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View Full Version : Ai no Kusabi! >_<

June 4th, 2005, 05:11 pm
Hi, this is Zakia

I&#39;ve been coming in and out of Ichigo Music site quite often; and I want to thank the site manager who posted so many music sheets for people to download&#33;&#33;&#33; >_<
I have one request though...

It&#39;s the main theme song from this animation that was made about a decade ago, called "Ai no Kusabi" The anime is...I&#39;d say rated NC 17 because it&#39;s a yaoi. Nevertheless, the sound track of this anime is amazing (considering that it&#39;s been made quite some time ago... =_=)

I got addicted to this song lately while watching Ai no Kusabi again +_+ I&#39;ve been searching online for few days, but didn&#39;t get any satisfying results. I&#39;d post the mp3 file if I could, but I just read that ...I couldnt&#33;??&#33; =_= But... if you go to this address, you&#39;ll be able to hear the song.


If anyone could transcribe (all parts), or what&#39;s even better: get the original score of the music, then I&#39;d be thrilled&#33;&#33;&#33; I&#39;m willing to share with the person who gets me the score some good music sheets that&#39;s not on Ichigo site. Thanks&#33;