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View Full Version : Looking for Violin Sheet Music

June 3rd, 2005, 12:46 pm
After reading over the rules, I apologize if this is an infringement on them. I am just simply requesting if anyone has found any anime violin solo sheets? I know they are hard to come by and the violin itself is a difficult instrument to play. I have met with other violin players looking to play anime songs unsuccessfully. If anyone has heard of Ramen and Rice, they've played plenty of anime songs incredibly which they've transcribed themselves.
I would love to see more anime sheets with violin solos in them.
Again, I apologize for any inconviences and I appreciate your time in reading this.

June 3rd, 2005, 04:41 pm
That's fine, but do you have any specific sheet in mind. I can try to get some done, but be warned that I don't technically play violin.

There are some floating around. Try Belmified.