there xP so simple and I couldnt find it
and another simple thing I cant find. How can I put in text, I dont want to do it in pencil because it will look bad.. is there another way.. like on my sigs

September 5th, 2006, 09:14 am
There's a little button that looks like a "T" on the left side in the tools window. Draw a box, select a font, change the forground color and type what you want. Once you're done click the checkmark found near the very top-right of Photoshop. It'll automagically create a new layer text layer. Once you're happy with the way the text looks, and you don't plan on changing it, right click the layer and select "Rasterize". Then you can apply all the tools to the text.

Be sure that you select just the text though, or else you'll just be painting on the layer.

September 5th, 2006, 09:24 am
seriously, someone need to update this oooooooooooooooooold and ancient guide.

Maybe add in some "advanced" guide too. Its not that hard to make a sig after all :mellow:

September 5th, 2006, 05:37 pm
well, somewhat advanced:


Old tut I once did (/made)

(ps, dont mind the advertising plz..)

September 6th, 2006, 01:22 am
heh :upset: thanks M your really helping me out! ... and 1 more quick question :shifty: I have this picture of rukia I want to put in a background that I made ( not from tutorial:sweat:.) I was wondering how do I get that picture of rukia in the background, Ive tryed everything! move tools etc. x_x x_x Thanks a ton! - your fan x_xBatman001x_x

September 6th, 2006, 01:39 am
Well, you've hit the point of render extraction. Pro'lly the best way is to quickmask it and duplicate the layer.

(going by memory, so excuse the mistakes)

Open up both pictures. Let's start with the rukia one. In the tools window, you'll see two buttons with a circle inscribed into a square side by side. Select the one to your right. Now make certain that your foreground color is black and your background color is white (do this by clicking on the color and setting them from a standard pallet).

Now, you have two choices: 1) paint in what you want to have selected, or 2) paint in what you don't want to have selected. Either way works. Now, color in your selection by left clicking. You'll notice that it paints the image red. Do not fear it's supposted to be red. Once you have everything that you want colored in red, click the circle inscribed rectangle that's to the far left. You'll notice that everything that was red is now selected. Once again two paths: 1) if you chose to color in what you wanted to have selected, select the rectangular selection tool right click in the selected area and then click "layer via cut" or "layer via copy" (either one works). 2) If you highlighted what you didn't want to have selected, click on the rectangular selection tool, right click, select "invert selection", right click again, then select either "Layer via copy" or "Layer via cut".

You'll notice that there is another entry in the layers window. You know the drill: 1) rightclick the layer and select duplicate layer, and duplicate it to the other aready-open project with your background on it; or 2) left-click and hold on the layer, then drag and drop it on your background project.

Note: you may have to resize your picture of rukia to fit the background.

September 6th, 2006, 03:27 am
well, somewhat advanced:


Old tut I once did (/made)

(ps, dont mind the advertising plz..)

heh, the age old trick of using renders because you can't find a nice background and then covering the bad outlines of front layer (character/object whatever) by pulling layer effects on top. it works, but you can only look at so many of them until you get bored with the entire junk.. renders disgust my eyes >_>

but yeah, personal preference set aside, its simple and easy to follow. someone should pin that at the first post

September 6th, 2006, 04:22 pm
wtf are you talking about?

September 6th, 2006, 10:33 pm
Hey its me again which means more trouble :heh: How do I paint it in? I tryed to use freestyle pen, but that didnt work out to well and it didnt turn red
( look at attachment ;) ) thanks a million!:china: :rukia: :rukia: :worship:

September 6th, 2006, 10:47 pm
Holy shit that a bad render! [/elitism]

Okay. To select stuff from the mask option, you need to switch your mode (remember the square inscribed with the circle? It's called quickmask or something *hasn't used photoshop in months*), and have the paint brush selected it should color in red. If it's not, try the other rectangle. If that doesn't work then... I'll find a tutorial and force myself to remember.

September 6th, 2006, 11:45 pm
heh, the age old trick of using renders because you can't find a nice background and then covering the bad outlines of front layer (character/object whatever) by pulling layer effects on top. it works, but you can only look at so many of them until you get bored with the entire junk.. renders disgust my eyes >_>

but yeah, personal preference set aside, its simple and easy to follow. someone should pin that at the first post

Huh? A render is any pre-made picture. I assume the person in your set was somthing you didnt make, that you stole off of the internet, meaning its a render.

September 7th, 2006, 03:34 am
Huh? A render is any pre-made picture. I assume the person in your set was somthing you didnt make, that you stole off of the internet, meaning its a render.

I'm not even going to bother to correct that.

September 8th, 2006, 11:35 pm
Holy shit that a bad render! [/elitism]

Okay. To select stuff from the mask option, you need to switch your mode (remember the square inscribed with the circle? It's called quickmask or something *hasn't used photoshop in months*), and have the paint brush selected it should color in red. If it's not, try the other rectangle. If that doesn't work then... I'll find a tutorial and force myself to remember.

ughhh! man I have the most trouble with the simplist of things. I cant find the brush tool. I have photoshop 7.0 if that matters. The only things I could find close to a brush are, Pencil tool, History and art history brush,( they wont work.) and the freeform pen tool. x.x.x.xx.x.x.x.x.x

September 8th, 2006, 11:46 pm

It's your standard brush. Looks like a paintbrush just above the pencil icon.

November 4th, 2006, 03:28 am
Lol, I love how there are like 500 people in this thread going "I HAVE PHOTOSHOP, BUT I DONT KNOW HOW TO USE THE PENCIL TOOL!!!!"

No pirates on this forum, no-sir-ee. ;D

.....*yaaargh!* X3

And lol @ RD's comment. And lmao at Kou's response. And I can't be bothered to correct RD's crazy comment either. ;)

Neko Koneko
November 4th, 2006, 08:38 am
That message was uncalled for though.

November 4th, 2006, 02:21 pm
He is right however :P

November 4th, 2006, 07:51 pm
@Angelic: Haha, sorry if my message bothered you; this thread just made me laugh because of all the pirating that was blatantly taking place in it. I just thought I'd point that out and hopefully give some other people a chuckle too. I don't look down on pirates or anything like that; I also have photoshop, and like 500 other art programs - and I'm poor as hell. ;) I'm actually glad that everyone here is uhmmm...."finding" photoshop and expanding their art skills; I just couldn't help but laugh at how un-sneakily they went about doing so. :3

@Noir: lol, indeed, thanks for the backup. X3

November 5th, 2006, 04:17 pm
I don't understand step 4 on stinger's tut.. >.>
Heh. Yeah. I know. It's probably really freaking simple.

February 26th, 2007, 04:48 pm
sashiro? How do would you make a sig and avi with gimp or gimpshop? i dont have photoshop.:(

Dead Panda
March 1st, 2007, 05:01 am
Do you cringe at the site of your own art? Do babies cry at the very presense of your graphical art? Are you partially blind?

Your sigs may be suffering from UGLY.

UGLY is a horrible disease that affects many a gfx. UGLY is everywhere. And UGLY may also be in your signature, but how does one avoid the wraith of UGLY?

Here's some guidelines to findout:

1. Make sure your signature isn't equal or bigger than the posts you make. If your signature is equivilent to two of my posts in size, or blocking out the sun, you may be suffering from UGLY.

2. Your signature isn't a fireworks display, nor are you trying to victimize views by blinding them. If I have to wear shades just to view your sig, it may be suffering from UGLY. Please tone down the effects used. This also applies to the majority (i.e. 99.99%) of animated sigs.

3. Green and red do not mix. UGLY tends to feed off of horrible color combinations and/or colors that are opposite of each other(with the exception of black and white). If you have trouble determining if the color scheme does not work, consult your nearest color wheel.

4. Using the SAME STOCK PICTURE IN YOUR SIG FOR YOUR AVATAR also is a major breeding ground for UGLY. Variety counts, and in this case, just might save your life.

Well, thats all folks. Hopefully with this guide, you too, may be UGLY-Free.

March 4th, 2007, 11:33 pm
green and red mix if it's the holidays (=

March 6th, 2007, 04:09 pm
could i make a sig/avi with gimpshop?

March 6th, 2007, 05:29 pm
gimpshop is a gimp adapted to resemble the PS interface as far as im aware, so yes.

March 6th, 2007, 08:33 pm

not a very good one, imo.

unless you're real pro with it, like sondagger.

March 6th, 2007, 10:14 pm
sondagger...M...im not that good but I used nothin but gimp...look around you can see some pretty darn good things.

March 6th, 2007, 10:19 pm
could i make a sig/avi with gimpshop?

You could make a set from anything. Even MS Paint. :bleh:

March 6th, 2007, 10:23 pm

March 6th, 2007, 10:23 pm
Photoshop users constantly say GIMP is a piece of useless crap, without base. Unless you're into professional graphics design, it doesn't matter which program you use.

March 6th, 2007, 11:40 pm
I use PSP. It's working alright, I guess.

March 7th, 2007, 05:53 am

You could make a set from anything. Even MS Paint. :bleh:
Response A:

Response B:

Photoshop users constantly say GIMP is a piece of useless crap, without base. Unless you're into professional graphics design, it doesn't matter which program you use.

Response ZOMG:

Thats just sick

March 7th, 2007, 03:40 pm
oh. well........i tryed making one but its so confusing...what would i use in gimpshop to make a set? i found a good site for pix.

March 7th, 2007, 04:53 pm
Time, imagination, and brushes. A quality signature requires some type of inspiration (like all art), anywhere from 2-? hours, and a series of similar-styled brushes for making either a type of texture, blending, or style effects.

To give you the basics in gimp:

Open your source image in gimp. Over in the layers window, duplicate the current layer and click the eye icon to the layer called "Background". Now select the newly created layer (good habit to get into when opening a file). What this does is protects your source image from changes. If something goes terribly wrong, you can simply duplicate the "background" layer again, and you'll have the original back.

Once you've done that, take whatever you want out of the image. What I do most of the time is pull out the eraser and erase the image's background so that all you see is the item of extraction (this can and will take time if you do it right).

After that, make a new image by selecting file->new Set the picture size via whatever increments you are used to (for instance, the standard sig size here is a 500px x 120px image). If you're using the guidelines to Ichigos, then I would make a 1000px x 240px image. Why did I double the maximum size? That's another graphics trick. The last thing you ever want an image to be is poor quality. Sometimes, you just can't smooth out some areas of the picture, or there's something small you can't fix. If you make the image double or triple the size required, you might be able to hide those flaws.

From there, I'd make a background. It could be anything from transparent to solid color to gradients to after-effects like textured brushes, 3d effects to filtered generations, to... . The sky is the limit on this. Use your imagination and be creative.

Save as you see fit in the gimp format (.xcf).

Then I'd copy the source image (whatever you decided to do with the first image) over to your signature image. Add blending, brushes, and effects as you see fit.

Then scale the image down by selecting image->scale image. Resize the image down to what you want (in this case 500px x 120px; the little thing linking the two together should make certain the image is properly scaled down so you don't get the nasty stretching effects). Do not save the file with the same name at this point. Save it as "sig.jpg". It'll prompt you about quality. Keep it at 85 or 90, then select okay.

There you have it. Your produced image.

(Sorry if this isn't too good of a tutorial; I'm not used to instructing people how to do general stuff in gimp without technical jargon).

Neko Koneko
March 7th, 2007, 06:46 pm
Do you cringe at the site of your own art? Do babies cry at the very presense of your graphical art? Are you partially blind?

Your sigs may be suffering from UGLY.

UGLY is a horrible disease that affects many a gfx. UGLY is everywhere. And UGLY may also be in your signature, but how does one avoid the wraith of UGLY?

Here's some guidelines to findout:

1. Make sure your signature isn't equal or bigger than the posts you make. If your signature is equivilent to two of my posts in size, or blocking out the sun, you may be suffering from UGLY.

2. Your signature isn't a fireworks display, nor are you trying to victimize views by blinding them. If I have to wear shades just to view your sig, it may be suffering from UGLY. Please tone down the effects used. This also applies to the majority (i.e. 99.99%) of animated sigs.

3. Green and red do not mix. UGLY tends to feed off of horrible color combinations and/or colors that are opposite of each other(with the exception of black and white). If you have trouble determining if the color scheme does not work, consult your nearest color wheel.

4. Using the SAME STOCK PICTURE IN YOUR SIG FOR YOUR AVATAR also is a major breeding ground for UGLY. Variety counts, and in this case, just might save your life.

Well, thats all folks. Hopefully with this guide, you too, may be UGLY-Free.

You're UGLY

March 7th, 2007, 06:47 pm
oooh. thnx M. another question. where is a good place to get brushes and other tools you might need other than the ones on gimpshop?

March 7th, 2007, 07:59 pm

March 7th, 2007, 08:05 pm

March 7th, 2007, 09:47 pm
You're UGLY
lol Angelic, I was going to say the same thing. For the same reason. XD

Photoshop users constantly say GIMP is a piece of useless crap, without base. Unless you're into professional graphics design, it doesn't matter which program you use.
I use photoshop, and tried gimp for a stint. I HATED IT. That was only because I was used to photoshop though; it had all the features I needed in there once I looked for them a bit. Also, I thought the gimp interface was ugly as hell, but you can change that , so whatever. ^_^

Neko Koneko
March 8th, 2007, 06:42 am
I stick to PS because if I switch to GIMP I'll be a n00b again, now I can actually do something. Same reason for me to stick to Windows, really.

March 10th, 2007, 07:49 pm
I think that happens all the time with anything.

but if your going into digital arts, PS>Gimp if you can. Otherwise Gimp>PS.

Just pick one and stick with it.

March 14th, 2007, 03:55 pm
i dont like gimpshop anymore.:poke: i prefer PS. it seems better.XD

Neko Koneko
March 14th, 2007, 06:40 pm
I think that happens all the time with anything.

but if your going into digital arts, PS>Gimp if you can. Otherwise Gimp>PS.

Just pick one and stick with it.

I would say PS > Gimp for everything, except for its price, really

March 17th, 2007, 02:33 am
As I've seen, PS > Any other program out there. I heard GIMP can do stuff, but you need to be a pro or you suck then. @_@ Anyway, my friends getting me a CS2 Crack soon. Lol. PS Elements 2.0 really holds me back so much. <_<

March 17th, 2007, 02:39 am
@_@ Anyway, my friends getting me a CS2 Crack soon.


April 17th, 2007, 07:00 pm
I have done mine in PS but i cant see it....HanTony can see it(hopefully you too) but i cant..xD

April 29th, 2007, 01:30 pm
Where can I find a good GIMP tutorial? I am struggling with the program. (@Mazeppa: Ahh I suck.)

July 18th, 2008, 02:30 pm
What if you put the picture on there and its not the size you want it to be because its too small. How do you enlarge it?

If it's a layer, however, press ctrl+t and drag the box in, or out. Hold shift while dragging to keep the proportions.

To make a border, make a new layer first, by doing shift, ctrl+n. Then just do ctrl+a, then go up to edit at the top, then stroke... There, you can choose a pixel size, that's the width. You can choose the colour too. To blend, find the little drop down list on your layer panel. It should have things like, color burn, overlay, linear burn etc.

Mess around, create your own styles. :D Photoshop is hard to use at first, but when you get into it, it's quite cool just to mess around and see what you can do.

Haha, I'll shut up now. ^^

March 24th, 2009, 04:10 am
thats a long list

September 24th, 2009, 10:40 am
I think this is enough .....
I do agree with you. Those are the most effective way