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April 29th, 2005, 07:42 pm
I really like celtic music, maily because i spent too much time playing Chrono Cross so im hooked to it now :D I really like how it can be calm and happy or sad and very angry like. I also like the one song from the begining of Angels in America, from HBO. whats the name of that song? if any one knows, tell me it because im gena find it and get it!!!

*onto topic* Celtic music is the best type of...well you cant say non-vocal...its more of a instrumental music....is that a type of music? well, its my favorite type of non-english-vocal music and melody type....im so weird

April 29th, 2005, 09:40 pm
::remembers chrono cross:: IS THAT WHAT THAT MUSIC WAS CALLED?? I like it! I'd dance along to it and everything ((thats how I know when i REALLY like something)) I didnt know it was celtic tho i just thought it was....i dunno.

Have you ever played Okage: The Shadow King? cuz that music sounds alot like the Chrono Cross music.

May 6th, 2005, 05:09 pm
never heard of Chrono Cross, but if you like Celtic music may I recommend Riverdance and the Lord of the Dance soundtracks? I'm an Irish dancer in love with Celtic music, so I should know! .hack//SIGN has some, too. Try Enya, the Braveheart soundtrack, New Celtic Moon, Celtic Woman, Celtic Rhythms, Celtic Dreams...(I think...) but, yes! Music of happiness and misery! I love it!....if I were to get a soundtrack for Chrono Cross, now that I think it sounds cool, would it have anything bad on it? Like swearing or singing about sex or violence? ....Curious.

May 14th, 2005, 01:08 pm
would it have anything bad on it? Like swearing or singing about sex or violence?

lolz I doubt that VERY much. I'm actually trying to remember if any of the songs have words...

May 14th, 2005, 09:21 pm
oh yeah... celtic music. my school's band teacher had it playing one day and it was pretty cool. i just feel like getting up and dancing to it.

May 16th, 2005, 07:10 am
Calling music "Celtic" involves a lot of risk.

First off, traditional Celtic music is very instrumental and improvised. An example would be The Chieftans. There are also other forms and spins-off of Celtic, including New Age Celtic, Rock Celtic, and various other styles.

Second, it's very hard to define a song as fitting in the genre of Celtic, due to the fact that there are so many interpretations of songs and Celtic in general that you can call nearly anything with a flute or harp in it Celtic.

Thirdly, Celtic music is often a main source of influence in composers, seen often in the use of mordents, one-turn trills, 3/4 meter, and folksong-like melodies; however, this does not mean that a composer's music is celtic just because it has these aspects.

I agree that many composers such as Enya, Mitsuda, Uematsu (to some degree), and Secret Garden have adopted many Celtic elements and incorporated them quite successfully into their own compositions, but the term Celtic should be used with caution, as many Celtic-inspired composers often do not define their own music as Celtic. This term is often used without care, and even the great Mistress of Melody herself, Enya, has a strong disapproval of the idea that people often label her music as "New Age [Celtic]".

Chrono Cross's musical selection does contain quite a bit of Celtic influence, though, and I find it marvelous just as yourself. :) Just thought I'd go on a rant about the genre. :think: :P

Don Vercetti
May 17th, 2005, 09:45 am
Anyone listen to Karl Jenkins? :lol:


May 22nd, 2005, 04:25 pm
Never heard of him. And about Celtic music, I like it even though I haven't heard much of it. It's pretty and sweet.

May 23rd, 2005, 04:44 am
I think it sounds cool, would it have anything bad on it? Like swearing or singing about sex or violence? ....Curious.

Actualy, no it shouldnt. If you herd of some celtic / celtic influenced songs, its not even in english, it will probably be in gelic [spelling mabey] galic is a very old language used now by people in east canada, origins from europe(you could even call it ancient). it uses very simple insturments: a drum that is hand held, violin, harp, vocals, guitar. its soothing music, i love it.

June 15th, 2005, 06:04 pm
Trust me, I know Celtic. Enya uses Celtic instruments...her music is very pretty, but mostly I use it to fall asleep to. ^^
I guess my real area of knowledge is Irish. Irish music tends to have a pulse in it (hence 3/4 or 6/8 timing. You count reels 1-2-3, 2-2-3, 3-2-3, 4-2-3, 5-2-3, 6-2-3, 7-2-3, and 8-2-3 to complete a set for a dance. Jigs also go to eight, but more of a 1 and 2 and 1-2-3-4 rhythmn. Slipjigs go to eight as well but go 1-2-3-4-5.
See how much fun this is?!?!?! Truly, though, the Celts were so widespread in Europe it's kind of a pain to classify anything as Celtic. When we think Celtic today, we mostly think of Ireland or Scotland. Oh, and it's Gaelic. Such a lovely language-ag beannu dho dhoine agus cur aigne ar' cheile! (meeting and greeting)

cead mile failte-a hundred thousand welcomes

go raibh ma hagat-thank you

The grammar rules and pronounciation are a royal pain, though. No wonder its a dying language.

Any good Chrono songs for the piano? I'm addicted to the instrument and would really like some nice piano music. (It doesn't have to be Chrono-I'm really bored! Anything pretty, in fact. ^^ And it doesn't matter how hard it is, I've played for about eight years. If it's pretty enough I'll work my way around it. )

U2 is a good rock group! Not wanting to call them Celtic though.

Kalile Alako
June 18th, 2005, 06:41 pm
There's a couple of good Chrono Trigger songs here (http://mywebpages.comcast.net/mankow84/index.html), if we're allowed to post links to other sites on this one. Not that many, maybe 5, and 16 for Chrono Cross. Should be enough to occupy you for a while, and I think they all have piano parts.
Actually, most songs seems to be arranged for piano... that&#39;s kind of annoying considering that I&#39;m not all that good at piano; I&#39;m ok, maybe better than average, but my real forte is violin. You can take the melody line from the piano and play in on the violin, but it usually lacks a certain something. <_<

Celtic fiddle is really pretty... :drool: I like American fiddle too, but it doesn&#39;t have quite the... dignity, I think... of a Celtic/Celtic-type air. They&#39;re usually pretty easy, too, since you often learn them by ear, and they can be the bread and butter of a street performer.

June 18th, 2005, 07:28 pm
oh, i just heard it yesterday, it&#39;s wonderful, well... actually i only heart a solo of this instrument:
that in italian is called "cornamusa", but it&#39;s well know thanks to the "scozzesi" (don&#39;t know how they are called in english :heh: )
man, after hear that instrument i want to learn how to play it at any cost :D

June 19th, 2005, 07:29 am
Originally posted by JcKaji2@Jun 18 2005, 02:28 PM
(don&#39;t know how they are called in english :heh: )
They&#39;re called "Bagpipes" in English.

June 19th, 2005, 10:32 am
thank you Edwin :D

July 5th, 2005, 05:32 pm
i love celtic music too, this is so great to know other people like it too ^-^

July 13th, 2005, 08:15 pm
My father owns a Chanter, which is the part where you actually blow into it and change pitch, ect. I&#39;m not really sure how to phrase it. XD

And bagpipes are HARD to play X_______X aaaauuuuuggggghhhhh...I tried, and failed horridly, I even tried with the Chanter and I still couldn&#39;t do very well. ^^;;;;

So I just stick to the style of Celtic Fiddling XD Oh, and singing songs in Gaelic when I get the chance in Solo & Ensamble for chior. XD