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View Full Version : Kuja's Theme

A simple gamer
March 28th, 2005, 05:07 pm
it'd be really cool if someone could get the sheet music for Kuja's Theme. it's a cool song from Final Fantasy IX. someone please find it! :sweatdrop:

March 28th, 2005, 05:10 pm
Try www.nobuouematsu.com for any Final Fantasy Sheets. Chances are they'll have it.

March 29th, 2005, 01:32 pm
or you can just try filled requests.....................damn does no one look there <_<

March 29th, 2005, 01:37 pm
Don&#39;t worry Sephiroth, I know exactly how you feel. X_X

March 29th, 2005, 01:41 pm
I couldn&#39;t find it in the filled requests thread.. :blink:

March 29th, 2005, 01:43 pm
Sephiroth found this link for Final fantasy 6-10. I put it in the filled requests.

Final Fantasy 6-10 (http://forums.ichigos.com/index.php?showtopic=1615)

March 29th, 2005, 01:51 pm
Ack, yeah, just saw that. X_X Sorry Sephiroth. (_ _)