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April 17th, 2005, 06:53 pm
ok. So I want to post a midi on the forum....I use Noteworthy composer btw. :D
So I go to the file where I usually save my compositions....but there are no midi files. Only BAK files.... :unsure: I dunno what BAK files are so I'm afraid to mess with them. uhhh....anybody wanna help me? :heh:

April 17th, 2005, 09:30 pm
yay I figured it out! It was very easy and for all the people who read my post and thought "What an airhead..." I apologize....you may beat me w/ bamboo sticks....here's my song! the names kinda not final. Tell me what ya think!! :P

April 17th, 2005, 09:37 pm
here's another version w/ the F horn.

April 17th, 2005, 09:52 pm
and just because i'm oh so excited about having figured out how to make midi's here's another one. It's me and my friends version of "The Prelude" from the FF series. It's kinda not finished I just added a chord at the end because i was bored with it....curse my lack of creativity....I guesss ADD could be to blame too...

April 17th, 2005, 09:57 pm
yay here's another one...It doesn't have a name either but my friend recently said it made her feel like she was beng chased by a demon furby....

April 17th, 2005, 10:04 pm
here's another one. I was playing Echoes of Mem. and Light on the piano and I got bored so I made up my own melody...but kept the harmony...so if it sounds at all familiar that's y ^.^

it's kinda boring to me...so if anyone has any suggestions

April 17th, 2005, 10:14 pm
ok no one's posted other than me so I'll just keep posting heh. Uh this one isnt finished and it also has no name....((I know, I know: I suck)) but I had just seen Pirates of the Carribean when i wrote it and so that's where the file name comes from :P

April 17th, 2005, 10:19 pm
k here's an OLD one back when I was...younger? ((lol i Love my ditziness))

This one HAS a name yippee! :woohoo:

It's called Ashes. One of my friends told me that it reminded her of innocent people being killed and not knowing why... :think: I think that's a little violent.

April 17th, 2005, 10:39 pm
ok so I think I'm done uploading....so if anyone wats to make a comment....go ahead...anyone? ::voice echoes:: anyone? :sweatdrop: ::begins to sing:: On my own!! Pretending he's beside me!! All alone.....I walk with him till morning.....I need a life.

April 18th, 2005, 04:46 am
Welcome to these forums... well, to the music boards anyways(I don&#39;t really post much outside of the composition board <.<). Anyways, it seems to me that the songs to comments ratio have been rather disproportionate lately (ie, people are being lazy with critiquing/commenting). Anyhoo, these are some interesting sounding pieces. I like how the melody/progression developes in some of them, but the accompaniment parts often feel lacking. For example, in the "funeral_happy" pieces and "song01", the strings accomp. parts are playing in octaves for the most part; try to spread out the chords some more, and get some bass notes in too - check out the attachment as an example in spacing out your chords. The other pieces sound alright, but kind of lack diversity in phrasing; the chord progressions are re-used pretty quickly, but without much build-up or direction, it feels to me. Pirates and ashes sound kinda metal-ish/punk-ish, so can I assume that&#39;s where you started off? Anyways, you&#39;ve got some good ideas, just try to get the more &#39;technical&#39; stuff straightened out a bit. Keep at it.

April 18th, 2005, 03:44 pm
punk-ish??? uhh...i dont think that&#39;s the direction I was going in but ok&#33; how did u change the song o_0?

April 18th, 2005, 07:35 pm
Well, the chord progression is reminds me of songs from that genre, though admittedly I&#39;m not overly familiar with it. As for the changes, I tried to emphasize the string chords more by adding more harmonic notes (they were pretty "bare", as I&#39;ve said), though it was kind of hard because not all the chords transitioned smoothly.

April 18th, 2005, 09:37 pm
no, i mean like how did you get the notes to change it. ((me thinking: did i screw up and put the sheet music on the internet?&#33; :eek: ))

p.s. any suggestions for the pirate song. ::pulls out hair:: i feel like it&#39;s waaay too reppetive and like the melody is "...blah". is that what is sounds like to u?

Alfonso de Sabio
April 20th, 2005, 03:45 am
Pirate Song- Yeah, it sounds mostly like the acommpaniment for a melody. I&#39;d look at the chords you have and just kind of craft a melody based around that and see what happens. It sounds crappy, but I made some of my best melodies like that.

April 27th, 2005, 05:36 pm
Funeral happy song:
I agree with spc1st about the accompaniment lacking. I think it&#39;s because you&#39;re doubling the notes of the melody with the strings. Try to keep them separate so you can flush out the harmony more.

FF Prelude:
That&#39;s a nice arrangmenet you have there&#33;

It doesn&#39;t sound to me like someone being chased by a demon furby o.0 . . anyways, I liked this one more than your funeral happy song.

pleasant lil song:
Doing what you did is pretty good practice for learning how to write melodies. Next time, try to go a step beyond, like, you could modify the harmony and make it your own (kind of what Alfonso suggested). Etc.

pirate song:
Actually, I don&#39;t really mind that the melody sounds more like an accompaniment than a melody. But how about certain notes from the &#39;acompaniment&#39; you make stand out a bit more, e.g. convert to a quarter note or something. That&#39;ll help bring out a melody or something.

Well this one certainly sounds sad (I do get the feeling of people dying), and I really like it, even if the harmony is basically repeated throughout. You made it varied enough to keep my interest.

April 29th, 2005, 11:17 pm
yay another song (maybe i should fix the other ones before I post any new ones....o well I&#39;ll remember next time :D )

This is my own version of uh..."Dreams of the Shore Near Another World" (that might be wrong....sorry CC fans&#33;)

It&#39;s not finished but I&#39;m currently working on it and wanted some suggestions

May 5th, 2005, 12:52 am
sounds awesome. keep going

(not good at giving suggestions. just compliments)

May 5th, 2005, 02:42 am
I thought you could have done without the very first chord. But I love the stuff you did immediately following. The harmony is full and the music is texturized. Keep on going&#33;

May 8th, 2005, 03:47 pm
okie dokie. I tried to fix the Funeral happy song (that is not the final name. lol i&#39;m too lazy to think of one :D ) but i ended up starting over. I&#39;m nowhere near done on this one (i seem to have lost the melody in it... :/ ) but I wanted to post it anyways (for comments). I personally don&#39;t like it that much but I never like my compos....

It has ADD (like me&#33;&#33;)

[edit:] ack&#33;&#33; stupid midi.

Neko Koneko
May 8th, 2005, 05:47 pm
*edits topic title*

May 9th, 2005, 12:32 am
whoopsie :blush:

May 9th, 2005, 01:28 am
what was the original topic title or should i not know?

May 9th, 2005, 01:32 am
it was the same except in all caps...i guess caps aren&#39;t allowed

May 10th, 2005, 02:17 pm
Wow, surprises all the way through&#33; Certainly interesting and dramatic&#33; Yet also sweet and gentle. I like how you try out a lot of different things in this piece, and yet it doesn&#39;t seem out of place. Hope you continue it and finish. Remember to tie everything together for unity&#33;

May 12th, 2005, 04:30 pm
Pretty relaxing music, great for protagonist themes in isometric jap rpgs ^_^

May 22nd, 2005, 02:59 pm
dreams another world...I thought nobody knew that chord progression apart from me here. Sounds similar to what I would play during improvisation....but I guess it&#39;s still a composition. Sorry to sound like a prat but I don&#39;t want to comment on the piece unless you make it longer and into a whole piece otherwise I&#39;d find it too similar to my improvisation techniques. Sorry :unsure:

May 22nd, 2005, 10:18 pm
s&#39;ok ank ^_^

umm what chord progressions? lol I didnt realize i was using any...
<---- fairly new to the whole music termonology thing