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April 25th, 2005, 11:37 pm
it seems that me that fantasy and mechs are in now, and from the producers of akira, evangelion,ninja scroll comes RAHXEPHON! well its about this one kid who is like a loner and this one mech/fantasy thingy comes out and they like fight and so and so. it sounds like evangelion because if you have noticed...

producers of akira, evangelion,ninja scroll comes RAHXEPHON!
...see, and look at those animes made by the same people!!!the series is so cool (ive only seen Vol.1... :crybaby: ) Many famous people rated it better then evangelion and it is better so far. its less of a wast (those episiode long flash backs, little clips and so on are a wast of time and money)...its better art too. and theres "Angel" like things (they are called mulians[or mu] and dolems...sounds like THE REAL ATLANTIS myth from greece...) if you have seen the show talk! i have $40 so ill go and buy Vol.2!!!

April 26th, 2005, 02:13 am
Ahh i saw this series like...2 years ago i think. i really liked this series. i kno im not the majority, but i thought it was very well done. The story in general has a strong Evangelion feel, down to the HUH!?!?! feeling for the last few episodes. but it definatly makes more sense than EVA. a LOT more sense and it's happier than if u compare it to...say End of Eva movie (wat a depressing and disturbing poop that was)

it was wierd for a bit with the young boy older woman romance, but to tell the truth, that couple was really good. One of my favorite romances in an anime (outside PURE romance anime's and mangas such as Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien, I"s, Salad Days). I dunno why, but their personalities were so...fitting.

personally, i'm impressed with you that you'd spend THAT much buying it, but if u got the cash GO FOR IT! i personally prefer my fansubbs ^_^

April 27th, 2005, 02:14 am
well its my favorite series so far. the art is superb, the music is better (could of been the best if kano made it..... :drool: yoko kano.......) the story is very good and its made by famouse people. what more can you ask for? and is it really that old? i thought it came out like a few months ago! but i wouldnt spend $40 for it, to much. i live near a rural area so anime and manga is hard to get. im a big city kid though...... :crybaby:

April 28th, 2005, 07:08 pm
yeah, it's a pretty old series (by old i mean it came out in 2002, i was following it as it was released week by week, man that was a very hard wait), but that's by the japanese release standards. In America it only came out recently (a few months as u said). The localization took a good long while.