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View Full Version : Super Mario RPG Request

March 6th, 2005, 03:34 pm
>_> Bleh, I feel stupid, seeing as this is my first post on this forum.

But anyways, I&#39;m looking for "Yo&#39;sters Isle Race" for picolo or flute. I have Googled it and looked here, but I didn&#39;t find anything. Well, I found some other SMRPG music, but I don&#39;t think that counts... <___<

So um, yeah. The midi can be found here (http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/yosters_isle_race2.mid). Thank you for looking here ^^;

March 8th, 2005, 03:28 am
oohs thats a nice peice of music ^^ i hope someone transcribes it soon =]

March 8th, 2005, 12:26 pm
I could give it a shot...don&#39;t know much about flute, though...

just give me some time to learn, please&#33;

March 9th, 2005, 12:03 am
sorry to go offtopic, but deadally you look just like my friend roman in school o_o

March 9th, 2005, 12:44 am
So does that mean you want me to make this sheet? :P

neko wa oishi desu!
March 9th, 2005, 02:09 am
lol i only have finaly demo so i cant do that much but if it has less than 4 instruments in it, i can prob make it&#33; woot&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

and remember everybody&#33; neko wa oishi desu&#33; :neko:

March 10th, 2005, 10:03 pm
Hey, request filled, please check my webpage


It&#39;s in the sheet music section, enjoy&#33;

March 12th, 2005, 04:59 am
Oooh, thank you&#33;

>___> I should really check this place more often.