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View Full Version : 200 ways to tell you like Inuyasha too much!

March 13th, 2005, 09:50 pm
just wanted to see why people luv inuyasha so much but i do 2! gotta get 200 replies

you can tell u watch inuyasha too much if you:
1. start yelling SIT to every guy with white hair
2. jump down every well you can find

ok now its your turn! @_@

March 14th, 2005, 02:03 am
3. When you consider yourself a character?
4. (this is creepy but one kid in my class tried this) When you try to make tetsusaiga or some other weapon from this show..

March 14th, 2005, 06:02 am
5. You get a white Akita and name him "Inuyasha".
6. You start wearing a gaudy red kariginu, a rusty old sword and going barefoot everywhere.

March 19th, 2005, 03:34 pm
7. You start eating Ramen everyday and for every meal
8. You start 'fehing'/'kehing' when you have nothing else to say. (Seriously I do that loll :heh: )

March 19th, 2005, 08:52 pm
9. When you starts learning Inuyasha's "Color-full" language...
10. When you learn the "dearest" lyrics...
11. When you starts posting 200 ways to tell you like inuyasha...

Neko Koneko
March 19th, 2005, 09:37 pm
12. When you have that annoying dog in your avatar and sign
13. When you can't stop bothering other people with it

March 19th, 2005, 09:53 pm
14. When you yell "WOOOT!" every time you hear or see something remotely close to an inu yasha-related topic




March 19th, 2005, 10:48 pm
15.Dye your hair white
16.Get a hair cut just like one of the characters
17.Listen to Inuyasha songs everyday
18.Own all the movies of Inuyasha(I want to!!! :drool: )
19.Seen all the episodes of Inuyasha(I wish I did)
20.Make your room completely Inuyashaish. (all I have is a Picture frame of them)
21.Have all the Inuyasha cards (I only have 3.......)

March 19th, 2005, 11:06 pm
22. when you hear from others that you likes inuyasha to much...
23. When other people think you are anoying because you like Inuyasha :shifty:
24. When you double post in this forum with more -200 ways to tell you like inuyasha-

March 20th, 2005, 12:44 am
25. When someone yells "Sit Boy!" you laugh, and laugh, and laugh....

March 20th, 2005, 02:04 am
26.Ask everyone you meet to bear your child{ even if your a girl}
27.have a locket with the person off InuYasha you desire..{ Yeah my friend has that}
28.can mimic voices off of the show
29.learned all the lines off the movie....
30.learned all the lines off most InuYasha ep.s

Yeah I did so far
1{cuz had a white wig on this Halloween},3{only to scare an old lady at school],4 {my friend wanted a bomerang..it crashed},6{I only go barefoot.},7{Its good!!!},10{I sing to it tooo nahhh~nah![jk]},11{I just did},12{I did once and I also have it at another site},13{kids at school now know what he is too..O.o},14{I dont yell I do it mentaly...does that even count?},17{Yeah like I said I even sing to them},20{Not completely but trying! ^_~},22{its an everyday thing from my mom-pop},23{just ask my teachers or read this!},25{Only in the InuYasha movie do I do this...}

heh yeha Im a fan..

March 20th, 2005, 02:13 am
31) when you start calling your enemies "naraku"
32) when you look at a bead and call it a shikon no tama.
33) you prefer instant food to the normal traditional japanese food

March 20th, 2005, 02:48 am
34. You try to make a sword or bommerang out of bones.
35. Your friends call you Inuyasha or one of the other names
36. You named your cat Kirara
37. You call your little brother Kohaku or Inuyasha (I don't have a little brother :crybaby: )

Lord Pent
March 20th, 2005, 05:28 am
Your "Tetsusaiga" enlarges every time you see Kagome. :shifty:
It also gets red when you need to burst through a "barrier".
Sorry, I have more but...You get the idea. WES YOU'RE A SICK BASTARD!

Neko Koneko
March 20th, 2005, 07:59 am
Originally posted by _Youkai_@Mar 20 2005, 01:06 AM
23. When other people think you are anoying because you like Inuyasha :shifty:

You do realise that's not a good thing and that certain people hate the whole Inuyasha fanbase just because of people like that?

Oh, brings us to point number 38:

38. You're so annoying that thanks to you and people like you all the Inuyasha fans are hated by other people.


March 20th, 2005, 09:45 am
39. umm, well, your nickname/pern-name/screen name etc contain any reference to Inu-Yasha *points to self and laughs stupidly*

40. It's finally released in Australia and you go crazy, ie, start squealing and attracting weird looks at your local DVD shop.

41. When you get angry, you try to crack your knuckles

42. You go looking for someone who looks like a character from IY (like sesshoumaru) just coz you can and so you can glomp them and stuff

43. get so incrdibly pissed off at mispronounciations of names and then go off on a tangent and start lecturing the poor schmuck who couldn't pronounce names and words from your favourite anime....wait, that's the same with all anime and dubs, right? but anyway, KILALA?!?!?! WHAT WHERE THEY THINKING?!?!?! IT'S KIRARA *GRUMBLE GROWL* *cracks knuckles*

March 20th, 2005, 01:57 pm
44. When you starts saying and writing "Keh!" *mumbles*
45. When you wish you had claws...
46. When you start wearing a baggy-red robe
47. When you make your other friends watch Inuyasha :duh:
48. When you have watched all Inuyasha Episodes.
49. When you starts feeding your dog with potato-chips!
50. When you start learning JApanese, to understand the Japanese-Inuyasha bether.
51. "Keh!"

March 20th, 2005, 02:27 pm
52. You spend an hour drawing a cresent moon on your forehead like Sesshomaru's
53. Yell Naraku when you see a baboon
54. Start bringing prayer beads wrap around your right hand (its the right or left?)
55. Wear a rosary similar to the one Inuyasha has

March 20th, 2005, 09:46 pm
56. when horribly mamed, near death, poisoned, shot, sliced, struck by lightning, you say that "its nothing, barely a scratch" even if your chest is wide open and your about to faint and die.

57. when you put reeeaaly red stuff in your eyes and ligns on your cheeks when your pissed off.

inu-chan? im sorry if this is wrong, so dont hunt me down but i think the japanee language doesnt really have an RRR sound so even if his name id KIRARA, its still pronounces KILALA. :unsure: :unsure: (sorry if im wrong)

March 21st, 2005, 02:42 am
58. when you start cosplaying it :lol:

March 21st, 2005, 08:29 am
59) when you start touching dogs' ears and thinking that must be how Inuyasha's ears are like
60) you go for archery lessons, hoping to be able to shoot arrows like Kikyou and Kagome.

March 22nd, 2005, 12:30 pm
61. when you watch this link 10 times in a row: http://www.iycatacombs.com/flash_nutshell.html
62. When you click on the link above.

March 23rd, 2005, 05:42 am
Originally posted by _Youkai_@Mar 22 2005, 08:30 AM
61. when you watch this link 10 times in a row: http://www.iycatacombs.com/flash_nutshell.html
62. When you click on the link above.
63. When you can watch the link and *laugh your ass off* while doing so! :lol:

March 23rd, 2005, 07:02 pm
64: When you send that link (which you watched a few times) to everyone on your buddylist.

March 24th, 2005, 05:28 pm
65. When you brag about the Inuyasha-related link you found

"~~I shuld get my wanted lv. (uhh) lower~~"
(for posting Japanese-lessons ::wish i got from....somthing. not web-site!:: and i didn't even know that anyone got a web-site with the same lessons, there wazn't any ®ights on the document i copyed/pasted it on the forum!) :cold:

March 24th, 2005, 10:24 pm
66. You draw with a black marker a hole in your right hand (I just did that to my friend today)

67. You start wearing dark pink eyeshadow (like Sango)

68. You get 2 gold earings on your left (pretty sure it's left) ear

March 25th, 2005, 04:08 pm
69. When you changes your real name to "Inuyasha", "Miroku", "Sango", "Kagome" or maybe "Shippo" :china:

March 25th, 2005, 10:57 pm
70. When your friends call you Sango or Inuyasha or one of the Inuyasha names. (My friends call me Sango :D )

March 25th, 2005, 10:58 pm
71. when you post too many times in this thread (whatever it's called)

March 25th, 2005, 11:41 pm
72) If you have a cat, or some other kind of pet, you name the white one Kirara and the black/darker coloured one Kuroro

March 26th, 2005, 10:58 am
73. What is this Inuyasha

March 27th, 2005, 06:33 am
Originally posted by skyblu@Mar 26 2005, 06:58 AM
73. What is this Inuyasha
Doesn't this one belong in "200 ways to know that you've never seen Inuyasha"? :huh:

March 27th, 2005, 07:13 am
nope :P ..it looks good

March 28th, 2005, 02:41 am
73.go buy fur and put around your left shoulder I think(Sesshmoru)
74.Trys to make a super funny animation of inu-yash then fail and comes up with a messed up one.

April 8th, 2005, 03:03 am
73. when u slam into the ground whenever you hear the wurd SIT!!!

April 13th, 2005, 08:07 am
Originally posted by shade@Mar 21 2005, 08:46 AM
inu-chan? im sorry if this is wrong, so dont hunt me down but i think the japanee language doesnt really have an RRR sound so even if his name id KIRARA, its still pronounces KILALA. :unsure: :unsure: (sorry if im wrong)
*twitches* the Japanese don't have an L sound, so when english names or whatever are converted to japanese, the "l" sound will be turned into an "r" sound. eg. love = ra-bu. (there is also no v sound)

but when spoken, the "r" sound is kind of like "r" and "l" mixed togetherm but still definitely an "r"


and kirara is a a she...

74. at every opportunity you draw stripes on your arms (like sesshoumaru)
75. you start practicing you "sankontesshou!!!" (iron soul reaver claws or whatever for those who watch those HORRIBLE HORRIBLE dubs. yes, i finally saw the dubs and .....*shudder*)

April 13th, 2005, 05:33 pm
76. Stands in random places, allowing it to blow your hair around, and act like your in deep though.

Igneus Descent
April 19th, 2005, 06:43 am
Originally posted by Inu-chan@Apr 13 2005, 06:07 PM

74. at every opportunity you draw stripes on your arms (like sesshoumaru)

(I remember when we drew those stripes on my arms XD)

77. You've memorized Rin's little song for Sesshoumaru and sing it randomly whilst walking down the street (Yes, I do this too)

April 20th, 2005, 02:25 am
inu-chan, plz forgive me! i spoke without thinking. *bows*

77. when you fake pass out when something smells too bad

April 20th, 2005, 03:50 am
hehe, sok :heh: i just generally get annoiyed at bad dubs, no fault of your own :D

78: buy amber coloured contacts!!!

April 20th, 2005, 10:01 pm
78. Buying a bow and arrow and go around pinning people to trees. :D

79. Break a pink marble in your backyard to go hunting for the shards. :sweatdrop:

90. Shake your head at this thread because it is impossible to like InuYasha too much. (i'm doing this right now)

April 20th, 2005, 10:08 pm
91. You are upset because the toy stores’ bommerangs are too small.

92. Train your dog to collapse to the ground when you say sit. (I don’t have one! :crybaby: )

93. Try to glue a second tail onto your cat. :neko:

94. Make it your lifelong mission to reforge the Tetsusaiga. (my friend is actually attempting this)

95. When watching the second movie, you rewind to see InuYasha shaking water off him over and over. (yesh I did this) :whistle:

April 20th, 2005, 10:35 pm
96. Yell ‘Pervert!’ and slap every monk you see.

97. Go around jumping of stairs or any high objects like InuYasha jumping into the well. (all my friends and I do this)

98. You keep wrecking your neighbor’s decorative well because you keep jumping into it.

99. You wonder why no one else at the zoo thinks that the baboon looks evil.

100. You have every single InuYasha manga out (English or Japanese).