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View Full Version : Which next-gen console are you more interested in?

March 2nd, 2005, 01:48 am
I wasn't sure of the names so i just put the company. I'd have to say Sony, for their superior software range.

Roy Mustang
March 2nd, 2005, 03:37 am
Too early for me to make a decision :mellow:

I am assuming your talking about the successors to the Xbox and PS2 though.

March 2nd, 2005, 02:05 pm
You can forget the successor for gamecube although i dont think they have released anything at this time im sure they will learn from the mistake (GameCube). The next system should be a conteneder with Microsoft and Sony.

March 2nd, 2005, 02:28 pm
^ heh...? it too early to make a decision. Nintendo i hope learned its mistake and now will adopt a different marketing strategy, though now only a miracle can save it: producers have already decided that the best mix is a Xbox - PS2 game, excluding GC

But something tell me nintendo has an ace up its sleeve - Revolution hmm Its their only chance to regain there position - create something really great

Neko Koneko
March 2nd, 2005, 02:29 pm
Nintendo forever ~

Dark Bring
March 2nd, 2005, 05:06 pm
Originally posted by Alone@Mar 2 2005, 03:28 PM
But something tell me nintendo has an ace up its sleeve - Revolution hmm Its their only chance to regain there position - create something really great
"Ace up its sleeve" + "their only chance" = "their last card"???

I'm just glad that certain games are on the Sony and Microsoft consoles. Not all of them, but hey . . . =_= . . .

March 2nd, 2005, 10:32 pm

March 2nd, 2005, 11:10 pm
I'm just hungry for more games for either the playstation or the xbox. Give me more shooters and stealth games... and the rpg's can't forget those!

March 14th, 2005, 02:56 am
I think any next generation console from any of those campanies will be good.

March 16th, 2005, 01:41 am
I'm going to go with Sony. Nintendo has really given me some fond memories with titles like Super Mario and Zelda up to Banjo Kazooie, Star Fox, and its unique hold on me. However, though I really appreciate some of the games Nintendo has provided me, Microsoft bought Rare, which really took some of the games I enjoyed from Nintendo.

As for Sony, there seems to be so many games that I end up buying for it, then I do for my Gamecube. From the games Sony has presented me, and then the ones Gamecube has shown me, I've had a higher interest in the Sony ones. Seeing this, I'm more likely to buy the next generation Sony console due to the sequels to the games I already own. But I will buy the Nintendo console as well, just as second priority though.

March 16th, 2005, 05:37 pm
Originally posted by Alone@Mar 2 2005, 10:28 AM
Revolution hmm Its their only chance to regain there position - create something really great
Well, with handhelds like the DS, It's clear that Nintendo is on the right track for changing the entire console catigory. I can't wait to see their next Dolphan system.

May 18th, 2005, 08:27 am
Ok, now that we've got a bit more information, this topic is revived.

Roy Mustang
May 18th, 2005, 08:49 am
I'm actually definetly looking forward to all of them for their own respective reasons, but I'm backing Xbox 360 moreso then the other to at this present moment in time.

Though of course, that is likely to change every minute XD

May 19th, 2005, 12:14 am
i wANT TO SEE MORE FOR THE PS3 because it uses new technology and is just plain better

for you people who like to say things such as "You cant say its better because its not even out yet" or "what ever, i bet your just guessing". heres this: the stats for the Revolution, PS3 and XBOX360 are already out, and from looking from the 3, PS3 is superior. also, you may be able you use a psp for the screan and controller for the ps3. note I said MAY BE ABLE TO.

May 19th, 2005, 12:58 am
Well, actually, the specs for the Revolution aren't out. I don't argue that it will be more powerful than the PS3, just that you actually can't tell right now. Also, seeing the specs in action usually tells you more than numbers on a sheet as clock speed is rarely enough to determine anything real about a system's power.

May 19th, 2005, 01:10 am
Nintendo, all the way. :D My family's always been a die-hard Nintendo one (no other systems in sight); that, and they tend to have LOTS more of just FUN video games, even if the graphics aren't as perfect. I know alot of you are thinking, "Hey! What about the Final Fantasy series?!?" Yeah, well, I know that's fun and all, and the graphics aren't too shabby, either, but those (in my opinion) are some of...Oh, nevermind that. :( I want play station AND nintendo.

May 19th, 2005, 08:29 am
Nintendo all the way. They have had the most exciting games. The GC was not that popular because they sold Rare (what was the most dumb action of any game company in the last five years), they pissed off many old Zelda fans with the graphics of Wind Waker, and Square Enix made no real FF, just that Crystal Chronicles, what wasn't as great as expected. If they don't manage to make no such errors this time, maybe they will be succesful. If not, they're done with consoles (not with handhelds).

May 19th, 2005, 05:59 pm
What about selling Rare was a dumb decision? Rare was never consistent in delievering quality and took absurd amounts of time to finish their usually mediocre games. Rare's track record was becoming even worse during the Gamecube's early life and much of the talent behind the best Rare games of the last generation (Goldeneye, Perfect Dark) had left the company to go form Free Radical. Really, when looking at it from a business perspective, Rare was only slightly better than dead weight.

Microsoft is getting a few good things out of them now (assuming Perfect Dark Zero actually plays well) but they're still not living up to Microsoft's investment at all. The only good software Rare has been releasing lately has been on GBA, the Xbox has only gotten "Grabbed by the Ghoulies".

Edit: Also, it's kind of hard to call Zelda a mistake in any way considering it sold more than 2 million units in America alone. Granted the new one will sell more, but most games would kill to have a sell through like Wind Waker.