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View Full Version : In the Land of the Twilight, Under the Moon.

April 9th, 2005, 04:54 pm
I'm looking for "In the Land of the Twilight, Under the Moon" for Violin (Piano is fine too if you can't get violin). The link for it in the filled requests section is good, but the file is corrupt. Can I have it in either pdf for gif please? Thank you!


April 12th, 2005, 12:06 am
Bumped because I really would like this bad ^_^.

April 15th, 2005, 08:05 pm
Here you go.

April 16th, 2005, 02:52 am
>_o It gave me an error message, it was a corrupted file or it's not supported.

April 16th, 2005, 04:55 pm
You need the new Finale. If you go here (http://www.finalemusic.com/notepad/index.asp) you can get Finale Notepad 2005

June 10th, 2006, 12:29 am
is that from .hack//sign? and can you send it to me too please :O thankyouuu

June 10th, 2006, 01:05 am
Talk about rezzing.

uhm.. I bet you can find this on google too.

Bunch of .hack out there.

June 12th, 2006, 09:29 pm
nop, only piano parts and cant playparts buz trebal has rest and base play

June 13th, 2006, 12:42 am
can anyone make a .mus file of "Passion/Sanctuary After the battle"? And if anyone knows where I could Find "Sanctuary(English version of passion) after the battle", PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!! Thank you. >=)

February 1st, 2007, 02:38 am
can somone tell me where i can get that?...