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View Full Version : Mario AND Zelda arrangements

Liquid Feet
May 16th, 2005, 04:43 pm
For those who might be unfamiliar with the name, Koji Kondo is the composer for the Mario and Zelda series, among others. I decided, as a devoted geek/fan of his work, I will create arrangements of ten of the most popular songs from both the Mario and the Zelda Series. For those who wish to know the lineup, it is listed below.

For those who made the connection, this is much like "FANTASY REBORN" (excellent project created by Michael Huang), Except on a much lesser scale, because i don't have a website, and i'm only doing selected songs.



I. Main Theme (MIDI BELOW)
II. Water Theme (Making Additions)


III. Overworld Theme (MIDI BELOW)
IV. Ending Theme (Currently in the Works)


V. Overworld Theme. (I don't know which one yet; I like them both...)
VI. Ending Theme (Haven't even started yet)


VII. Introduction (MIDI BELOW)
VIII. Castle Theme (MIDI BELOW, My Personal Favorite)


IX. Castle Theme (Haven't started)
X. Slide Theme (Failed at first attempt. Will try again later)


Okay... so I don't have this one completely planned out yet, sue me. I do know that I will do pieces from the First Zelda, Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Wind Waker. And IF the music is good (which it probably is because its frikin KOJI), I will do Twilight Princess and Probably Do just one song from Oot and MM each, thus making a small n64 collaboration.


Whenever I complete a collection, I will post it here as one big PDF file, and probably Add separate MUS's to the list as well.

Liquid Feet
May 16th, 2005, 04:44 pm
and the other one...........

May 18th, 2005, 03:03 am
curse you Ureshii Gaki&#33; I like both arrangements very much, but I know they are very hard to play on the piano... I&#39;m sure by now you&#39;ve heard of Martin Lueng... supposedly the first to release piano arrangements for mario songs... but yours are much more creative... the problem is that I&#39;ll have to spend hours on end learning and relearning your pieces... <sigh>... Keep Up The Good Work&#33; Hopefully the underground theme will not take so long... It&#39;s really easy to play (if you need help with the notes, just search "gprime mario pianist")

Liquid Feet
May 18th, 2005, 03:19 pm
Do you think i should add to the water theme? its very short, so I thought it might be a good idea. What do you think?

Also, I can see why someone would find these difficult. Super Mario Bros. has really tricky rhythms, and My arrangement of the water theme has a very expansive accompaniment, and its in one of the more difficult keys (Db Major). for that matter, I decided to make an easier C Major arrangement. Although I personally like mine better, it will be good for people that are building their skills.

One more thing. I was thinking about adding one more theme to the list and that would be the Castle theme from Super Mario world. In my opinion, its perhaps the best song on that game.

May 19th, 2005, 03:50 pm
I certainly agree with you on all aspects of your ideas... yup, Mario&#39;s hard... I&#39;ve worked forever and a day to get all the rhythms down... Secondly, I think that you should change keys, perhaps, in the water theme to give it more length... and also a waltzy sort of feel... I like waltzes quite a bit, and the water theme just happens to be in 3/4... Also, I LOVE THE CASTLE THEME&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; *glomp* I was angry when Martin Lueng played it on "Blindfolded Mario Pianist" but did not put out the music for it... Greatly appreciated if you put out music for that...

May 19th, 2005, 03:57 pm
Although your Mario theme sounds "standard" (please forgive me&#33;), I&#39;m most impressed with your Water theme arrangement.

May 19th, 2005, 10:25 pm
Originally posted by Al@May 19 2005, 03:57 PM
Although your Mario theme sounds "standard" (please forgive me&#33;), I&#39;m most impressed with your Water theme arrangement.
in truth, I&#39;ve heard the &#39;normal&#39; one quite a few times, and if you did, I&#39;m sure you&#39;d notice all the things Ureshii put in there... there&#39;s quite a few... but I agree as that it&#39;s not as creative as the water theme...

May 20th, 2005, 12:52 am
Yeah, I&#39;m sure I&#39;d notice more if I saw the actual score, again sorry ._.

Liquid Feet
May 20th, 2005, 02:33 am
I agree with you that I didn&#39;t do much with Mario&#39;s theme, but since my main goal is to make challenging arrangements that give the player a nostalgic satisfaction, and since it&#39;s very challenging as is, I just added a few nuances to make it at least a little new (for example, instead of using the big basss note at the beginning each time it occurs again, i sat down and tried to recreate some of the sound effects, such as a coin, or the sound of Mario at top speed in Super Mario Bros. 3).

I was going to actually figure out the sound of powering up with a mushroomm but I just couldn&#39;t figure it out, however, If i do in the future, I will surely place it in there somewhere.

Now there is a new addition to the list&#33;

VI. Super Mario World Castle ( I&#39;m quite pleased with what I have now. )

Liquid Feet
May 27th, 2005, 03:30 pm
YAY&#33; I finished the castle theme&#33;

Bad MIDI attached

May 28th, 2005, 10:29 am
Ohh, sounds like 3 parts, but it&#39;s just for 1 piano right? Impressive . . I&#39;m interested in seeing the score . . ah, you&#39;ve done wonders with the middle section&#33;

Liquid Feet
May 29th, 2005, 07:45 pm
Good news and bad news...

the Bad news is I can&#39;t think of a good way to arrange the Underground theme, so I won&#39;t be.

but the good news is that I will be making one more revision to the entire project. Instead of doing those 6 songs, I will do 2 songs from five different Mario games. here&#39;s how it&#39;s plannd out. the ones with ^_^ by them are done


I ~ Main Theme ^_^
II ~ Water Theme ^_^

III ~ Overworld Theme ^_^
IV ~ Ending Theme

V ~ Overworld Theme
VI ~ Ending Theme

VII ~ Introduction
VIII ~ Castle Theme ^_^

IX ~ Castle Theme
X ~ Slide Theme (Also in Tick Tock Clock and Rainbow Road)

Let me know what you think of that repertoire&#33; I think it will work well...

Oh, and heres the overworld theme for SMB2

May 30th, 2005, 01:51 pm
Whee, bouncy&#33; And I think I can actually perform this version, rather than the other one I&#39;m more familiar with ^^ And I love your &#39;improvisational&#39; section&#33;

June 1st, 2005, 11:37 pm
I like what you&#39;ve done... I think that you COULD arrange the mario underground theme... just you would have to do several different styles of it.... perhaps jazz, perhaps a more classical approach... but think some more one it... also you could work out some more effects to put in it... I like those a lot. If you need help, go to
http://gprime.net/video/blindfoldedmariopianist2.php for some more ideas. he actually incorporated some of the effects into the sheet music (the link is on that page)... so see if you can&#39;t pull one off. No one said it had to be horribly long.

June 1st, 2005, 11:56 pm
Wow, I can&#39;t believe I&#39;ve never been in here. Those arrangments are sounding great&#33; Keep up the good work. :)

Liquid Feet
June 3rd, 2005, 03:54 am
TrumpetPLaya42, I spend days making these arrangements, but when i first take a melody and try to build off of it, if I can&#39;t think of anything that sounds satisfactory to me in about a hour spent at the piano ( I usually figure out something very quickly), I write the melody down somewhere and put it in my Piano bench for later, in hopes that someday I will get bored and take a second look at it and think of something that time.

the Underground Theme is simply one of those melodies. I won&#39;t completely banish the Idea, but i won&#39;t arrange it for this particular collection (I might redo it in another edition of "KONDO KRONICLES", Although I really plan on doing 1 Mario edition and 1 Zelda Edition). Although the Main theme was really easy to do , I have to create new accompaniments that compliment the other melodies, which is usually not as easy as it sounds.

Anyway... I finished the front cover of the Collection. Tell me what you think.

June 3rd, 2005, 03:59 am
So professionally done =P

Liquid Feet
June 7th, 2005, 06:48 pm
I looked at the site that you recommended, TrumpetPlaya42, and I noticed that the blindfolded pianist played the intro theme from super mario world, so i decided to do the same. I hope you guys like it&#33;

June 7th, 2005, 07:42 pm
*nods his head to the beat* ^_^ excellent as usual&#33;

Liquid Feet
June 10th, 2005, 04:37 am
Just so i guys know, I won&#39;t be posting anythink for a little over a week, because i&#39;m going to see my grandparents. Feel free to comment on the songs already posted... scratch that... I ORDER you to comment on the songs already posted :P

June 12th, 2005, 12:33 pm
your arrangement of the Mario theme sounds great Ureshii Gaki&#33; I&#39;m looking forward to when you post it. Can&#39;t wait&#33;&#33; :D

July 5th, 2005, 09:22 pm
Very Nice. And as for the underworld theme, just so it&#39;s humanly possible. I love these themes so I don&#39;t mind spending hours figuring out which keys to press and when to press them (No piano lessons :D ). Keep &#39;em coming&#33; I happily anticipate your Zelda arrangements.

Liquid Feet
July 7th, 2005, 06:28 pm
I&#39;m deeply considering doing a remake of the Main Theme Arrangement. Alphonse (AMATEUR IDOL&#33; YEAH&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;one&#33;&#33;&#33;11&#33;) said that my Mario theme was standard. Though I understand that this is constructive criticism, it made me feel very, very guilty. I&#39;m exploring the idea of a sort of reggae-ish arrangement. When I finish this version, i will post a MIDI (along with the Original) and create a poll. After about a week, I&#39;ll use the public&#39;s vote to decide.

July 11th, 2005, 11:55 pm
Hey ureshii&#33;&#33; I recently discovered a WONDERFUL mario song... have you ever heard of the mario 2 main theme?... scratch that, you certainly have. I&#39;ve decided to do a jazz version (even an improv solo ;) ) of that song... would you prefer if I posted it here or in my own compositions page...? I would not object, in fact, if you added it into the Kondo Chronicles... but only if you want to... I have a feeling it&#39;s going to be one of my best arrangements. I&#39;ll post again when I&#39;m finished...(i&#39;m currently in florida right now... 3000 miles from home... but I&#39;ll get back to the grindstone as soon as possible... :D )

Liquid Feet
July 12th, 2005, 02:47 am
That&#39;s great TrumpetPLaya&#33; Good luck with it; I&#39;ll be sure to comment on it when it&#39;s released.

As for putting it in "KONDO KRONICLES"... no, NO, NO&#33;&#33;&#33; If that offends you, I&#39;m terribly sorry, but this is MY baby. I commited to making a musical tribute to one of the video-game greats and, for personal reasons, wish not for anyone to help me with the project.

July 13th, 2005, 05:24 am
what can i say?

skillzz... fear that..

July 13th, 2005, 03:04 pm
I entirely understand... I have had that problem in the past... when I was starting out... But I&#39;ll just put it in my compositions page.... Also, one thing.... I ORDER YOU ALL TO COMMENT ON IT&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; thankoo

Liquid Feet
July 16th, 2005, 07:33 pm
Ooooo... @_@ shiny new forum...

As you may know, I have completed the KONDO KRONICLES title page a while ago, but I was never wholly satisfied with it. -_- As a result of this dilemma-within-oneself, I decided to go to a lot of random sites, finding a few pictures that I wanted, edited them to my liking, and used them on the title page. I hope you guys like it!

July 16th, 2005, 07:43 pm
Could you re-upload the arrangments?

Liquid Feet
July 16th, 2005, 08:00 pm
Alrighty, all of the complete MIDIs are now attached to the first post, as requested by Noir7.

I like this new board; it lets you post multiple attachments. XD