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May 25th, 2004, 12:17 am
^_^ i love 7 and 8 then 10...i havent played 10-2 nor 11 yet....i played a little of 9 and it was beautiful...a little of 4 and 6...they're ok...but mi fav's so far is 7,8, 10. love them. music is good. graphics ok(but they inprove so much!love it!)lol.so what about you people? :worshippy: all hail the Aeons(the GF, summons etc) Bahamut is awsome! love it, as well as ifrit. carbuncle from 7 is cute! not to mention tonberry.this is a little off topic but there's a large vivi doll. i must search and buy! so cute! kiwaii. (lol) :drool:

May 25th, 2004, 01:39 am
from all that i played 4,5,6,7,8,10,10-2, I'd say 6 and 10 is my favorites.
4,5 and 10-2 was ok, but 7 and 8 just didn't have it..
what is "it"?.. i dunno, but even as a fan of FF, i just didn't like playing those ones

May 25th, 2004, 01:47 am
I'd say 6 is the best of the old-school FFs and 7 is the best of the modern FFs. Of the two, I think 6 is the better game but when I think of Final Fantasy the first thing that comes to mind is the FF7 opening. Watching that awesome video still brings a tear to my eye.

I still don't know what to think about FFXI though. It's fun but it doesn't feel like Final Fantasy. I hope FFXII is a little truer to the series.

May 25th, 2004, 11:18 am
I find FF VIII the best. I just like the idea behind a draw magic system (less confusing than the martia growth in VII, not that it was^_^), and there is no greater pleasure than to use a monsters magic against them to destroy them... It also was a ground breaking as graphics go, for it's time. The storyline seems a bit rushed at the end, but all the FF games do that don't they?

May 25th, 2004, 12:22 pm
Umm...... doesn't anyone play the old games......... what about FFI, FFII, Or FFIII.........

Neko Koneko
May 25th, 2004, 12:52 pm
My favourite is FF6, I also like 5 (although I didn't play it much - maybe I should :heh: ), 7 and 9. I don't like 8, and I really don't like 10 and any other new FF.

May 25th, 2004, 08:00 pm
lol. "it" is bahamut.

and good to hear replies^^;...

May 25th, 2004, 09:03 pm
i liked ff7,8,3, and 4....they were all fun to play.....i think i'll play some ff7 now!! :D

May 26th, 2004, 12:57 am
Yeah, i love FF too. My fav is prolly a tie between VII and IX. VIII's magic system just didn't work for me and i hate the sphere grid in FFX. Besides that the FF's are great. I need to play some of the old school ones now.

May 26th, 2004, 01:43 pm
Originally posted by Unknown@May 25 2004, 06:22 PM
Umm...... doesn't anyone play the old games......... what about FFI, FFII, Or FFIII.........
I still play them it's just that the gameplay isn't as developed as the newer ones.

edit:: by no means do I wish to offend those who think they are, but that is how I feel.

kage no tenshi
June 2nd, 2004, 01:02 am
I love the music from final fantasy games. Nobuo Uematsu is a really good composer, even though he didn't do the music in FFCC I still liked the music from that one aswell.

June 4th, 2004, 11:48 pm
Of the regular ones, my favourites we V and IX, VI was really good too, but it wasn't as "fun"

VII was good too, but I guess I didn't see what it was everyone likes so much about it

VIII and X I didn't really enjoy, tho I beat both of them

IV was my first FF, and it certainly did a good job introducing me to the series, but the character growth is so narrow and inoperable (what I mean is your lvl 78 Cecil will be EXACTLY the same as mine, and same with all the other characters)

FFI is lots of fun; it reminds me of Dragon Warrior which I watched my cousins play when I was little

FFII just had a waaaay too messed up system; I couldn't figure it out.

FFIII I haven't played because it was never released here, and FFXI I haven't played because I can't afford it, and I don't realy like MMOs anyway

I've also played FFL and FFA, FFT and FFT:A, and lets not forget FFCC

FFL occupied me for many hours, even though it was frustrating

FFA was like Seiken Densetsu, but I only rented it for a couple days

FFT I beat the game, and I still play it because I love developing the characters (The system is kinda like FFV)

FFT:A I still play, but I admit I'm not very good at it, and I take my time with it.

FFCC is loads of fun with a couple friends, but my Gamecube broke :crybaby:

So that's how I look at FF

June 5th, 2004, 02:44 am
7 is my favorite, but only becaus eit really got me into RPG's and I played through it like, 30 times. I like Shiva from 10. I just thought she looked so awesome..... :drool:

June 5th, 2004, 04:26 pm
I must admit that Shiva snapping her fingers for her Overdrive is one of the coolest attacks I've seen.

I really like the Bahamut from IX. The Bahamut from X was just to played up and ornate (and arrogant too)

June 23rd, 2004, 09:41 am
I like FFVII,VIII,IX,and X. They're all great games and I love Square. I also want to play VI because everyone says it's good.

Alfonso de Sabio
June 23rd, 2004, 06:49 pm
I don't like to think about VIII. It seemed like they were trying to recreate VII and give the Main Character a "boom-sword." That weapon is such a pisspoor idea. Also, one of the most gratifying things about VII was to go back and whomp that stupid snake in the marsh outside of the chocobo farm. But thanks, Square, for taking that pleasure away from us in VIII.

And FFI sucks in comparison. I'm amazed that so many good games sprung from its murky waters. But by far the worst game when it come to plot is Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. The plot is thus: There's a bad thing that happens. Go get the Crystals. The END!

I still argue that the Materia system is the best Magic system in all of the games. They should revive that. I also seriously enjoyed synthing my piddly weapons for God-like ones in IX.

VI, VII, and IX are indeed my favourites. Six rocksers the boxers off of all the older ones. VII is the coolest game and the most fun to play. IX is the most beautiful with by far the best characters. Vivi, Steiner, and Zidanea have wonderful personalities. Also, their designs are brilliant. So it depends on what mood I'm in. VII for cool action, IX for story time, and VI for classic Final Fantasy.

As a side note, has everone here been asked, "Huh huh! Why are there twelve Final Fantasies? Get it, there should only be one, cuz it's final." I hate those people.

June 23rd, 2004, 07:17 pm
I've liked all the FF's that I've played before. FFVII has to be my favorite. The storyline is so complicated that it seems like an epic adventure just playing it. :P The characters are lovable and it's sad when Aeris dies, yet even when she gets killed, she dies gracefully. The scene with Cloud letting go of Aeris in the lake after she dies is very tragic and it really gets you to connect with Cloud and it feels like you're really there. Plus, with Aeris's theme song in the background, it's even more touching. :P And plus there's Sephiroth. :) Sephiroth>all. :P Although I also like Edea from FFVIII, but she's nowhere near the "bad guy" that Sephiroth was. ;)

FFI is overrated, but the music is still timeless... :P But without it, we wouldn't have FFVII, now would we?! :)

June 23rd, 2004, 07:23 pm
i have a question...

what are the final fantasy games for super nintendo?...and that are released in the US? could anyone give me a list?

June 24th, 2004, 05:02 am
Originally posted by Gnomish@Jun 23 2004, 02:17 PM
I must disagree. Kefka was such a worse bad guy than Sephiroth...


...not to mention more successful at destroying the world!!


FFIV, V and VI were released for Super NES.

When FFIV was released in the US, it was called FFII
When FFVI was released in the US, it was called FFIII
FFV was never released in the US for SNES

you can get FFV and VI together in FF Anthology for Playstation
you can get FFIV and Chrono Trigger together in FF Chronicles for Playstation

There's your basic lesson on Gen 2 FF games ^_^

June 24th, 2004, 09:59 am
It seemed like they were trying to recreate VII and give the Main Character a "gun-sword." That weapon is such a pisspoor idea.

You've got to be kidding me. Squall's gunblade is the awesomest weapon ever.

And I also didn't really like the materia system in FFVII. I like the way you buy abilities with points like in FF Tactics

June 24th, 2004, 06:51 pm
what does a gun-sword have to do with FFVII?

June 24th, 2004, 11:44 pm
He meant that the gunsword in FFVIII for Squall is just an attempt to recreate Cloud.

June 25th, 2004, 04:26 am
maybe... I didn't like cloud or squall anyway

cloud = too whiny
squall = too cool to talk

in short, they we&#39;re annoying jerks <_<

Actually, I didn&#39;t like Tidus either (see cloud, plus he had a voice&#33;)

I only really liked Zidane of the new main male characters, because he&#39;s adventurous, and stylish, and he has a tail :D

Alfonso de Sabio
June 25th, 2004, 04:36 am
Zidanea is easily the best main character in any of them. I agree. Yeah Cloud gets obnoxious.

June 25th, 2004, 04:59 am
One thing I notice about FF games (expect VI, and maybe VII) is that the story is seen from the main male&#39;s point of view, yet the actual events revolve around the main female (garnet being the princess, or yuna being the summoner etc)

June 25th, 2004, 05:14 am
Wow&#33; Quite the observation&#33; But now in FFX-2 it&#39;s a bit different. But up until this point, it&#39;s been all about the females from the male&#39;s view. Hrm. Interesting&#33; :) I wonder if they&#39;ll ever make an FF game in which all of it is from the Female&#39;s point of view (FFX-2 doesn&#39;t count).

June 26th, 2004, 02:13 am
cloud = too whiny
...do you see my icon?&#33; do you know who that is?&#33;...........cloud :drool:

June 26th, 2004, 02:13 am
oh yes, and i thank you for the info, servbot. =)

June 27th, 2004, 12:01 am
Whether or not Cloud got annoying, I&#39;m still dying to see Advent Children. I&#39;m just hoping it&#39;s better than the last FF movie.

I didn&#39;t hate Spirits Within; I actually enjoyed it, but it was still a bit of a let down (It should have had chocobos&#33;&#33;)

June 27th, 2004, 12:12 am
The only thing that FF:SW had in common with the FF games was a man named Cid.

Alfonso de Sabio
June 27th, 2004, 03:40 am
Spirits Within sucked. It was nothing like a Final Fantasy. It was just an exscuse to have a lot of CG.

June 27th, 2004, 06:31 am
hmm lets see ^_^ im a final fantasy junkie :D but yes FF7 pwns all and FF8 was okay too cept Squall was a wimp, Selphie was annoying, Quistis was annoying also, Rinoa whined too much, and yea..*kills mr cowboy* :D *hides from FF8 fans who want to kill her now* :bandage: owwy :upset:

June 29th, 2004, 02:25 am
Originally posted by Alfonso de Sabio@Jun 26 2004, 10:40 PM
Spirits Within sucked. It was nothing like a Final Fantasy. It was just an exscuse to have a lot of CG.
They created the entire movie from scratch (as in binary @_@ )
It was sooo expensive; they didn&#39;t even break even

@chaos: I liked selphie. But I always like the happy go lucky secondary characters (selphie, yuffie, quina, gau, etc)

July 2nd, 2004, 04:32 pm
Okay, i like any FF AFTER 6. Because I like the 3D graphics and I&#39;m not a big fan of the 2D in 1-6.

And Chaoskitty, Squall isn&#39;t a wimp if you junction the right magic to his strength. that will help alot with the Lion Heart limit attack. You could get it to do around 9000 damage.

BTW: People tell me you favorite charas. Mine are Cloud, Yuffie, Vincent, Sephiroth, Squall, Quistis, Garnett, Vivi, Auron, Yuna, Lulu, Paine (PAINE ROCKS&#33;)

Edit: Nvm about the summon names. Didn&#39;t read that Wraith was talking about the movie.

Alfonso de Sabio
July 2nd, 2004, 04:48 pm
Stastically Squall might not be a wimp, but he&#39;s a suck character.

Zidanea, Vivi, Vincent, Lord Edgar, and Red XIII. I like the idea of Barrett, but he gets a little old.

July 9th, 2004, 08:43 am
I like Vivi, Yuffie, Rikku, Red XIII, and all chocobos in general

July 11th, 2004, 05:21 pm
oh how I love the chocobos and moogles (I love Chocobo&#39;s Dungeon XD )

July 12th, 2004, 02:02 am
Originally posted by Wraith@Jun 27 2004, 06:12 AM
The only thing that FF:SW had in common with the FF games was a man named Cid.
I believe their was a Bigs and Wedge in it as well...

July 12th, 2004, 06:25 am
Originally posted by Mies@Jul 11 2004, 09:02 PM
I believe their was a Bigs and Wedge in it as well...
not to my knowledge... :mellow:

EDIT: I think that using the names biggs and wedge (which were originally from Star Wars) in the games is ok, but by using it in another sci-fi movie, I think that&#39;s a little risqué (sp?)

July 19th, 2004, 01:46 am
Just watched it again: Biggs and Wedge were NOT in it&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

They broke the tradition&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

July 23rd, 2004, 11:07 am
i&#39;ve played final fantasy 7 and 8

7 was awesome, 8 had the crappest, most unlovable characters. there was no comic relief in that game.

July 24th, 2004, 02:09 am
Your jokeing.... Right?

As for the charaters, yeah, they were not the cream-of-the-crop, but it was dealible (FFI had the worst character&#39;s; they had no personality).

And for comic relief... Umm... Play the game again, watch the solders and talk to those not required to talk to in the story. Sometimes it&#39;s hilarious&#33;....

July 24th, 2004, 03:01 am
i meant as in the main characters didn&#39;t make you laugh. they were a bit flat and dull to me

Neko Koneko
July 24th, 2004, 06:49 am
I agree to that, in fact, I consider all of FF8 dull.

July 24th, 2004, 07:08 am
Originally posted by Mies@Jul 23 2004, 07:09 PM
(FFI had the worst character&#39;s; they had no personality).
Of course they had no personality. They were essentially characters you were supposed to make up. Not unlike western pen and paper RPG&#39;s.

July 25th, 2004, 01:24 am
True the main charaters were boaring, in FFVIII, but I always thought the story was based on the overall experience. It&#39;s a more serious type game that the others, to add to the fact.

@Elite666: That&#39;s my point.

July 25th, 2004, 01:37 am
I see that, i just don&#39;t think it&#39;s fair to refer to them as "characters" when they were really just templates. If they&#39;re the worst characters, so are FFXI&#39;s, FF:CC&#39;s and the whole FF legends series.

I agree with you though, they had absolutely no personality. Except for the black mage :D , nothing with a steepled hat can have no personality.

July 25th, 2004, 04:00 am
The over-rated Final Fantasy series. Still, a decent series, but quite over-rated and know to be the best, when it&#39;s not. Doesn&#39;t change the fact it&#39;s alright, but I get a little annoyed at it&#39;s attention at times...

Anyway, I&#39;ve played FFIV, FFV, FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, FIX, FFX and FF Tactics.

Good Games of the series:
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy Tactics

Decent Games of the series:
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX

Horrid Games of the series:
Final Fantasy VII

LOL, I won&#39;t bother explain why Final Fantasy VII stinks, because like at everyone at other forums, they get on my case for why I hate the game. Simple answer is I just don&#39;t like it. It was poorly constructed game with a plot holes left and right, and many other flaws to it. Only positive thing it ever did was help out the RPG genre, it gets my respect for that, but as a game, it stinks.

July 25th, 2004, 05:14 pm
Final Fantasy is one of those things that the people who really love it worship it, and the people who don&#39;t love it can&#39;t understand what the big deal&#39;s about. And then there&#39;s all the controversy surrounding the individual games, particularly VII+.
But anyway...my own two cents. I&#39;ve finished VII and VIII and have played about half of VI, so my FF knowledge is not as vast as others. Regardless:

VII: this one is got to be my favorite. Of course, I kind of overhyped it for myself (this was my first FF, and I wanted the game for years before I finally got it), but it didn&#39;t disappointed me. The overall effect of this game was superb. The music, the setting, the way the story flowed. The materia system is also the most flexible battle system in an RPG I&#39;ve played. I also liked the Limits here much better than the FFVIII limit system. The plot does become confusing in disc 2, but thanks to the character&#39;s clear purposes, you can still muddle out a few things. You gotta love the characters here...well, besides Yuffie and Cait Sith.

VIII: this game was pretty promising up to disc 2, then it just kind of lost whatever it had. The main characters from then on just seemed kind of flat, besides maybe Selphie and Irving, the comic reliefs. I mean, I think I was more concerned about the minor characters. Squall and Rinoa also have no chemistry, and Rinoa has to be the most annoying heroine ever. On a sidenote, I did like Laguna and his side of the story. I also didn&#39;t like the battle system too much, with the over-reliance on GF&#39;s and the limited magic and all. Liked the gunblade, if only so there was more battle participation from the user.

VI: what to say about VI. This game has everything (so far; I&#39;m at the floatng continent). Great and coherent story, great characters, and I like how it&#39;s from a balanced point of view--you seem to share equal time with all the characters. The battle system isn&#39;t bad either, I like how everyone has their own special moves. The 2D graphics, dialogue, and music does seem a little dated, but I still love this game.

July 29th, 2004, 01:38 am
I really like Final Fantasy but ya&#39;know I didnt care too much for Final Fantasy X-2 it was too short and too easy...kinda a waste of time really and then it was really girly too at some parts...im a girl but i mean come on...I didnt like the story much either usually its always something thats trying to take over the world and they have to go kill it and then everythings fine again...OR its usually a princess in trouble and they have to go save her and then the end :rolleyes: oh well games are games I guess.

July 30th, 2004, 06:28 am
Yeah, the only thing i liked about X-2 were the dresses :P If 12 has a storyline like 10-2 or worse, though, i&#39;m off future final fantasies >_>

July 30th, 2004, 05:25 pm
I think XII is going to be way better than X-2(and more challenging). And I really hope it has a good soundtrack.
Regardless though, I&#39;m still going to be first in line.

August 14th, 2004, 10:38 pm
XII will probably be really good but... Because they screwed up really bad on FFTA
I&#39;m just waiting for the nexts FF tactics (Maybe with good graphics this time...).

August 15th, 2004, 04:25 am
XII is made by the FFT team (or is it FFTA). Well, there is going to be classes and I think it is classic turn-based goodness

August 16th, 2004, 01:00 am
Classes sound good and stuff but... I can&#39;t forgive square for what they did until they come out with a good FFT and disown FFTA and say they never even heard of it&#33;&#33; :ranting:

August 16th, 2004, 02:33 pm
my thoughts is that they didnt spend alot of time on X2 just merely that it was something to end the story.....I love final fantasy and X nearly brought a tear to my eye it was so beautiful with the music and all....X is the closest 1 behind 7 for me....and to prove about what i was saying here is how many times ive completed each final fantasy and the *quickest* time i completed it in

.......................... *most hours spent on 1 file to achieve everythin*

ff6 1 time 52 hours................. *52*
ff7 4 times 42 hours ................*102*
ff8 3 times 39 hours ..............*84*
ff9 2 times 41 hours.................*97*
ffX 7 times 32 hours................ *164*
FFX-2 9 times 7 hours .............. *82* (overall)

August 16th, 2004, 08:31 pm
WOW... Hey does anyone else think instead of a FFX sequel they should have spent there time on a FFVII sequel and made the movie after FFVII? Cause we already know FFVII is good so it&#39;s not that easy to screw up...

August 17th, 2004, 12:25 am
I do agree, to a point. A sequel would be nice, but what about remaking the original (sp?) game itself. Imagine how the story would change with better graphics and music; the quality and detail of everything would increase ten-fold...

August 17th, 2004, 12:45 am
They should make Final Fantasy for all three main consoles out right now. I mean why not&#33;?&#33; wouldn&#39;t they get like three times the amount of money? That would work for everyone; More money for them, more Final Fantasy games we can play for us&#33; Then they could remake a bunch of Final Fantasys... I-In a collectors edition&#33;&#33;

August 17th, 2004, 04:49 am
X-box doesn&#39;t deserve the greatness of FF&#33; They should stick to their first person shooters

August 17th, 2004, 12:00 pm
lol true that cooldelic.......well im gonna write a letter to squaresoft asking for a remake of ff7....who&#39;s gonna join me because the more people who suggest the same thing the more likely they are to do it

August 17th, 2004, 10:12 pm
Yeah X-box doesn&#39;t deserve it... I just had to put it out there... Square could do a deal; Give PS2, GC, X box FFs. But before they give it to Microsoft they say the only way Microsoft is gettin FF they have to give the other two Halo... Hmmm or we could just completely rip off halo and totally screw X box all to gether... either way...