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View Full Version : How's my layout? Part duex

June 5th, 2005, 12:42 am
Okay, I didn't like my last one that much...so I made another from scratch. Whatcha think?
Clicky clicky <.< (http://www.eien-no-yoru.net)

June 5th, 2005, 09:30 am
Looks good on my Netscape 666. Have you considered using that illustration as the basis for your next sig set?

June 5th, 2005, 11:32 am
It looks different in IE compared to Firefox. In IE, there&#39;s a white space on the right. And in Firefox, things are bit off-centre, but only a tiny bit. But overall, I think it looks quite pretty, although maybe the top image is a bit too big. If somebody views the site in 800x600, they&#39;re just going to see that giant picture. I know it says that the site is best viewed 1280x1024, but actually the most common resolution is 1024x768, so you&#39;ll have to work for that. Another thing you might want to consider is where to have your text centred or justified to the left/right whatever. The text in the main bit at the moment is centred, but it&#39;s touching the very edges of the box, which I think looks a bit messy, but again, it&#39;s only a small thing. (Angelic&#39;s already suffered alot of my "a bit to the left" when he was doing his site, lol.)
One more thing (lol). When putting your site up live, it&#39;s not a good idea to have all the links which aren&#39;t links up there. Best not have them at all, and then add them later when the content&#39;s done.

June 6th, 2005, 03:24 am
As far as the links, yeah, the only one I have up that isn&#39;t actually there is the contact page XD

July 1st, 2005, 05:37 pm
Okay, I&#39;ve changed quite a bit. I used many of the suggestions. I made a new, smaller banner image, made it so the text doesn&#39;t touch the sites, and have added alot more content :D&#33;
Now what do ya think?

Edit: oh, and now I have a domain for it XD
http://www.eien-no-yoru.net is where it&#39;s at right now.