View Full Version : Transcribers Status
March 8th, 2005, 11:54 pm
I've seen this on other forums, so don't kill me.
I've come across the problem that a song I was transcribing was being transcribed by someone else and it just so happened that they got it done first. That kind of peeved me because I spent time on that and I didn't even bother to find out that someone else was transcribing it.
So, to avoid problems like that, here's what I propose. Transcribers reply below the songs that they are currently working on figuring out.
We don't need this thread cluttered up with requests. If you have a request make a new topic with the proper format requesting the song.
So with that,
Currently Transcribing
-Halo 2 theme (Video Game Pianist Version)
-A Link to the Piano (Overclocked Remix)
-Remnants (Fullmetal Alchemist)
March 14th, 2005, 01:51 am
I'm currently doing:
Cyber-Slum (.hack//sign OST 2) [2x violin, flute, oboe, cello]
Smallest Delight (.hack//sign OST 2) [oboe, piano, cello] [Oboe melody done, cello line done, piano 5% done]
Where You Are (.hack//sign OST 2) [2x violin, cello, piano]
(All the song titles got mixed up on my CD so no idea what this one is!) (.hack//sign OST 2) [oboe, piano, percussion] (originally for oboe, guitar and percussion if anybody knows the title)
Say Goodbye (.hack//sign OST 2) [violin, piano, cello]
Coppelia's Coffin (Noir OP) [2x violin, flute, oboe. maybe cello]
Favourite Daughter (FMA OST 1) [I think that's the title, will need to check - it's that bright, peppy kinda song with the clarinet and flutes, but I'm transcribing it for oboe, flute and piano]
Yasashii Yoake (.hack//sign OST 1) [Violin melody only]
as well as kind of rearranging Kyoudai from FMA OST 2 for flute and piano, but if Spoony finishes hers first I may steal it XD
Shangri-La (Fafner in the Azure OP) ON HOLD
Except I'm really slow with transcriptions so it doesn't matter if people beat me to it ;) Reason for the new influx of transcriptions is that I've converted my friend to Yuki Kajiura, which means we get to play her stuff for chamber group, yay :D
March 14th, 2005, 02:02 am
I'd post mine, except that it'd take up a few pages T_T
March 14th, 2005, 06:03 am
*sigh* if only I didn't get banned from transcribing yesterday....... :'(
But w/e, I just finished transcribing Air - Natsukage for those of you who're interested.... All of my anime song transcription are on a generous guy named Josh's website :D
March 18th, 2005, 11:11 am
ok im more of a final fantasy guy but here are a couple of the songs im transcribing
1000 words- FFX-2 (complete)
alternative version of decisive battle FF6- (complete)
FMA brothers- (done)
Trinity blood - unknown title - 68% done
March 27th, 2005, 11:11 am
Recently completed: Click for sheets (
.hack//G.U - Piano solo (from official website ( - Thanks to Angelic for making the recording for me ~)
Atelier Iris ETERNAL MANA 2 - Under A Small Roof (Request from akazu kohako)
Crescendo - A Piano for the Night (Request from megaman0074)
Crescendo - Morning Glow (request from GrooveChamp)
Crescendo - The Night that Considers (Request from GrooveChamp)
Crescendo - The Sky of a Sunset (Request from GrooveChamp)
Cowboy Bebop - Green Bird
Full Metal Alchemist - Kyoudai
Full Metal Alchemist - Wakare no Kyoku
Inital D - Parting
Matantei Loki Ragnarok - Fureiyaa no Namida
Talesweaver - Dawn (Request from scarlet_ruecian)
Tsubasa Chronicle - Lost Wings (Request from Pacificsoul)
Tsubasa Chronicle - You are my Love (Japanese version)
Currently working on:
.hack - Staff Roll Volume IV [30% complete] (Request from gamesrus)
Cowboy Bebop - ELM [15% complete]
Cowboy Bebop - Flying Teapot [20% complete]
Cowboy Bebop - The Egg and You [35% complete]
Hellsing - Shine [20% complete]
Ragnarok Online - White Christmas [10% complete] (request from Hiei)
Shingetsutan Tsukihime - Cherish [25% complete]
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time - So Alone, Be Sorrow [50% complete] (Request from Galia Leyas) - If anybody would like to help me from 1:45 onwards, I'd greatly appreciate it. XD
Tsubasa Chronicle - Kaze no Machi he [15% complete] (for Gand)
Planning to work on:
Cowboy Bebop - Wo Qui Non Coin
Gatekeepers - Otome no Inori (although this could be scrapped)
Melody of Oblivion - Ochiyuku Hana Kuchibiru
Noir - Love
Trinity Blood - Broken Wings
Maybe some Haibane Renmei stuff too, but we'll see how all the current projects go first ~ :P
March 27th, 2005, 03:46 pm
*madly saves pdfs, etc to keep up with madly transcribing spoony XD*
woohoo, more more! :heh:
May 24th, 2005, 07:24 pm
Completed ( w00t! ) ... here ( be the sheets
Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai - Anata no Kokoro ni ( (voice and chords only)
GTO - Shizuku ( (reduce for 3 voices + piano)
Legaia II: Duel Saga - Paying the Worthless War ( (request from Dragily)
Spirited Away - Itsumo Nando Demo ( (yet another transcription!)
Currently transcribing (help please, anyone? :neko: )
Fushigi Yuugi - Wakatte Ita Hazu ( (reduce for piano only) (request from raindr0ps) (at 1:55 of 5:07)
June 5th, 2005, 05:40 pm
My account is temporarily "inactive" due to school. So, I won't be transcribing as much for now. . .
Basically Finished
.Hack//Liminality - "Sweet Memories" (Bass part for standard bass and flute part for flute)
Bleach - "Going Home" (guitar part for guitar [request from megaman0074 (])
Card Captor Sakura - "Catch You, Catch Me" (Bass part for 5-string bass guitar)
Chrno Crusade - "Tsubasa wa Pleasure Line" (singing and other parts arranged for violin)
Chrono Cross - "Fragments of a Dream" (music box part arranged for cello [request from AsianSensation_wow (])
Chrono Cross - "People Imprisoned by Destiny (Klutz Greg Pak Version)" (multiple parts arranged for piano [request from draco44 (])
Chrono Cross - "Radical Dreamers" (guitar part for guitar and singing part for flute [request from Kratos Aurion (])
Chrono Cross - "Time's Scar" (guitar part for guitar)
Chrono Trigger - "Frog's Theme (Orchestrated Verison)" (melody part for violin [request from NAFEASONTO (])
Chrono Trigger - "Peaceful Days (Klutz Greg Pak Version)" (piano part for piano [request from draco44 (])
D.N. Angel - "Ice and Snow" (flute and other parts arranged for flute [request from GokuSama (])
Dr. Mario - "Fever (Super Smash Bros. Melee version)" (for violin [request from The-O (])
Final Fantasy VII - "Overworld Theme (Klutz Greg Pak Version)" - (piano part for piano [request from draco44 (])
Full Moon wo Sagashite – "Myself (Meroko’s Vocal Version)" (Chord Progression)
Full Moon wo Sagashite – "New Future" (Chord Progression)
Inuyasha - "Ai no Uta" (singing and other parts arranged for flute [request from sparrow (] and a flute version with lyrics [request from acoccimi (])
Inuyasha - "Aika" (flute and other parts arranged for flute [request from lovely_kitty_san (])
Inuyasha - "Change the World" (singing and other parts arranged for violin [request from Xx1TymxX (])
Inuyasha - "Futari no Kimochi" (multiple parts arranged for flute and gedtag Touch version [request from lunamoon (])
Inuyasha - "Hanyou Inuyasha" (multiple parts arranged for tenor sax [request from Roxy (], for violin [request from Inu no Kagome (], and for cello [request from zippy (])
Inuyasha - "Itazurana Kiss" (singing and other parts arranged for flute [request from sparrow (])
Inuyasha - "No More Words" (singing and other parts arranged for flute [request from sparrow (])
Inuyasha - "Shinjitsu no Uta" (singing and other parts arranged for flute [request from sparrow (] and for viola [request from Sakura301 (])
Kingdom Hearts - "Always on My Mind" (multiple parts arranged for violin [request from Sora (])
Kingdom Hearts - "This is Halloween" (multiple parts arranged for cello [request from AsianSensation_wow (])
Metal Gear Soild 3 - "Main Theme" (violin and other parts arranged for violin)
Naruto - "Kanashimi wo Yasashisa Ni" (singing and other parts arranged for cello [request from aoiryuukishi13 (])
Naruto - "Ryuusei" (multiple singing parts arranged for flute [request from lady_of_3713 (])
Naruto – "Sakura’s Theme" (Flute part for flute [request from ed0tx (], Bass part for standard bass, and Chord Progression)
Naruto - "Sasuke's Theme" (flute part (gedtag Touch) for flute and bass part (gedtag Touch) for bass [request from aoiryuukishi13 (])
Naruto - "Sexiness" (saxophone part for alto saxophone)
Noir - "Canta Per Me (Japanese Version)" (bass part for tuba [request from Band Nerd (])
One Piece – "Glory -Kimi Ga Iru Kara-" (Chord Progression)
One Piece - "Shouchi no Tsuke" (Chord Progression)
One Piece – "Wanted!" (Chord Progression)
Pretear - "White Destiny" (singing and other parts arranged for piano [request from DiamondSeraph (] and for flute [request from 2snowbunny3 (])
Read or Die OVA - "Opening Theme" (multiple parts arranged for violin)
ROD TV - "Hirui Na Ki Ranbu, Sora Ga Semasugiru" (1st violin part for violin and 2nd violin part for violin)
Rurouni Kenshin - "Warrior's Blue: A Theme of Shinomori Aoshi" (Full Conductor's Score and Chord Progression [request from aoiryuukishi13 (])
Sailor Moon - "My Only Love" (singing and other parts arranged for violin [request from LinktheHero (])
Sailormoon - "My Friend's Love" (Michiru and the Starlights version)" (Violin and other parts arranged for violin)
Sailormoon - "Princess Moon" (Chord Progression)
Sailormoon – "Unmei wa Utsukushiku" (Chord Progression)
Samurai Champloo - "Aruarian Dance" (Full Conductor's Score and Chord Progression [request from itou (])
Shingetsutan Tsukihime - "Dusk" (saxophone part for alto sax and flute part for flute)
Shingetsutan Tsukihime - "Justice" (violin part for violin)
Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha - "Precious Heart" (sax part for alto sax and Bass part for 5-String bass guitar)
Trigun - "Opening Theme" (guitar parts arranged for flute [request from CooKieLord (])
Xenosaga - "Shion ~Emotion~" (piano part for flute [request from lovely_kitty_san (])
Yami no Matsuei - "Akuma no Trill (Metal Version)" (1st violin part for violin and 2nd violin part for violin [request from kitsunedajfox (])
Currently Working On
Chobits - "I Hear You Everywhere" (Bass part for standard bass and Chord Progression)
Chobits - "Let Me Be With you (Round Table & Nino Version)" (Bass part for standard bass and Chord Progression)
Cowboy Bebop - "Odd Ones" (Saxophone part for alto sax)
One Piece - "Spirit of Zoro" (Chord Progression)
One Piece - "Wanted!" (Bass part for standard bass)
Sailormoon R Video Game – "T.A. Girl’s Academy Culture Festival" (Flute part for flute and Chord Progression)
Sonic Adventure I - "Amy's Theme" (Bass part for 5-string bass guitar)
Suikogaiden - "Currents" (guitar part for guitar and piano part for piano [request from Chingy (])(6% complete)
Trigun - "Permanent Vacation" (saxophone part for soprano sax [request from Sondagger (])(8% complete)
Planning to Work On
Slayers - "Give a Reason" (Chord Progression)
June 5th, 2005, 06:38 pm
(not a transcriber, but...)
I've got a bunch to upload, which I'll be putting on the site in the next few weeks. Thanks for all the transcriptions!
July 1st, 2005, 01:52 am
Transribing MelodiesOfLife - 39% done
July 2nd, 2005, 06:27 pm
The Haruka Kanata project was unsuccessful, so I'm currently in the process of transcribing:
Mega Man Themes:
-Blizzard Buffalo's Theme from MMX3(5%)
-Knight Man's Theme from MM6(10%)
-Pharoah Man's Theme (complete with Harmonies and Melodies) MM4 (20%)
Anime Songs:
-Futari no Kimochi from Inuyasha(95%)
-Logos Naki World from Hellsing(5%)
Planning To Work On:
-Most Megaman Themes(eventually...)
-Some FF Themes
-Sincerely from Samurai Champloo
Completed Works:
-Zelda's Lullaby for Flute(Request from 2snowbunny3)
July 7th, 2005, 08:09 am
Just letting ya know I've updated my post, I'm doing a whole crapload of transcripts for chamber group though I may appeal for assistance with the piano lines later XD Gand's gonna love me, they're just about all Yuki Kajiura! :P
July 28th, 2005, 06:37 pm
Hey um...Spoon, you mind if I do Ailes Grises from Haibane Renmei? I noticed you said you might do some later on, but I was wondering if it was ok because if it is I plan on transcribing it for violin. There will be a 1st violin and 2nd violin if its ok if I can transcribe it. ^^
August 1st, 2005, 02:24 pm
(Mahoromatic) Saigo no Negai - 50%
(Fan dedication to FFX) Tidus and Yuna's theme, aka Sky Theme - 90%
August 9th, 2005, 11:32 pm
Currently transcribing:
From Last Exile:
Princess Sophia, for piano (almost finished)
To the Race, for flute (just started)
I'm also condidering transcribing Siverna for trumpet or possibly brass band.
I feel it's my duty to make some Last Exile sheets because none seem to exist anywhere else. These are currently all I'm working on.
August 10th, 2005, 05:35 pm
Status on " I don´t wanna lose you" is 90 % - Maburaho
Status on " Guess how much I love you" is 20% - Tsubasa Chronicle
August 11th, 2005, 03:44 pm
Back to 70% on " I don´t wanna lose you"
I´m having some dificulties transbribing...Finale isn´t working like I want to.
Soon ready. :shifty:
August 11th, 2005, 03:48 pm
You might want to just edit your posts, Blombrink. Me tinks it'll keep the thread cleaner.
August 15th, 2005, 10:30 pm
well im like 40 percent on transcribing "Together We Ride" - Fire Emblem, as a trumpet duet with piano accompiament... its sort of a side summer work and im busy with scholl bu twill finish by the end of december... I'musing the same key as the part for piano thats already on here so if you want to use them both it would work... so i dont have to send in the piano version with the 2 trumpet parts.
September 12th, 2005, 05:01 am
Well, once I get software and all that back up and running, I'll be back to work on actually transcribing some Violinist of Hameln songs......
September 12th, 2005, 07:49 pm
Not the magic music ones, right? (Go ahead and kick me if that's a stupid question) Good for you, though, I love the music from Violinist of Hameln.
October 5th, 2005, 01:26 am
Currently Workin On: Click for sheets (
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time - So Alone, Be Sorrow [50% complete] (Request from Galia Leyas) - If anybody would like to help me from 1:45 onwards, I'd greatly appreciate it. XD
Hey, I'm still kind of new to transposing but if you let me see what you have so far I think I may be able to help. I have been waiting for someone to start on this song so i want to help complete it ^_^.
Demonic Wyvern
October 21st, 2005, 01:44 am
Status on " I don´t wanna lose you" is 90 % - Maburaho
Status on " Guess how much I love you" is 20% - Tsubasa Chronicle
Are you transcibing the piano part for "Guess how much I love you"? The violin part is already done, just to let you know.
November 10th, 2005, 03:06 am
Currently Transcribing:
Ichirin no hana - Bleach 3rd opening (Complete, full band score)
November 15th, 2005, 03:21 pm
Currently Transcribing:
Err...reserving, more accurately:
Kingdom Hearts 2 - The 13th Struggle (piano + orchestra -> 1 or 2 pianos)
Kingdom Hearts 2 - A Fight to the Death (piano + orchestra -> 1 piano)
Flash Flash Revolution - Balloon Fever (electronic -> piano)
Dance Dance Revolution - Candy (star) (electronic -> piano)
Bleach - Je Chante Pour Passer Le Temps (piano -> piano)
Tales of Symphonia - Fighting of the Spirit (orchestral -> piano)
Utada Hikaru - Passion (Single Version -> piano)
Flash Flash Revolution - neoMAX (electronic -> piano)
Kingdom Hearts 2 - Reviving Hollow Bastion (orchestral -> piano)
Kingdom Hearts 2 - A Fight to the Death (piano + orchestra -> 2 pianos)
November 17th, 2005, 02:28 am
Uh blombrink what are you doing Melodies for?
I'm working on metalworks from FF XI Star Onions cd.
it's for soprano so it shouldn't take long my suikoden is going bad so I have to take a break. >.<
December 23rd, 2005, 01:55 am
I'm currently working on the piano version of "Waltz" from Honey and Clover. I have a tiny bit done, but I'm planning on getting it all done in the near future. I may or may not be successful, so I'm going to cross my fingers.
Edit: I'm about halfway done right now and am currently trying to get past a couple difficult spots. (I know nothing about music theory and whatnot, so it's a bit hard to figure out the chords by ear. @_@ ) It needs a lot of cleaning up too. ;)
I'm also working the flute part for "Regret" from the Ruruoni Kenshin: Samurai X--Reflection OAV. I'm about 80% done with that.
Update (1/3/06)--I have finals coming up, so I won't be able to work on these until I get my studying and tests over with, which should only be 2 weeks at most. :(
April 29th, 2006, 05:07 pm
im goin to revive this thread. ive been seriously lacking in the transcriptions lately and im going to do another 1. For those that have watched karin im going to transcribe a lovely piece which is on episode 23 at run time 16:00.
so i wont put a deadline on it i'll just put a completion percentage to show how im doing. try not to make me post in a incomplete version because i normally cant be bothered with it once i do.
completed so far - 100%
edit 4 - man after loads of frustration and painstaking work its finally done. its posted up in for those requesting piano sheets only
May 15th, 2006, 10:41 pm
Hi! My name's Robbie and I'm a new member! I've been transcribing shhet music like this for a few years. Here's what I have completed:
Wakare No Kyoku from "Fullmetal Alchemist" (for viola quintet)
Yes, I do play viola and have been playing it for over 10 years. By the way, Wakare No Kyoku is actually Michiru Oshima's version of Etude 10, No. 3 by Frederic Chopin. I am currently working on "My Will" from InuYasha for traditional string quartet. Since I am new, I may need some help posting these in a place where more people can see/download these transcriptions. Thank you and happy dueling!
May 16th, 2006, 07:22 am
ok with karin done i am now going to be transcribing 2 songs from fate stay night and unfortunately I can't title them because I dont know what they are called.
Bleach - Compassion = 97% done - almost finished
Gessekai = 35% done - working on
Fate stay night song 1 = 100% done - finished
Fate stay night song 2 = 50% done - on hold
Naruto ending, yellow moon (full version ) = 10% done - working on
Shakugan no shana, hishoku no sora = 5% done - on hold
blood+ unknown song = 0% done - on hold
May 16th, 2006, 03:17 pm
Super Mario Bros. Theme - Piano
Super Mario World Theme - Piano
Mega Man II Metal Man - Violin
Mario Circut - Piano
Shenmue - Piano
Fire Emblem Theme - Alto Sax
Legend of Zelda Theme - Alto Sax
Golden Sun Venus Lighthouse - Piano
Gerudo(Spelling?) Vally - String Quartet
Hikari - Flute
Super Mario Bros. Underground - Alto Sax
Memories of Light - Piano
Bolero of Fire - Alto Sax
Song of Storms - Alto Sax
Super Mario World Theme - Alto Sax
Super Mario World Intro - Alto Sax
Legend of Zelda House Theme - Alto Sax
Hyrule Castle - Alto Sax
Paper Mario Toad Town - Piano
Paper Mario Bowser Battle - Piano
Mega Man Battle Network 2 Theme - Piano
I can Still See the Light - Piano
Saria's Song - Alto Sax
Never Ending Adventure - Tenor Sax
Wind God's Aria - Alto Sax, Tenor Sax
Hero of Time - Alto Sax
Passion - Piano
Temple of Time - Alto Sax
Ganon's Theme - Alto Sax
Mega Man X5 - Flute
One Winged Angel - Piano
Lazy Afternoons - Piano
Beyond Time - Piano
Metal Gear Solid 2 Theme - Piano
dot HACK - Piano
Attack of Dollet - Piano
Rowdy Rumble - Piano
Passion - Clarinet
Ballad of the Wind Fish - Piano
Roxas - Flute
Hikari - Clarinet
Fighting the Spirit - Flute
Time Drive - Piano
Hikari - Flute
Zelda's Lullaby - Alto Sax
Missing You - Piano
You Were There - Piano
Another Side - Piano
Aisuru Hito - Piano
Prof. E. Gadd's Lab - Alto Sax
Hailfire Peaks - Alto and Tenor Sax
Link's Awakening - Sax Quartet
Mario Star Theme - Piano
May 16th, 2006, 05:08 pm
wow your putting is to shame there boyo lol. keep up the good work man
May 17th, 2006, 02:40 pm
Finished Blue Flow,
My first transcription ^_^
Now doing ED version of the running theme song of Hotori ~Tada Saiwai wo Koinegau~, but it will take some time to finish it.
Edit: Not doing the theme song after all ...
May 24th, 2006, 04:50 pm
"mana shrine" from secret of mana-bass and piano
"tonari no totoro"-piano duet
"title screen" from LOZ:LA-trumpet, alto sax, clarinet
"tenten's theme" from somewhere-piano solo
"lupin the 3rd"-alto sax, tenor sax, baritone sax, trumpet, trombone, drum set, electric guitar, electric bass
working on:
endless project
animal crossing wild world 2pm
May 28th, 2006, 03:04 pm
I'm joining the transcribers' team ;)
Transcriptions projects concerning animes and requests in this forum (there are so many other projects -_-):
Endless Story (NANA Live Action)
June 9th, 2006, 01:23 pm
ok todays a boring day I haven't got anything better to do except for college work maybe but i can't be bothered today so im going to get started on what i think is saber's theme for fate stay night
if im lucky i might have it finished by the end of the day if not then it'll be a week x_x
edit - ok nevermind this, it's going to have to be put on hold. I can't pick out the notes for shit over all the screaming and background noise. I'm going to wait for the ost to come out
June 9th, 2006, 09:34 pm
I'll put up my transcriptions too.
Tenor Sax:
Season of Love - .hack//sign
First Love - Utada Hikaru
The World - .hack//sign
The World - .hack//sign
I would like to say everything (really this song is another version of To Zanakand from FF I'm just too lazy to change the name)
Another side - Kingdom Hearts
Oka no Machi - Whisper of Heart
Fly with the breeze - Fire emblem the sacred stones (its accually the main theme but i'm too lazy to change the name)
Day break - Whisper of Heart
Planning on working on:
animal crossing ( I dont know the tital, think its 2pm or something) - Cello
waltz of the damned - piano
June 17th, 2006, 04:49 pm
June 17th, 2006, 05:22 pm
whats "..." supposed to mean? I also noticed you posted that at a few other threads
June 22nd, 2006, 06:09 am
i'm not really a senior transcriber, but im currently transcribing "Dearly Beloved - Reprised" by Kaoru Wada (if i remember it correctly), from Kingdom Hearts II OST disc2 last track
*lol so much for details*
June 24th, 2006, 01:14 am
I've very recently started transcribing music. I'm still experimenting, though, with Finale Notepad 2006 and Anvil Studio, and I might get Noteworthy Composer.
I'm still practicing transcription and arranging, and I hope I'll be able to get better and better as time goes by. Some of these songs might already have been transcribed elsewhere, but I'm still doing them as practice. Send me requests and comments by PM, and I'll be glad to see what I can do for you.
... but always open for modifications!
River Flows In You, by Yiruma
Kun He ~Kaze Ni Nosete~, from School Rumble
{piano slow version}
Sayo No Omoide, from Mahou Sensei Negima
{piano, violin, cello}
River Belle Path, from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Kodoku Na Junrei, from Fate/Stay Night
{piano}... can still be improved
Omoi No Hate Ni, from InuYasha
{piano}... can still be improved
Denadero Climb, from Chrono Trigger
{piano}... though rather sketchy
Musouka, from Utawarerumono
{piano}... though rather sketchy
... and I'm taking my time - no rush, 'cuz they're not requests.
Hikari (TV version), from Fate/Stay Night
Never Meant To Belong, from Bleach
They're maybe already done, but I'm really practicing with them. If anyone has "basic" requests, comments or suggestions, please send me a PM, I'll be glad to read what you have to say!
More to come on the next update...
Last Updated: July 5, 2006
June 28th, 2006, 11:19 am
Woooooooo the fate stay night ost is finally out and guess what. The 1st song I transcribed isn't even in it so be proud people. Because I don't know how rare that sheet is now ^_^
Finally I can start on the next song and the name of it is Kodoku na junrei
July 1st, 2006, 12:36 am
Okay, I finished RIver Belle Path and a very basic version of Musouka that I still need to improve. But the melody's perfect as it is, so for acompaniment arranging, ask me for the .mus file and I'll be pleased to send it to potential arrangers ... I still have a lot to learn when it comes to arranging.
Whoo! Fate Stay Night's OST came out (sounds familiar...)! Well I'll try transcribign songs too (I've started Disillusion a little, Hikari and Kodoku Na Junrei, too, but only as personal practice. If Sephiroth is okay with this, I'll send his my transcription/arrangement to compare... I hope this doesn't offend you, Seph:heh: !
July 1st, 2006, 01:34 pm
haha well rookie i hope you do a good job as iv'e finished the easy part of the song and it's now the hard part which is comming up as to how i transcribe it is up to me i guess. since it's you who asked i'll post up my progress until the song is finished. I'm doing it in 2 versions 1 is plain piano an dthe other is played with a harp for the left hand instead this is to make it sound more like the original song.
July 5th, 2006, 02:30 pm
haha well rookie i hope you do a good job as iv'e finished the easy part of the song and it's now the hard part which is comming up as to how i transcribe it is up to me i guess. since it's you who asked i'll post up my progress until the song is finished. I'm doing it in 2 versions 1 is plain piano an dthe other is played with a harp for the left hand instead this is to make it sound more like the original song.
Okay, the first part was easy for me, too. But then came the chords... well with quite the amount of effort I tried to stay as accurate as possible, but the last ~10 measures, let's say, are not at all the same as the song. It sounds a little rough, but with pedaling it sounds passable. Tell me what you think!
((Oh yeah, and to practice chords, I also arranged a version of Omoi No Hate Ni from Inuyasha, combining both songs from the second and third OSTs. Anyone just ask if you wanna hear it.))
July 5th, 2006, 03:18 pm
not too bad. you was practically there but for the 1st part was on the wrong scale and the whole thing sounded too deep. not bad for a rookie though keep at it and you'll be as good as anyone else on here. I can't knock your 2nd part because I haven't got round to attempting it yet. so we'll be able to compare once my version is finished but overall good job
July 5th, 2006, 09:21 pm
Heh, thanks for the compliment! Yours is coming up great, too. I still have problems with identifying chords, and thet's a little frustrating because generally it's the chords that really deepen the song. Well I'll be waiting to see your version, then, and maybe I'll take the time to work on mine after a little pause, just to shake off those chords from my mind and start anew.
EDIT: Okay, I'm adding my current project here ... killer key ... help would be appreciated, hehe!
July 14th, 2006, 04:21 pm
I've just started Transcribing Revival from tales of symphonia. Ive only ever transcribed guitar solo's so i'll have to see how it turns out....
July 20th, 2006, 09:57 pm
I'm new to this forum and at first was lurking around looking for Fate/Stay Night Sheet Music. I was looking specifically for FSN Animation OST's track 27 - Kishi Ou no Hokori (Pride of the Knight King), which is essentially the violin version of Kodoku na Junrei. Since there was a request for it, but no one actually transcribing it I decided to give it a shot :)
I've been playing violin (and some piano) for a good 6 years, so I guess it helps. I'm sure there's probably some mistakes in there especially since this is my first time transcribing. If there are any blatant mistakes, please tell me, and I'll fix the trouble areas. Couple notes: I think this piece is supposed to be in E-flat Major, but I started transcribing in F Major so there's plenty of flats in there :P In addition, since Finale Notepad doesn't allow the creation of grace notes, I left the grace notes out of the music.
I would also like to give DoubleT and Sephiroth credit for their transcription of Kodoku na Junrei, as I used the piano version as a supplemental guide for Kishi Ou no Hokori.
Lastly, feel free to upload this music if you feel it's complete and/or tell me to post this reply somewhere else. Thanks!
Here it is: Fate/Stay Night - Kishi Ou no Hokori
July 21st, 2006, 02:58 pm
Hiya, Omnizero!
Your song is actually really good! You proclaim yourself as a Newbie Transcriber, but the transcription's actually not bad at all! Here are a few little things i'd like to point out that should be useful for your next transcriptions.
When you're in a minor tonality, it's preferable to use a minor key signature to get rid of most of the accidentals (just for aesthetics). And if the real song's in another key than the one you transcribed it in, you can transpose the whole song using Finale Notepad, too!
When using Finale Notepad, if you want your ties and decrescendos to work when you play back your song, you have to create them in the same layer as your melody's. But in the end, it doesn't change the final appearance of your sheet music.
As for my own status ... I've been testing out a MIDI-creating program that works differently compared to MIDI sequencers, Zel. It creates a MIDI file from text, so I just have to type instead of clicking on a score or playing out the tune on an external input device (seeing as I don't have one, haha). Here are the pieces I've typed in so far, Haruhi's piano ending song from a.f.k.'s fansubs (actually the first part of Koisuru Kimochi from Ah! My Goddess), and Kun He ~ Kaze Ni Nosete from School Rumble. So I haven't completed new transcriptions yet.
July 21st, 2006, 05:52 pm
Thanks for the comments!
I think I'll transpose the song to another key once I have the time. Kinda busy for now. Btw, I'm thinking about submitting the final transcription to the Ichigo site. Can anyone tell me how to do so?
July 21st, 2006, 06:38 pm
All files below are MUS files.
S-date ( from Zelda: Oracle of ... (unknown)
Hare Hare Yukai ( from Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu
A New Day ( from Kirby's Dreamland 3
Super Mario Bros. 2 Overworld ( from Super Mario Bros. 2
Intro Theme ( from Legend of Dragoon
Dwarves Tunnel ( from Shining Force II
Windwaker Credits ( from Zelda: The Wind Waker
Two Become One ( from Spice Girls PSX game
July 23rd, 2006, 07:42 pm
Okay, new completion: Yuugao from School Rumble. I even took the time to make a midi file out of it for everyont to hear. Now, I arranged this while testing out a new manner of working. I used both the instrumental track and the vocal one and tried to do my best to combine them... this sometimes leads to dissonant chords, but in the end, it sounds okay.
I'll also include what I'm actually working on: Anata Ga Ita Mori from Fate/Stay Night ... I'm about halfway through the rough writing of it, and I should use the same technique as for Yuugao: using both the instrumntal track and the vocal one and combining them... see if you like it. Comments are always appreciated!
July 23rd, 2006, 11:47 pm
haha legend im loving yuugao although something doesnt quite sound on key. when it hits morning i will pull out my keyboard and give it a run through and let ya know the results. ^_^
July 26th, 2006, 05:48 pm
Here's to reply to a request for this song. Broken chords are easy to play, and the song has a repetitive refrain ... no big difficulties here!
July 26th, 2006, 11:19 pm
something i transcribed few yrs ago.
.hack//SIGN - Say Goodbye
im not a regular transcriber so, yeah..
July 31st, 2006, 10:28 am
ok I'll just state this as not to dissapoint any of you which may be interested. I have many different transcriptions happening at the moment as something to keep me occupied and something that i do for myself for fun. so it's something I tend to do when im in the mood for playing the piano. these sheets will get done eventually but as for when just keep an eye out on the site. I'll post my progression for each song as you know when I've done more to it or am near completion. my progression list is on page 3.
reason I've made this pretty useless post. unless there's an urgent need for a song im slow at transcribing due to motivation and i tend to transcribe loads of different songs at once as to not make me bored with the 1 song.
August 4th, 2006, 07:22 pm
Seph: It's probably the same for every transcriber/arranger. We're not machines, and we do have other things to do in life; it's not as if we're transcribing full-time, either. I'm still new at this, yet I realize that sometimes I dwell on a difficult part I can't seem to finish. That said, I do have unfinished projects piling up just like you T_T.
- - - - -
So here's one of those works that have been lying in a folder for quite some time now. I was stuck arranging the second part (orchestrated) and I was stupidly trying to figure out the chords played by the electric guitar... recently I gave up and invented my own arrangement. So here:
Name: Hikari
Series: Fate/Stay Night
Artist: Jyukai
Comments: Ending 2 (episode 14)
And this is my experimental work: Sakura Kiss For Strings (string quartet). I never wrote for strings, and especially not for a quartet... and I used two violas when I think I should have used two violins. Anyway, I'm not done yet ... tell me what you think. It's a .MUS file.
I'm sending Hikari to Josh and he should update his website regularly. So I'm only giving everyone a preview with a MIDI file. I should have finished Kodoku Na Junrei's MIDI soon, which I'll also be sending. Enjoy!
August 6th, 2006, 11:10 pm
wooo well done double t your whippin those transcriptions up quick
as for me i know i shouldnt be doing this but *claims song from bleach ost 2*
song 13 - compassion
August 7th, 2006, 04:06 pm
Here's a list of my works. The anime and anime-related music are all on josh's anime music collection ( under "Tien". I didn't choose a definite place where to place my other (game, drama) music sheets yet. Most if not all of them are for piano.
Black Cat
Konoyo No Uta
My Pace
Sakura Biyori
Here To Stay
Code Geass - Hangyaku No Lelouch
Cold Nobility
Noblesse Oblige
Noblesse Oblige (violin & cello duet)
Death Note
Light Lights Up Light for Piano
Fate/Stay Night
Anata Ga Ita Mori
Kodoku Na Junrei
Memory (from Avalon Arrange Soundtrack)
Unmei No Yoru -Piano Version-
Mr. Raindrop
Gundam SEED: Destiny
Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
Confession (from Thanks/you Soundtrack)
Main Theme - Ai
Michi ~to you all~
Tenshi No Hane
Nodame Cantabile
Piano no Tame no "Kibou"
Allegro Cantabile (Classical ver. from SUEMITSU's album "The Piano It's Me")
Setsunai Koi no Prelude
Senpai ni Aitai!
Ouran High School Host Club
Sakura Kiss for piano
Sinfonietta C-dur
Nocturne pour Tamaki
Prince Of Tennis
Un Soir (Hajime Mizuki)
Saiunkoku Monogatari
Saikou No Kataomoi
School Rumble
Kun He ~ Kaze Ni Nosete
Seto No Hanayome
Romantic Summer
Shakugan No Shana
La Vie Recommence
Sumomo Mo Momo Mo
Saikyou OX Keikaku
Yakitate!! Japan
Houki Kumo
Zero No Tsukaima
River Flows In You (Yiruma)
River Belle Path (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles)
Confession (Relict ~ Toki No Wasuremono ~)
I'll try to keep this list up to date.
August 7th, 2006, 06:10 pm
well here's 1 song that was completed rather quick. it frustrated me that i couldnt work the repeat tool i need to learn how to use it. the song sounds pretty kool goin at 320 tempo
edit - for the song compassion from bleach's 2nd ost its in the list below.
August 8th, 2006, 11:44 pm
Hi everyone,
Been away for a while. Anyway, I fixed up Fate/Stay Night's Kishi Ou no Hokori violin solo with a better key signature. I didn't really figure out how to tie in notes for finale notepad but it doesn't actually make much of a difference visually...
Once again, if there are anymistakes, please PM me. Enjoy! :lol:
August 11th, 2006, 07:42 pm
Hey, you've finished it, Omnizero! And I see that you sent it to josh's website, too!
As for myself, I'm still working on old stuff. I have two requests pending and Anata Ga Ita Mori that I just keep dragging along without touching it. I'll finish it eventually :heh: .
Here's my latest update on Memory from the Fate/Stay Night arrange sound album (for the ones interested). I also worked on Un Soir from one of the many Prince of Tennis Character songs, by request. Making abstraction of the voice actor's speech in Un Soir and of the xylophone in Memory is hard, but I'm managing somehow. I'll even try to include the xylophone's melody in the piece's right hand. I don't know what others think, but I find that many of the lesser known songs really have a nice ring to them, and it's a shame that they aren't really accessible in sheet music.
EDIT: I'm done with 2 of the 3 songs. Here are sheets and midi files. I'll send them to josh, so he'll have them up on his next update, too.
Anata Ga Ita Mori: 100% (not very elaborate, but sounds nice)
Memory: 100% (not a perfect transcription, but I did the best I could)
Un Soir: ~60% (on the 2 minute song)
So enjoy! I'll keep editing this post to show my progress on these pieces. And seeing as they're not finished yet, all comments and feedback are welcome and greatly appreciated!
August 11th, 2006, 09:55 pm
meh follow by example i guess. just as my man above me posted his progress i guess i'll do the same.
kyou no go no ni is actually complete. it was just a little song in the anime that i wanted to learn so i jotted the notes down. may as well post them up.
the songs on the list are: bleach: compassion. unknown: gessekai. fate stay night: kodoku na junrei: kyou no go no ni: unknown: naruto ending: yellow moon
August 18th, 2006, 09:06 pm
Someone requested this... and it's my first Gundam transcription from only a music file. I still don't feel the "gundamness" or "techno" feel to it, but anyway... my first attempt. If anyone can suggest modifications, I'd be glad!
-I didn't want to overload the right hand part, seeing as the piece has a three-flat key signature (from measure 6 onwards).
-The left hand beat from measures 24 to 30 is not right, but I can't seem to figure out a good rhythm pattern for it.
-There are absolutely no expression marks whatsoever... "interpret the piece as you see fit", I believe.
Criticism is always appreciated, as well as advice/comments. After this, I still have Un Soir, and older things to work on. Enjoy!
August 19th, 2006, 06:48 am
Thx doublet.This piece was nice.
Comment:I wonder is it because i can't enjoy the song long enough,but to me it seems a bit short compared to the song reason.The starting of the song was ok.But it seems theres some missing notes somewhere.If i am not mistaken is the 4th bar and above.The mid part was nice.But the ending doesn't sounds right:heh: It doesn't end with a nice sound.At a few spots i couldn't hear the melody of the song(not clear) but overall it was nice.Several adjustments will make this song sound very nice:)
Someone requested this... and it's my first Gundam transcription from only a music file. I still don't feel the "gundamness" or "techno" feel to it, but anyway... my first attempt.
Woot u are good in transcribing Gundam song eventhough is first attempt.Perhaps u should start to love gundam xD
August 19th, 2006, 02:55 pm
I just decided to transcribe "Super Smash Bros. Melee- Fountain of Dreams" through MIDI. (+ add the stuff that regular MIDI input doesn't have, and Individual instrument parts.)
NOTE: It's about 1 MB. Not recommended for Dial-up users.
August 20th, 2006, 08:31 pm
Here's something I whipped up in a day ... upon a request from my younger bro. It's the techno/DDR-ish opening for the series Inukami! And I stumbled on the trick to make a song sound techno-ish: constant repetitive bass notes!
I find that it sounds really nice and upbeat! And it's relatively easy to play, too! It's just tiring for the left hand after a while (see sheet music for explanations). And it loops really well!!!!!!!
I'll post it up here for a while, but it'll be up on josh's website on his next update, I guess, since I sent it to him. Enjoy!
August 20th, 2006, 09:12 pm
hmmm nice dude sounds really good. i'll pull out my keyboard tomorrow and see how long it takes me to learn it.
August 21st, 2006, 05:53 am
Hey everyone I've just started transcribing myself. I'm not a very good piano player so I usually try to make full orchestra arrangements. I'm still very slow at it though as ive only done the two Akeboshi enings to Naruto. I've done Wind and Yellow Moon, although I haven't really finished either hehe. I do them cause I played viola in high school and every now and then some friends of mine and I get together and play something and it's nice to have something other than Bach and Beethoven. Anyway here's what I have so far. tell me what you think, especially you Sephiroth since I noticed that you have been doing Yellow Moon as well.
August 21st, 2006, 06:11 am
Hey everyone I've just started transcribing myself. I'm not a very good piano player so I usually try to make full orchestra arrangements. I'm still very slow at it though as ive only done the two Akeboshi enings to Naruto. I've done Wind and Yellow Moon, although I haven't really finished either hehe. I do them cause I played viola in high school and every now and then some friends of mine and I get together and play something and it's nice to have something other than Bach and Beethoven. Anyway here's what I have so far. tell me what you think, especially you Sephiroth since I noticed that you have been doing Yellow Moon as well.Uh I was so quick to submit that i kinda forgot to put the pieces in and I now realize that I can't put them in because they are saved as Score Writer files and won't attach unless i zip it all together. Tell me if it works or if there's another way to attach them.
August 21st, 2006, 10:53 am
dude keep the thread tidy edit your post dont double post
August 31st, 2006, 07:00 pm
While josh's website's updates slow down, I'll put up my new works here. They should appear on the next update.
September 9, 2006 - Added Confession. Hajirai's and Sakura Kiss' MIDIs and sheets are on josh's website.
October 9, 2006 - Wow, it's been a month ... Added Sinfonietta C-dur & Main Theme - Ai. Confession is on josh's website.
Name: Confession
Series: Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
Instrument: Piano
Comments: Track 6 from the Thank/you soundtrack
Name: Main Theme - Ai
Series: Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
Instrument: Piano
Comments: Track 11 from the anime's OST2
Name: Sinfonietta C-dur
Series: Ouran High School Host Club
Instrument: Piano
Comments: From the 1st OST
My potential projects include ... Hontou No Kimochi (from Zero No Tsukaima), Musou Uta (from Utawarerumono), A Song Given Voice (from Utawarerumono) ... but I might drop them if my mood changes.
More to come ... soon?
October 16th, 2006, 02:28 pm
I'm doing "Flower" from Kanon right now, by Masato Kamata (composition)/Miho Fujiwara (performance). I have stopped work on Hotori - Tada Saiwai wo Koinegau's theme song.
October 31st, 2006, 10:22 pm
Finished + the extensions I have them for. .MUS files are 2007. Credits are noted.
Waltz for the Moon (Final Fantasy): Alto Sax .mus
Passion (Kingdom Hearts II, Thanks to PorschseGTII): Flute .mus .pdf
Go, Go, Naruto (Naruto, Thanks to PorschseGTII): Piano .pdf
Bean Valley (Super Mario RPG- Legend of the Seven Stars, Thanks to PorschseGTII): French Horn .pdf
Si Form (Mario Kart DS): Alto Sax .pdf
Fountain of Dreams (Super Smash Bros. Melee): String Quartet .pdf .mus
Fountain of Dreams (Super Smash Bros. Melee): Orchestra (Full) .mus
Passion (Kingdom Hears II): Piano (Arranged from Orchestrated Version) .mus .pdf
Holy Lonely Night: Guitar (From Macross, TABS, Thanks to PorschseGTII) .tiff
My Friends: Guitar and Bass (From Macross, TABS, Thanks to PorschseGTII) .tiff
Totsugeki Love Heart: Guitar (From Macross, TABS, Thanks to PorschseGTII) .tiff
Try Again: Guitar (Super Robart Wars, TABS, Thanks to PorschseGTII) .tiff
Affections Touching Across Time (InuYasha): Clarinet and Piano .mus
Missing You (Kingdom Hearts II): Piano .mus .pdf
Suteki Da Ne (Kingdom Hearts II): Piano .mus .pdf
Music Box (Silent Hill 2): Piano .mus .pdf
Click "My Arrangements" for the actual file ;) .
November 6th, 2006, 10:49 pm
ok with karin done i am now going to be transcribing 2 songs from fate stay night and unfortunately I can't title them because I dont know what they are called.
Bleach - Compassion = 97% done - almost finished
Gessekai = 35% done - working on
Fate stay night song 1 = 100% done - finished
Fate stay night song 2 = 50% done - on hold
Naruto ending, yellow moon (full version ) = 10% done - working on
Shakugan no shana, hishoku no sora = 5% done - on hold
blood+ unknown song = 0% done - on hold
you're working on that opening theme for shakugan no shana? mean the piano version, right? :sweat:
November 7th, 2006, 07:40 am
Current prjoects:
All of Youngstar(sax, piano?) 1/2:
All of youngstars first page Done ^^, (
Densha Otoko Medley: 1/10
Journey into FFX-2:1/9
November 15th, 2006, 09:01 pm
MAJOR update on what I have finished (Don't worry, I won't make anymore lists like this ;) .)
Finished- Click "My Arrangements" in my Sig
Waltz for the Moon (Final Fantasy): Alto Sax .mus
Passion (Kingdom Hearts II, Thanks to PorschseGTII): Flute .mus .pdf
Go, Go, Naruto (Naruto, Thanks to PorschseGTII): Piano .pdf
Bean Valley (Super Mario RPG- Legend of the Seven Stars, Thanks to PorschseGTII): French Horn .pdf
Si Form (Mario Kart DS): Alto Sax .pdf
Fountain of Dreams (Super Smash Bros. Melee): String Quartet .pdf .mus
Fountain of Dreams (Super Smash Bros. Melee): Orchestra (Full) .mus
Passion (Kingdom Hears II): Piano (Arranged from Orchestrated Version) .mus .pdf
Holy Lonely Night: Guitar (From Macross, TABS, Thanks to PorschseGTII) .tiff
My Friends: Guitar and Bass (From Macross, TABS, Thanks to PorschseGTII) .tiff
Totsugeki Love Heart: Guitar (From Macross, TABS, Thanks to PorschseGTII) .tiff
Try Again: Guitar (Super Robart Wars, TABS, Thanks to PorschseGTII) .tiff
Affections Touching Across Time (InuYasha): Clarinet and Piano .mus
Missing You (Kingdom Hearts II): Piano .mus .pdf
Suteki Da Ne (Kingdom Hearts II): Piano .mus .pdf
Suteki Da Ne (Kingdom Hearts II): Flute.mus .pdf
Music Box (Silent Hill 2): Piano .mus .pdf
Big Blue (F-Zero X, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano
Dire Dire Docks (Super Mario 64, Thanks to PorchseGTIII): Piano .mus
Wave Race 64 Main Theme (Wave Race 64, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus
Roxas (Kingdom Hearts II): Piano .mus .pdf
Lilycove City (Pokemon R/S/E): Piano .mus
Epilogue (Final Fantasy X-2): Piano .mus .pdf
DOG Ending (Silent Hill 2, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus .pdf
Not Tomorrow I (Silent Hill, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus .pdf
Room of Angels (Silent Hill 4, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus
Utopia (In the Groove, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus .pdf
Passion (Kingdom Hearts II, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Alto Sax .mus .pdf
Melodies of Life (Final Fantasy IX- in B Major, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Flute .mus .pdf
Introduction Story (Zelda: The Wind Waker, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): String Quartet .mus .pdf
December 15th, 2006, 03:52 pm
I've changed the nature of my post, just for the sake of simplicity:
Songs generally finished but undergoing revisions:
Unfinished pieces (on hold):
Kawaita Sakebi "A Yell of Thirst" (YGO) (piano)
Kanashimi no Kako (YGO) (piano)
Suspended pieces :
Shuffle (YGO) (piano, melody line only)
Just starting:
Finished, no longer undergoing revisions:
Kami no Kourin "Melody of Tears" (YGO) (piano) (NOTE: May also be known as "Nukumori", depending on the season of the show).
Genki no Shawaa "Energy Shower" (YGO) (piano)
Ashita Moshi Kimiga Kowaretemo (YGO) (piano)
Contact me of you want the .mus file
PDF files are available on my website (just click on "website" in my siggy!)
January 13th, 2007, 03:43 am
you're working on that opening theme for shakugan no shana? mean the piano version, right? :sweat:
Yes, I'd love to see that too...
Edit: Yes I joined just to say that.
January 20th, 2007, 08:52 pm
I'm back! Though I don't think anyone noticed I was gone for a while, hehe. I slowed down quite a bit for winter exams and tests, and now, I have time to transcribe/arrange again. I've been doing cleaning up, and here's what I have new:
Konoyo no Uta, from Black Cat. Josh just made me realize that he had already transcribed it earlier on ... I should check next time.
Confession, from the game Relict ~Toki no Wasuremono ~. This had been requested a long time ago by someone, and I finally pushed myself to finish it. Not too hard, sounds very nice, but I didn't know how to add a natural to the one grupetto that papears in the piece, so it sounds weird at one place.
I'm currently working on Bartender songs, which are all magnificent, in my opinion.
January 20th, 2007, 09:35 pm
Waltz for the Moon (Final Fantasy): Alto Sax .mus
Passion (Kingdom Hearts II, Thanks to PorschseGTII): Flute .mus .pdf
Go, Go, Naruto (Naruto, Thanks to PorschseGTII): Piano .pdf
Bean Valley (Super Mario RPG- Legend of the Seven Stars, Thanks to PorschseGTII): French Horn .pdf
Si Form (Mario Kart DS): Alto Sax .pdf
Fountain of Dreams (Super Smash Bros. Melee): String Quartet .pdf .mus
Fountain of Dreams (Super Smash Bros. Melee): Orchestra (Full) .mus
Passion (Kingdom Hears II): Piano (Arranged from Orchestrated Version) .mus .pdf
Holy Lonely Night: Guitar (From Macross, TABS, Thanks to PorschseGTII) .tiff
My Friends: Guitar and Bass (From Macross, TABS, Thanks to PorschseGTII) .tiff
Totsugeki Love Heart: Guitar (From Macross, TABS, Thanks to PorschseGTII) .tiff
Try Again: Guitar (Super Robart Wars, TABS, Thanks to PorschseGTII) .tiff
Affections Touching Across Time (InuYasha): Clarinet and Piano .mus
Missing You (Kingdom Hearts II): Piano .mus .pdf
Suteki Da Ne (Kingdom Hearts II): Piano .mus .pdf
Suteki Da Ne (Kingdom Hearts II): Flute .mus .pdf
Music Box (Silent Hill 2): Piano .mus .pdf
Big Blue (F-Zero X, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano
Dire Dire Docks (Super Mario 64, Thanks to PorchseGTIII): Piano .mus .pdf
Wave Race 64 Main Theme (Wave Race 64, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus
Roxas (Kingdom Hearts II): Piano .mus .pdf
Lilycove City (Pokemon R/S/E): Piano .mus
Epilogue (Final Fantasy X-2): Piano .mus .pdf
DOG Ending (Silent Hill 2, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus .pdf
Not Tomorrow I (Silent Hill, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus .pdf
Room of Angels (Silent Hill 4, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus
Utopia (In the Groove, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus .pdf
Passion (Kingdom Hearts II, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Alto Sax .mus .pdf
Melodies of Life (Final Fantasy IX- in B Major, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Flute .mus .pdf
Introduction Story (Zelda: The Wind Waker, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): String Quartet .mus .pdf
Believe (One Piece, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus .pdf
Moment (Gundam Seed, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano
.mus .pdf
Hinata v.s. Neji (Naruto, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano
.mus .pdf
Byakua (D.N. Angel, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Viola .mus .pdf
Anniversary (Laputa (Castle in the Sky), Thanks to Porsche GTIII): Piano
.mus .pdf
Promise- Reprise (Silent Hill, Thanks to PorscheGTII): Piano
.mus .pdf
Passion (Kingdom Hearts II, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Clarinet Ensemble (2 Players) .mus (Part I) .pdf (Part I) .mus (Part II) .pdf (Part II)
Roxas (Kingdom Hearts II, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Clarinet Ensemble (3 Players) .mus (Part I) .pdf (Part I) .mus (Part II) .pdf (Part II) .mus (Part III) .pdf (Part III)
Missing You (Kingdom Hearts II, Thanks to Porsche GTIII): Clarinet Ensemble (2 Players) .mus (Part I) .pdf (Part I) .mus (Part II) .pdf (Part II)
Fountain of Dreams (Super Smash Bros. Melee, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Concert Band .mus .zip (individual parts)
Passion (Kingdom Hearts II- NON-ORCHESTRATED VERSION, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus .pdf
Super Mario 64 Theme (Super Mario 64, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): String Orchestra .mus (Full Score) .pdf (Full Score) .zip (individual parts)
Lost Painting (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus .pdf
Deep Jungle (Kingdom Hearts I, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Flute Ensemble (2 Players) .mus (Part I) .pdf (Part I) .mus (Part II) .pdf (Part II)
Arabian (Runescape, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus .pdf
Arabian 2 (Runescape, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus .pdf
"Castle" Theme (Legend of Dragoon, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): String Orchestra with Piano .mus (Full Score) .pdf (Full Score) .zip (individual parts)
Never Meant to Belong (Bleach): Piano .mus .pdf
Death Moon (02jam): Piano .mus .pdf
Fountain of Dreams (Super Smash Bros. Melee): Piano .mus .pdf
The Divine Spirit of Language (Star Ocean: Till The End of Time): Piano .mus .pdf
Tifa's Theme (Final Fantasy 7, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Flute .mus .pdf
Aeris's Theme (Final Fantasy 7, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Flute .mus .pdf
Tori no Uta (AIR T.V., Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus .pdf
Life is Like A Boat (Bleach, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): String Orchestra .mus (Full Score) .pdf (Full Score) .zip (individual parts)
Sasuke's Destiny (Naruto, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Piano .mus .pdf
Motherland (Full Metal Alchemist, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Violin .mus .pdf
Ready Steady Go! (Full Metal Alchemist, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Violin .mus .pdf
Kesenai Tsumi (Full Metal Alchemist, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Violin .mus .pdf
Llyod's Theme (Tales of Symphonia, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Violin .mus .pdf
Sadness and Sorrow (Naruto, Thanks to PorscheGTIII): Alto Sax and Tuba Duet .mus (Alto Sax) .pdf (Alto Sax) .mus (Tuba) .pdf (Tuba)
February 10th, 2007, 03:50 am
Here's a quick update on my current status:
Recent songs:
-My Pace (Bleach)
-Saikou No Kataomoi (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
Currently working on:
-a non-anime request
-experimenting with guitar riff conversion to piano
I'll accept requests if I find that I can do them at my level ... without completely turning the arrangement into a massacre of the original. My transcription time varies a lot these days, though ...
March 19th, 2007, 05:23 am
I really only transcribe for my personal enjoyment... and don't get a lot done since it's sort of a "few and far between" endeavor. But I guess for the sake of fun and novelty I shall add my "list".
Sadness And Sorrow (Naruto) for string orchestra.
*Final Fantasia (assorted songs from the Final Fantasy series)
Every Heart (Inuyasha) viola
"Totoro violin song"
Canta per Me (noir) violin, cello, voices, and piano
Sakura Kiss - string version (Ouran Host Club) string orchestra
In Progress:
Mai (.hack/liminality) 2 violins, flute, piano, and electric bass
*Mistery Train (FFVI - Grande Finale version) violin and piano
*worked on in collaboration with Jeff Detton
March 28th, 2007, 02:13 pm
meh follow by example i guess. just as my man above me posted his progress i guess i'll do the same.
kyou no go no ni is actually complete. it was just a little song in the anime that i wanted to learn so i jotted the notes down. may as well post them up.
the songs on the list are: bleach: compassion. unknown: gessekai. fate stay night: kodoku na junrei: kyou no go no ni: unknown: naruto ending: yellow moon
Uhm, I can't open your file of yellow moon. Can this file be opened on windows?
April 7th, 2007, 03:42 pm
Transcribing isn't easy, right?
I love u! :-*
April 12th, 2007, 09:54 pm
.hack//G.U. Vol. 1 Rebirth - Shino - Honeysuckle (Piano)
.hack//G.U. Vol.1 Rebirth - Yasashii Ryoute (Beginning) (Piano)
.hack//G.U. Vol.1 Rebirth - Swaying Emotions (Piano)
.hack//G.U. Vol.2 Reminisce - To You, My Dearest (Piano)
.hack//G.U. Vol.3 Redemption - Far Off Dawn (Piano)
.hack//ROOTS - Silly-Go-Round TV-Size (Piano)
.hack//SIGN - Kiss (Alto Sax)
.hack//QUARANTINE - Staff Roll (Ending Theme)
Gedo Senki (Tales of Earthsea) - Aoi Teshima - Teru's Song (Piano, Voice)
Kingdom Hearts - Hikari (Tenor Sax)
Final Fantasy VIII - Mods de Chocobo (Piano, four hands (four persons))
Naruto - The Rising Fighting Spirit (Flute)
Cosmo Warrior Zero - The book of Life (Piano, Voice)
Unachieved, but I really have to finish it else there will be a murder:
Final Fantasy X - Scenery of Spira (Two Guitars)
.hack//GAME - Ending (Piano, Voice)
Golden Sun - The Village of Adepts, Vale (Flute, Guitar, Synthesizer)
Kingdom Hearts II - Passion - After the Battle (Piano, Voice)
Wild Arms - Into the Wilderness (Two Guitars)
Currently working on:
.hack//ROOTS - Silly-Go-Round (Piano, Voice)
.hack//SIGN - A bit of happiness (Piano, Harmonica)
Gedo Senki (Tales of Earthsea) - Aoi Teshima - Song of Time (Piano, Voice)
(bold -> I'm nearly sure nobody transcribed them before)
April 28th, 2007, 01:15 am
My busy period is almost over, so I'll start transcribing more regularly now. For a list of my sheets, check out the top of page five of this thread - I keep it updated as much as possible!
Current Projects:
Utawarerumono - Musouka (~95%)
Sumomo Mo Momo Mo - Saikyou XO Keiyaku (~40%)
Pending Projects (a.k.a. Waiting List):
Nodame Cantabile - random songs from the anime OST
Bartender - select songs from the anime OST
Other pending requests (some accumulating mold for months T_T)
April 29th, 2007, 12:48 pm
how is "je chante pour passer le temps" from bleach going? unless my eyes fail me, i didn't see it on the list.
does anyone want to help me transcribe the whole orchestra for hikari kh1? i've almost finished the midi for it but transcribing onto score format looks like it's going to take me just as long if not longer (i've been doing this midi for years on and off now. just can't find the motivation. need someone who can do it without this problem)
April 30th, 2007, 05:06 am
Je Chante was completed over a year ago. It's buried somewhere in the thread in my signature :P
May 26th, 2007, 01:23 am
My recently completed works are on josh's:
Alumina (from Death Note)
Houki Kumo (from Yakitate!! Japan)
Saikyou OX Keikaku (from Sumomo Mo Momo Mo)
Senpai ni Aitai! (from Nodame Cantabile)
Setsunai Koi no Prelude (from Nodame Cantabile)
For the rest ... it all depends on my mood. With these, I don't think I have anything left halfway completed. I have a few requests to complete, but I'm slow as usual. We'll see what come out next!
May 28th, 2007, 07:32 am
Transcribers! Don't forget you can submit your transcriptions to (! People won't have to go hunting for your hard work! XD
Sorry for the shameless ad post! (hey I'm allowed to advertise on
May 28th, 2007, 07:40 am
Hey I didn't know the existence this page ^^
The only thing which disturbs me is that you have to put an Ichigo's watermark :/
May 29th, 2007, 11:56 pm
Well, Ichigo's is paying for the bandwidth, etc to host it. You still have your name on it so everyone will know that you did the transcription.
May 30th, 2007, 04:16 am
Sent, let me know if there are any problems.
May 30th, 2007, 07:24 am
Well, Ichigo's is paying for the bandwidth, etc to host it. You still have your name on it so everyone will know that you did the transcription.Ok, sorry for the misunderstanding :)
May 31st, 2007, 05:45 am
Finished with "Kawaita Sakebi" for piano. Available as a .pdf, on my website.
Finished with "Kanashimi no Kakao" for piano. Available as a .pdf on my website.
September 5th, 2007, 10:43 pm
Working on Alones by Aqua Timez (AKA Bleach 6th opening :P). The process is very slow, since this is my first time doing a 1:30 song >< (usually I just do portions of songs). If anyone wants to do it, go ahead, but I just want to finish it at some point in time o____o
Edit~: Hehe.. getting closer to finishing, I've finished with the melody and working on the harmony. ^^ Still letting other people do it o__O Very, very slow processing... =__=;;
October 28th, 2007, 03:19 am
Could anyone help me to transcript a song? O,o
>,< Thanks!!!
October 28th, 2007, 08:48 am
Lol why do you make your request here? Search in the forums: if the sheet you're looking for has already been requested but not created, resuscitate the post, if you haven't found any topic dealing about your sheet, please create another. :)
November 5th, 2007, 06:26 pm
I only transcribe/arrange songs from Eureka Seven.
This is taken directly from the thread I started:
- Shinjitsu
- Eureka
- Renton Thurston
- Sprinting Spirits (Duet)
- Storywriter
- Zetsubou no Naka no Nukumori, Shikashi
- Nirvash typeZERO
- Kibou no Sora
- Tips Taps Tip
- Kioku no Naka no Umi
- To Wish Upon A Star
- Tooi Kioku
- Taidou kara no Chouyaku (Duet)
- Final Wish (Duet)
In Progress:
- N/A
Scratched Until Further Notice:
- Himitsu Kichi
- Taiyou no Mannaka he
November 16th, 2007, 02:48 am
HeY real nice job with the sheet music.
November 16th, 2007, 03:07 am
My recently completed works are on josh's:
Alumina (from Death Note)
Houki Kumo (from Yakitate!! Japan)
Saikyou OX Keikaku (from Sumomo Mo Momo Mo)
Senpai ni Aitai! (from Nodame Cantabile)
Setsunai Koi no Prelude (from Nodame Cantabile)
For the rest ... it all depends on my mood. With these, I don't think I have anything left halfway completed. I have a few requests to complete, but I'm slow as usual. We'll see what come out next!
Hey I real nice job with the sheet music i was wondering if you had or can do the second part to the "Eclair He no Tamaki" Its in episode 24 where he plays this song then goes onto a second part. i didn't notice at first but there was a second part to the song. It seemed short but sounded really nice and added a lot more chopin into it.
November 16th, 2007, 05:07 am
Isn't it at josh's?
Oh you mean it's only the first part?
November 17th, 2007, 10:41 am
Isn't it at josh's?
Oh you mean it's only the first part?
Yeup the song continues in episode 24 into like a bridge type of thing but it sounds really nice. heres a youtube link of it if you want to listen he plays the one thats transcribed already 2 times then he goes into a second part then goes back to the first one before the coffee table gets knocked over. songs starts at 00.35.. but then at 02.00 thats when the second part starts. The second part sounds the best. The second part just adds more to the song as if its a big composed song.
December 10th, 2007, 04:23 am
I currently want to try to transcribe Thoughts Unarrived from School days.
December 12th, 2007, 06:54 pm
- Shinjitsu
- Eureka
- Renton Thurston
- Sprinting Spirits (Duet)
- Storywriter
- Zetsubou no Naka no Nukumori, Shikashi
- Nirvash typeZERO
- Kibou no Sora
- Tips Taps Tip
- Kioku no Naka no Umi
- To Wish Upon A Star
- Tooi Kioku
- Taidou kara no Chouyaku (Duet)
- Final Wish (Duet)
- Final Wish (Solo)
- Diane
In Progress:
- N/A
Scratched Until Further Notice:
- Himitsu Kichi
- Taiyou no Mannaka he
December 15th, 2007, 01:26 pm
Sky of hope - Eureka Seven
Homesick - Eureka Seven
Colors of the Heart - Blood+
This Love - Blood+
Sexy Lady Blues - Eureka Seven
and other various E7 Songs
Taiyou no Mannaka he - Eureka Seven
Himitsu Kichi - Eureka Seven
The Sixth Station - Spirited Away
February 3rd, 2008, 05:17 am
Currently Working On:
Pandora Hearts Project - Piano
~25% Complete... Seems rather difficult.
Code Geass R2
Madder Sky - ensemble
0/176 seconds completed.
Medley Project - Orchestra
~25% Complete (My computer can't run a full orchestra!)
Major improvements/separate parts needed
Passable quality
-> ( Megumeru ~cuckool mix 2007~ - ensemble
-> ( Hurry Starfish - ensemble
-> ( Sora ni Hikaru - ensemble
-> ( Butterfly - Piano + Voice
Ef - A Tale of Memories
-> ( Euphoric Field - ensemble
[MP3][Ensemble][Mediafire (][Youtube (]
[MP3][Ensemble][Instrumental][Mediafire (]
-> ( I'm Here - ensemble/piano
[MP3][Piano][Mediafire (][Youtube (]
-> ( Kizamu Kisetsu - Piano
[MP3][Piano][Mediafire (][Youtube (]
Ef - The First Tale
-> ( Eternal Feather - ensemble
[MP3][Ensemble][Mediafire (][Youtube (]
Fate/Stay Night
-> ( Disillusion - ensemble
-> ( Emiya - Kenji Kawai ver. - ensemble
H2O ~Footprints in the Sand~
-> ( Katayoku no Icarus - ensemble
-> Half-demon Inuyasha - ensemble
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's
-> ( Eternal Blaze - ensemble
-> ( 1000% SPARKING! - ensemble/piano (
[MP3][Piano][Mediafire (]
Rozen Maiden
-> ( Atatakana Kokoro - ensemble
-> ( Bara no Jubai - ensemble
-> ( Battle of Rose - ensemble
-> ( Bright Red - string quartet
-> ( Kinjirareta Asobi - ensemble
-> ( Kowareta Sekai - ensemble
-> ( Kurayami Yori Kitaru Mono - harpsichord viola duet
-> ( Okubyousha - harpsichord flute duet
-> ( Shukuteki - ensemble
Shakugan no Shana
-> ( Akai Namida - Piano
[MP3][Piano][Mediafire (][Youtube (]
-> ( Joint - ensemble
-> ( Hikari no Senritsu - Piano
[MP3][Piano][Mediafire (][Youtube (]
Steel Angel Kurumi
-> Episode 24 Theme - ensemble
Speed Grapher
-> ( Sorrow - ensemble
Welcome to NHK
-> ( Odoru Akachan Ningen - piano duet
Zero no Tsukaima II
-> ( I Say Yes (Wedding Version) - ensemble/piano
-> ( Setsunai Omoi - piano
Unfinished/Dropped Projects:
Owari Nai Yume (symphonic version) - ensemble
Final Fantasy
Crystal - ensemble
Sadness and Sorrow - ensemble
Steel Angel Kurumi
Eternal Steel Angels - ensemble
Hajimari no Kiseki - ensemble
In Consideration:
Uninstall - ensemble
Code Geass R2
Continued Story - ensemble
Ef - A Tale of Melodies
Ebullient Future - ensemble
Ef - A Tale of Memories
Sora no Yume - ensemble or piano + 2 violins
Ef - The Latter Tale
Emotional Flutter - ensemble
Ever Forever - ensemble
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Bouken Desho Desho - ensemble
Pandora Hearts
Parallel Hearts - ensemble
Maze - ensemble
Rozen Maiden
Another whole bunch of stuff
Shakugan no Shana
Hishoku no Sora - ensemble
Soukyuu no Fafner
Shangri-La - ensemble
Kimi ga Tame (ep 26 ED) - ensemble
And also maybe some custom acoustic arrangements....
Tentative future schedule:
Meh, really slow progress recently. Hopefully I'll pick it up in the coming week. Chances are, I probably won't get around to making full transcription/arrangements out of my 'in consideration' stuff; I may end up tossing them altogether into a medley of some sorts, but that's still far into the future.
February 13th, 2008, 03:16 am
I'll just copy/paste this from the other forum I am apart of.
Hey I'm new to this forum and I am glad I found it. I have been composing for about 3 years and I have been transcribing inconsistently for about 2. I haven't done too many yet but I am planning on doing a lot from now on ^_^ here is some of my work. I pretty much only do ensemble work so I'm sorry if I do not have anything individual for you but, if you want I could do some stuff on request as well. My website is
Finished Projects
Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII(slightly arranged from the orchestral version)- Full Orchestra
Current Big Projects
Project Final Fantasy VII(see below)
Current Smaller Projects
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec Soundtrack- Balamb Garden~Ami- Small Orchestra
*Project Final Fantasy VII*
This is a project of mine to transcribe a good chunk of the FFVII soundtrack for the ensembles appropriate or at least near appropriate to the original instrumentation. Since I use an expensive program(which im sure most of you guys do) I can also have some mp3s for it that sound better than the original OST(hopefully lol). Here is a list of the tracks I am currently working on
Current Tracks For Project FFVII Being Worked On(approximate estimation of completion)
Barret's Theme(Finished)
Aerith's Theme(70% done)
Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII(Finished)
Ahead on Our Way(40% done)
Staff Roll(10% done)
Stolen Materia(Not Started)
updated-finished barrets theme and chose stolen materia to be next on my track list
Once again if you ever want an MP3 of the transcription then just let me know. I also am gonna start working on some anime stuff too so I'll keep you guys updated.
February 13th, 2008, 03:21 am
Hey I'm new to this forum and I am glad I found it. I have been composing for about 3 years and I have been transcribing inconsistently for about 2. I haven't done too many yet but I am planning on doing a lot from now on ^_^ here is some of my work. I pretty much only do ensemble work so I'm sorry if I do not have anything individual for you but, if you want I could do some stuff on request as well. My website is
Finished Projects
Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII(slightly arranged from the orchestral version)- Full Orchestra
Current Big Projects
Project Final Fantasy VII(see below)
Current Smaller Projects
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec Soundtrack- Balamb Garden~Ami- Small Orchestra
Bleach Memories of Nobody- Always With Me in Mind - Orchestra
Ramar- Wildflowers
*Project Final Fantasy VII*
This is a project of mine to transcribe a good chunk of the FFVII soundtrack for the ensembles appropriate or at least near appropriate to the original instrumentation. Since I use an expensive program(which im sure most of you guys do) I can also have some mp3s for it that sound better than the original OST(hopefully lol). Here is a list of the tracks I am currently working on
Current Tracks For Project FFVII Being Worked On(approximate estimation of completion)
Barret's Theme(Finished)
Aerith's Theme(20% done)
Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII(Finished)
Ahead on Our Way(40% done)
Staff Roll(10% done)
Stolen Materia(Not Started)
updated-finished barrets theme and chose stolen materia to be next on my track list
Once again if you ever want an MP3 of the transcription then just let me know. I also am gonna start working on some anime stuff too so I'll keep you guys updated.
February 14th, 2008, 01:28 am
Well, I'll start by saying I'm new (really glad I found a message boards like this) and working on music transcription. Recently I finally found a copy of the official Bombing Mission sheet from FF7 and been trying to convert it into a concert band piece. The effort seems meaningless since my band won't be able to play it even when I'm a senior in High School. But my goal for future career is to become a band director for a high school and sticking to it. I'm also thinking of arranging a few of the Touhou games musics (despite how impossibly high the brass instruments must play). Above this a non anime piece for a jazz ensemble called Grand Concourse by Buddy Rich. If and when I get Bombing Mission done, I'll be sure to share it.
March 29th, 2008, 03:42 pm
Hey there!
I've been lurking on this forum for a while and just noticed the lack of Okami piano transcriptions. So, I'm in the process of transcribing all the songs from the Okami Piano Arrangements by Mika Matsuuri.
Inside The Water Dragon
The Sun Rises
From Indonesia, peace y'all!
deangelo Davis
April 2nd, 2008, 11:18 pm
i want some gintama piano.
April 13th, 2008, 06:05 am
I'm transcribing "Ash Like Snow" by The Brilliant Green from Gundam 00. ^_^
Edit: I gave up. Noteworthy is too much of a pain in the neck.
May 18th, 2008, 05:34 pm
help me someone?? i need to get the 4 openings of d gray man T.T
May 27th, 2008, 10:40 pm
Thought I should put this here too.
"Calling To The Night" from Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (piano version from MGS Music Collection)
Kadaj's Violist
May 31st, 2008, 01:57 am
Working on:
Several D.N.Angel pieces for viola/cello
Anberlin-Alexithymia for viola
Kadaj's Violist
May 31st, 2008, 01:58 am
help me someone?? i need to get the 4 openings of d gray man T.T
June 17th, 2008, 05:39 pm
Currently Working on:
-"Route One" from Pokemon Red/Blue Versions (for string quartet)
-"Opening Theme" from Pokemon Red/Blue Versions (for string quartet)
-"Pokemon Center" from Pokemon Red/Blue Versions (for string quartet)
Of course, I'm really supposed to be working on a transcription for a song being performed at my graduation...but game music is always more entertaining.
June 23rd, 2008, 11:30 pm
dang! i really want the piano music "calling to the night" but for some reason, whenever I download it, it won't let me open it... it doesn't recognise it when it's saved as a "MUS" file, or something...
so erm, assistance required xD
Kadaj's Violist
July 2nd, 2008, 01:37 am
dang! i really want the piano music "calling to the night" but for some reason, whenever I download it, it won't let me open it... it doesn't recognise it when it's saved as a "MUS" file, or something...
so erm, assistance required xD
This thread is for transcriber status. It is not for questions and assisstance.
Here is the link for the help desk.
July 24th, 2008, 06:38 am
Hey Im having trouble opening your Calling to the Night file any suggestions? I opened it in notepad and it was just abunch of squares and jibberish.
Mourning Glory
July 29th, 2008, 05:17 pm
Hey Im having trouble opening your Calling to the Night file any suggestions? I opened it in notepad and it was just abunch of squares and jibberish.
Yet again, this thread is not for questions.
The files are either a pdf or mus format. You can't open them with a program other than Adobe Reader or Finale.
August 27th, 2008, 09:10 pm
PorscheGTIII's Transcribing Status
Currently Working On...
"Chiisana te no Hira".............."Clannad".....for Piano.............~62% Complete
Possible Future Projects...
Clannad Concert Band Medly - No Title Yet
"emotional flutter" - "ef - The Latter Tale" - for Piano
"ever forever" - "ef - The Latter Tale" - for Piano
Finished Projects (As of 8/27/08)
Transcribing Contest Results (
Eternal Feather..............EF ~a fairy tale of the two~.....for Solo Piano and Violin (
If Dreams Came True.....AIR...................................... ......for Piano (
August 28th, 2008, 12:45 am
Currently Working on:
"Hiroki's Theme" from The Place Promised in Our Early Days
Had to postpone those Pokemon transcriptions until winter break. No Finale on my laptop at college.
Kadaj's Violist
September 6th, 2008, 04:11 am
Currently working on:
Cadence-Anberlin for Viola
Alexithymia-Anberlin for viola
Future Projects:
The Feel Good Drag-Anberlin for viola
(I really didn't think it was this much fun, but IT IS!)
December 4th, 2008, 01:50 am
working on now
Kimikiss - Wasurenaide (2nd ED) [piano, voice, viola, double bass]
School Days - Kanashimi no Mukou he
December 7th, 2008, 01:50 am
Clannad - Roaring Tides I
Note this is my first transcription I've ever done
Pretty ordinary until the other instruments come in
Everything's on hold atm, im sorta caught up with other things
Kadaj's Violist
December 14th, 2008, 05:18 pm
Currently working on:
Soft Skeletons-cello and viola duet
Starting Soon: (hopefully...we all know how that goes...)
Alexithymia-cello or viola
Cadence-cello or viola
I should be finishing Soft Skeletons soon.
December 21st, 2008, 03:44 am
I'm working on a piano solo of "Social Ball" from Vampire Knights. It's about halfway finished :)
January 12th, 2009, 08:00 pm
Currently Working On-"Pokémon Battle" from Pokémon Red/Blue Versions (String Quartet)
-"Route One" from Pokémon Red/Blue Versions (String Quartet)
-"Opening Theme" from Pokémon Red/Blue Versions (String Quartet)
-"Pallett Town" from Pokémon Red/Blue Versions (String Quartet)
Someday, I'll get through this mess, and have a pretty medley to show off. Someday. <_<
January 17th, 2009, 02:37 am
~Mango's Transcription Schedule~
Last Updated: April 14th, 2013
On hiatus indefinitely until university stops murdering me.
Current Projects:
Spirited Away - Sixth Station [String Quartet/Piano] Progress: 60% (In Revision)
Persona3 - The Poem for Everyone's Soul [String Trio] Progress: 33% (Transcribing Stage)
Future Projects:
Princess Mononoke - Ashitaka and San [Violin/Piano Duet]
Howl's Moving Castle - Merry-Go-Round of Life [Chamber Ensemble, because I refuse to write for a full orchestra]
Completed Projects:
Elfen Lied - Lilium [String Quartet]
Gundam SEED Stargazer - Stargazer ~Hoshi no Tobira~ [String Quartet/Piano] ( & [1+2 Vocal/Violin/Bass Guitar/Piano/Drum]
Howl's Moving Castle - Merry-Go-Round of Life [Violin/Piano Duet] & [Violin Solo] & [Viola Solo] & [Cello Solo]
Kikujiro no Natsu - Summer [Violin/Piano Duet]
Laputa: Castle in the Air - Kimi wo Nosete "Carrying You" [Violin Solo] & [Oboe Solo] & [String Quintet]new!
Persona3 - The Poem for Everyone's Soul [Violin Solo] & [Viola Solo] & [Cello Solo]
Whisper of the Heart - Country Road [Flute Quintet]
You can find the sheets here on my deviantART page ( If it's not there, I would prefer it if you can note me on deviantART. Please resort to PMing on Ichigo only if you don't have a dA account, I respond much more promptly on dA.
February 13th, 2009, 11:37 am
Fanartist's Violin Transcriptions ^^v
Working on:
Bleach: Fade To Black - Irish Dance
Will prolly work on someday:
Nana - Wish
Princess Mononoke - Tatara Work Woman's Song
Kadaj's Violist
February 18th, 2009, 01:16 am
Hey...I'm back at it after a long hiatus...
Current Projects:
Gackt - Love Letter - Viola Solo
Gackt - Vanilla - Viola Solo
Just finished
Gackt - Mizerable - Viola transposition from Violin part (provided by InfinityEx)
^_^Help is much appreciated and much needed!^_^
February 23rd, 2009, 03:46 am
Piano Transcriptions/Arrangements
-Animal Crossing Series-
Stale Cupcakes
Steep Hill
-Final Fantasy X-2-
~Wind Crest~ The Three Trails (
-Howl’s Moving Castle-
-Opening- Jinsei no Merry-Go-Round (Opening: The Merry-Go-Round of Life)
Sekai no Yakusoku (The Promise of the World) (
-Katekyo Hitman Reborn-
Into Sorrow (
-Kimagure Orange Road Movie~ I Want to Return to that Day-
Ano Sora o Dakishimete (Embrace That Sky) (
-La Corda d'Oro ~primo paso~-
Tsumugareru Kioku (
-Laputa: Castle in the Sky-
Laputa: Castle in the Sky (Image Album)
-MGS Portable Ops-
Calling to the Night (
-My Neighbor Totoro-
Kaze no Toorimichi (Path of the Wind) (
Nekobasu (Catbus) (
Tonari no Totoro (My Neighbor Totoro) (
-Pokémon Diamond/Pearl-
Approaching Cynthia (
Pokémon League (Night)
-Rozen Maiden-
Alice Game (
-Spirited Away-
Inochi no Namae (The Name of Life)
-Star Ocean: The Second Story-
Resolution (
-The Cat Returns-
Kaze ni Naru (Become the Wind) (
-Whisper of the Heart-
Country Roads (
Oka no Machi (Hilly Town) (
Yoake (Daybreak) (
-Xam'd: Lost Memories-
A Kindness I Can't Forget (
Nakiami - Unreachable Feelings (
Current Projects:
Animal Crossing
Whisper of the Heart
-Baron no Uta (Song of the Baron)
February 24th, 2009, 10:44 am
Hey everyone...well im kinda of new so dont kill me if i dont do something right but..
Currently transcribing
Le Ali Del Principio - Baten Kaitos Origins - Its for Piano solo, might include a violin part if it seems too hard to play
To the end of the journey of glittering stars - Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings - piano + violin.
..heh sorry but this may take up to a month...complexity of parts..etc.etc
March 14th, 2009, 05:01 am
wah, going to attempt some transcribing @_@
working on: Konya mo hoshi ni dakarete [Ayaka] - ED of The Sky Crawlers, for piano, violin, and maybe voice. the only reason i wouldn't do the voice part too is because i learn voice parts by ear, and have great difficulty putting it down on paper. if a voice part is not included, then it will not be 'covered' by the piano.
dunno how long this is gonna take, but i'm definitely going to finish it!
edit: 63% done! (not including revisions, editing, etc...)
March 22nd, 2009, 05:11 pm
thank you whoever transcribed Lugia's Song! I have wanted to get that sheet music since I started to play the flute! for those that want it this is where I found it
April 18th, 2009, 04:11 am
Started an all new piece after dropping the ones I was working on before. I'll go back to them when I feel they aren't as hard as they are =/
new piece is Ryuuken no Hiai?! from Maria+Holic
havent had any time to get to this lately zzzzz
May 4th, 2009, 02:49 am
First time transcribing but giving it a try
Transcriptions in work:
Franz Liszt - Sonata in B minor for Orchestra (1%)
Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni - You for Orchestra (10%)
October 23rd, 2009, 05:01 am
Eh, first time too:
Transcriptions I am Working on
Solo Piano
Theme of Prontera - Ragnarok Online (other version), 1% done
U.N. Owen ha kanojo nanoka? - Touhou 6.0, duet, 0% done
EDIT: sorry for the bump, never realized it was this old D: I hope there's not another thread for this, if there is then I guess someone could lock this D:
October 23rd, 2009, 06:09 am
WOOOw i never expected to find calling to the night!!!!
Can you do don't be afraid?
October 24th, 2009, 02:43 am
Noobie transcriber here. I do only simple pieces (so simple veterans will laugh) for piano. Just didn't do the sheet music.
Currently Transcribing
Finished Transcribing
Da Capo (PC Game)
Hitomi no Oku ni wa...
Natsukashii Yume
Mata, Aeru... yo ne?
Tsumetai Namida
Tears to Tiara (PC Game)
Birth of Tragedy
Utawarerumono (PC Game)
Moonlight Flowers
On Hold
Utawarerumono (PC Game)
Lullaby -Yuka Ura-
Planning to Transcribe
Da Capo (PC Game)
Haru no Kokage
October 27th, 2009, 03:11 am
Hey guys, I'm pretty new to transcribing, so here are the first things I'm currently working on:
Darker Than Black OST
-"Highheel Runaway" - Lead sheet
Pandora Hearts OST
-"Will" - Piano, Piano + Violin, Violin
-"Parallel Hearts" - Piano, Violin
Darker Than Black S2: Ryuusei no Gemini
-"Tsukiakari no Michishirube" (OP1) - Vocal/chords, Piano
-"From Dusk Till Dawn" (ED1) - Vocal/chords, Piano
Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom
-"Karma" (OP1) - Piano
none! :heh:
In consideration for future:
-More from Pandora Hearts OST; "Pandora Hearts," "Parting Song"
That's it for now, but I'm always looking out for requests for songs from series I like.
October 27th, 2009, 03:43 am
Hey guys, I'm pretty new to transcribing, so here are the first things I'm currently working on:
Darker Than Black OST
-"Highheel Runaway" - Lead sheet
Pandora Hearts OST
-"Will" - Piano, Piano + Violin,
-"Parallel Hearts" - Piano
Darker Than Black S2: Ryuusei no Gemini
-"Tsukiakari no Michishirube" (OP1) - Vocal/chords, Piano
-"From Dusk Till Dawn" (ED1) - Vocal/chords, Piano
Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom
-"Karma" (OP1) - Piano
none! :heh:
In consideration for future:
-More from Pandora Hearts OST; "Pandora Hearts," "Parting Song"
That's it for now, but I'm always looking out for requests for songs from series I like.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh PLEASEE SHARE KARMA WHEN YOU'RE DONE!!! and don't you ever dare to drop it :cry:
Chaos Guardian
February 16th, 2010, 01:20 am
I'm also new. I'm not great at transcribing, but doing my best with the two I'm working on.
Currently working on:
Kingdom Hearts: The 13th Anthology: Final Mix (The 13th Anthology from Drammatica with more added to it) for Piano, maybe a piano duet.
Kingdom Hearts II: Roxas/The Other Promise, duet for one piano.
July 12th, 2010, 12:34 am
FFXIII: The Promise
FFXIII: Lightning's Theme
FFVII Aerith's Theme Orchestral Version
Working on:
FFVII Main Theme Orchestral Version(5%)
August 5th, 2010, 12:58 am
Working on:
Nico Nico Douga Medley- Ryuuseigun
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya- Bouken Deshou Deshou?
Rin and Len Kagamine- Paradichlorobenzene
Will Transcribe:
Hitomi- I Am
Ayumi Hamasaki- Dearest
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Asian Kung Fu Generation- Ready, Steady, Go!
Cool Joke- Undo
Asian Kung Fu Generation- Rewrite
Yellow Generation- Tobira no Mukou e
Crystal Kay- Motherland
Sowelu- I Will
Cardcaptor Sakura:
ANZA- Tobira wo Akete
chihiro- Honey
Junko Iwao- Yoru no Uta (Tomoyo's Song)
Ranma 1/2:
Chihiro Yonekura- Omoide Ga Ippai
The Ranma 1/2 Operatic Troupe- Lambada Ranma
Michiyo Nakajima- Hinageshi
One Piece:
Maki Otsuki- Run! Run! Run!
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya:
Aya Hirano- God Knows
Minori Chihara- Yuki, Muon, Madobe Nite
Miku Hatsune and Luka Megurine- Magnet
Len Kagamine, KAITO, and Gakupo Kamui- Imitation Black
GUMI- Coward Montblanc
All for clarinet of course!
Check my site:
August 24th, 2010, 04:47 pm
Currently working on :
"Get my way!" from Hayate no Gotoku (2th ED)
"Going my way!" from Girls Bravo (1st op)
"Futari no Honey boy" from the Kiss x sis OVA
The three for piano
August 29th, 2010, 02:00 am
I finished Wind (piano arrangement) from the game Wind -A Breath of Heart- about a month ago.
I'm currently trying to finish Are Kara from Full metal panic. it's about 50% done and i'm trying to get it done within the next two weeks, before I have to start college apps.
November 30th, 2010, 01:22 pm
Just letting ya know I've updated my post, I'm doing a whole crapload of transcripts for chamber group though I may appeal for assistance with the piano lines later XD Gand's gonna love me, they're just about all Yuki Kajiura! :P
Hey um...Spoon, you mind if I do Ailes Grises from Haibane Renmei? I noticed you said you might do some later on, but I was wondering if it was ok because if it is I plan on transcribing it for violin. There will be a 1st violin and 2nd violin if its ok if I can transcribe it
December 30th, 2010, 07:10 am
I just started transcribing simple songs, so far i completed the following (just waiting for ichigos to post them):
-Poochy's Theme (Forest theme) from Tetris Attack
- Haha Naru Umi from One Piece
- Elin Forest from Maplestory
The only problem is that my MIDI formats turn into the default setting for the tempo. So no matter how slow i make the tempo, the song sounds fast at the default tempo :(
Does anyone know how to keep the tempo for MIDI files at a low pace using MuseScore?
I'm working on some random simple Breath Of Fire 2 songs, but nothing complex.
January 8th, 2011, 05:39 am
Naruto - Diver
Bleach - Last Moment
Yui - Gloria
Working on:
Naruto - Mayonaka no Orchestra
Yui - Car
Naruto - Utakata Hanabi (more correct version)
January 27th, 2011, 08:14 pm
Hello everybody!
I didn't find it, even with a search, so I'm transcribing it : Vampire knight Guilty - Main Theme (by Haketa Takefumi).
I planned to include these instruments: Keyboard, 2 violins, Flute, Pizz.
The "keyboard" can be played with a piano or an organ, like the original song :there is just a single G staff.
The Work is quite finished, I need time to do some verifications and getting it pretty nice on paper ^_^
January 29th, 2011, 01:32 am
Working on Cendrillion and Just Be Friends (vocaloid) for clarinet
February 17th, 2011, 11:41 am
so what if someone else is transcribing it? It could be a bad transcription? Obviously if someone beats you too it with an accurate transcription then fair play to them but still that doesnt discount the owrk you have done especially if you had no idea there was someone else working on the same thing. I try to only do stuff that cannot be found anywhere else, or when the only ones available are bad ones. And then there are my own arrangements of course
February 17th, 2011, 10:32 pm
FInished Brothers for Full Orchestra from FUll Metal Alchemist. Currently working on...
Grandia Main theme for Orchestra
Music from Princess Mononoke for orchestra
Music from Final Fantasy 7. for orchestra
May 9th, 2011, 03:45 pm
Currently doing as many pieces from anything called:
Suikoden IV
Suikoden V
Xenosaga 1
Xenosaga 2
May 14th, 2011, 05:29 pm
i am currrently working on the entire soudtrack from the game "Cave Story" also called "Doukutsu Monogatari". i have 21/41 songs completed already and like 12 that are in progress. i hope to start submitting them tomorrow if i can...
June 3rd, 2011, 04:44 am
Recently Finished:
-"Another Warm Body" (Silent Hill: Shattered Memories) (
-"Hungry Luma Theme" (Super Mario Galaxy) ( TO BE UPDATED!
-"10 P.M." (Animal Crossing: City Folk/Wild World) ( TO BE UPDATED!
Currently/Planning To Do:
-"Creeping Distress" (Silent Hill: Shattered Memories)
-"Childish Thoughts" (Silent Hill: Shattered Memories)
I'm on a roll with these SHSM tracks! So anyways, what I need to do do be finished with my goals for this month...:
-Update 10 P.M., replace all files
-Update Hungry Luma Theme, replace all files
-Record 10 P.M., Hungry Luma Theme, and Another Warm Body (upload to YouTube)
@_@ I think I typed too much stuff off-topic. Oh well.
June 27th, 2011, 03:28 pm
I'm a beginner in transcribing, but I'm currently starting to work on these pieces:
The Sky Crawlers Theme for piano
Princess Mononoke OST - The Legend of Ashitaka for violin
Might take a while since this is all quite new to me, but with hard work I think I'm eventually gonna finish these. I'm also thinking of transcribing few pieces from various j-dramas like Proposal Daisakusen, Buzzer Beat, Kurosagi etc. (Especially all Yamapi dramas.)
Victor Seven
July 6th, 2011, 03:08 pm
Check out on my post:!!
You can find my completed works on my blog!
July 11th, 2011, 02:48 am
Currently working on:
Love is War for 2 pianos
July 27th, 2011, 02:33 pm
Completed Works (In Order):
**Time Travel/End Credits---from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future--Piano Solo (
**N's Farewell/Ending---from Pokemon Black/White for Nintendo DS--Piano Solo (
**Unwavering Emotions--from Pokemon Black/White for Nintendo DS--Piano Solo
Currently Working On:
**Itsumono Fuukei Kara Hajimaru Monogatari (The Story Begins with the Usual Scenery)--from The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya---Piano Solo Arrangement
Subscribe to my YouTube Page at ( to stay updated with my latest projects!
October 9th, 2011, 08:37 pm
Possible Future Projects...
Clannad Concert Band Medly - No Title Yet
I would love to see this get made. XD
July 18th, 2013, 05:10 pm
Completed Projects:
- Good Morning (DN Angel) - Piano and Violin/Fiddle
- Kaze no Toorimichi (My Neighbor Totoro) - Piano and Cello
- Unjust Life (Angel Beats) - Piano and Cello
- Unjust Life (Angel Beats) - Solo Piano
- Dango Daikazoku (Clannad) - Piano w/ Lyrics
- Shio (Clannad) - Piano
- Worth Living (Clannad) - Piano
- Feurroter Pfeil und Bogen (Shingeki no Kyojin) - Piano
In Progress:
+ Tori no Uta (Air) - Piano
+ Natsu no Theme (Fairy Tail) - Piano
+ Armstrong's Theme (FMA) - Piano and Viola/Vocals
+ Shining in the Sky (Clannad) - Piano
+ Glorious Morning (Waterflame) - Ensemble
[Other transcriptions are from trailer music, so I wasn't sure if that counted... if it does:]
- Blackheart (Two Steps from Hell) - Violin/Piano Duet
- Cassandra (Two Steps from Hell) - Violin/Piano Duet
- Flameheart (Two Steps from Hell) - Violin/Piano Duet
- For the Win (Two Steps from Hell) - Violin/Piano Duet
- Heart (Two Steps from Hell) - Violin/Piano Duet
- Heart of Courage (Two Steps from Hell) - Violin/Piano Duet
- Magic of Love (Two Steps from Hell) - Violin/Piano Duet
- Racketeers (Two Steps from Hell) - Violin/Piano Duet
In Progress:
+ To Glory (Two Steps from Hell) - Violin/Piano Duet
+ To Glory (Two Steps from Hell) - Piano Solo
+ Professor Pumplestickle (Two Steps from Hell) - Violin/Piano Duet
+ Blizzard (Two Steps from Hell) - Orchestra
+ Blizzard (Two Steps from Hell) - Piano
+ Nero (Two Steps from Hell) - Violin/Piano Duet
+ Infinite Legends (Two Steps from Hell) - Piano
+ Invincible (Two Steps from Hell) - Piano
+ Paradise Awaits (Killer Tracks) - Violin/Erhu / Piano Duet
July 19th, 2013, 12:23 pm
Completed Transcriptions:
Molly/I Want Things Real Again - Pkmn Movie 3 - Piano solo
Trainers' School - Pkmn Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald - Piano solo
Katamari March Damacy - Katamari Damacy - Acapella Vocal Trio
Cinnabar Island - Pkmn HGSS - Piano solo
Currently working on:
Lilycove City - Pkmn Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald - Violin and Piano
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